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2019, Etruschi, viaggio nelle terre dei Rasna (Catalogo della mostra di Bologna, 2019-2020)
3 pages
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Una breve sintesi aggiornata alle recenti ricerche della storia di Populonia in età etrusca, con particolare riferimento alla industria della lavorazione del ferro. A synthetical overview of the history of Populonia in Etruscan times, updated with the recent researches, particularly referring to iron metalworking industry.
Historical …, 2000
If the role oj Populonia-Baratti as one ojthe most important ironworking centres oj Europe in the 1st millennium BC is well documented, injormation about non-jerrous metal production in the area is stili very scanty. We therejore started a detailed research program onjour main excavation sites in the Populonia-Baratti industriaI zone (Poggio della Porcareccia, Casone, Campo Vl and the Baratti beach deposit) with the aim oj establishing the types and extent ojmetallurgical activitiesjor non-ferrous metals (mainly copper and tin), as well as on the provenance oj smelted ores in the Etruscan period (c7th-3rd century BC). From analysis oj stratigraphic relationships, morphological, mineralogical, textural, and chemical jeatures oj metallurgical materials we obtained the jollowing main results: • although remaining archeometallurgical evidence at Baratti-Populonia can largely be ascribed to iron production, the existence oj an earlier (and partly coeval) copper metallurgy is also well documented, particularly in the Baratti beach deposit • two different types oj copper slags, which could be related to different metallurgical steps, have been distinguished • the mineralogical and compositional jeatures oj slags jrom the sites investigated could provide indirect evidence oj iocai bronze production (in agreement with archaeological data), by employment oj tin-rich ores • analysis indicates that iron ores came was mainly jrom Elba and, to a lesser extent, jrom the Campiglia Marittima district, whereas copper and tin are mostly derived jrom the latter area
The paper aims to describe the preliminary results of a series of archaeological investigations undertaken in the site of the ancient city of Populonia (Etruria) in the years 2000-2006. Some new archaeological prospections (magnetometry, resistivity, and hand-augering) can be added to the traditional practices of investigation (excavation and survey). These studies are showing that the origins of the ancient town date back to the 8 th century BC. The new research conducted in the Gulf of Baratti now contributes to build new hypotheses in relation both to the organization of the port of the ancient city and to the production of iron between the Etruscan and Roman period.
The Etruscan tin mine of Mt. Valerio in Tuscany reconsidered.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2009
Populonia is commonly regarded as one of the most important iron working centres in Europe in the 1st millennium BC. However, multiple layers of copper slags have been recently discovered at the bottom of the slag deposit occurring along the shoreline of the underlying Baratti Gulf. Copper slag layers have been radiocarbon dated to the 9th-8th centuries BC, i.e. to an early metallurgical stage predating the later large-scale iron production. The overall features of copper slags indicate a single-step smelting process of copper-rich ores containing variable amounts of Zn and Pb. Chemical and textural features of copper slags indicate an optimised, high-efficiency metallurgical process.
Etruscan Genucilia plates were first discussed and classified by Sir John Beazley in his 1947 work Etruscan Vase-Painting. A decade later, Mario A. Del Chiaro established a typology for this family of ceramics, in addition to charting their distribution, identifying production centers and providing a chronological sequence (The Genucilia Group: A Class of Red-Figured Plates. Los Angeles 1957). Fifty seven years later, Del Chiaro’s publication remains accurate in most of its conclusions and well-respected by scholars of ancient ceramics; however, since his publication, significantly more Genucilia plates have been discovered due to the rise of greater systematic excavations along with the increased documentation of artifacts in their context. This paper aims to shed greater light onto the function of Genucilia plates, and also to revisit Del Chiaro’s proposed typology, centers of production and chronology. Emphasis is placed not only the Genucilia plates themselves, but their overall provenience and the artifacts found alongside them. Attention is paid to the excavations that occurred after 1957 and the Genucilia plates discovered as a result. Genucilia plates discovered after this date have been well-published in their respect site monographs, but rarely have they been related back to Del Chiaro’s seminal work.
Etruscan Studies: Journal of the Etruscan Foundation …, 2009
The paper aims to describe the preliminary results of a series of archaeological investigations undertaken in the site of the ancient city of Populonia (Etruria) in the years 2000-2006. Some new archaeological prospections (magnetometry, resistivity, and hand-augering) can be added to the traditional practices of investigation (excavation and survey). These studies are showing that the origins of the ancient town date back to the 8 th century BC. The new research conducted in the Gulf of Baratti now contributes to build new hypotheses in relation both to the organization of the port of the ancient city and to the production of iron between the Etruscan and Roman period.
Early Ironmaking in Europe, archaeology and experiments, Conference, I Plas Tan y Bwlch, 1997
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