Recent papers in Germanicus
Germanicus and his large family (his wife Agrippina Major and nine children) embodied in Tiberius' Rome a new political model that looked beyond the boundaries of tradition and opened up to elements that had remained outside the scene of... more
This paper was delivered at CAMWS in March 2015 for the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt at which Henry V trounced the French much like Alexander at Issus (for Harfleur consider Tyre). I had started the paper thinking Tacitus... more
Campaigns of Germanicus, AD 13-16 describes briefly the campaigns, joint and combined ops., tactics, strategy, foreign policy, espionage, intelligence gathering, and strategy between ca. 60 BC and AD 150 with particular focus on... more
By describing Germanicus' actions, Tacitus stresses some characteristics of the Principate. Thus he shows the centrality of the princeps in political life, the accumulation of powers in his hands and the political importance of the... more
One of the most important Roman sculptures from the Netherlands. In 1980 two matching shaft blocks of almost the same height, square in shape, from Norroy limestone, were recovered from the foundations of the medieval castle of the... more
As seen in Harvard's Sunoikisis Undergraduate Research Journal, this inquiry suggests that Germanicus employs acrostics as sophisticated, didactic devices to develop his interest in catasterism, the placement of objects in the sky, and to... more
Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié un corpus de dix textes latins abordant des questions astronomiques telles que la forme de l’univers et de la Terre, la description des constellations ou le mouvement des astres et des planètes, à... more
The Republic in Danger offers a new interpretation of Roman political history for the years 6 BC to AD 16, focusing especially on the rise of Tiberius Caesar and his succession to Augustus, the founder of the Principate.
The war in Pannonia and Illyricum as well as the defeat in the Varus battle had plunged Rome into a military crisis. It took a few years to consolidate Roman military power at the Rhine frontier. Tacitus’ focus on Germanicus’ offensive of... more
The aim of this study is to analyse the Roman-Parthian relations under Artabanos II and Tiberius, and the political role played by Armenia, focusing on the agreement between the Roman prince Germanicus and Artabanos II. A scrutiny of... more
Generationen von Altertumswissenschaftlern und sachkundigen Laien haben eine kaum zu über blickende Fülle an Literatur zu den römischen Militäroperationen in Germanien nach der Varusschlacht produziert. Einem Verständnis der Vorgänge sind... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
in Letteratura e civitas. Transizioni dalla Repubblica all’Impero. In ricordo di Emanuele Narducci, a c. di M. Citroni, Pisa 2012, pp. 295-311
R itieni di venire ingiuriata, figlia mia, solo perché non sei regina? 1 Con questo verso greco, stando alle fonti antiche, l'imperatore Tiberio rispose alle aspre parole che gli furono rivolte da Agrippina Maggiore, la quale, a... more
The province Germany from 7 BC to 17 AD: institutional architecture and administrative practice
Germanicus als Mitglied der augusteischen Familie und Zwilling des Drusus minor. Lebenszeitliche Münzbilder zwischen 4 und 19 n. Chr., in: M. Flecker u. a. (Hrsg.), Augustus ist tot - Lang lebe der Kaiser!. Tübinger Archäologische Studien... more
Published in: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 3 (2011) 301-317. The Roman general Germanicus (15 BCE-19 CE) gained unprecedented popularity during his lifetime. However, in dealing with the mutiny of the Rhine armies in 14 CE he did not... more
Publicado en Hispania Epigraphica 6, 1996 [apar.2000], nº 881, págs. 291-325. Como apreciaciones generales de la autora, "ningún bronce jurídico romano de los hasta ahora conocidos ha recibido tantas enmiendas, suplementos y... more
Vierzehn Münzemissionen wurden zwischen 4 und 19 n. Chr. in den römischen Provinzen geschaffen, die Germanicus darstellen. Zu Lebzeiten des Augustus lassen sich drei Münzemissionen mit Germanicus in Korinth, Tanagra und im phrygischen... more
After a long period of research and specialisation in the field of provincial Roman art the author published in 2002 his rather daring ideas about one of the most exciting Roman finds in the Netherlands during the twentieth century: the... more
This ingenious and exciting article finds that Germanicus' swift salvation of Egypt from famine and starvation rivalled Tiberius' rebuilding of the province of Asia after AD17 too closely, earning the emperor's rebuff and rebuttals,... more
Published in: Stefan Burmeister and Salvatore Ortisi (ed.), Phantom Germanicus. Spurensuche zwischen historischer Überlieferung und archäologischem Befund,. Materialhefte zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Niedersachsens 53. Rahden: VML, Verlag... more
This paper aims to examine closely the circumstances behind the choice of the inclusion of Germanicus’ Nike in the festivities described in the ‘lex sacra’ of Gytheion. It will be argued that Gytheion and the Koinon of the... more
Les volumes d’hommage offerts au Professeur Yves Roman explorent la République et l’Empire de Rome en retraçant le parcours qui mena leur dédicataire de l’économie gallo-romaine aux vicissitudes de la famille impériale des Antonins et à... more
A fragment of Roman inscription was found in Vicenza (Italy) in 2000 during the restoration of the ancient church of St Peter. The stone is very fragmented and the text integrations can be many. Surely it was written on two columns at... more
This paper explores the way three Roman translators of Aratus' Φαινόμενα (Cicero, Germanicus and Avienus) treated the style of the original and what were their reasons for treating in such a way. These considerations should, furthermore,... more
Im Jahre 1908 hielt, als Proemium zu der im folgenden Jahr stattfindenden 1900-Jahr-Feier des Schlachtgeschehens, der Münsteraner Althistoriker und Archäologe Friedrich Koepp 1 in Detmold einen Vortrag mit dem Titel: »Die Varusschlacht in... more
Paper on the military image of Germanicus. The paper studies the cuirassed image of Germanicus in Gemma Augustea, Tiberius' sword, Grand Camée of France and in his coins. Then it presents the cuirassed images of Germanicus and, between... more
ZPE 194 (2015), 271-274. Germanicus Caesar, the Census and the War against Arminius.
Germanicus differs from Aratos in adding the myths when he mentions the Zodiac signs. Being a doctus poet, he aims at originality. He knows how to choose the myth versions he needs in order to reflect the Roman spirit and exault August's... more
A revised version in Mnemosyne 70.5 (2017), 878-888.