Indo-European Table, Part 3, "chaina" to "evalta"

Continuation of the Indo-European table containing about 2,000 Etruscan words and a comparison to Sanskrit, Avestan, Persian, Slavic, Romanian, Greek, Albanian, Latin, Italian, French, Celtic, English cognates.

Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates Page 1 of 25 9.26.11 Etruscan Phrases – Etruscan etymological relationships to other Indo-European languages; Proto-Indo-European (PIE): Etruscan_Phrases Indo-European Table 1, Part 3 by Mel Copeland (from a work published in 1981) Table 1 Index (Recommend opening this page to facilitate navigation through Table 1) Table 1, Section 1A.1: Indo-European words as they relate to Etruscan. Notes: *Armenian W = West Armenian; E = East Armenian. Avestan & Armenian Sanskrit x x Slavic, Baltic, Romanian v Greek & Albanian Latin other English x x x Chaina, place name, Chiana Valley x Etruscan CHAINA (KAINA), Script AB-6; CHIANE (KIANE) TC190 x x x x x x Calchas, seer CHALCHAS who (KALKAS), Script prophesied for CH-1 Agamemnon against Troy x x x x x x Chaneri, name CHANERI (KANERI) Script BS-17, VP14 x x x x Charon-ontis x Charon, ferryman of Hades CHARON (KARVN), Script, BC-1, VA-2 x x ce, that, which (Romanian) x x It. che that, which CHECHE (KE), Script Au10 x x vci, but x qui, quae, quod, who, which, what, that; quae or qua, some It. chi, who, which, what, that Fr. qui, some who, which, what, that: some CHI (Ki), Script Z29, Z489, Z665, Z709, J11, M74, AE-7, AN59, R13, R115, R164, G9 (Romanian) kuJcikA [f], talika, a key kelid, hangâm, key (Persian) kluc [m], key (Belarus) CHEIE, key (Romanian) kleidi, key (Greek) celes, syc, hapës, grep, kunj, zgjidhje, person, kyc; key, kyc, mbyll, to key (Albanian) clavis-is [f], key a agoriad-au [m], key, opening, to open allwedd-i-au [f], key, cleff, legend; cywair, to order, key, tune, repair [in musical sense] (Welsh) chiave [f] (Italian) clé or clef [f] key [<OE caeg] CHIAVE (KIAFE), Script VF-3; Note 3) 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates Page 2 of 25 (French) utkliś utkliś, to feel uneasy , be uncomfortable or distressed kleśayati to excite , stir up: ādhu, to stir, agitate; nāmnā, to call by name x CHEM, I call by the name (Romanian) x cieo, ciere, cieam It. chiamare: to call; chiamata, appello, grido, richiamo, call. Fr. appeler, to call by name move, to stir, excite, call by name CHIEM (KIEM) Script Z1099, Z1097, K66 CHIMeR (KIMeR), Script Z1203, Z1562 CHIMeRS (KIMeRS), Script K120 x x HIMERĂ (Romanian) x chimaera-ae Fr. chimère chimera x x CEŞTI, this, these (Romanian) x quis, quid It. chi; Fr. qui who, whom, whose, that CHIS (KIS), Script AL-15; See CESTI giri, rock, elevation, risingground a x x x It. colle, collina, hill; Fr. colline, butte, montée, hill shepherd's crook? hill, high ground? cHOLCHOLIS kṣetra, to cultivate, traṃ- √kṛ, to cultivate a field x CULTIVA (Romanian) x colo, colere, colui, cultum It. coltivare; Fr. cultiver to cultivate CHOLeRE (KVLeRE), Script K64 x x CU, with, together (Romanian) x cum It. con, with Fr. avec, de, par with, together with CHON (KVN), Script BC-2 x ka, kahe, who (Avestan) ke, ce kasi, who; ke, kodâm, which; ce, kodâm, ânce, what; ke, conj., ke, ân, pron., that (Persian) chto, pron. who; cyj, pron. whose; to, pron., what heta, pron., it, that; hety, pron. = toj, this, that (Belarus)" ci, but, or (Romanian) to opoion, whom; ti, poios, poia, poio, what (Greek) cilit, kujt, cilin, kë, i cili, që, whom; cfarë, c, sa, adj., përvec se, conj. what (Albanian) qui, quae, quod, interrog., adj.; exclam.; indef., any, some; relat. who, which, what, that chi, who, whom, whose, he who, who, which they who, etc. what, that (Italian) qui (French) ci, Script Z290, Z1282, Z1310, Z1438, Z1654, TC327, K132, AJ16, R118, Au42 qui, quae, quod, interrog., adj.; exclam.; indef., any, some; relat. who, which, what, that pwy, sawl, a, who; pa, a, which; a, hwnnw (honno [f]), that; hwn (hon [f]), this; beth, pa, what (Welsh) chi, who, whom, whose, he who, they who, etc. (Italian) qui (French) kuis (Hittite) KI, Script Z1161, M78, X119, CP49 Ki, Script Q21, M13, M74, G-8, R-2, R16, R115, R170, XA-10, XA-23, XB-23 collis-is mountain , hill , rock , elevation , risingground kas caks, caSTe, cakSate (ti), to see, look at, consider, announce, declare, tell, say behold, view, call by name, name, explain, cause to appear; ketay, -yati, summon, invite; ka, kahe, who (Avestan) ke, ce kasi, who; ke, kodâm, which; ce, kodâm, ânce, what; ke, conj., ke, ân, pron., that (Persian) bâng zadan, xândan, telefon kardan; farâxândan, to summon; nâm chto, pron. who; cyj, pron. whose;s to, pron., what heta, pron., it, that; hety, pron. = toj, this, that (Belarus) abjasniac, v. imp., abjasnic, v. perf., to explain; rastlumacyc, to explain; tlumacyc, to opoion, whom; ti, poios, poia, poio, what (Greek) cilit, kujt, cilin, kë, i cili, që, whom; cfarë, c, sa, adj., përvec se, conj. what (Albanian) kinoumai, kino, move; diefkrinizo, clarify; klitevo, kalo, summon (Greek) bëj thirrje, ftoj në mbledhje, cieo, ciere, civi, citum, to move, stir, excite, summon, call croywi, to clear, clarify, freshen; egluro,to make clear, explain, clarify, elucidate, exemplify, illustrate; esbonio, to explain, expound, comment who, which what, that to move, stir, excite, summon, call by name, (KVLIS), Script BC-2 cia, Script Z63, Z681, M74, Q326, Q458; CHIANE (KIANE) Script 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates cyu, cyavate (ti), to move, stir, waver, shake, escape, flow, vanish, pour out, loosen, drop down, follow adman [n], food; azitra [n], food; aza [m], food; kSu [n] food, ghasi [m], food; rabdhA [f], food pAda [m], foot, leg, foot as a measure, column, pillar, ray, beam; zAkhA [f], branch, limb, arm, leg, finger, ramification x [n], nâmidan, to name (Persian) xorâk, food; xorâk, parvares, parvâr, nourishment (Persian) jeza [f], food (Belarus) thërras, thërres, ftoj në gjyq summon; kulloj, quartësoj, clariify (Albanian) by name, name;; quia, because trefo, trefomai, trofi, feed (Greek) haje, ushqim, cibus-i [m]; artikuj ushqimor, pascare, to tëngrëna, food; feed mbaj gjallë, ushqej, to nourish (Albanian) pâ, pâye, leg (Persian) naha [f], leg (Belarus) podi, leg (Greek) këmbë, këmbëz, protezë, fazë, pjesë, leg (Albanian) cicur-uris, tame; crus, cruris, the shin, shin bone, leg; pes, pedis [f], the foot kasi, anyone; har ciz, har kâr, anything (Persian) niejki, pron. anyone, certain (Belarus); CEVA, something (Romanian) opoiosdipote, anyone; otidipote, kati, anything (Greek) ndonjë, ndokush, anyone; dicka, cfarëdoqoftë, gjithcka, gjësend (Albanian) quilibet, quaelibet, quodibet [subst. quidibet] x x abhidyu, tending toward x heaven, heavenly, bright tvar, tvarate (-ti, to hasten, hurry, accelerate, snatch away; cud, codati, -te, to impel, incite, urge, hasten, speed, procure, request, command explain (Belarus); CIA, CEA, used to direct/turn an oxen cart to the right side (Romanian) setâbândan, tond sodan, to accelerate (Persian) chutki, sparki, adj., quick, rapid, fast (Belarus) epitachyno, accelerate; biazomai, hasten (Greek) nxitoj, ngut, shpejtoj, nxitohem, ngutem, to hasten (Albanian) (Welsh) chiarire, to clarify, explain; perche, because (Italian) expliquer, to explain: parce que, car, because (French) bwyd -dd [m], food; lluniaeth [m], food, nourishment, diet, repast; porthiant (porthiannau) [m], food, sustenance, support, forage; ymborth [m], food, board, diet, fare, repast, provisions (Welsh): cibo [m] food; cibare, to feed to take precaution [f], caution, (Italian) nourrir, to feed; nourriture [f], aliment [m], food (French) coes-au [f], leg, shank (Welsh) zampa, leg (Italian) gigot [m], leg of lamb; pied [m], foot, leg (French) name; because? food [<OE foda], fodder [<OE fodor], nourishment [<Lat. nutrioire] leg of lamb? tame? neb [m], anyone, no one, nobody, anyone, anything? none, nonentiy; unrhywun [m], anyone (Welsh) chiunque, qualcuno, chicchessia (Italian) quelqu'un, anybody (French) caelum-i, sky, heaven It. cielo, sky, heaven; Fr. ciel, sky, heaven name, Cilen? sky, heaven? See CILeR below celo-are, to accelerate, make quick chwimio, to move, stir, accelerate; cyflymu, accelerate, speed; brysio, ffrystio, to hasten, hurry; clau, adj. quick, swift, fast, soon; chwim, adj. nimble, quick, agile (Welsh) accelerare, to accelerate (Italian) to make quick [<OE cwicu, alive], accelerate [Lat. accelero-are], hasten [<OFr. haste, of Gmc. orig] Page 3 of 25 TC190 CHIEM, (KIEM), Script Z1088, Z1097, K67 ciba, civa (CIFA), Script, Z648; cibas, civas (CIFAS), Script AN58 kikoi, kikui, (KIKVI), Script M78 This word is probably KI KV cilba, cilva (CILFA), Script Z1310 CILEN, Script PL-3, PL-34 CILENI Script, PL-22 CILeR, Script, Z317, Z386, Z470, Z701, Z1006, Z1065, Z1662, Z1800; CILeRII, Script K79; CILeReS, Script Z290, Z872, Z937, Z999, Z1386, 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates rapid, prompt, swift accélerer, to accelerate; ciller, to blink (French) nirvyUDhi, f. issue, end, top, summit; zikhara, m. peak, top, summit; agra, front, top, summit; beginning, the highest or best of anything barezimanãm [barez], high, exalted (Avestan) nok, setiq [n], sar zadan, to peak (Persian) x x agnisAt, adv. into fire; {-kR} burn; vahvisAtkR, to burn, cremate; uS, oSati & uSNAti, burn, consume, destroy, punish; Asa [m], ashes, dust; bhas, bhasi, ashes kas rathin, going in a carriage, carriage or cart; charioteer [m] rathary, ratharyati, go in a chariot; vAhin, moving Page 4 of 25 Z1807 najvysejsy, adj. top, biggest, tallest (Belarus) koryfi, summit (Greek) majë, kulm, pik (Albanian) cacumen, culmen, apex: quin, why not, command to come now, rather, but, indeed copa-u -on [m], top, apex, crest, summit, head; gwarthaf [m], top, summit (Welsh) beann [m.] (Scott) cima [f] (Italian) cime [f] (French) x x monstër (Albanian) chimaera-ae [f] chimère [f] (French) Chimaera x x x Quintilii? x Cimthum, CIMTHvM, Script place? Related M67, M74 to Latin name Quintilii? xâkestar sodan, suzândan, to incinerate; suzândan, suxtan, to burn; xâkestar, ash [n] (Persian) ke, ce kasi, who; ce kasi râ, be ce kasi, whom; az âne ke, ke az âne u, whose; darun, andarun, tuye, adv., darun andarun, prep. (Persian) ratha [-] m. rathaêshtar [-], warrior, charioteer (Avestan) kâleske, palic, vi. imp., spalic, v. perf., burn; spazyvac, v. imp. spazyc, v. perf., to consume (Belarus) apotefrono, incinerate; kaio, kaiomai, burn (Greek) djeg, shkrumboj, to incinerate; digjem, marr flakë, djeg, consumoj, vë zjarrin, ndez ndrit, ndris, përvëloj, to burn (Albanian) o opoios, poios, who; poiou, tinos, poianou, tou opoiou, whose; ti, poios, poia, poio, what; opoiosdipote anybody (Greek) chto, pron. who; cyj, pron. whose; pron., what heta, pron., it, that; hety, pron. = toj, this, that cilit, kujt, cilin, (Belarus) kë, i cili, që, whom; cfarë, c, sa, adj., përvec se, conj. what (Albanian) autokar, dylizans, korepetytor, powoz, trener, trenowac, udzielac korepetycji, amaxa, coach; karo, cheiramaxa, cart (Greek) incendocendere-cend census; ciniseris [m], rarely [f], ashes; ceno-are, to dine brydio, to burn, inflame, boil, throb; ennyn, to kindle,ignite, burn, inflame, excite, foment; llosgi, to burn, scorch, smart; lludu [m], ashes, ash (Welsh) incindiare, to set fire to; cenere [f], ashes incendier, to set fire to; cendre [f], ashes (French) quis, quid; pron. interrog. who? what? which? indef. anyone, anybody, anything; cis, prep., with acc. on this side of, within pwy, a, sawl, who; beth, pa, what; pa, a, which; mewn, ymhen, within (Welsh) chi, rel. pron. who, whom, whose; he, she, they who; whoever, whomever, one who; entro, within (Italian) qui, interrog. pron. who? whom? rel. pron. who, which, that, whom; dans, within (French) kuis, who (Hittite) cisum-iam, chariot, light two-wheeled vehicle; carrus-i; cerbyd-au [m], chariot, coach, car; cert-i [f], cart (Welsh) cairt [f] cartach, cartachean, cart; carbad [m] carriage, top, summit, peak [< OE pic, a sharp point?] why not, now, rather, but, indeed? cim, Script CP-18 kim, Script Z1607 kimi, Script Z591; KIMeR, Script Z1203, Z1562, K131 to burn [<OE beornan & baernan], incinerate; ashes [<OE asce]; to dine? cina, Script, TC46, N41, N491, N543, N573, N598, N615, N647, N689, N711, Q435, Q422, Q481, PQ4 cinas, Script N18, N22, N47; cinat, Script TC57 cine, Script N139 cini, Script R447 cino, cinu (CINV), Script N53, N216, N483, N624, Q84, Q127, R370, R447, R607. R619, Aph-7? cinos, cinus (CINVS), Script N230, N244 See Note 1) CIS, Script Q117, Z606, Z614, Z622, Z638, Z776, MS13 CiS, Script K79, cis – who, whom, whose, what, which, anybody? kis – within? chariot, light two-wheeled vehicle, cart, [<ON cartir] coach Script Q117, Z606, Z614, Z622, Z629, Z638, Z776; MS13 CiS, Script K79 kis, Script Z84, Z103, Z255, Z300, Z369, Z396, Z880, Z953 cisum (cisvm) Script Z88, Z116, Z214, Z308, Z378, Z455, 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates on a carriage, a wagon, chariot [f], an army or division of an army; anas [n], cart, heavy wagon caks, caSTe, cakSate ( ti), to see, look at, consider, announce, declare, tell, say behold, view, call by name, name, explain, cause to appear; ketay, -yati, summon, invite; ir, irte, irayati,te, to bring forth, raise the voice, utter, proclaim, cite, procure, obtain rahbare varzesi, âmuzgâr, coach; gâri, cart (Persian) bâng zadan, xândan, telefon kardan; farâxândan, to summon; nâm [n], nâmidan, to name (Persian) caks, caSTe, cakSate ( ti), to see, look at, consider, announce, declare, tell, say behold, view, call by name, name, explain, cause to appear; ketay, -yati, summon, invite; ir, irte, irayati,-te, to bring forth, raise the voice, utter, proclaim, cite, procure, obtain naql kardan, to quote; irâd kardan, taqdir kardan (Persian) x x x harke, whoever; har ânce, harce, whatever; hicgune, harce, ânce, whatsoever (Persian) x x daNDaka [m], stick, staff; zamyA [f], staff, peg, prop, stay, certain measure of length; rambha [m], prop, support, staff; laguDa [m], club, cudgel; gadA kârkonân, kârmandân, staff; cowgân, gorz, bâsgâh, club (Persian) wagon (Polish) samachod, awtamobil [m], car (Belarus) klikac, v. imp., kliknuc, v. perf., to call (Belarus) cudzyslow, cytat, cytowac, przytaczac, wymieniac, quote (Polish) klikac, v. imp., kliknuc, v. perf., to call (Belarus) CITA, to cite, to summon; CITI, to read (Romanian) koci, vagon, wagon (Albanian) klitevo, kalo,| summon; diegeiro, erethizo, exapto, excite; efesi, efesiballo, appeal (Greek) bëj thirrje, ftoj në mbledhje, thërras, thërres, ftoj në gjyq summon; kulloj, quartësoj, clarify (Albanian) paratheto, klitevo, anafero, cite (also, see above, Greek) citoj, hap thonjëza, përmend, caktoj vlerë, to quote; citat [n], quote (Albanian) CEATLĂU, x piece of wood used to tighten a rope to attack extra horse to cart (Romanian) wagon; currus-us [m] chariot, racing car chariot (Scott) cocchio [m] chariot, coach (Italian) char [m], coche [f], coach (French) cito-are, to put in motion, excite, start up, summon, call forward, esp. for military purposes; hence to appeal to, point to authorities dyfynno, to cite, quote, summon; gwysio, to summon, convene, convoke, evoke (Welsh) citare (Italian) citer (French) cito-are, to put in motion, excite, start up, summon, call forward dyfynno, to cite, quote, summon; gwysio, to summon, convene, convoke, evoke (Welsh) citare (Italian) citer (French) x x to quote [<Lat. quotus-a-um, of what number], sue, summon; define [[Lat. definio-ire, to limit, bound, mark out Name? x quivis, quaevis, quidvis; adj. quodvis chinunque, whoever; qualunque, whatever (Italian) quinconque, celui, qui, whoever (French) x x Clio-us x clava-ae [f] ffon [f], stick, staff, cudgel; paladr (pelydr) [m], ray, beam, staff, stem (Welsh) clava [f], club (Italian) bâton [m], staff; trique [f], gourdin [m], cudgel kadry [pl., stastaw [m], staff (Belarus) to summon; with a suffix / ephitet perhaps containing the names of persons or things: lav, lo, lov, lop? See cita, below opoiosdipote, whoever; otidipote, whatever (Greek) cfarëdo, cilido, adj., aspak, fare, adv., sidoqoftë (Albanian) prosopiko, epiteleio, rabdos, staff; leschi, syllogos, somateio, club (Greek) stap, dërrasë fucie, stave, comange, dajak, shkop, topuz, cudgel coach [<Hung. kocsi], whoever, whatever, whatsoever? Page 5 of 25 Z953, Z1057; See carra cit lav (CITLA8), Script N324 cit lo (CITLV), Script Q202, Q229 cit lov (CITLV8) Script N-1 cit lop (CITLVP), Script N31; see cita citi, Script Z439, Z421 cito CITV), Script Q512, Q543, Q692, Q775, Q795, Q821, R437, R499 citho (CITHV), Script Q806 citlav, citlab (CITLA8), Script N324; citlo (CITLV), Q202, Q229; citlop (CITLVP), Script N31; citlov, citlob (CITLV8), Script N-1 citves (CITFES), Script Z937 Cleo, Greek Muse Claei, PQ-13 staff, [<OE staef], cudgel [OE cycgel], club [<ON klubba] clab, clav (CLA8), Script Z1334, R542 claf (CLAF), Script AF-20 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates [f], mace, club; lakuTa [m], a club alina, of a tribe kuJcikA [f], a key (Albanian) x kelid, hangâm, key (Persian) clan (Romanian) kluc [m], key (Belarus) CHEIE, key (Romanian) x x CLEAN, Dacian small fish; CHENAR, frame (Romanian) x x x suketu adj., very bright; bRhaddyuti adj., shining bright; ketumant, adj., bright, clear; virociSNu, adj., shining bright; dIdi, {dIdyati}, to shine, gleam, be bright or visible, please; las, lasati, to gleam, glance, sound forth, appear, rise, shine, glitter tâbidan, deraxsidan, to shine; rowsan, deraxsân, âftâbi, adj. bright (Persian) bystry, jaskrawy, jasny, pogodny, sprytny, bright (Polish) CLARI, clear, bright (Romanian_ (Roman x kleidi, key (Greek) celes, syc, hapës, grep, kunj, zgjidhje, person, kyc; key, kyc, mbyll, to key (Albanian) massue [f], club (French) gens, tribus clavis-is [f], key It. tribu; Fr. clan, m. a clan? clan, Script VP-7 agoriad-au [m], key, opening, to open allwedd-iau [f], key, cleff, legend; cywair, to order, key, tune, repair [in musical sense] (Welsh) chiave [f] (Italian) clé or clef [f] (French) key [<OE caeg] cle, Script K84, K86, K92 clev (CLEF), Script Z681, CP-19 cleva (CLEFA), Script Au80 cles, Script Q737, BS-28, PG-4 Clenar, Script AF1 CLENaRON (CLENaRVN), Script K63 x x x personal name? x x x personal name? Clensi, Script AL1, K52 clareo-ere, to be bright, to shine; transf. to be evident, distinguished; adj. clare, clearly, brightly, distinctly; luceo, lucere, luxi, to be bright, shine, glitter, clear, evident disgleiro, to shine, dazzle, glare, glitter, glisten, irradiate; heulo, to shine, to shine like the sun; llewyrchu, to shine; tywynno, to shine; claer, adj. clear, bright, shining; llachar, adj., bright, brilliant, flashing, dazzling, luminious; gloyw-on, bright, clear, shinny, glossy; pefr, adj. radiant, bright, beautiful; trybelid, adj. bright, brilliant (Welsh) lucidare, brillare, to shine (Italian) briller, luire, to shine; éclairer, to shine on; clarté [f], light, clearness, brightness, gleam (French) to be bright [<OE beorht], shine [<OE scinan]; evident, distinguished; glare [<ME glaren]; to glow [<ME glowan], glisten [<OE glisnian], amp cleri, Script Z317, Z380, Z960, Z1006, Z1065, Z1801 CLeRII, Script TC28 trellis [Lat. trilix, woven with three threads]; grating, grate, grill [<Lat. cratis, wickerwork] kletra, Script Q342 kletram, Script Q342 cletram, Script Z1, Z-5, Z29, Z155, Z180, Z186, Z1021, Z1846, Z1861 kletre, Script Q351 lampo, gyalizo, lampsi, gyalisma, stilboma, shine; aktida, lampsi, aktinobolo, lampo, gleam (Greek) fërkoj, shkëlquej, feks, ndricoj, farfurit, ndrit, shndrit, shouhem; to shine; dritë, lustër, ndricim, shkëlqim, shine [n] (Albanian) gavākṣajāla, a x lattice, trellis-work GRĂTAR, grill, trellis (Romanian) kafaz,thurimë, trinë, trellis; grilë, skarë, grating (Albanian) clatri-orum [m., pl.], grating, trellis gradell (gredyll) [f], griddle, grill, gridiron; gril [m], grill (Welsh) graticcio [m], trellis (Italian) trellisser, to [make a] trellis (French) x vCLUJ, x x x x Romanian townCLUJ-NAPOCA (Romanian) caks, caSTe, cakSate ( Page 6 of 25 onoma, onomazo, Clovenias, name of a person Clevenias (CLEFENIAS), Au27 enwi, to name, 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates ti), to see, look at, consider, announce, declare, tell, say behold, view, call by name, name, explain, cause to appear; kathanIya, to be told or named; gIta adj., sung, praised, named; khyAta adj., named, called, known, celebrated. khaJj, khaJjati, to limp nâm [n], nâmidan, to name (Persian) sal, lang, adj., to limp, langidan (Persian) nazyvacca, to be called; nazyvac, v. imp., nazvac, v. perf., to call, name (Belarus) kulec, utykac, utykanie, limp (Polish) Page 7 of 25 diorizo, name; thema, proposition (Greek) emëroj, quaj, caktoj, vë emrin, them, përmend, to be named; emër, emërim, titull, fytyrë, mbiemër, reputacion, familje, person i njohur, fis, name [n] (Albanian) label, instance, denominate, nominate; galw, to call, clueo-ire; am name, dub, named, convene, called; denominate, hail nomino-are, (Welsh) to cloe, namely name, give a (Italian) name, to s'appeler, to be mention, speak named, about called (French) lamen, to name, call (Hittite) koutsamara, koutsaino, cholaino, apalos, malakos, pladaros, xepsychismenos, limp (Greek) caloj, eci me mundim, to limp; caloj, pengoj, to hobble (Albanian) cloffi, to lame, halt, cripple, founder, limp; hercian, herci, to hop, hobble, limp, bob; honcian, honci, to waggle, jolt, limp (Welsh) zoppicare (Italian) clocher, (French) to limp [<obsolete, limphalt, lame], hobble [<MDu. hobbelen] CLOCeR (CLVCeR), Script Z834 hoelio, hoeli, to nail, pin; cethr-i-au [f], nail, spear (Welsh) inchiodare (Italian) clouer, to nail, pin down (French) to nail [<OE naegl], spike [<ME spyk] cloue, clobe, clove (CLV8E), Script N149 to close? bastion [<OFr. bastille, jail] CLvTRA, Script Z805 claudico-are, to be lame, halt, waver am named, called [<ON kalla] Clovenias, name? clu (CLF), Script AJ-9 clo (CLV), Script Au27; Clovenias (CLVFENIAS) Au27 karfi, nychi, nail; zaGku [m.], a pointed peg or wooden nail, stake, pike, beam, arrow, spear; vezI [f], pin; ANi [m], the pin of the axle-tree nâxon, mix, cangâl, nail [n]; suzan, sanjâq [n], pin (Persian) nirvahaNa [n], issue, end, close; mukulay, yati, to close; supidhAna, adj., well shut up; roddhavya, adj., to be closed or shut; mil, milati, pp. milita, to close the eyes, wink; close, shut, close up, disappear, vanish nazdik, tang, adj., bastan, bepâyân rasânidan, to close (Persian) x x x x gwozdz, paznokiec, przybijac gwozdziami, wbijac gwozdzie, nail (Polish) spilka [f], pin (Belarus) karfitsa, karfitso, pin (Greek) clavus-i, [m], gozhdoj, ngul një a nail, spike; a stripe of purple gozhdë, ngul, on tunics, mbërthej, me worn gozhdë, fiksoj, by senators & kap, to nail; knights kthetër, thua, capua, gozhdë, nail [n] (Albanian) zakryty, adj., shut, closed; zacyniac, v. imp., ~nic, v. perf., to close (Belarus) kleio, termatizo, close; kleio, kleistos, shut (Greek) myull, mbush, zë, i jap fund, bie në ujdi, mbyllem, mbaroj, kap vlerën [fin], përfundoj (Albanian) claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum and cludo, to close, shut up, make inaccessible cau, cae, to shut, close, enclose, fence, barricade, block, obstruct, clinch, furl, fasten, lace (Welsh) chiudere (Italian) fermer, se clore (French) x x x x x x Cn, Cnaeus-i x Clytemnestra, mother of Orestes, sister of Helen, wife of King Agamemnon CN, abbreviation of name, Cnaeus Cluthumustha (CLVTHVMVSTHA) DF-1 CN, Script Z190, Z289, Z851, Z897, Z929, Z1168 Z1236, Z1359 Z1372, K98, K133, AJ-20, OM-3, AF-8 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates Page 8 of 25 x x x x x x Greek numeral for 100? CNL, L98 x x x x x x Cnei, probably Cyneuus, another name of Hecuba, wife of Priam Cnei, AM-7 x x x x Cnaeus-i, Cn x Cnaeus, name Cnes, CP-43 x x CUNOSCut, I know, known (Romanian) x Cnaeus (L. Cn, Cnaeus-i) (Old Latin, enos = nos) or genus-eris, birth, descent, origin x birth, descent, origin cnos (CNVS), Script AJ-20 to go or come together, assemble, unite, combine [<Lat combinare], form an alliance cow? OE, cu co (CV), Script N280, Q488, R142, R607, R661 ko (KV), Script N206, N689, N725, Q406, Q887, R31, R80, R607, G30 – co and ko the same word? ekI kR to unite; {bhU} become one; yat, yatati, -te, to unite, join, connect, join oneself with, meet, put in order; bandh, badhnAti, badhnIte, to bind, tie, attach, fix, fasten, join, unite, bring together, be connected with, belong to zapayitR [m], cook; sUpakartR [m], a cook (soup maker); zA, to roast, boil, cook, pp. {zAta3} & {zRta3} (q.v.), {zapa3yati te}; pac, pacati, -te, to cook, bake, boil, roast, burn (bricks), {pAcayati-te}, cook or cause to cook beham peyvastan, yeki kardan, hamânidan, to unite; hampeymân, ally [n] (Persian) âspaz [n], poxtan, to cook (Persian) skladac, v. imp., sklasci, v. perf. to put together, assemble; jadnacca, to unite, join together; zlucacca, v. imp., zlucycca, v. perf., be united, come together; zlucac, v. imp., zlucyc, v. perf., jadnac, v. imp, to unite, join (Belarus) CU, with, together, unite; CO, to chase the cow (Romanian) synathroizo, synarmologo, assemble; enono, enonomai, unite (Greek) mbledh, montoj, grumbulloj, mblidhem, to assemble; bashkoj, grumbulloj, lidh, shkrij, to unite (Albanian) gotowac, kucharka, kucharz, kucharzyc, cook (Polish) kuchar [m], cook (Belarus) COC, I cook, they cook (Romanian) arlwyo, to prepare, provide, cook; coginio, to cook; digoni, to mageirevo, suffice, satisfy, coquo, mageiras, cook cloy, cook; coquere, coxi, bwyd [m], food (Greek) gatuaj, bëj gjellë, coctum , to (Welsh) to cook, a nxeh, vë në zjarr, cook, prepare cuoco, cuoca cook sajoj [fig], to [m., f.] cook; food, burn, cook; kuzhinier, think of, cuccinare, to gjellëbërës, cook meditate cook (Italian) [n] (Albanian) cuisinier [m], chef [m] cook; cuisiner, to cook gâteau [m], cake (French) zyA, zyAyati, to freeze, coagulate yaxbastegi [n], freeze; yax bastan, to freeze (Persian) krzenpnac, zamarzac, congeal (Polish) marazjc, to freeze; mierznuc, v. imp., zamierznuc, v. perf., to freeze; i.e., I am freezing (Belarus) x x x eispratto, masevo, collect; pagono, pagoma, freeze (Greek) mpiks, ngrij, ngurtësoj, to congeal; i ngrirë, adj. frozen (Albanian) x coeo-ire; uniter, in one together; unitas-atis [f], unity, oneness vacca-ae, f. cow cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum, to bring, or drive, or draw to one point, to collect, bring close together, compress, of liquids, etc. to thicken, curdle uno-un, to join, unite, affiliate, federate, amalgamate, incorporate; ymuno, to join, unite (Welsh) unire, riunire; vacca, f. cow (Italian) s'unire; réunire; vache, f., cow (French) gu, cow (Hittite) ceulo, to curdle, coagulate, clot, congeal fferru, to congeal, freeze, numb, benumb, perish with cold; rhewi, to freeze, congeal (Welsh) congelare, to freeze, congeal (Italian) congeler, to freeze, congeal, solidify (French) Horatius x Cocles, Roman hero who defended bridge against Etruscans rathin, going in a carriage, to bring to one point, collect, congeal [ <Lat. congelo-are], freeze [OE freosan] Cocle, name? (related to Horatius Cocles?) coc (CVC) Script TC201, N453 koce (KVCE), Script R530, R619, kocer (KVCER), Script N363, N391, R607 kokor (KVKVR), Script N112 cokar (CVKAR), Script N63 coke (CVKE), Script Q406 coko (CVCV), Script N1, N31 cogi (CVGI), Script Q243 COCLe (CVCL), VP9 cerbyd-au [m], chariot, coach, 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates carriage or cart; charioteer [m] rathary, ratharyati, go in a chariot; vAhin, moving on a carriage, a wagon, chariot [f], an army or division of an army; anas [n], cart, heavy wagon kâleske, rahbare varzesi, âmuzgar, coach (Persian) autocar, dylizans, korepetytor, powoz, trener, trenowac, udzielac korepetycji, wagon (Polish) samachod, awtamobil [m], car (Belarus) amaxa, coach; aftokinito, car; fortigo amaxi, bagoni, wagon (Greek) koci (Albanian) gala [m], throat, neck; avaTu [m.f.], neck; kR {kRNo3ti, kRNute3, karo3ti, kurute; karati, karti; pp. krata3}, make or begin something, prepare or till, do repeatedly; stambha [m], post, column, prop, support; obstruction, hinderance, arrogance, haughtiness kestzâr, kestokâr, farm [n]; gardan, gardane, garib, neck [n] (Persian) hodowac, uprawiac, cultivate (Polish) laimos, aychenas, trachilos, neck; kalliergo, cultivate (Gerek) grykë, qafë, lëfyt, jakë, krahinë, neck; kultivoj, lëroj, lëvrij, lëvroj, to cultivate (Albanian) x x x x x x kâleske, rahbare varzesi, âmuzgar, coach (Persian) hangâm, conj., pron., when; cegune, raves, ce, how, adv.; pas az, az hangâmi ke, adv., az hangâmi ke, prep., since; conânke, conj., mânande, prep., as (Persian) potomstwo, wylag, wysiadywac jaja, zamyslic sie gleboko, brood (Polish) pakul, conj. as long as, while, when (Belarus) epoasi, klossisma, klossopoula, koutsoubela, paidia, klosso, epoazo, brood (Greek) bluaj me mendje [fig.], ngroh vezët, to brood; ngroh, rri kllockë, nxjerr, to incubate (Albanian) Page 9 of 25 cisum-iam, chariot, light twowheeled vehicle; carrus-i; wagon; currus-us [m] chariot, racing car car; cert-i [f], cart (Welsh) cairt [f] cartach, cartachean, cart; carbad [m] carriage, chariot (Scott) cocchio [m] chariot, coach (Italian) char [m], coche [f], coach (French) chariot, light two-wheeled vehicle, cart, [<ON cartir] coach [<Hung. kocsi], cokie (CVKIE), Script Z59: Cokie - proper name, same suffix as in Helen's name, ELINEI. See cisum collum-i; neck; colo, colere, colui,cultum, to cultivate amaethu, to farm, till, cultivate; arail, to guard, care for, foster, cultivate; diwyllio, to cultivate; colofn-au, column, pillar, obelisk; gwar-rau [m.f.], neck; gwddf-au [m], throat, neck; mwnwgl [m], neck (Welsh) coltivare, to cultivate (Italian) cultiver, to cultivate (French) neck? to cultivate hoe [<OFr. houe, of Gmc. origin], inhabit, attend to, honor, worship, court; column [<Lat. columna-ae [f], pillar, column], pillar? kolem (KVLEM), Script Z1600 KOLeN (KVLeN), Script R120 KOLeRE (KVLeRE), Script K64 colo, colere x incubo-are-uiitum kur, adv., kur, ndërsa, conj., kohë, [n]; cfareë, adv., sa, conj., me kuptim, si, në cmënyrë, adv., how; që cum [older nga version ajo kohë, qysh quom] atëherë, adv., meqenëse, që kur, që prej, conj., qysh nga, që nga, prej. prep, since (Albanian) cultivate, to tend, inhabit deor, to brood, hatch, incubate; to brood, epil [m], incubate offspring, brood, progeny (Welsh) covare, to sit on, brood, harbor, chersih, to smoulder embers (Italian) couver, to sit on [oeufs], brood, hatch, brew, smoulder (French) pyrd, adv. pan, conj. when; er, since, prep., pryd, adv., ers, wrth, prep., since; er, serch, although; fel, like, so, as, that, thus, a+, as; megis, conj. prep., as, so as, like (Welsh) come, adv. how, as, like, as good as, as soon as; conj. that, how, why, as (Italian) comme, adv. as, like, how, in the way of, conj. as (French) when, whenever, since, although, as colcole (CVLE) Script K195 (see KOLERE above) cov, cob (CV8), Script N607, R99, R131 covro, cobro (CV8RV), Script Q202, Q224 See Note 2 cum, com, (CVM), Script N378 kum (KVM), Script N-1, N31, N149, N184, N391, N417, Q297, Q303, Q468, Q871, APH-17 dRbh, dRbhati, to bunch together, 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates string together, connect, compose, write; rac, racayati {pp. racita}, produce, form, make, contrive, arrange, effect, compose, write, invent; grath, granth, grathnAti, to tie or string together, compose, write atiloma, adj., too hairy; romaza, adj., covered with thick hair, very hairy; vAlamaya, adj., made of hair, hairy; lomavant, having hair, hairy; romaNvant, adj., covered with hair, hairy. tarkib, ensâ, pasâzes, composition (Persian) mu, gisu [n], hair (Persian) komponowac, skladac, stanowic, compose (Polish) hartoj, përbëj, composoj, krijoj, faqos, rendit, rendis, vendos, rregulloj, përgatit, radhit, compose (Albanian) comatus-aum blewyn [m], hair; blewog, gwalltog, adj., hairy, shaggy (Welsh) pelo [m], hair (Italian) cheviu, adj. (French) hairy comate (CVMATE) Script N378 komate (KVMATE), Script R306 komates kumates (KVMATES), Script Q887 KOMATeS (KVMATeS), Script N748 to accompany [<OFr. accompagner] komite (KVMITE) Script Aph-2 threatened, cursed comni (CVMNI), Script AR-2, SM2, x comito-are hebrwny, to conduct, convey, escort, accompany, convoy (Welsh) accompagner (Italian) accompagner (French) comminor-ari, to threaten; cum ni, not like, not as comminare, It. to comminate, threaten, Woe to you! coniuro-are, to take an oath; conspiroare, to blow or breathe together; of instruments to blow together; to agree, harmonize in opinion and feeling; conspire bradfwriadu, to plot, conspire; cynllwyn, to plot, conspire, intrigue, ambush, lurk, beset; arfoll-au [m]. pledge, oath, welcome reception; llwto take an on [m], oath; oath, mynd ar ei lw, to conspire? take an oath (Welsh) congiurare, to conspire; comploto, to plot (Italian) conspirer, to conspire; complot, plot (French) timâr, attendance [n] (Persian) supravadzac, to accompany (Belarus) bashkërendis, shoqëroj, bashkërendit, përcjell, to accompany (Albanian) x x x x zaminesâzi, sâxto pâxt, hamvârsâzi, conspiracy [n] sowgand, peymân, oath [n] (Persian) compose, make tidy, arrange koma (KVMA), Script Q871, R294, R633 komiav, komiab, komiau (KVMIA8), Script N505 komo (KVMV), Script N748 me flokë, leshtor, leshatak, ivështirë, shqetësues, i rrezikshë, rrëqethës, adj. hairy (Albanian) sac, sacate, to be united, have intercourse with, be attached or devoted to, attend on, accompany, follow, pursue; gam, gacchati, te, gamati, ganti, to go, move, get at, depart, die, explain, take to wife, invent, go after, observe, visit, accompany divya, anything heavenly, divine, wonderful, splendid; ordeal, oath; cfansoddi, to compose, constitute, como, compile, comere, indicate (Welsh) disporrer, compsi, combinare, comptum, to to arrange; put together, make comporre, to compose tidy, arrange, adorn; (Italian) arranger, to esp. of arrange; the hair compter, to reckon, count, rely konspirowac, spiskowac, conspire (Polish) be, betim, përbetim, sharje, nëme, oath; conspiroj, to conspire; complotoj, to plot (Albanian) Page 10 of 25 cona (CVNA, Script K55, K124, XM-2 Kona (KVNA), Script Aph-3 cono eri (CVNV ERI), Script Z755, M-8 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates x x nirukta, adj. uttered, pronounced, declared, gozâres, tafsir, explained, interpretation etymological [n] (Persian) interpretation: kūṇikā, the horn of any animal grath, to fasten, tie, or string things together, arrange x prAcurya [n], multitude, plenty; visara [m], plenty, abundance; saMdoha farâvân, besyâr, [m], milking; farâxi, plenty abundance, [n] (Persian) plenty; saMnicaya [m]., piling up, collecting; heap, mass, plenty, provision hrid, bukkA, [f], heart; hRtstha, adj., being in the heart; buddhizuddhi [f], purification of the heart; hArdvan, adj. heartcomforting: agramāṃsa, the heart AdhI, [f], thought, care; cintana [n], thinking of, consideration, reflection; care for; Adhi [m], thought, care, woe, sorrow; sacanasy, syate, to show tenderness or care pramiti, [f], correct notion, true knowledge or inference; prApta, arrived at; valid, correct; zudh, zundh, pp. zuddha; del [n], heart (Persian) sirt, heart (Armenian) negahdâri, parastâri, parvâ, care [n]; darmân kardan, behbudi dâdan, to cure; senâ [n], senate (Persian) dorost, correct, x byctlumaczem, interpretowac, tlumaczyc, interpret (Polish) x mnostwo, obfiosc, wiele, plenty; obfitosc, abundance (Polish) kier, serce, heart (Polish) sirdis (Lithuanian) dbac, opieka, ostroznosc, troska, troszczyc, sie, care (Polish) karac, korygowac, poprawic, sea-shell, hence a shellfish, esp. mussel or pearl-oyster Page 11 of 25 x concha-ae x interpretoj, shpjegoj, luaj, komentoj, përkthej gojarisht, interpret (Albanian) conicio-icereieci iectum; interpres pretis, a negoitator, mediator, messenger; expounder, explainer, prophet, prophetess, interpreter cyfieithu, to translate, interpret, construe, render; dehongli, to interpret, construe, decipher (Welsh) interpretare, to interpret (Italian) interpréter, to interpret (French) conectonectere-nexuinexum It. collagere, unire; Fr. joindre, unir cupo, copona, a small shopkeeper or innkeeper; copia-ae, plenty, abundance, supplies, troops; copiosus-aum, wealthy, abundant, of speech, eloquent abledd [m], ability, abundance, plenty ablwch [m], plenty; gwala [f], enough, plenty, full (Welsh) copia [f], copy, plenty (Italian) copieux, adj. copious, abundant (French) cor, cordis asgre [f], bosom, heart bryd-iau [m], mind, heart, will; calon-nauf heart [<OE [f], heart, core heorte] (Welsh) cuore [m] (Italian) coeur [m] (French) kart-(Hittite) kor (KVR), Script Au44 kore (KVRE), Script N31 core (CVRE), Script Z96 curia-ae, senate or meeting place of the senate; curo-are, to care for, pay attention to cur-iau [m], throb, ache, pain, beat, care, trouble; gofal-on [m], care, charge, concern, cure; senedd-au [f],senate, parliament (Welsh) curare, to care for; curia [f], curia (Italian) guérir, to cure, to heal (French) to care for, the curia, senate? This word is probably the senate, curiaae, as the suffix, "ia" denotes a name of a person or place koraia (KVRAIA), Script R-31 koreia (KVREIA), Script Q24 put straight, set right, reform, KOReK (KVReK), Script Z1250 x bollëk, begati, abundance; me bollëk, me shumicë, copious (Albanian) kardia (Greek) gjoks, zemër, kraharor, guxim, kurajë, shpirt, mes, heart (Albanian) kujdesem, kam kujdes, interesohem, dua, dëshiroj, pyes, shqetësohem, to care, këshill i universitetit, senat, senate [n] (Albanian) korrigjoj, ndreq, luftoj, rregulloj, kuroj, qortoj, corrigo-rigerrexi ceryddu, to correct, chastise, punish, rebuke; cywiro, to correct, amend, revise, rectify, make to throw together, cast lots; guess, interpret dreams, hurl, throw away fasten, tie together, connect, join, unite copia, plenty [<Lat. plenus-a-um, full, complete, filled, well -stocked], abundance konce (KVNCE) Script AF-11 konikau, konikav (KVNIKAF) Script Q767, Q795, Q805 See CVRNAS konis (KVNIS) Script CP-26 kope (KVPE) Script R653 kopi (KVPI), Script N357 kopis (KVPIS), Script MS-18 copos (CVPVS), Script MA-3, MS18 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates refl. {zu3dhyati (te)} to become purified, justified; purify mend, purge, correct, try improve, restore adj. (Persian) poprawny, prawidlowy, correct (Polish) ndëshkoj, to correct (Albanian) x x x x kūṇikā, the horn x of any animal x rectum good, set right, emend (Welsh) correggere (Italian) corriger (French) coorior-oriortus, to appear; coortus-us, arising, breaking forth It. aizarsi, sorgere; Fr. surgir, se lever arising, breaking forth x cornu-us x horn gorymdaith, procession (Welsh) corteo, processione [m] (Italian) cortége, procession [m] (French procession, train, [<Lat. processus-us, advance] parade [<Lat. aparoare, to prepare] cortus (CVRTVS), Script R229 Cos, the island Cos? kos (KVS) Script CP29 to give as a reason, plead, pretend [<Lat. praetendo tendere -tendi tentum, to stretch or hold out, assert, allege, hold out as a pretext] cose (CVSE) Script Z71; coso (CVSV), Script TC127, TC241, TC271, TC279, TC307; AM-3 cosor (CVSVR), Script TC56, TC161, TC179 cosos (CVSVS), Script TC283 Kotep, Koteb, personal name? kotev, koteb (KVTE8), Script N63, N500, N529, N553, N598, N632 kotep (kvtep), Script N21 jaitrayAtrA [f], triumphal procession; yAtrin, being in a march or procession; vah, vahati, -te, conduct, carry an oblation, draw a wagon, guide the horses, lead a wife from her father's house, transport, guide, drive reze [n], reze raftan, to parade (Persian) pochod, procesja, procession (Polish) kortezh, vargan, procesion, procession (Albanian) pompa-ae [f]; also currus-us [m]; ostentatio-onis [f], showing off, revealing, display; Mil. display, deccurrere x x x x x x angize, sabab, bahân, cause [n] vânemud kardan, bahâne kardan, to pretend (Persian) blagac, bronic sprawy, usprawiedliwiac sie, plead; roscic pretensje, stwarzac posory, symulowac, udawac, pretend powod, powodowac, proces, przyczyna, skrot od, sprawa sadowa, cause (Polish) causor-ari achos-ion [m], cause, affair, behalf; haeru, to affirm, assert, allege, insist; honni, to assert, allege, profess, pretend, assume, purport (Welsh) causa [f], cause (Italian) cause [f], cause (French) AdimUla, [n], the first cause; kisalayyati, to cause to sprout or germinate x mA, mimIte, {mamAti, MAti, pp. mita} to measure, build, erect, apportion, fashion, make, create, compose; Ir, Irte, move, rise, speak, cast, put together, shape, create, produce; vRt, vartate, ti, vavartti, to revolve, roll, go on, conduce or tend to, have intercourse x âfarines, creation [n]; sâxtan, dorost kardan, âmâde kardan, to make (Persian) bëj gjoja, shtirem, hiqem, pretendoj, përpiqem, provoj, to pretend; arësye, shkak, arsye, kauzë, cështj, cause (Albanian) x x x x creo-are tvaryc, v. imp., stvarc, v. perf., to create (Belarus) CRAI, prince, king; CREE, CREA, to create, CREIA, I, you created (Romanian) dimiourgo, idryo, create; kamno, kataskeyazo, kavisto, anagkazo, make (Greek) krijoh, bëj, formoj, i jap një titull, shkaktoj, ngjall, to create (Albanian) creu, cre, to create, beget (Welsh) creare (Italian) créer French) taks, to make (Hittite) correct, amend Page 12 of 25 to make, create, produce, elect to an office; beget KOReG (KVReG), Script R359 ko korato (KVRATV) Script R175, R188 ocornas (CVRNAS), Script AT-14 cra, Script Z561 cre, Script Z412 cri, Script M67 kra, Script Z929? kra, Script N476, N533, N615 kre, Script N363, N391, N404, R426, R459, R487 kri Script Q523 kri, Script Q253 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates Page 13 of 25 with, lead a life or exist {njIvitam}, overcome, escape, {nis}, roll out, bring forth, create, effect perform, accomplish v pAtavya, to be drunk; peya, to be drunk, drinkable [n], drink, beverage x aṅgaruha x sic, siJcati, -te, to pour out, sprinkle, scatter, water, irrigate, bleed; asan [n], blood; asRj [n], blood; rudhirapAta [m], flow of blood; krUra, adj., bloody, raw, sore; cruel, harsh, dreadful. n. a wound or sore; bloodshedding, slaughter; cruelty, harshness apakaruṇa, cruel melayati; mil, milati, to meet, assemble, join, come together x lal, lalani (-te), to sport, dally, play, caress, fondle, cherish, love; prajuSTa (juS, juSate, ti), to delight in, drank, napoj, pic, drunk (Polish) x methysmenos, drunk (Greek) i dehur, i pirë, xurxull, drunk; mashtrues, rekrutues, crimp, adj. (Albanian) crapula-ae [f], drunkenness, hangover mallia crinalis-e crebauchu, to shrink, shrivel, wrinkle, pucker, corrugate, crimp; crimpio, crimpi, to crimp (Welsh) arrricciar, to crimp (Italian) crépe [m], crape, creper, to crimp; crapule [f] debauchee (French) drunk [<OE drinkan] drunkennss? [<ME crimpen, to wrinkle]? crap, Script Z47, Z155, Z206, Z245 It. capello, pelo Fr. cheveu, poil hair, of or for the hair? crinal, Script CP-21 (see cra) gwaedu, to bleed; gwaedlyd, bloody (Welsh) sanguinare, to bleed; sanguinoso, adj. bloody (Italian) saigner, to bleed; sangiant, adj. bloody (French) eshar *(Hittite) v krove (KRVFE), Script L-15 cruel, cruelty xun, nezâd, blood [n]; xun âmadan, to bleed (Persian) holerny, krwawy, bloody (Polish) kryvavic, to bleed (Belarus) aimasso, aimatono, bleed; aimatodis, aimatiros, palio-, bloody (Greek) gjakos, to bloody (Albanian) cruento-are, to bleed; sanguis-inis [m] and sanguen, blood; blood relationship, race, family, progeny, life blood, strength, vigour x CRUD, cruel (Romanian) x crudelis-e, adj. crudelitas-atis, f It. crudele, adj., crudeita, f.; Fr. crauté, f coeo, ire, ivi, itum cynnull, to collect, gather, assemble, compile, convene, muster (Welsh) cruinnich, va. (Scott) riunire, radunare, montare (Italian) assembler, ajuster, monter, se réunire (French) tarupp- (Hittite) ... hãm ... jas (Avestan) savâr kardan, joft kardan, to assemble; nâmzadi, bekârgomâstegi, engagement (Persian) x navâzes kardan, nâz kardan, to fondle; parvardan, gerâmi dâstan, to cherish skladac, v. imp., sklasci, v. perf. put together, assemble (Belarus) CU, together; CUIE, nails (Romanian) x milowac, zywic, cherish; piescic, fondle (Polish) synathroizo, synarmologo, assemble; prosymfono, engage (Greek) mbledh, assemble; angazoj, engage (Albanian) x chaidevo, skythropiazo, agapito oikiako zoo, orgi, peisma, pet (Greek) ledhatoj, përkëdhel, to fondle; dua qualisqumque [-cunque], qualecumque foveo, fovere, fovi, fotum It. qualque; some Fr. quelque, some ymserchu, to cherish, dote (Welsh) accarezzare to caress, cherish (Italian) to make bloody [<OE blod], stain with blood crcruthai, (CRVTHAI) Script BM-2 cu (CF), Script Z234, Au76, Au86; cua (CFA), Script to go or come Z1, together, Z656, Z784, assemble Z1183; [<OFr. cue (CFE), Script assembler]; of Z180, Z336, enemies, to Z1137, engage [<OFr. Z1236, J18, Au38, engager] Au50. cuer (CFER) Script TB-1 whatever kind, some, any to fondle, pet, cherish [<OFr. cherir] kuelk (KFELK), Script Z29, Z40; See CELCASI kua (KFA), Script Z19, Z40, Z191, Z674, Z1250, Z1607, Z1623; kue (KFE), Script Z29, Z40; also above head of man 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates fondle, caress, cherish see Etruscan sta; shataM, hundred pacanāgāra, cooking room, kitchen (Persian) fort, mbaj gjallë, ushqej, to cherish (Albanian) see Etruscan sta; setka, sto, hundred (Polish) see Etruscan sta; sto, hundred saite [sata] (Serbosatem, hundred Croation) (Avestan) simtas sad, adj. [n], (Lithuanian) hundred înCUIAT, (Persian) locked in (Romanian) x CULME, high hill (Romanian) choyer (French) see Etruscan sta; hekaton, hundred (Greek) centum, njëquind, hundred hundred, quind (Albanian) x culina-ae, f., kitchen, menton. food, fare Page 14 of 25 in tomb inscription. see Etruscan sta; cant (can) cannoedd, cantoedd [m], hundred (Welsh) ceud hundred, (Scott) kant, hundred (Breton) cento (Italian) cent, hundred (French) känt, hundred (Tocharian) hundred? see Etruscan sta; cueto (CFETV) Script Z1137 cucina, f., kitchen, cuisine (Italian) cuisine, f., kitchen (French) kitchen, menton, food, fare culan (CFLAN), Script PL-23 culis (CFLIS) Script M-3 kulin, (KFLIN) L7 kolati, to collect, accumulate x LOC, place; coLOCUI, stay with somebody (Romanian) x coeo, ire, to collect Luca, Tuscan town It. collocare, to collect; Fr. collectionner, rassembler place, to station culoca (CFLVCA or CF LVCA), Script MA-4 x x x x curso-are x run hither and thither kursan (KFRSAN), Script XB-39 debeo -ere -ui -itum, to owe; with infinit. to be indebted dovere, It., to owe: devoir, Fr., to owe devehovehere, to carry away or down It. compier, portare; Fr. entraîner, porter to carry away, ddevio, (DEVIV) x x x x adhyudbhṛ x x x to owe; this word appears DeBiR, to be A BiR (a Script MS18 bere) See BeRe Script K136 x x x x Dione-es and Diona-ae, goddess Venus or mother of Venus x goddess Dione? probably Rione Dione (DIVNE), Script M8, N216 x do (Persian) DOI (Romanian) dyo (Greek duo-ae-o dau, dwy Welsh due, It;" deux, Fr. x DU (DV) agāra, house, apartment; astatāti, home, home x DOI (Romax x domus-us; domo It. casa Fr. maison, demeure home, house, domdomo (DVMV), from home Script BB-5 astatāti as hacâ (Avestan) az (Persian) iz, od (Serbo Croatian) ad (Belarus) od, welug, z, z apo (Greek) powodu, from prej, nga, sipas (Albanian) (Polish) at; with dat./ accus., iz (Baltic-Sudovian) gan (chan), with, by, of, from, because of (Welsh) as, out of (Scott) e, ex, from, out from [<OE eus (Breton)| from] of da, sin, per (Italian) de, per (French) eri, from, out of (Lycian) e, Script ZB-1, Z1, Z-4, Z67 Z289, Z317, Z386, Z1600, Z1641, Z1615, TC56, TC61, TC127, TC307, K58, Au99, M78, N294, Q14, Q20, Q28, Q39, Q60, Q107, Q253, Q263, Q335, Q521, Q661, Q726, Q754, Q784, Q805, R22, R270, R511, R596, Au74, Au82, Au99, L59, L65, TC120, 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates Page 15 of 25 Aph-3, BB-5, K171, XB-40, XE-12, XS-4, XV-13, PB-6, PC8 ecs, eks – See below ed vaDabA [f], mare; maya [m], horse; mayI, [f] mare niSkrAnta, adj. gone out; exit; parAyaNa [n], departure, last way or exit, final end or aim x mâdiyân (Persian) birun, xoruj, exit [n] (Persian) IACA, ETE, behold! (Romanian) blepo, antikryzo, paratiro, behold (Greek) shoh [vjet.], vë re [vjet.], behold (Albanian) at all? to search through?, exquisite?, ekci, Script R325 not un-couth, unrefined [OE uncuth, strange] ecquid or ecqui; exquiro [quaero] quirere-quisvi quistum, to search for, look for, ask for; to search through; hence part., equisitus-aum sought or worked out, choice, exquisite coeth, adj. fine, refined, cultured, elegant, exquisite; odiaeth, adj. excellent, exquisite; rhagorol, adj. excellent, splendid, admirable, exquisite (Welsh) squesito, exquisite (Italian) exquis, adj. exquisite (French) wyborny, znakomity, exquisite (Polish) x x x x sarh, bayân, zand, explanation [n] (Persian) ecs, Script M60 eks, Script R164, G-1, Z1334 exeo-ire-li (ivi)-itum mynediad allan, [n], egress, exit, exodus, issue (Welsh) esce, uscire, to exit (Italian) sortir, to exit (French) eklektos, leptos, exairetos, exquisite (Greek) i hollë, elegant, i mprehtë, therës, exquisite (Albanian) bhAS, bhASate; prarūp to expound to go ou, exit, go away, go forth, pass from state to state? ujscie, wyjscie, wylot, exit (Polish) IES, I leave, get out (Romanian) exodos, exit (Greek) dal, dal nga skena, ik, to exit; dalje, ikje, portë, exit [n] (Albanian) x wyjasnic, wytlumaczyc, explain (Polish) equus-i (equos and ecus, old form), horse edo-eder; edax-acis, greedy, gluttonous, consuming? x x x x anaptysso, ektheto, exigo, expound (Greek) parashtroj, shpjegoj, expound interpretoj, shpjegoj, sqaroj, shtjelloj, to explain effor (ecfor) fari fatus; to speak out, expound; eveho veherevexi vectum, to carry out or up, of ships to sail away, of riders to ride exbonio, to explain, expound, comment (Welsh) esporre, to expound (Italian) expliquer (French) ek, Script Q674 eca, Script M74, A-1, V-1, AH-1, K106 ece, Script Q95, Q127, Q139 eke? Script AC-18 alogo, hippos, horse (Greek) pelë, mare (Albanian) delpasand, nâzok, nafis, exquisite [n] (Persian) x equa-ae [f], mare: behold [<OE behealdan]? ec, Script Z109 (see EK) ek, Script Q674, AC19? caseg [f] (Welsh) cavalla, giumenta [f] (Italian) mare, jument [f]; mare? cheval, horse (French) asu, aswa, horse (Hittite): yakwe, horse (Tocharian) klacz, mare (Polish) CAL, CAI, horse, horses (Romanian) mRgy, mRgyati, hunt, search; ci, {cike3ti}, {cinoti}, {cinute} {cayate}, to observe, perceive, notice, seek , seek, search for, examine; rasavant adj., juicy, savoury; pithy, strong; graceful, elegant x en! ecce wele, behold!, lo! gweld, to see, behold, perceive (Welsh) ecce! (Italian) voyez, voici! (French) bring out, produce, give birth Eph, goddess of the earth opposed to the celestial and infernal regions to speak out, expound [<Lat. expono ponere posui positum, to cast out, expose a child; display, set forth, EDAES, Script XA-12 Eph, Script TC242, Q360, Q376, Q767, Q806, Q899, R163, G-1 ef, Script Aph-22; efa, Script Z1274 efas, Script Z446? efe, Script Z1161, XB-14 efi, Script N149; efis?, Script S-50 (see euai) 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates (Albanian) away Page 16 of 25 exhibit, explain] x x x x x x name, Efai, possibly Epheseus, modern Efes, Turkey efia (EFIA), XA-4, XE-6 (see euai) x x x x Euias or Euhias-adis x Bacchanate euai (EFAI), Script XE-5 euais (EFAIS) Script XA-3, XA-27, XE-3; efis?, Script S-50 (See ELINAI for suffix reference) x x x x Euan x Euan, name of euan (EFAN) CU-2 Bacchus eun (EFN), Script M45? niesc, podtrzymywac, przeniesienie, przeprowadzic, wozic, zasieg, carry; pochowac, pogrzebac, zakopac, bury (Polish) thabo, bury; metafero, carry (Greek) shtie në gropë, varros, gropos, fsheh, fus, rras, to bury (Albanian) effero (ecfero), efferre, extuli, elatum; pass. efferri, to be born out, buried; effioare, to bury; everro verrere everi -versum, to sweep out, plunder claddu, to bury, entomb, inter; golo, to conceal, bury (Welsh) sepellire, sotterrare, sprofondare, nascondere, to bury (Italian) enterer, to bury (French) everto-evertivertere vertiversum, dislodge, eject, demolish, ruin cafnio, to hollow out, scoop, gouge; andwyo, to spoil, ruin, undo, harm, mar; bwrw allan, to eject, emit, exclude, expel; syflyd, to efeti, Script Z701 dislodge, budge, stir, efetsum eject, move, dislodge (EFETSVM), demolish, ruin (Welsh) Script Z812 scanalare, to groove espellere, to eject; rovinare, to ruin (Italian) évider, to hollow out, to groove, to cut away (French) eviscero-are sbudellare, sventrare, to disembowel (Italian) evito-are; evidentsentis, visible, clear, plain, evident; vitare, to avoid gochel, gochelyd, to avoid, shun, avert, beware, eschew, evade; golaith, to avoid, evade ymogel, beware, avoid (Welsh) to avoid, shun evitare, to avoid, refrain from; evidenza [f], evidence (Italian) éviter, to avoid, shun; évidence [f], evidence (French) aegis-idis [f] aes, astalch (estylch), tarian-au [f], shield (Welsh) difesa, shield; difendere, riparare, to khan, khanati, te, dig, dig up, dig round, delve, bury; dhA, dadhAti, dhatte; dadhati, -te, to put, set, lay, bring to, bear, cover, shut up, conceal, bury bexâk sepordan, to bury (Persian) chRd, chRNatti, to pour out or upon, eject, spue, vomit, pour upon, fill; vam, vamiti, vomit, spit out, give, cause to vomit; naSTi [f], loss, ruin; nyartha [n], destruction, ruin; dhvR, dhvarati, to bend, cause to fall, to ruin siyâr, gowdi, groove [n]; birun kardan, birun andâxtan, to eject; tabâhi, virâni [n], virân kardan, to ruin (Persian) rowek, zlobek, groove; demolowac, rozwalac, demolish (Polish) ektopizo, dislodge; ekballo, eject; katerdafizo, demolish; ereipio, katastrofi, ruin (Greek) largoj, zhvendos, heq [dike], dislodge heq, nxjerr, gufon, derdh, to eject; fundos [fig], shkatëroj, fik, rrënoj, prish, to ruin; hap kanal, to groove (Albanian) x x x x ujjh, ujjhati,to forsake, leave, give up, avoid, escape; tyaj, tyajati, leave, abandon, spare, avoid, shun DhAla [n], shield; carman [n], skin, leather, hide, shield; phalaka stronic, unikac, parhixtan, avoid (Polish) parhis kardan, to EVIŢI, you avoid shun (Persian) (Romanian) ekran, separ, shield [n], ekranowac, panâh dâdan, to shield (Polish) apofevgo, to avoid (Greek) mënjanoj, largoj, shmang, anuloj [drejt.], shfuqizioj [drejt.], to avoid (Albanian) prostasia, aegis (Greek) mburojë, shqyt, ekran mbrojtës, to carry out, bring out, esp. to carry to the grave, bury [<OE byrgan] to tear in pieces, disembowel eferei, Script M78 EFISXeR, Script DM-8 efiti, Script M19 efitus (EFITVS) last word on a statue of an augur, Script HA-5 aegis or shield egis, Script R661 [<OE scild], esp. that of Jupiter or Minerva; 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates [f], tablet, board, the palm of the hands, shield shield (Persian) SCUT, shield (Romanian) parapirtë, shield; mbroj, ruaj, to shield symfora, dystychia, thlipsi, woe (Greek) mjerim, fatkeqësi, woe (Albanian) shield (Italian) boucilier, shield [m] défendre, protéger, blinder, to shield (French) och! woe (Welsh) ehi!, hey!; ei, pers. pron. he, they (Italian) Page 17 of 25 bulwark; target [<OFr. targe, light shield] aka, [n], not joy, sorrow, woe parisâni, nâle, woe (Persian) x x x x caT, caTati, happen, take place, arrive, get to or into, go away, disappear, drive away, expel siyâr, gowdi, groove [n]; birun kardan, birun andâxtan, to eject; tabâhi, virâni [n], virân kardan, to ruin (Persian) wyprchnac, wyrzucic, eject (Polish) ektopizo, dislodge; ekballo, eject (Greek) largoj, zhvendos, heq [dike], dislodge heq, nxjerr, gufon, derdh, to eject (Albanian) bwrw allan, to eject, emit, exclude, eico-icere-ieciexpel; (Welsh) iectum espellere (Italian) éjecter (French) x x x x x x aevus-i einioes [f], hoedl-au [f], life, lifetime; oes oedd-au [f], age, lifetime; byth-od [m], tragwyddoldeb, eternity (Welsh) eternita [f] (Italian) éternité [f] (French) eternity [<Lat. aeternitas-atis eifi, Script Au22 [f], eternity], lifetime, eon [<Gk. aion] ei ('i, 'w), his, her, its, hun -hunan, self (Welsh) (Italian & French): see a, te, ti himself, herself, itself? eim, Script Z180, Z347, Z1027 diarddel, to expel, excommunicate, disavow, disclaim, disown, eject, repudiate, ostracize; gwadu, to deny, disown, disavow, disclaim, renounce (Welsh) rinnegare, ripudiare, disown (Italian) désavouer, nier, renier (French) to refuse or deny an oath, in gen. to give up, disown [<OE agen, to own] eis, Script Z272, Z446, Z561, Z1088, Z1192, Z1292, Z1393, Z1688, M19 eiser, Script Z357, Z396, Z405 eisi, Script BT-3 anantatA, [f], anantya [n], endlessness, eternity x hvu, hvute, to conceal from, refuse, deny, satisfy, apologize, expiate, hide; sidh, sedhati, -te, to drive off, scare away, keep off, prevent, forbid, refuse, deny ai! oh,!, ei, woe! eius, sing.; eis, iis pl. abdadiyat, bikarâni, zamâne bikarâne, eternity [n]; zamâne zendegi, lifetime [n] (Persian) wiecznosc, eternity; sredni czas zycia, zycie, lifetime (Polish) aionios, eternal; isobios, lifetime (Greek) i përjetshëm, i përhershëm i patundshëm, eternal (Albanian); xodas, xodas râ, himself, herself, pron. (Persian) on sam, osobiscie, sam, siebie, sobie, himself; osobiscie, sama, sie, siebie, sobie, herself; ono samo, osobiscie, sie, siebie, we wlasnej osobie (Polish) ai vetë, vetë, himself; ajo vetë, veten [e saj], eum, eam, id, vetes acc. [së saj], vetë, herself (Albanian) enkâr, nakirâyi, denial [n] (Persian) aparnoumai, apokiritto, disown (Greek) odmowic, mohoj, bëj zaprzeczyc, deny; hasha, nuk e njoh si (Polish) timen, zhbirëroj, disown (Albanian) eiuro and eiero-are x woe! [<OE wa!] an interjection of grief ei, Script R6, R105, PQ14;Z192, Z446, Z1430, Q21, R100, R349, L31, L65, Au22, BT36, F-9 ach, och, oh (Polish) EI, they (Romanian) himself, herself, itself to throw out, cast out, eject Ajax, son of Telamon, hero of Trojan War eias, Q-8 eic, ScriptQ551 eice, Script Z981, eik,? Script Q433, R22, R114 Eifas, CN-1, DP-3 (See also AIFAS) e (o, fe, fo, ef, efe, efo, efo), he; he; hi, she; ei ('i, 'w), hi, it; hwynt, they, 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates x x u, vey, ân, he, she; ân [n], pron. it; ânân, isân, they, pron.; isânrâ, be isân, be ânhâ, them [n] (Persian) x x x x x arh, arhati, to deserve, merit, be worthy to, honor or present with pratyAdeza [m], direction, order, command, repudiation, putting to shame or confusion, warning, caution; nirvad, to warn, expel, drive away; paravad, to warn x bedast âvardan, farâham kardan, sezâvâr budan, to earn (Persian) âgâhânidan, âgâh kardan, to warn (Persian) andar, dar, tu, in, prep. (Persian) ona, pron. she; on, he; ono, to, it; one, oni, they; ich, im, je, them; go, jego, jemu, mu, him; ja, jej, her; (Polish) EL, he (Romanian) ALEXANDRU, ALECSANDRU, Alexander (Romanian) ELENA, Helen (Romanian) OAMENI, men (Romanian) zarabiac, zaslugiwac, earn; (Polish) ostrzegac, uprzedzac, warn (Polish) AMENINŢI, you warn (Romanian) cal, na, szczegoly, w, w ciagu, wewnatrz, w srodku, za, in (Polish) ÎN, in (Romanian) ai, pron. he; ajo, pron. she; ai, ajo, atë, ky, kjo, pron. it (Albanian) x hic, ille, is, he; eius, illius, her; hic, haec, hoc; it, is, ea, id; ille, illa, illud, they Alexander-dri them; nhw (hwy), they, them; ill, they (before a number) (Welsh) ella, pers. pron. she; il, def. art. m. sing. the; egli, he (Italian) elle, elles, pron. she, her, it; pl. they, them il, ils, pron. he, it, pl. them, them (French) x personal pronoun, she, her, it, they, them; he, it, they, them Alexander, another name of Paris of Troy Page 18 of 25 el, Script Z776, G-1, FR-1, K123, R56, R73, XB-35, XC-4 Elchintre, Script DM-8 ELCINTRE, Script MG-4: ELACHSNTRE (ELAKSNTRE) Script ) OB-8 ELCHSUNTRE (ELKSVNTRE, Script CK-2 x Helena-ae x Helen (of Troy) Elinai, Script DM-8 Elinei, Script MM-1 (For like suffix, see MUSEI) x homo-inis uuomouomo man emenies, emereo-ere-uiitum elwa, to gain, profit, benefit, earn; ennill, to win, gain, earn, acquire (Welsh) guadagnare, acquistare, meritare, to earn (Italian) gagner, acquérir, mériter, to earn (French) to obtain by service, earn completely, to deserve well of a person; milit. to earn pay, to serve, finish one's time EMeR, L20 emoneo-ere rhybuddio, to warn, admonish, caution; siarsio, to charge, enjoin, warn (Welsh) emanare, to issue, to diffuse, issue from (Italian) emmener, to take away, lead away, eminent (French) to warn emone, emune (emvne), Script Q452, Q683, Q726, Q745 emones, emunes (emvnes), Script Q661, Q737, Q745, Q854 in, in, into, etc.; en (sometimes em!) behold! i mewn, i mewn i, in; mewn, in, in a, within yn (ym, yng), in, at (Welsh) in, prep. in, at, to, within, into, with, by, inside, on, upon, against en, prep. in, into, to in the, in a, at, of, by, like, while (French) in, into, on to, towards, against, until for, in turn, in, on, among, in at, within, in the case of, without en, Script N123, K40, K36, K52, HA-1, PO-1, XB38; See Note 4) fitoj, meritoj, to earn; i merituar, deserved (Albanian) proeidopoio, warn ostraki, to banish (Greek) késhilloj, paralajméroj, njoftoj paraprakisht, to warn; i larté, i shquar, eminent (Albanian) mesa, in (Greek) brenda, né, mé, me [ményré], ndér, per in, prep. (Albanian) (Italian) homme (French) 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates x prajAta, adj. born [f], having born; ghAtay, yati (-yate), to punish, slay, kill, destroy, impede, disappoint, slay, beat, vex, afflict x kostan, to kill; zâyide sode, adj. born; xastegi, farsudegi, keses, exhaustion [n] (Persian) x zabic, kill; urodzony, born (Polish) ÎNEC, ÎNNEC, kill by drowning (Romanian) x exantlo, exhaust; prokypto, rise; gennisi, born; tyranno, basano, torture; skotono, kill (Greek) i jap fund; vras, heq, démtoj, zhduk, shuaj, rrézoj, shkatérroj, to kill; i lindur, i konceptuar, i sajuar, born (Albanian) x ENEA, Aeneas (Romanian) x blask, blyzzczec, polysk, shone, swiecic, shine (Polish) lampo, gyalizo, lampsi, gyalisma, stilboma, shine (Greek) fërkoj, shkëlqej, feks, ndricoj, farfurit, ndrit, shndrit, shquhem, to shine; dritë, lustër, ndricim, shkëlquim, shine [n] (Albanian) suketu adj., very bright; bRhaddyuti adj., shining bright; ketumant, adj., bright, clear; virociSNu, adj., shining bright; dIdi, {dIdyati}, to shine, gleam, be bright or visible, please; las, lasati, to gleam, glance, sound forth, appear, rise, shine, glitter tâbidan, deraxsidan, to shine; rowsan, deraxsân, âftâbi, adj. bright (Persian) contemplare, guardare (Italian) regarder, voyez! (French) behold! en, N123, K40, K52, HA-1, PO-1, XB-38; See Note 4) eneco (enico)necare necui-nectum; to kill, wear out; enascor, nasci, natis, to grow out, spring forth, arise codi, to raise, lift, exalt, erect, heave, rise, arise, accrue; dyrchafael, to rise, ascend; geni, to be born, bear; lluddedu, to tire, weary, exhaust, fatigue, jade; lladd, to kill, slay, slaughter, cut (Welsh) nato, adj. born, arisen, risen (Italian) naissance [f], birth, extraction, beginning, rise (French) kwen, to kill (Hittite) to kill off, to wear out, exhaust, torture; to grow out, spring forth, arise? enac, Script Z681 enak, Script Z160; enek, Script Q396 ena, Script Z1628 enas, Script Z144, Z245, Z272, Z300, Z327, Z396, Z470, Z1326, Z1571 ene, Script Z709?, N357, XK-3 eno, enu (env), Script N112, N139, N173, N206, N216, N230, N244, N363, N391, Q202, R294, coedio, to timber, beat, club, escape, run away; dianc (diengyd), to escape, flee, bolt, abscond, decamp (Welsh) sfuggire, vt; evitare (Italian) s'echapper, éluder, éviter (French) to escape [<ONFr. escaper] x x Eioneus (Ixion), Greek Enai, Script MS-1 mythical hero; Aeneas? enito-ere-ui disgleirio, heulo, llewyrchu, tywynno, to shine (Welsh) far risplendere, lucidare, stolgorare, brillare, to shine (Italian) briller, luire, cirer, to shine (French) to shine [<OE scinan] out, shine forth? probably en tu eno-are, to escape (by swimming); fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitum, to flee mukt, escape (Baltic Sudovian) ÎNOT, I swim (Romanian) x en (sometimes em!) behold! drapetevo, drafargo, evade; drapetevo, diafevgo, drapetefsi, diafygi, escape (Greek) arratis, ik, arratisem, më del, shpëtoj, shmangem, rajdeh, escape (Albanian) ativartana, palAyana, [n], paribhraMza [m], escape; goriz, rahâyi, prasaraNa [n], adj., [n], escape running away, (Persian) escape; palAy, yati, to run away, escape Page 19 of 25 Script N112, N139, N173, N206, N216, N230, N244, N363, N391, Q202, R294 enit (M67) ENiTO, (ENiTV), Script Q424 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates ativistara adj. diffuseness, prolixity; {-tas} at large, in full detail. Us [f], dawn, morning xordekâri, detail [n], sarh dâdan, to detail (Persian) bâmdâd, pisaznimruz, morning [n]; sepidedam, pagâh, dawn [n]; rowsan sodan, to dawn (Persian) wyjasnic, wytlumaczyc, explain (Polish) ENUNŢ, I enunciate (Romanian) poranek, rano, morning (Polish) enucieo-are datgan, to declare, announce, proclaim, pronounce, express, enunciate, recount, render; mynegi, to tell, expredrss, relate, declare, enunciate (Welsh) enunciare, to enunciate enoncér, announcer, enunciate (French) to take out of the kernel; hence, explain in detail avgi, ximerono, dawn (Greek) mëngjes, agim, morning (Albanian) Eos, eous-aum, belonging to the morning, or eastern bore-au [m], morning, forenoon; cyfddydd iau [m], daybreak, dawn; dyddhau, to dawn (Welsh) matino, matina, morning; alba [f], dawn (Italian) matin [m] morning aube [f], dawn (French) goddess of the dawn [<OE dagian], Eos, sister of an ancient sun god, Helios; morning [<OE morgen] fforio, to explore, spy, scout; sbio, ysbio to spy speculor-ari, to (Welsh) watch out for, spiare, to spy spy, watch (Italian) épier, to spy upon, watch out for, to watch (French) name of Etruscan child-like god, Ep, Epe? To spy [<OFr. espier, to watch; of Gmc. origin]? exigo, epexigo, explain (Greek) shpall, parashtroj, shqiptoj, to enunciate (Albanian) Page 20 of 25 enok, enuk (envk), Script N700, N738, R212 Eos (Evs); Script Q253, Q263, V-2, XE-7 Eus (EFS) L61, , Script Q253, Q263 ep, Script Z421, R72 epa? PA-13 Epe Or, (VR) Script DM-1. Divine_Mirror.html See Note 2) x x szpieg, szpiegowac, spy (Polish) paratiro, tiro, observe (Greek) spiunoj, përgjoj, to spy; spiun, përgjues, spy [n] (Albanian) x x x x x x Eph, goddess EPH, Script TC 242, of the earth? Q360, Q376, Q767, Q806, Q899, R163, G1 x x EPIC, epic (Romanian) x epicus-a-um epica, f. (Italian) épique, f. (French) epic epic, Script K57 x x x x x x Epior, name of Ephyra, a city conquered by Heracles? Epior (EPIVR) Script CS-1 (See DM-3, EPEVR) x x x x epos x epic poem? epos (EPVS), Script XA-32 to wander, stray, rove; wander over, waver, to err, be mistaken; er, Script R22, L38 err, Script Z103, Z897 ere, Script Z945, N700, Q500, Q683, R29 eres, Script N505, N533, N607, N638, AL-9? Eria, Script R499 (appears to be a name, either Eria or Peria; see Note 3) erato (eratv), Script char.h, to wander; abhrati, to err lutati, wander, zalutati, err (Serbo-Croatian) wedrowac, sargardân wander budan, âvâre bladzic, mylic budan, gastan, sie, err (Polish) to wander; qalat, chiba [f.] error (Persian) (Belarus) apjat, kurt, wander; kliuda, error (BalticSudovian) ERES, supersition, error' erro-are' periplanomai lathemenos, mistaken (Greek) gaboj, to err; endem, to wander (Albanian) erado-radererasi-rasum, to scratch out, destroy, get rid of; Erato, the Muse of lyric and love poetry amryfuso, to err, blunder; camgymrd, to make a mistake, err; cyfeiliorni, to err, stray (Welsh) amhairc, amharc, va. look, observe; amharus-uis, suspicion, doubt, mistake (Scott) error [m], fault, error; errare, err; vagare, vi. to 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates EROARE, error (Romanian) wander (Italian) erreur [f] error; errer, to err, to wander (French) N74, AC-8 ero (erv), Script N87, Q209, Q488, R56, R188, R212, G21 âqâze târix, dowre [n], era (Persian) era, era (Polish) gadine, era (Baltic-Sudovian) ERA, era, age; MUIEREA, mistress, lady (Romanian) epochi, periodos, era (Greek) erë, epokë, era (Albanian) tempus-oris, era, age; era-ae [f], mistress, lady cyfnod-au [m], period, era (cariadferch [f], sweetheart, mistress; meistres-i [f], mistress, dame, madam, matron (Welsh) era [f], era; signora [f], mistress (Italian) ère [f] era; madame [f], mistress (French) x x x x x x Eraia x x x x erga circa, vers (Italian) autour, vers (French) about, towards kala, the right or proper time, hour, age, era, time as a ruler; prajāpatī, lady mi, minoti, minute, to establish, build, erect, measure, observe, set up, dig in, fix x pravaNa, slope, steep descent, precipice, gulf, depth budowac, prosty, stojacy, usawic w pozycji pionoej, râtsodegi, pâye, wyprostowany, setânde, erection wznosic, erect [n] (Persian) (Polish) RIDIC, I erect (Romanian) x x sarâzir, sarâsib, tond, steep, adj. moczyc, stromy, [n]; sib, sarâsibi, urwisty, steep slope [n] (Polish) (Persian) erigo-rigererexi lathemenos, rectum, to set mistaken (Greek) up, krijoj, ngre, place upright, montoj, ndërtoj, erect, raise; to erect milit. to march (Albanian) a body of soldiers up a height Erinyes (Greek) apotomos, krimnodis, steep (Greek) futje, rrëpirë, steep [n] (Albanian) adeiladu, to build, construct, erect, edify (Welsh) eriger, to wander; eretto, to erect (Italian) érriger, to erect (French) Erinys-yos [f], one of the x Furies; plur. Erinyes; transf. a curse praeruptus-aum, praeceptscipitis, arduus-a-um, adj., steep dringfa, dringfeydd [f], ascent, climb; esgynfa, esgynfeydd [f], ascent, rise; gorifyny [m], ascent, hill, steep climb; rhiw-iau [f], hill, acclivity, ascent (Welsh) erta [f] ascent, erto, steep, sloping, pp. of ergere, to raise, scarpata, cliff (Italian) Page 21 of 25 era [<Lat. aera, counters], age, epoch [<Gk. epokhe, pause]; mistress [<OFr. maistresse], lady era, Script Z64, TC56, N254, Q543; DH-3, PA11 eras, Script Z446, Z1591, Z1861 Eraia, Script N333 (possibly a name; Note 1) Eraia, name? "ia" suffix gen. pers. name erce, Script BS-23 erek, Script Q335, Q512, Q534, Q661, Q813, Q908, R81, R190, to erect? Script Q335, Q512, Q534, Q661, Q813, Q908, R72, R80 eric, Script Z144, Z969, Z1016, Z1065, Z1832, TC38 the Furies, Greek Erinyes, female spirts who took revenge against offenders against blood kin. The case of Orestes is an example. Often employed as a curse Ereni, Script Z1146, Z1378 ascent [<Lat. ascendo scendere scendi scensum], slope [<ME sloping], steep [<OE steap, lofty], towering erti, Script R87 erto, ertu (ertv), Script M78 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates Page 22 of 25 escarpé, steep (French) maMh, maMhate, maMhayati to grant, bestow, w. {vi} distribute; diz, dideSTi, dizati, -te, exhibit, show, order, assign, transfer, designate, distribute, prophesy paxs, towzi', distribution [n] (Persian) dianemo, diamoirazo, distribute (Greek) hap, përndaj, decentralizowac, kategorizoj, rozdzielac, shpërndaj, rozpraszac, klasifikoj, ndaj, distribute (Polish) grupoj, përap [bojën], pjesëtoj, to distribute (ALbanian) erogo-are dosbarthu, to classify, assort, dispose, distribute, apportion; rhannu, to share, divide, distribute, talu, to pay, expend, recompense (Welsh) erogare, to distribute, deliver, (Italian) débourser, to pay out (French) to ask for and obtain, pay out money from public funds erok (ervk), Script Q351 Eros, the god of love? master, owner, lord [<OE hlaford], sir [<Sire = Lat. senior, sensex, senis, old, aged]? Eros (Ervs), Script N349, N357, N363, N738, Q202, Q253, Q762, Q863, R294, R487, R530, R619 ERoS (ERvS), Script Au61 vegetation, herbs? erpis, Script PL18 to be [<OE beon] es, Script Z347, Z439, Z470, Z561, Z572, Z784, Z1027, Z1378, Z1410, Z1438, TC61, N453, N469, N607, N638, N676, N767, Q46, Q202, Q209, Q217, Q224, Q311, Q543, R229, R619, R661, K41, PL-2, FR-3, XB-8, XB10, XB-13, XJ-20 est, Q821, R68, R459, K160 esta, XJ-20 este, Script N462 – see also sum, sim, sunt zRGgAravant, adj. erotic; IzitR [m], lord, master; vizvAdhipa [m], the lord of the universe. âseqâne, dosâramâne, erotic, adj. xodâvand, farmânravâ, sahryâr, lord (Persian) agapo, agapi, love; erotikos, erotic (Greek) lord, pan, wladca, dashuror, erotik, lord; erotyczny, erotic; feudal, erotic (Polish) zot, anëtar i dhomës së lordëve, zotëri, burrë, lord (Albanian) erus-i, master, lord; Eros, Latin Amor or| Cupid arglwydd-i, lord, baron cun (cuniad) [m], lord glyw [m], governor, lord, muner [m], rhi [m], king, lord; udd [m], lord; meistr (meistar) [m], master, boss (Welsh) signore, padrone, sovrano [m], lord (Italian) seigneur, maître [m] lord, (French) auṣadha, consisting of herbs x IARBĂ, herbs, grass (Romanian) herba-ae, herb, vegetation erba, f. grass, herb (Italian) herbe, f. (French) asmi (I am) asi (you are) bhuu (to be) x lAGgala [n], plough; kRS, karSati, te, to pull, tear, bend, bend a bow, draw ah, ahi, astu, ångha (Avestan) biti, vidi be, e, jeste, is (Serbo-Croatian) byc (Polish) byc, v. imp. (Belarus) ast, est-are; butuni, but, to be (Baltic Sudovian) EŞTI, you are; ESTE, he, she, it is (Romanian) x x xis, plow [n], soxm zadan, to plow (Persian) orac, plug, plow (Polish) ARI, you plow (Romanian) x eimai (Greek) ekzistoz, to be; jam (Albanian) sum, esse, fui, futurus bod, to be, exist, consist (Welsh) bi, be; bhith, a bhi, to be; is, it is, is, are; tha and thà, am, art, is are (Scott) emañ [emaon, emaout, emaint] (Breton) essere (Italian) être (French) e (Lydian) x esca-ae [f], food, victuals, esp. bait esca [f], bait, enticement, tinder (Italian) amorcer, to bait fish (French) skabo, dig (Greek) lëroj, hap brazda, exaro-are plugoj, kridhem, can [anija], rrëzoj [gj.fol], to aradr (erydr) [f], plow arddu, aredig, to plow (Welsh) arare, soicare, to plough (Italian) esa, Script LS-4 plough [<OE ploh, a unit of land area] up, dig up? write on waxen esari, Script Q863 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates furrows, plough azanAyAvant & {azanA3yuka}; kSudhAlu & {kSunmant} adj. hungry; kSudh, kSudhyati, to be hungry plow; plug, plow [n] (Albanian) gorosnegi, hunger [n], gorosnegi kasidan, ârzu kardan, to hunger (Persian) glodny, hungry (Polish) aahR^i, ad ad, franguharât [fra-hvar] (Avestan) xordan, to eat (Persian) jesti, hraniti se (Serbo-Croatian) ate, jesc (Polish) jesci, v. imp., zjesci, v. perf. trogo (Greek) (Belarus) ha, kamsaije, estun, est; edais! lëpu (Albanian) eat! edis, food (Baltic-Sudovian) IEŞI, to go out, go out! EŞI to go out (Romanian) x x x ostovâr, adj., dhvani, dhvanii; âvâz, navâ, svana, svara ostovâr [n], sound (Persian) x at (Avestan) o, va, and, conj. (Persian) ispravan, valjan zdrav (Serbo-Croatian) brzmiec, brzmienie, caly, dzwiek, gleboki, mierzyc glebokosc, nienaruszony, odglos, rozbrzmiewac, solidny, sondowac, wydawac glos, zdrowy, sound (Polish) huk, sound; hucac, to sound (Belarus) zadas, sound (Baltic-Sudovian) SUNA, A SUNA, to make a sound; TUNA, to thunder (Romanian) a, and, iloczym logiczny, i, and (Polish) be, ba (Baltic Sudovian) bore, cierpiec, niedzwiedz, podpierac, podtrzymywac, peinasmenos, hungry (Greek) kam uri, vdes nga dëshira për, vdes urie, to be hungry, (Albanian) x steno, sound; tonos, tone (Greek) sonoj, to sound; tingellim, tingull, ton, sound (Albanian) labourer, sillonner [naut.] (French) exeo-ire-li[ivi]-itum;, to go out, pass from state to state; esurio ire, to be hungry, long for newynu, to starve, hunger, famish (Welsh) affamare, aver fame; agognare, bramare, to hunger for Italian) affamer, avoir faim, to hunger (French) edo, edere or ese, edi, esum, esurio-ire bwyta, to eat, mess (Welsh) ith, va. (Scott) mangiare (Italian) manger (French) súwa (Tocharian) at, ed (5) (Hittite) exsequorsequi-sectus sono, sonere, sonui, to sound; tono are-ui-itum, to thunder kai (Greek) et dhe, e (Albanian) arkouda, fero, basto, styrizo, edo-ederedidi-ditum; produco- mantenere, conservare, sostenere, asserire, to maintain (Italian) maintenir, conserver, entretenir, soutenir (French) Page 23 of 25 tablets? to be hungry [<OE hungor], desire food, long for? to eat [<OE etan]; bite [OE bitan] maintain, to keep up, execute esuis (esfis), Script Z206, Z255, Z369, Z396, Z1049 esi, Script Z537, Z918, Z1203, Z1282, Z1326, TC38, BT-5, aN-22 eso (esv), Script N74, Q887, R-1, R100, R238, R286, MS14 esic, Script BT-5 lleiso, to sound, utter, bawl; seino, to sound, resound, enunciate; swnio, to sound, pronounce (Welsh) fuaim-e, [m.] sound, noise (Scott) sondare (Italian) sonoriser (French) to sound, tinkle [<ME tyncien, to make a metalic sound] eson, Script XU-2 esona (esvna), Script N391, Q278, R22, R31, R40 esone (esvne), Script N87, Q278, R642, R30, R44 esones (esvnes), Script R82 esono, (esvnv) Script N74, N149, Q351, Q893, R229, R394 ETONA, to thunder, Script Au82, Aph-29 (See TVNA, TvNAM, TVNE, TVNI) a, ac (Welsh) agus, is (Scott) ha, hag (Breton) e, ed (Italian) et (French) -ke (Lycian) -k (Lydian) adv. also, even; conj. and [<OE and], and indeed; in narrative, and then, and yet et, Script N216, Q701, Q745, R40, R94, R128, R142, R160, TC1, MS-1, BS-16 ETH, M78 achosi, peri, par, to cause; planta, to beget children; to give birth eta, Script N230, N244, N254 etes, Script R251 eto (etv), Script N74, N100, N149, N160, N254, N404, N417, Q-6, Q65, Q84, Q95, Q107, Q320, Q326, Q355, 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates AdimUla, the first cause; rac, racayati, produce, form, make, cause, compose, write, invent; bhR, bibharti, hold carry frajasaiti [fra jas] (Avestan) angize, sabab, bahân, cause [n] farâvarde, produce [n]; nesân dâdan, to produce (Persian) rodzic, znosic, bear; powod, powodowac, proces, przyczyna, skrot od, sprawa sadowa, cause (Polish) prouzrokovati, cause (Serbo Croatian) prycyna [f] cause, reason (Belarus) ypofero, genno, to bear; parago, proion, proxeno, to produce; aita, aformi, cause (Greek) lind, pjell, give birth; lind, jap, to bear; prodhoj, kam, tregoj, to cause (Albanian) ducere-dusi ductum, to bring forward, bring out, to produce; causa [causa]ae [f] a cause in all senses of the English word; causor-ari, to plead, pretend cynhyrchu, to produce, generate; epilio, to bring forth, breed, produce (Welsh) àlaich, va. bear, produce, bring forth, multiply (Scott) causere, to cause (Italian) causer, to cause (French) to, to bear [OE beran], cause, produce, put forth, breathe one's last, die; generate [<Lat. genero-are, to beget] Page 24 of 25 Q396, Q416, Q813, R49, R248, R542, L52 , Script N74, N100, N149, N160, N254, N404, N417, Q65, Q84, Q95, Q107, Q320, Q326, Q355, Q396, Q416, Q813, R49, R248, R542 x x x x Etruria-ae, [f], district in northwest Italy of the Etruscans; hence adj. and subst. Etruscus-a-um x x x x x x Euple, possibly Athamas, also called Euippe, the unluckiest man on earth. euple (EVPLE, Script CY-1 x x x x evalescovescere possibly valde, intensely, very much, in replies, certainly, very much so x grow strong, to prevail? certainly, very much so? evalta (E8ALTA), or E 8ALTA, Script M45; x Etruria-ae, Tuscany? Used in the context of ETR AMA, "Etruria she loves" etr, Script Q521, Script Q521 Notes: 1) The word locations highlighted in blue involve an ephitet, with the word "I," ego (EKV). In the expression the ego is being acted upon. 2) It may be that the mother tongue of the Etruscans, French and Italians – and possibly their neighboring "Latin" tongues – is older than Latin. This word, along with others found in Table 1, may be an illustration of that fact. If Latin [in]cubare is equal to Italian covare and French couver, then the Etruscan word may be reminding us that in adapting the same word, the Latins added a prefix, "in" to the old "Etruscan" word. As with other words in this table, the French and the Italians maintained their identity. The word must be a very old Indo-European word, since its meaning includes to cover embers. Covering the embers, to brood them as it were, would appear to be a more important, early task realized by man than the knowledge of the importance of a bird brooding its eggs. , a rarely used character in the scripts. The character is used again in a Villanovan fibula, Script VF, in the 3) The character k is concluding word on the fibula, maximas, (Lat. maximus, great). The "f" in chiave, VF-3, is used again at VF-4, LAFES (Lat. laus, laudis). 4) En appears to be the first word in a script written on the left hand side of a bronze haruspex (augur), Script HA of the Translation_Short_Scripts.html. The bronze is in the Vatican museum. "Behold!" would appear to be the appropriate context for the word. 5) Hittite language resource for second entry is 6) Thanks to Constantin Cucu for his contribution on the Romanian words listed in Table 1. Please beam me back to Indo-European_Table 1 Please beam me back to Etruscan_Phrases E-mail Launched 12.14..03 Updated: 12.22.03, 12.29.03; 1.01.04; 1.03.04; 1.04.04; 1.18.04; 2.07.04; 2.29.04; 3.04.04; 3.06.04; 3.07.04; 3.11.04; 3.15.04; 3.21.04; 3.23.04, 3.30.04; 4.03.04; 4.05.04; 4.07.04; 4.08.04; 4.09.04, 4.15.04; 4.26.04; 5.04.04; 5.17.04; 5.18.04; 5.22.04; 6.18.04; 6.19.04; 6.24.04; 7.03.04; 7.05.04; 7.12.04; 9/26/2011 Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan Phrases, with Indo-European cognates Page 25 of 25 9.18.04; 9.20.04; 5.14.05; 6.05.05; 5.11.06; 5.26.06' 5.28.06; 7.14.06; 7.15.06; 9.21.11; 9.24.11; 9.26.11 Copyright © 1981-2011 Maravot. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1981-2011 Mel Copeland. All rights reserved. 9/26/2011