Friedrich Hayek
Recent papers in Friedrich Hayek
Uma breve análise crítica do neoliberalismo, suas origens e ideologia.
This essay examines the plural nature and meaning of the word "bond" in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, dispelling popular readings of the play as anti-market. The Merchant of Venice is open to an array of interpretations... more
Neoliberal economists, notably Milton Friedman and Friedrich A. Hayek, frequently lauded Hong Kong as a model of a free market society, where individuals could pursue their economic ambitions untrammeled by government restrictions or... more
I provide a review of the authors' dissection of authoritarianism into its fundamental theoretical components. I recommend exploring connections between Alexis de Tocqueville and Theodor Adorno's late epistemologies and the concept of... more
An keinem Punkt sind sich die Vertreter der unterschiedlichen Strömun-gen des Neoliberalismus so einig wie in der Ablehnung des ‚Laisser-faire’. Walter Lippmann bezeichnet ‚Laisser-faire’ als den „Kardinalfehler des Liberalismus des 19.... more
Chociaż termin "totalitaryzm" jest przedmiotem wieloletniej debaty akade-mickiej, w której niejednokrotnie był dyskredytowany, w krajach postsocjali-stycznych, które miały w pewnym okresie cierpieć pod tegoż "totalitaryzmu" jarzmem, wciąż... more
Hayek is relatively silent on the issue of emotion. When he does discuss it, he critiques emotions in two main ways: the problematic desire to promote social justice, and the longing to return to tribal society. I argue that while Hayek... more
O presente trabalho se propõe a estudar a concepção de Estado de Direito para F. A. Hayek. Parte-se do seguinte problema: quais os fundamentos de uma ordem liberal que constituem o Estado de Direito para F.A. Hayek? O objetivo central é... more
In the first part of the paper, the concepts of “planning for freedom” by Friedrich Hayek and Karl Polanyi are compared. Hayek rejects “central planning” and also all kinds of “planning for specific aims,” but he defends the principle of... more
Friedrich A. von Hayek zitiert in seinem Text „The Principles of a Liberal Social Order“ (deutsch: „Grundsätze einer liberalen Gesellschaftsordnung“) Teile des Kapitels 57 aus dem daoistischen Klassiker Laozi 老子 (alternative Umschriften... more
In this article, I seek to compare two quite different social theorists: Friedrich August von Hayek and Niklas Luhmann. These two author’s theoretical approach seems to present more differences than similarities and indeed, it is not... more
Hayek’s business cycle theory in the thirties was pioneering both in developing the general equilibrium framework and in integrating capital with monetary theory. From published and unpublished work and correspondence a more complete... more
A critique of individualism and defense of holism.
El último ensayo político de Mario Vargas Llosa, que podría haberse llamado 'El rechazo de la tribu' es una colección de semblanzas que constituye una interesante pieza para el análisis y la discusión contemporánea sobre el liberalismo.
Lecture given on 5 September 2014 in the University of Hyderabad's Department of Economics; mostly a simplified version of James Farmelant’s and my article with the same title, but with a postscript about Milton Friedman.
Procuraremos neste trabalho descobrir de que forma se articulam no pensamento de Friedrich August von Hayek as exigências morais e as exigências jurídicas que se colocam em relação a qualquer ordem social. Isto é, trata-se de saber se, na... more
Libertarian Theory and its concepts
Money is one of mankind's earliest and greatest inventions. Money, as we know it today has a long evolutionary history. The process started from barter in ancient times and evolved into cryptography-based money in modern times. The... more
This paper gives an account of the debate between F.A. Hayek and J.M. Keynes in the 1930’s written for the general public. The purpose for this is twofold. First to provide the general reader with a narrative of what happened, and... more
Defenders of “free-market" environmentalism have often appealed to the writings of F.A. Hayek to support their favored approaches to environmental political economy. Yet Hayek’s power to vindicate such perspectives is controversial. In... more
The Covid State, apart from its destruction of lives, societies and economies, has caused a rethink of our explanations of political life. What we assumed to be the basis of liberal democratic polities, the social contract, if you will,... more
« Théorie (de la théorie) du complot », Kairos 49, avril/mai 2021, pp. 10-11 Peut-on penser le complot ? Les médias « mainstream » considèrent que l'impensable doit rester impensé. Derrière eux se rangent, cela va sans dire, les... more
Conceptul de „dreptate socială” este, fără îndoială, unul dintre conceptele cheie ale filosofiei politice. În orice caz, el este unul dintre cele mai utilizate concepte de către filosofii politici recenţi. Bănuiala mea este că... more
This article examines historicism as the expansion of historiography beyond its bounds, analogous to Physicalism, Naturalism, Psychologism, and Scientism. Five senses of historicism are distinguished: Ontological Historicism claims... more
MICHAEL HAAR, professor of contemporary philosophy at the University of Paris, struggles in The Song of the Earth with the ancient problem of being. Metaphysics is traditionally divided into epistemology (what and how we know) and... more
The paper traces three readings (respectively by Poggio Bracciolini, Friedrick August von Hayek and Maurizio Viroli) of the famous maxim of Cicero «Legum … omnes servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus» (Cic. Pro Cl. 53.146), highlighting... more
The research task in this master's thesis was to conceptualize, analyze and evaluate international political economy (IPE) in a systemic manner. The result is an attempt to define what Stephen Gill has labelled market civilization and... more
This is chapter 1 of "Nine Lives of Neoliberalism" edited by Dieter Plehwe, Quinn Slobodian, Philip Mirowski, published by Verso in May 2020. Neoliberalism was born out of a collision between the controversial importation of the methods... more
La notion de libéralisme crée un sentiment trompeur de familiarité : sa présence envahissante dans le débat public brouille le plus souvent sa compréhension. Mais le terme, inventé dans un contexte de luttes politiques, a toujours été... more
La scelta di procedere in uno studio su Hayek e il suo concetto di libertà, e più in generale sulla libertà liberale, è stata dettata dall’esigenza, sempre più preminente dal basso della società civile ma non dall’alto della politica che... more
In this paper, I return to the drafting of the Universal Declaration and trace a spirited conflict about whether or not a society that guaranteed human rights would be, by definition, good. My focus is on the (partly successful) efforts... more
To make machines look intelligent it was necessary that the sources of their power, the labor force which surrounded and ran them, be rendered invisible. -Simon Schaffer If a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be... more
Today, ‘‘scientism‘‘ is a concept with a negative connotation in every language. Although many definitions arecirculating, they have the assessment in common that scientism implicates a blind faith in science, which is wrong,simple-minded... more
Between the late 1930s and the 1950s, Michael Polanyi came in close contact with a diverse cast of intellectuals seeking a renewal of the liberal doctrine. The elaboration of neoliberalism happened through a transnational collaboration... more
“La llamada de la tribu”, último ensayo político de Mario Vargas Llosa, constituye una interesante pieza de análisis para la discusión contemporánea sobre el liberalismo. En particular, los desafíos que enfrenta a principios del siglo... more
This essay examines the plural nature and meaning of the word "bond" in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, dispelling popular readings of the play as anti-market. The Merchant of Venice is open to an array of interpretations favorable to... more
John Maynard Keynes was certainly the most famous and arguably the greatest political economist of the twentieth century. His seminal publication, The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, published in 1936, changed economics... more
Los trabajos aquí reunidos fueron presentados en el marco de los sesenta años de la UCAB, con los auspicios de los Programas de Postgrado de Ciencias Económicas, Teología y Humanidades y Educación, en unión con el Centro de Investigación... more
While in the early 1930s Keynes and Hayek were the major figures in a heated academic debate about money and capital, in which Keynes also and especially involved the Italian Piero Sraffa, it might seem at first sight that the Austrian... more
This paper brings together critical theory and general praxeology while pushing the limits of institutional economics. Drawing on the work of Jürgen Habermas and Friedrich Hayek, the paper differentiates three forms of social-systemic,... more