Hydraulic Modeling
Recent papers in Hydraulic Modeling
The relatively rapid recession of glaciers in the Himalayas and formation of moraine dammed glacial lakes (MDGLs) in the recent past have increased the risk of glacier lake outburst floods (GLOF) in the countries of Nepal and Bhutan and... more
Alternate bars in rivers and streams develop as a result of differences in length scales involved in the adjustment of flow and sediment transport to irregularities of the bed. The amount of field evidence supporting theoretical insights... more
Dams are major hydraulic structures regarding water control, therefore they have essential role in developing our civilization. Huge quantities of water are stored by dams in large reservoirs. Dam safety is threatened by increasing... more
The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) in cadastral surveying has ignited much interest over the past decades. To take advantage of the rapid expansion of the GPS technology in both developed and developing countries, cadastral... more
North of Italy, it emerged that when the flow was next to the maximum project value, a relevant air entrainment was experienced at medium to low water levels in the head tank. The theoretical indepth of the matter has allowed to focus... more
Stream restoration efforts often aim at creating new unconstrained meandering channels without weirs and bank revetments. In reconstructed streams, the initial morphological response of the new streams is often rapid, until a dynamic... more
... One approach that can explicitly link hydrogeomorphic and ecological predictions in the design ... During infrequent overbank floods, lateral variations in channel and valley shape drive flow ... Numerical models that assess the... more
Hydraulics is a topic in applied science and engineering dealing with the mechanical properties of liquids or fluids. At a very basic level, hydraulics is the liquid version of pneumatic. Fluid mechanics provides the theoretical... more
Mozambique is affected by severe floods, droughts, and cyclones. In combination with the social and economic consequences of decades of civil war, it is also a country highly vulnerable to natural disasters. In order to reduce flood risks... more
This paper presents a new hydraulic model for efficiently simulating the spatially-distributed 9 dynamics of water surface elevation, wave speed and inundation extent over large data sparse 10 domains. The numerical scheme is based on an... more
Field investigation and hydraulic modeling of the Jökulsá á Fjöllum outflow channel in the northern highlands of Iceland suggest a larger than previously modeled jökulhlaup catastrophic release of glacial floodwaters probably occurring... more
Crowdsourced data can effectively observe environmental and urban ecosystem processes. The use of data produced by untrained people into flood forecasting models may effectively allow Early Warning Systems (EWS) to better perform while... more
Recession of high-mountain glaciers in response to climatic change frequently results in the development of moraine-dammed glacial lakes. Moraine dam failure is often accompanied by the release of large volumes of water and sediment,... more
Recession of high-mountain glaciers in response to climatic change frequently results in the development of morainedammed glacial lakes. Moraine dam failure is often accompanied by the release of large volumes of water and sediment,... more
Meyer, William J., "Effect of spatial and temporal variability of antecedent moisture content on model-generated runoff from an arid watershed" (2010). UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. Paper 761. flood... more
The integration of three hydraulic GIS (Geographic Information System) applications is presented which represent the water infrastructures of cities and urban areas and US streams and rivers. The water infrastructures include drinking... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı Pamukkale Üniversitesi Kınıklı Yerleşkesi’nin taşkın afetine maruz kalma potansiyelinin ve bu afete karşı alınacak önlemlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla detaylı bir modelleme çalışması yapmaktır. Bu modelleme kapsamında... more
Crowdsourced data can effectively observe environmental and urban ecosystem processes. The use of data produced by untrained people into flood forecasting models may effectively allow Early Warning Systems (EWS) to better perform while... more
Ballast rail has a vital fuction to support the train's load and its dynamic forces. This load is then distributed to the subgrade layer through pile of gravel under the ballast. Most of the design about the gravel layer (ballast) doesn't... more
It is obvious to all people the importance of water as an essential element for life, hence, water loss is a lifethreatening and alarming predictor of the future. Leakage problem is one of the most important causes of water loss in water... more
Floods have recently become a major hazard in West Africa (WA) in terms of both their magnitude and frequency. They affect livelihoods, infrastructure and production systems, hence impacting on Sustainable Development (SD). Early Warning... more
The failure of a lava dam 165,000 yr ago produced the largest known flood on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. The Hyaloclastite Dam was up to 366 m high, and geochemical evidence linked this structure to outburst-flood deposits that... more
In this article two modeling approaches were developed based on the use of US Geological Survey digital elevation model (DEM) data. These models were utilized to delineate the extent of flooding induced by precipitation from Hurricane... more
Floods have recently become a major hazard in West Africa (WA) in terms of both their magnitude and frequency. They affect livelihoods, infrastructure and production systems, hence impacting on Sustainable Development (SD). Early Warning... more
Despite many deaths annually worldwide due to floods, no strategy exists to mechanistically map hydraulic hazards people face when entrained in a river. Previous work determined water depth-velocity product thresholds for human... more
This article introduces a novel method to locate leaks in trunk pipelines with a unique branch. The method is based on three state observers; each one with a specific assigned task. The aim of the first state observer (the orientation... more
The relatively rapid recession of glaciers in the Himalayas and formation of moraine dammed glacial lakes (MDGLs) in the recent past have increased the risk of glacier lake outburst floods (GLOF) in the countries of Nepal and Bhutan and... more
Recession of high-mountain glaciers in response to climatic change frequently results in the development of morainedammed glacial lakes. Moraine dam failure is often accompanied by the release of large volumes of water and sediment,... more
It is obvious to all people the importance of water as an essential element for life, hence, water loss is a life-threatening and alarming predictor of the future. Leakage problem is one of the most important causes of water loss in water... more
The integration of three hydraulic GIS (Geographic Information System) applications is presented which represent the water infrastructures of cities and urban areas and US streams and rivers. The water infrastructures include drinking... more
Floods have recently become a major hazard in West Africa (WA) in terms of both their magnitude and frequency. They affect livelihoods, infrastructure and production systems, hence impacting on Sustainable Development (SD). Early Warning... more
Vegetation resistance influences water flow in floodplains. Characterization of vegetation for hydraulic modeling includes the description of the spatial variability of vegetation type, height and density. In this research, we explored... more
Vegetation resistance influences water flow in floodplains. Characterization of vegetation for hydraulic modeling includes the description of the spatial variability of vegetation type, height and density. In this research, we explored... more
Hydrodynamic modeling is used to analyse the inundation behavior of St. George village during extreme flood events, in particular for a flood happened in spring 2006. The study reach, 4 km in length, is situated in the Danube Delta, at... more
Many urban and suburban communities in the Midwest are seeking to establish sustainable, morphologically and hydraulically varied, yet dynamically stable fluvial systems that are capable of supporting healthy, biologically diverse aquatic... more
It is obvious to all people the importance of water as an essential element for life, hence, water loss is a lifethreatening and alarming predictor of the future. Leakage problem is one of the most important causes of water loss in water... more
Los diques fusibles son terraplenes compuestos por diferentes capas de arena y/o enrocamiento, diseñados como una cortina común, estable para toda condición de operación, excepto en el desbordamiento. Su diseño les permite erosionarse de... more
ABSTRACT The various human activities are one of the main affecting factors on natural disasters. Human effects not suitable for land use potential can cause both physical and moral damages. Yeniciftlik stream basin, located within the... more
Detention basins are one of the structural measures for floodwater control in urban environments. They are effective tools in flood mitigation, but some studies have shown that they may aggravate the condition if not properly sited. This... more