Greek, Etruscan and Roman Art and Archaeology
Recent papers in Greek, Etruscan and Roman Art and Archaeology
Greek artists and architects were important social agents who played significant roles in the social, cultural, and economic life of the ancient Greek world. In Artists and Artistic Production in Ancient Greece, art historians,... more
Continuation of the Indo-European table containing about 2,000 Etruscan words and a comparison to Sanskrit, Avestan, Persian, Slavic, Romanian, Greek, Albanian, Latin, Italian, French, Celtic, English cognates.
Pubblica in A. Randazzo (ed), H. 0. Drogēnmuller, Siracusa. Topografia e storia di una città antica, Siracusa, 2018
La ceramica protocorinzia: il caso dell'Olpe Chigi
Keywords: Rjabchikov, archaeoastronomy, writing, solar eclipses, Pythagoras, Greek, Etruscan, Etruria, Egypt, Italy This paper was first read by the author on the scientific session of the Sergei Rjabchikov Foundation – Research Centre... more
A work in progress L59 IP SEPTA VS TRIS SVM I, myself (L. ipse-a-um)? Seven (L. septem) bones (L.
Funde, Eigennamen und Schriftzeichen beweisen Roms lange Zugehörigkeit zur etruskischen Kultur. Die historisch faßbaren Anfänge des Etruskertums in Italien fallen mit der mythischen Gründungzeit Roms (datiert auf 753 v. Chr.) zusammen.... more
"This paper proposes three new (and tentatively, another two) identifications of sundials in Middle Eastern mosaics of the 5th – 8th century. The author discusses a vignette from the Holy Martyrs’ Church at Tayibat al-Imâm, central Syria,... more
[Gods on the Roof. The acrotherial bases of the Temple of Veii - Portonaccio: installation and function] Il tempio di Apollo a Veio costituisce il primo e finora unico esempio in Etruria di edificio sacro decorato lungo tutto il columen... more
Thanks to the increasing multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of votive contexts, a meaningful amount of information about both archaeological finds and associated faunal remains is available, giving way to interpretations about... more
Abstract: This article explores the battle scene on a small bronze plaque recovered during the excavation of the Great Altar of Pergamon, initially published in 1913 and subsequently lost. It argues that the most likely identification of... more
The aim is to study ancient fountains in their architectural context, in the belief that the context will reveal their function in the dwelling. This article first analyzes the fountain structures and examines the relationship between... more
Updated attached exel file only, 3.09.2024. Updated to include corrections of mirrors. One mirror carries the name TIRANAII (Tyrhenni). It is the oldest extant document containing the name Herodotus referred to and may predate Herodotus'... more
Reviews: Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011) 512–15 [D. Ridgway]; Scholia 20.4 (2011) [R. Roth]; American Journal of Archaeology [online] 114.3 (2010) [S. Stoddart]; Antiquity 84:324 (2010) 565–67 [T. Rasmussen]; Bulletin Antieke... more
This paper proposes a new interpretation of the famous fourth century A.D. mosaic of the “Seven Sages” and the “Anger of Achilles”. Discovered in Merida in 1982, this mosaic was previously analyzed and interpreted by J.M. Aharez Martinez... more
The scenes tell the story of the founding of Pella/Apamea and further development of this city on the Orontes river. Three main groups of scenes can be distinguished: (1) the foundation of Pella-on-the-Orontes by the legendary Archippos,... more
EGeA VOL.3 'ROMANIZZAZIONE' EGeA VOL.3 ABERSON, BIELLA, DI FAZIO, SÁNCHEZ, WULLSCHLEGER Nel 2011 Michel Aberson, Maria Cristina Biella, Massimiliano
For the interpretation of mythological subjects In the Roman funerary art the author systematically applies the analysis of the Key of Dreams by Artemidorus of Daldis, Greek author of the Antonine period. The funerary art was studied... more
Una breve sintesi aggiornata alle recenti ricerche della storia di Populonia in età etrusca, con particolare riferimento alla industria della lavorazione del ferro. A synthetical overview of the history of Populonia in Etruscan times,... more
A study about the cultural relationship between the Greek mainland and its apoikiai in the archaic and classical times constitutes a subject of fundamental importance. Among several regional examples archaeology can address, the Black Sea... more
Cultural decline as a result of the Roman conquest is usually invoked to explain the gradual disappearance of Tarquinian tomb paintings during the third century BC. By contrast, this paper argues that, first, the late tomb paintings of... more
From the excavations of Cosa by the American Academy in Rome comes a large, circular, unpublished object that resembles a plate with a low ring foot in lumachella orientale, a marble highly prized in antiquity. Broken and repaired, less... more
Este breve ensayo examina una bien conocida estela helenística firmada por el escultor Arquelaos de Priene, proveniente de Alejandría y que data del periodo Ptolemaico. En este análisis, se examinarán algunos aspectos iconográficos de... more
This paper discusses two Roman reliefs from the Dalmatian hinterland, one of the goddess Diana from Proložac near Imotski, the other of the girl Lupa from Sovići near Grude in Herzegovina. Earlier scholarly discussions ascribed artistic... more