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      AnthropologyNeuroanthropologyPhysical EducationSport
As hundreds of so-called "psychotherapies" have been foisted onto the public, all claiming to treat "mental illness," newer understandings of how the human brain actually works and the processes which drive the formations of mentation... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
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    • Neuroanthropology
This is the framing document for the presentation “English as Therapy” delivered September 27 to the 2015 NeuroELT Brain Days International Conference, Kyoto, Japan. This presentation introduces CNE (Cognitive Neuroeducation), a new... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePositive Psychology
This chapter presents ethnographic and social neuroscientific insights on the emerging subculture of juicing: an extreme eating practice grounded in food beliefs about purity and pollution enacted through a set of highly prescriptive... more
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      RitualNeuroanthropologySocial CognitionPlacebo Effect
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      Cognitive PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyPhilosophy of MindExperimental philosophy
Over the past several years, a growing number of social scientists studying addiction have begun paying attention to materiality, embodiment, and biology in potentially novel ways. In this this chapter, I ask what it means, concretely,... more
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      Medical SociologyMedical AnthropologySocial SciencesAnthropology of Science
Course syllabus for a second-year course in psychological anthropology with a general student base (many psychology majors, but also a wide variety). Draws on my own interest in phenomenology, neuroanthropology, anthropology of the... more
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      Psychological AnthropologyNeuroanthropologyAnthropology of the SensesHuman Variation
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      ReligionHistoryEvolutionary BiologyNeuroscience
Dissociation refers to partitioning of conscious awareness, a psychocultural phenomena that has long been of interest to anthropologists. Clinicians diagnostically distinguish dissociation types for treatment and financial-juridical... more
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This chapter sketches the outline of a cultural neurophenomenology of sociality – the tendency to form cooperative groups and experience shared ways of being and representing experience. I introduce the notion of interphenomenality to... more
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      NeuroanthropologyHypnosis (Psychology)NarrativityMeditation
The influence of glossolalia or “speaking in tongues” on biological stress and arousal is examined in a sample of Apostolic Pentecostals. Glossolalia is a form of dissociation considered by Pentecostals as possession by the Holy Spirit.... more
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      NeuroanthropologyPentecostalismTheology, glossolalia
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      Cognitive ScienceAnthropologyAustrian EconomicsNeuroanthropology
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      PsychiatryPsychological AnthropologyOntologyPhilosophy of Mind
tesi di laurea magistrale relativa alla costruzione dell'uomo tra biologia e cultura. Un dialogo tra antropologia e neuroscienze.
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      NeuroanthropologyCognitive NeuroscienceAntropologia
In this interview, Michael Winkelman and Martin Fortier discuss the extent to which consciousness is grounded in deep evolutionary mechanisms and can be enculturated. First, the main tenets of two neuroanthropological approaches to... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyBiological AnthropologyAltered States of ConsciousnessNeuroanthropology
Hallucinations possess two main components: (i) a sensory content; and (ii) a sense that the sensory content is real. Influential models of schizophrenic hallucination claim that both the sensory content and the sense of reality can be... more
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      SchizophreniaNeuroanthropologyPsychedelicsCross-Cultural Psychology
The purpose of the following paper is to examine a hard and scarcely discussed topic, fetal conditioning and rituals of the prenatal development, first from the western perspective of advanced research in fetal psychology and clinical... more
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      Prenatal and Perinatal PsychologyAnthropology of the BodyNeuroanthropologyCross-Cultural Psychology
Ces dernières décennies ont vu l’émergence d’un vaste programme d’étude scientifique de la conscience. Désireux d’élargir et d’approfondir ce programme, le présent article insiste sur l’importance de la diversité des états dont la... more
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      Altered States of ConsciousnessNeuroanthropologyConsciousnessNeurophenomenology
Since the 1990s, several disciplines have emerged at the interface between neuroscience and the social and human sciences. For the most part, they aim at capturing the commonalities that underlay the heterogeneity of human behaviors and... more
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      NeuroimagingNeuroanthropologyCultureCerebral Subject
The attempt to answer the question of cultural continuity and discontinuity has been, and continues to be, the principal driving force in the archaeology of Anatolia. On a wider scale, the concern with defining cultural boundaries has... more
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      PhilologyAncient HistoryPsychological AnthropologyHistorical Linguistics
Le loup-garou : de sa liminalité dans le patrimoine narratif gallo-roman à sa parenté neuroanthropologique Fabio Armand reste jusqu'à présent irremplacé pour aider à l'analyse de la complexité de ces récits, dans notre cas à la... more
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      FolkloreNeuroanthropologyOral TraditionsCognitive Anthropology
Final version of this draft now available at Although the Catholic Church has never made an explicit claim like that of Reinhold Niebuhr to the effect that Jesus’ ethical teachings are irrelevant in public... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMimesisNeuroanthropologyCatholic Social Teaching
When the science of paleoanthropology first emerged circa 1856, with the discovery of Neandertal 1, it held considerable promise in unraveling the mystery of human origins. Based on the biological and earth sciences (zoology and geology... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionary PsychologyPaleoanthropologyHuman Evolution
[[[[[FR]]]]] Les expériences hallucinogènes déterminent-elles certains contenus culturels ou est-ce au contraire la culture qui détermine le contenu des expériences hallucinogènes ? Certains auteurs ont défendu la thèse d’un déterminisme... more
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Abstrakt Celem tego artykułu jest porównanie dwóch ujęć kategorii interpretacji, z którymi mamy do czynienia w ramach dwóch programów badawczych: antropologii semiotycznej Clifforda Geertza i neuroantropologii, która jest rodziną... more
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      NeuroanthropologyGeertzAntropologia KognitywnaInterpretacja
The object of this paper, which ranges over subjects such as law, neuroscience, mirror neurons, modularism and language, is the study of the evolutionary origin of law. This is a question at the margins of the more general field of... more
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      LawLegal HistoryRoman LawNeuroanthropology
One can search anthropological studies of education for references to physical education long and hard without finding many. In spite of its invisibility, physical education—sports, games, dance, drills, and other bodily activities—is... more
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      Sport PsychologyAnthropologyNeuroanthropology
PAPERBACK JULY 2019. Also available for Kindle. Being Brains offers a critical exploration of one of the most influential and pervasive contemporary beliefs: “We are our brains.” Starting in the “Decade of the Brain” of the 1990s,... more
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      Medical AnthropologyDisability StudiesNeuroanthropologyPublic Understanding Of Science
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      Psychological AnthropologyExperimental philosophyNeuroanthropologySocial Cognition
Variations in finger and palmar dermatoglyphic patterns are investigated among the Limboo (18-60 years, 150 males and 150 females), a little known population of Sikkim. The results for Limboo were compared with other North-East Indian... more
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    • Neuroanthropology
The concept of "poverty poisons the brain" has become a major area of research in neuroscience and the health sciences, and an increasingly utilized metaphor to argue for the importance of addressing inequality and poverty in the United... more
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      NeuroanthropologyHuman DevelopmentStress
In Flourish, the positive psychologist Martin Seligman (2011) identifies five commonly recognized factors that are characteristic of human flourishing or wellbeing: (1) “positive emotion,” (2) “relationships,” (3) “engagement,” (4)... more
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      NeuroscienceSociologyPsychologySocial Psychology
While the comparative study of the use of hallucinogens in different cultures has led many observers to defend a culturalist approach to the psychedelic experience, the vectors by which the phenomenological features of hallucinations... more
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Within an investigation of some of the most relevant historical-juridical themes of the Greek world, this paper deals with an analysis of specific aspects connected to the complex relationship existing between the right of Citizenship in... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Venezuela) conceive of power in terms of knowledge derived from visionary experiences. Miinpa is an epistemology concerning the translation ofknowledge derived from theintegrative modeof consciousness, induced primarily through the... more
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Incorporating new insights from the neuroscience of learning and the role of language in cognition, CNE is an approach to optimizing positive learning outcomes in the enhancement of cognitive processes through a new understanding of the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePositive Psychology
Chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience, edited by Joan Chiao, Shu-Chen Li, Rebecca Seligman and Robert Turner. Pp. 41-57. Oxford University Press.
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      NeuroanthropologyAnthropology of the SensesCultural NeuroscienceEcholocation
In Aurélia, Gérard de Nerval retells a well-known German tradition: every man has a double and, at the time he sees it, death is coming (Nerval, 2005, p. 130). This tradition highlights a particular supernatural skill: the capacity to... more
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      FolkloreDivinationNeuroanthropologyHimalayan Civilization-Nepal
We outline the perspective of ‘critical neuroscience’: a stance of informed critique pertaining to neuroscientific methods, practices, concepts, discursive effects, formative backstories, and societal impacts. Critical neuroscience brings... more
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      Critical TheoryNeuroscienceNeuropsychologyPhilosophy of Science
The peripheral vision of our ancestors was both wider and more well-defined than ours today. Traces the emergence of quantum data (natural mathematics and curve paths) that help to appreciate our Senses as a Perceptual System as derived... more
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      Visual AnthropologyVision ScienceVisual CultureNeuroanthropology
In this chapter, we highlight the importance of primate studies to anthropology and the neurosciences, and provide examples from current work that demonstrate how such research can inform the integrative and interdisciplinary foci at the... more
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      Human EvolutionPrimatologyNeuroanthropologySocial Cognition
ABSTRACT The article describes a neuroanthropological experiment that combines ethnographic fieldwork along with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) among 10 Ecuadorian (experimental group α) and 10 Spanish (control group β)... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyNeuroanthropology
In this article, we argue that a combined anthropology/neuroscience field of enquiry can make a significant and distinctive contribution to the study of the relationship between culture and the brain. This field, which can appropriately... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceNeuroanthropologyCulture
Anthropologists have not participated extensively in the cognitive science synthesis for a host of reasons, including internal conflicts in the discipline and profound reservations about the ways that cultural differences have been... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceSport PsychologyAnthropology
Performance studies and the cognitive sciences have much to offer each other. But working across disciplines is not always easy. It can be difficult to map the terrain of an unfamiliar discipline, to distinguish among settled consensus,... more
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      Theatre StudiesHumanitiesPerformance StudiesEmbodied Cognition
Ayant enquêté auprès de plusieurs jhākri/chamans de l'Himalaya népalais, nous avons pu explorer leur espace liminal, cet « entre-deux » qui sépare le monde des morts de celui des vivants. En cherchant à reconstituer la complexité des... more
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      FolkloreNeuroanthropologyShamanismHimalayan Civilization-Nepal
Unravelling correspondences between musical sounds and dance movements can lead to insights into the selection and development of culturally modified sensory, motor and perceptual capacities. Gaining these insights requires the... more
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      PsychophysicsMusicAnthropologyDance Studies
In his 2017 World Day of Peace message, Pope Francis made a subtle yet stunning move when he called the Sermon on the Mount the Church’s “manual” for peacemaking at every level. Continuing the “fresh reappraisal” of war that the Second... more
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      MimesisNeuroanthropologyCatholic Social TeachingPeace Studies
Health concerns about the long-term effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) often fail to reflect a sophisticated understanding of evolutionary theory or how a population will be affected by a selective pressure, even when that... more
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      AnthropologyNeuroanthropologyEnvironmental Pollution