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Introduction: Over the past years, a few review papers about possibilities of using motion analysis systems in sport were published, but there are no articles that discuss this problem in the field of combat sports and martial arts. Aim:... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGame AnalysisSports BiomechanicsDigital Video
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      MarketingGame TheoryRational ChoiceRetail
Inhaltsverzeichnis und Einleitung der gemeinsam mit Benjamin Beil und Thomas Hensel herausgegebenen Einführung in die Game Studies.
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      Game studiesVideo GamesGame Analysis
The precise influence of serve type and serve ball speed on beach volleyball performance is unclear. We examined the relationship between serve type and speed and their effectiveness during the 2008... more
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      PsychologyGame AnalysisMedicineVolleyball
This book is about the three identities of the videogame, the gamer, and Game Studies. I write that there are no definitive truths but rather discourses and constructions; ideas, actions, beliefs, and practices related to videogames are... more
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      Game TheoryGame studiesThe VirtualWorld-Game-Simulation-Reality Continuum--gradual steps of added reality/imaginationVideo Game Platforms for Artwork--using them for art not just gaming and for gaming new styles of artwork
Game Analysis of Half Life 2: Episode 1:

Analyzing of Half Life 2 Game Mechanics, Intensity Curve and Player Guidance System
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      Video GamesGameplay (Video Game Design)Game Analysis
The problem of collective action is usually identified with social dilemmas. A wider notion of the term collective action problem is introduced, as dilemmas are not the only problems to arise in collective action. The article first... more
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      Collective ActionGame AnalysisRational ExpectationFocal Point
This paper critically analyzes the game Hollow Knight from a phenomenological approach, the "what is it like to be...". The paper is divided in three parts (Avatar, Playability and Spatiality) that encompass first the concept of... more
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      Game studiesVideo GamesGame AnalysisComputer Games
Limited information exists about the movement patterns of field-hockey players, especially during elite competition. Time–motion analysis was used to document the movement patterns during an international field-hockey game. In addition,... more
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      AustraliaMotion AnalysisCompetitionGame Analysis
Ostatnimi laty w branży gier wideo na popularności zyskuje trend umieszczania dojrzałych treści w produkcjach typu AAA. W związku z tym, uznaniem cieszą się coraz bardziej innowacyjne formalnie podejścia do kwestii moralności. Najnowsze... more
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      Game studiesGame AnalysisLudologyGameplay Analysis
Adventure games emerged as a new form of digital games in the late 1970s, via the release of the first adventure game, Adventure. Originally text-only in representation, and using the parser to guide the player character, adventure games... more
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      Video GamesDigital GamesGame AnalysisComputer Games
Papers, Please was meant to be a short game, easy to play. However, it turned out to be an award-winning game acclaimed by the critique and that deal with major concepts. In the first section of this paper, I will approach each of these... more
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      Game studiesVideo GamesGame AnalysisComputer Games
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      Game studiesPlayGame AnalysisDigital Identity
This thesis analyses regional co-operation in Central Asia and asks why the Central Asian states so often failed to co-operate effectively in the period 1991-2004. The thesis assesses the usefulness of international relations theories in... more
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      Game AnalysisCentral AsiaTajikistanRegional Integration
A significant portion of narrative single-
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      AestheticsGame studiesSelf and IdentityGame Design
El videojuego se ha convertido en una herramienta más de las estrategias transmedia, ya sea como producto con el que ampliar la narrativa de otro medio, o como eje principal desde el que iniciar un multiverso narrativo. Desde casos... more
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      Video GamesGame AnalysisNarrative AnalysisTransmedia Storytelling
The goal of this study was to analyze, through a longitudinal study, the Olympic Badminton Men's singles finals from the Barcelona Games (1992) to the London Games (2012) to assess some changes of the Badminton game characteristics. Six... more
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      BadmintonGame AnalysisOlympic Games
A glossary assembled with the help of Irene Chien for the purpose of providing students an analytical reference resource to help think critically about  videogames.  Please feel free to share and suggest additions to the glossary.
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      Game studiesGame DesignVideo GamesGame Analysis
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      Game AnalysisPhysical EducationHandball
DotA2 Spatio­Temporal Game Analysis DotA2 is one of the most played online digital games in the world. In this game 2 teams (Radiant and Dire) of 5 players each fight against each other in arena environments with using tactical combats to... more
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      Game AnalysisSpatio Temporal AnalysisData VisualizationDOTA 2
Tendo em conta a importância assumida das bolas paradas (BP), como elementos decisivos no desenvolvimento e decisão nos jogos de futebol, o objetivo do estudo foi construir e validar um Sistema de Observação em Competição no Futebol de... more
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      Football (soccer)Game AnalysisSet Plays
The article looks at the possibility of tinkering with political utopias and dystopias in the turn-based political simulation DEMOCRACY 3. Political utopias are understood as coherent sets of political ideas and/or policies following a... more
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      Political PhilosophyGame studiesGame DesignVideo Games and Learning
To compare the tactical, physical and technical indicators between winners and losers of the group and final stages of the 2018 FIFA World Cup (WC). Eighteen variables were analysed, divided into tactical (ball possession), physical... more
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      Football (soccer)Performance StudiesSoccerGame Analysis
An important step towards gaining an understanding of how a particular medium can be used most effectively in education is to study its outstanding examples, regardless of their original purpose. We already know that people learn from... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance EducationGame Design
Games played directly inside the web browser have many benefits. Browser games do not need software installation. Furthermore since the web has become the ultimate collaboration environment, the games are available for numerous players... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceOnline CommunitiesMultiplayer Online GamesGame Analysis
The development of a game with educational purposes, similar to a game focusing on fun, requires an analysis process, which must evaluate positive and negative points, to support a plan of product improvement. The game A mansão de... more
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      SociologyGame studiesVideo GamesVideo Game Design
This paper aims to expand existing knowledge on narrative game design. Specifically, the paper discusses the importance of game design patterns for the analysis of narrative game mechanics. By bringing together insights from cognitive... more
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      Game studiesGame DesignInteractive NarrativeInteractive Digital Storytelling
Co-authors: Jessica Aldred, Robert Biddle, Chris Eaket, Brian Greenspan, Minh Q. Tran, and Jennifer Whitson We propose a methodological framework for game analysis that uses the notion of 'scripting' as the basis for game interpretation... more
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      NarrativeGame DesignGame AnalysisLudology
This article introduces some relevant research works on computational intelligence applied to finance and economics. The objective is to offer an appropriate context and a starting point for those who are new to computational intelligence... more
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      FinanceCognitive ScienceEconomicsComputational Intelligence
In soccer games, a performance indicator is defined as a selection of action variables that aims to define all aspects of accomplishment of the game goals. However their perception during the match is extremely difficult. Over the years,... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceGame AnalysisEvent Detection
Presenting a typology of the video game dystopia and its sub-genres
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      Game TheoryGame studiesGame DesignUtopian Studies
This article introduces some relevant research works on computational intelligence applied to finance and economics. The objective is to offer an appropriate context and a starting point for those who are new to computational intelligence... more
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      FinanceCognitive ScienceEconomicsComputational Intelligence
Hassan, A. (2014). Team Handball World Cup Championship 2013-Analysis Study. J. Hum. Sport Exerc, 9(Proc1), pp.S409-S416. The world cup of men's handball team championships was analysed using data from all matches in order to determine... more
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      Game AnalysisTeam Handball
Neste resumo expandido, a partir do framework da game analysis, propomos um estudo inicial das nuances contidas nos processos narrativos utilizados no jogo Hades, como eles se relacionam com as mecânicas centrais e o seu potencial de... more
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      Game studiesNarrativeGame DesignVideo Games
Um eine rechnergestützte Gewinnanalyse des topologischen Spieles Sprouts zu ermöglichen, muß eine endliche, diskrete Darstellung des Spieles sowie ein Algorithmus, der die Zuggenerierung durchführt, gefunden werden. Dazu partitionieren... more
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      Game AnalysisProgram verificationSproutsTopological Graph Theory
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      Russian LiteratureGame TheoryGame studiesGame Design
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      Game studiesLoveJean Paul SartreGame Analysis
The recent video game Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (2018, Ubisoft Quebec) is one of the most elaborate popular reinterpretations of classical antiquity. Known for its lavishly detailed simulations of historical settings and events... more
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      HomerGame studiesVideo GamesGame Analysis
Only the best players reach the last stages of the grand-slam tournaments. The aim is to analyze rally pace characteristics and frequency of rally shots in women’s matches between the early (1st to 4th round) and late (quarterfinal –... more
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      Visual perceptionTennisGame AnalysisNotational Analysis
The effective application and use of games and game technology for education requires examinations of existing artifacts, both in and out of formal educational settings, as well as the development of new theories and models for how to... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance EducationGame Design
Numerous authors have tried to use game theory as a tool for computer game design and study. These works recall generally some basic concepts of the Neuman Mogenstern game analysis (payoff matrix, finite zero-sum game, dominant and mixed... more
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      Game TheoryGame DesignVideo Game DesignGameplay (Video Game Design)
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesGame studiesUtopian Studies
The development of a game with educational purposes, similar to a game focusing on fun, requires an analysis process, which must evaluate positive and negative points, to support a plan of product improvement. The game A mansão de... more
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      Game studiesVideo Game DesignGame AnalysisEducational Games
Background-The surgical learning curve persists for years after training, yet existing CME efforts targeting this are limited. We describe a pilot study of a scalable video-based intervention, providing individualized feedback on... more
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      Game AnalysisGeneral SurgeryContinuing Medical EducationScalable Video Coding
This report investigated the behavioural dynamics of teams in futsal game practice when the goalkeeper of the attacking team is substituted for an extra outfield player. To this end, the lateral and longitudinal displacements of the ball... more
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      Sports PerformanceGame AnalysisTeam SportsPerformance Analysis
As games become more and more pervasive in our modern society and game design and development programs get implemented in Universities and Colleges throughout the world, having a set of well defined methodologies for teaching students how... more
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      Game DesignGame Analysis
— The present paper defines an original approach to game analysis and design able to characterize a given game in a simple, yet efficient, way. Inspired by models widely used across the gaming industry, the proposed framework named A.G.E.... more
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      Computer ScienceGame studiesGame DesignVideo Game Theory
Team timeout (TTO) in handball is a powerful instrument that influences the team's performance. This study aimed to identify the different contexts of a TTO calling in handball according to the following contextual variables: 1) match... more
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      Game AnalysisPhysical EducationHandballStatistical analysis of elite sport performance
Similarly to avatar customization and weaponry, digital dwellings are furnished and embellished through items that serve different purposes, shifting between aesthetic preferences, functional choices, and the expression of personal... more
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      Game studiesMemory StudiesGame AnalysisVirtual Identity
V o lu m e 3 N u m b e r 2 A p ril 20 0 8 175-198 © 20 0 8 S a g e P u b lic a tio n s 10 .1177/15554120 0 8314129 h ttp ://g a c .s a g e p u b .c o m h o s te d a t h ttp ://o n lin e .s a g e p u b .c o m T h is a rtic le e x p lo re s... more
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      Game DesignGame AnalysisVirtual SpaceCommunication and media Studies