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      FlushingPresasHidrologiaDiseño De Presas
Worldwide large dams are being discouraged on environmental, social or political grounds. Small-to-medium-sized cascade reservoirs with the hydropower projects are being preferred. However, the flushing of sediments by drawing down the... more
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    • Sediment Flushing
Sediment deposition in a reservoir decreases storage capacity and effects many other parameters of the reservoir adversely. It reduces benefits and useful life of a hydro power project that have huge socioeconomic impacts. Flushing is one... more
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      HydropowerReservoir SedimentationHEC-RASSediment Flushing
This paper highlights the results of sediment size characteristics and deposition analysis on 24 sediment samples from urban concrete drains in Kuching City. Further sampling from surrounding urban towns outside Kuching City and Penang... more
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      Urban Water ManagementIncipient MotionSediment FlushingSediment Deposition
A large area of axis sediment (>500 m2) may be annually removed from the head of Monterey Submarine Canyon with the first onshore storm of the fall/winter storm season. In this scenario, flushing events are followed by accumulation of... more
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      Marine BiologyEarth SciencesMultivariate StatisticsCommunity Ecology