Greek phonetics and phonology
Recent papers in Greek phonetics and phonology
Corso di greco per i Licei Classici e per il triennio dell'Università. C. Neri si è occupato principalmente della Grammatica, G. Alvoni-R. Batisti-M. Olivieri principalmente dei volumi degli Esercizi, ma gli autori hanno lavorato in... more
This work aims to clarify the etymology of the Pan-Italic divine name Mars, which is attested not only, as usually believed, in Latin and Sabellic, but also in the Venetic inscription of Monte Manicola.
During the last few years, experimental phonetics has shed light on the majority of the uncharted areas of the universe of the allophones of the Spanish language. However, the middle and prepalatal point of articulation are still far from... more
This paper explores a notoriously elusive segment in Greek, namely the palatal glide and examines various aspects of its phonology and phonetics.
Στην παρούσα μελέτη εξετάζεται το φωνολογικό φαινόμενο της ανύψωσης των φωνηέντων στη διάλεκτο της Ηπείρου, και συγκεκριμένα των Άνω Πεδινών Ζαγορίου, μέσα από εργαστηριακή φωνητική ανάλυση. Τα φωνήεντα που εξετάζονται είναι το ζεύγος... more
In origin, Ancient Greek used the letter digamma (ϝ) to represent the /w/ sound (e.g. ϝοῖνος, ‘wine’). With time, this sound disappeared, alongside the digamma that denoted it. However, for those old, dialectal, or foreign words that... more
The paper deals with major aspects of the development of the Medieval Greek vowel /y/ (<Koine Greek /y/ <Ancient Greek /y/ /y:/ /oi/-<υ>, <οι>) towards Modern Greek. The vowel was unrounded by the 11th c., yet there is strong written, as... more
Through this paper the author proposes a new assessment of the traditional hypothesis developed in the accounting of palatalization of labiovelars in Ancient Greek. In a typological framework some epigraphic data have been analysed and... more
"Цаконский диалект — единственный из новогреческих диалектов, который не прошел через койне. Благодаря этому в нем сохранились некоторые черты, свойственные дорийским диалектам древнегреческого языка. Существующие сейчас классификации... more
Originally, Ancient Greek employed the letter digamma (ϝ) to represent the /w/ sound. Over time, this sound disappeared, alongside the digamma that denoted it. However, to transcribe those archaic, dialectal, or foreign words that still... more
The -εσσι ending of the consonantal stems (πάντεσσι) is regarded as an eolism the morphological origin of which is still a subject of discussion. Examining exclusively the datives plural of the sigmatic stems, we have tried to prove that... more
In this study we describe a change in the phonotactic structure of Corsican or Cargese Greek, involving the historical cluster /vɣ/, and relate it to contact with local Italo-Romance (Corsican). While the change in Cargese is seen to be... more
La fonetica greca, che prima si studiava all’inizio del primo anno di liceo classico, oggi è generalmente (e giustamente) sacrificata, a vantaggio, nei primi mesi di scuola, di un approccio più immediato con i significati delle parole e... more
• Aims: I will make three main points all of which relate to an understanding of paradigm structure and the interaction with glide formation. In particular:
While βρεκεκέξ and τοτοβρίξ end in a guttural stop followed by –s in order to make perceivable the –k, because those two onomatopoeic “words” are usually followed by a vowel in their contexts, the last stop in τοφλαττοθρατ appears in... more
This study acoustically examines the manifestation of Vowel Deletion (VD), a phenomenon associated with vowel reduction processes in northern Greek dialects. The study focuses on the dialects of Corfu, Epiros, Kozani, and Evros. The... more
In this study we describe a change in the phonotactic structure of Corsican or Cargese Greek, involving the historical cluster /vɣ/, and relate it to contact with local Italo-Romance (Corsican). While the change in Cargese is seen to be... more
Περίληψη Η µελέτη αυτή εξετάζει την ουρανικοποίηση των υπερωικών και την πολύπλοκη αλληλεπίδρασή της µε την κεντρικοποίηση των πρόσθιων φωνηέντων και την αποβολή του /r/ στο ιδίωµα της Σαµοθράκης. Το φαινόµενο αποτελεί εξόχως ιδιάζουσα... more