Augustan Principate
Recent papers in Augustan Principate
Preface; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials, technique and building devices; 3 The foundation and the core of the podium and of the tribunal; 4 The measuring system and proportions of the temple; 5 The facing of he podium and the tribunal; 6 The... more
Focusing on a digression included in Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ Roman Antiquities concerning the practice of manumission in Rome during the reign of the king Servius Tullius, this contribution aims to clarify the meaning of the... more
The paper examines the upsurge of piracy in the last century of the Roman Republic, to underline its impact on politics. Analysing the testimonials about the period after 105 BC, we can appreciate that as well as interfering in the wars... more
The references to the cult of Vesta included in numerous excerpts of Seneca the Elder’s collection of Controversiae offer a proof of the technical competence of declaimers in recalling the conditions prescribed by pontifical law for being... more
in P. DESIDERI - M. MOGGI - M. PANI (éd.), Antidoron. Studi in onore di Barbara Scardigli Forster, Pisa 2007, 281-304
The paper examines the peculiarities of Cassius Dio’s narrative in Julio-Claudian books of his «Roman History». Dio’s work, as a whole, reveals a remarkable combination of contradictory features, which are specifically mirrored in books... more
I begin this paper with a passage from Book 12 of the Aeneid (834-840):
Anchoring can be a powerful strategy to legitimize innovation and changes, but its success also depends on the choice of the anchor. If a given anchor proves to be successful in one context, it may be purposefully employed again and again... more
Virtus and Fortuna are the driving forces of history in Florus' History, which is entirely structured and dedicated to the sequence of wars and battles. The descriptions of battles, based on these principles, form a basic narrative in... more
Os principais objetivos desta pesquisa consistiram em: 1) Compreender a dinâmica interna da visualidade romana durante as transformações políticas que levaram ao fim da República e ao início do Principado, considerando as mudanças pelas... more
The book "The Roman wolf and Illyrian serpent. Last struggle" is dedicated to the first war that has engulfed the entire area of today's Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is in its fully documented in the ancient source material. Great... more
In my paper I examine the use of Sibylline Books during Augustus' reign. I discuss the role of the Sibyl as well as the collection attributed to her in terms of cultural changes and cultural paraphrases. According to my opinion the... more
Livy's History of Rome was a celebrated classic in his own lifetime. In the tumultuous era of the Roman civil wars, which spanned more than a half century, Livy's readers turned to his account of ancient Roman history for consolation and... more
Augustus’ portrait in Seneca, brev. vitae 4, shows a remarkable concentration of terms and images related to the imperial power, and it can be compared with many other Senecan statements in the philosophical works and also in the... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
«WHAT IS HISTORY GOING TO SAY ABOUT US?» ON SOME ASPECTS AND MOTIFS OF OCTAVIAN AUGUSTUS’ MEMORIAL POLITICS The article deals with the purposes and means of the memory policy implemented by Octavian Augustus. He was guided by both his... more
Prix François Millepierres 2020 (Académie Française). Dans les odes érotiques, Horace conjugue exaltation de la passion et morale de l’amour : il chante la puissance et les beautés du désir, mais n’en invite pas moins les jeunes filles... more
Zusammenfassung: Vor einer Generation, als Grabungen am Palatin das Haus des Augustus beim Heiligtum des Apollo zutage brachten, wurden architektonische Tonreliefs der frühaugusteischen Zeit gefunden. Von diesen werden hier drei... more
Augustus’ success in implementing monarchical rule at Rome is often attributed to innovations in the symbolic language of power, from the star marking Julius Caesar’s deification to buildings like the Palatine complex and Forum Augustum... more
La nascita e la diffusione dei cicli statuari giulio-claudii come autentico fenomeno sociale caratterizzante la società urbana romana della prima età imperiale, indissolubilmente legate all'affermazione dell'idea dinastica ai vertici... more
What does it mean to be a leader? This collection of seventeen studies breaks new ground in our understanding of leadership in ancient Rome by re-evaluating the difference between those who began a political action and those who followed... more
A 12-page undergraduate research paper which analyzes the Roman Army during the reign of Emperor Augustus (Octavian) Caesar.
This article discusses the instructive character present in the Forum of Augustus, one of the principal constructions undertaken by the Princeps Octavius Augustus at the end of the first century BC. From the studies about archaeological... more
The battle of Naulochus (36 B.C.) gave Octavian control over Sicily. In the following years the cities of the island were submitted to a political strategy characterized not only by an attitude of domination and conquest, but also by the... more
A dissertation on how Augustus uses public architecture to promote and legitimise his power. An in depth analysis on the key works of the Augustan building regime in Rome.
Un'analisi del tema della Ultio Caesaris nelle strategie propagandistiche e politiche utilizzate dal Principe dall'alba della sua ascesa al potere fino alla sua consacrazione come Pater Patriae.
In the dual roles of pater familias and pater patriae, Augustus paid particular attention to the cultural and moral education of the house’s youth; according to their destined roles, each one carefully planned their public career stages... more
Abstract In Res Gestae 8, 5 Augustus boasts of having renewed «multa exempla maiorum» and of being himself responsible of «multarum rerum exempla». This could appear in line with Roman tradition about mos mairoum; actually, this... more
Textbook about history of roman Principate from 27 BC till 284 AD
(engl. version below) Unter den verschiedenen Formen, literarische Texte zu sammeln und zu erschließen, zählt deren Gruppierung zu einem Œuvre mit Sicherheit zu den gängigsten: Das Œuvre als Summe aller Werke eines bestimmten Autors wird... more
Dispensa di approfondimento per studenti di scuola media superiore.
La costruzione del regime augusteo, fra il 29 a.C. e la morte di Augusto, fra aspetti istituzionali, politici e culturali.
La costruzione del regime augusteo, fra il 29 a.C. e la morte di Augusto, fra aspetti istituzionali, politici e culturali.
Roma. En la residencia palatina, el soberano del más grande imperio occidental ni siquiera se permite pasear por sus jardines sin ser vigilado. El poder genera ambición por ocuparlo, y no había mayor poder en la Antigüedad que el... more
Az Árkádia Kiskönyvtár kötetei megrendelhetők a Kronosz Kiadó honlapján:
Abstract This article focuses on some passages from the first part of the famous episode of Lucretia ( Fasti 2,721-852). Ovid more than anyone exploits refined plot devices to emphasize the virtue of the heroic Roman martyr of the... more