Recent papers in Ludology
As videogames are set to become the dominant pop-cultural medium of the 21st century, this paper aims to provide approaches to a critical reading of Bethesda’s Fallout 4, informed by perspectives of cultural studies. Tracing arguments... more
in Theatre Journal. Vol.63, No.1. (2011)
This thesis brings together the fields of political communications and games studies, in order to facilitate novel analysis methods for post-broadcast democracies and the digital citizens that inhabit them. Following the process of... more
El videojuego siempre se ha nutrido del cine para narrar historias y son abundantes los estudios sobre esta influencia. Por ello, en este trabajo se plantea un análisis de la aportación inversa, lo que le han dado narrativamente los... more
The article is about the self-agency relation of a player and perspectives of view in computer games. The ability of an action "on" the screen and inside the game world is that what makes the player to be both the consumer and creator.... more
Wien war vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts an einige Jahrzehnte lang Welthauptstadt der Schwerathletik. Gewichtheber-Klubs mit Sportlern und Publikum aus dem Arbeitermilieu fand man in fast jedem Wiener Vorstadt-Wirtshaus. Der Text zeichnet... more
Dijital oyunlarda gelişen retrofütürizm ve retro oyun akımları teknoloji, toplum ve kültür ilişkisini ele almak için verimli örnekler sunmaktadır. Oyun endüstrisi sıklıkla daha yüksek teknolojiye sahip yeni donanım ve yazılımlardan... more
Il mio progetto di ricerca intende prendere in analisi alcuni prodotti multimediali (videogames, giochi di ruolo, avventure grafiche) che riprendono opere significative della letteratura italiana, o anche rielaborano motivi, tematiche,... more
""This chapter presents an analysis of ecological empowerment as a theme in digital game narratives. Since game mechanics often are designed so that players gain more powerful ways of interacting with a game environment (improved... more
Book Review of Colin Milburn's book "Mondo Nano: Fun and Games in the World of Digital Matter"
Please see: Preview on Google Books: Purchase hardcover on Amazon:... more
resumo Os jogos são pervasivos à vida, existem em todos os lugares e todas as épocas. Seus números são incontáveis, assim como incontáveis são suas formas, nomes e modos de funcionamento. Por isso a importância de estudá-los é sempre... more
This article presents the category of emersion in videogames. The author of this article understands emersion as an experience of such elements of a game that weaken the impression of non-mediated participation in events presented in the... more
This paper discusses traditional vampire tropes as a tool for innovation and novel experiences in the history of video games. A selection of games and vampires will be analysed in terms of gameplay and storytelling elements to show how... more
Notes from my guest lecture for a Game Studies course at Trent University. Leaning on Julian Dibbell's book Play Money, I attempt to sketch a connection between video games and economics, showing that game-playing has taken on aspects of... more
This paper presents two cases on the varied approaches of game-based learning as implemented at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) and relevant studies which show the advantages of these approaches in formal education... more
Storytelling in games in the early years of game studies was seen as being in conflict with gameplay. Departing from that debate, I argue that it is productive to see video games as a composite form supporting different frames for... more
My research will attempt to determine how award academies choose their nominations through the analysis of select musical aesthetics. As a trained musician (pianist) and avid gamer, I will bring my two passions together, contributing to... more
Ever get the feeling that life's a game with changing rules and no clear sides, one you are compelled to play yet cannot win? Welcome to gamespace. Gamespace is where and how we live today. It is everywhere and nowhere: the main chance,... more
Character Creation Mechanics One of the biggest pleasures of role-playing games is the possibility to play as a fictional character. The character creation and development processes constitute the identity of a given game. In this paper,... more
SUMMARY When approaching a new field of study, in this case, video games, one of the first tasks is to analyze the existing and governing theories. Such approach provides two very strong claims which are decidedly different – ludology and... more
The editors of this CfP are already in discussion with the MIT Press GAME HISTORIES SERIES editors who enthusiastically voiced support for the collection. The website of the series: more
We say "playing is learning"! Or "war is a cruel game"! No accident that war games are one of the most prolific strands. Maths has even a "game theory", which applies to complex phenomena, such as finance; more generally we could... more
This innovative text examines videogames and gaming from the point of view of discourse analysis. In particular, it studies two major aspects of videogame-related communication: the ways in which videogames and their makers convey... more
The ability of computers to produce ‘presence’ – the visceral feeling of actually ‘being there’ – is typically associated with the presentation of intensive graphical effects. But studies on presence indicate that what players are able to... more
Ostatnimi laty w branży gier wideo na popularności zyskuje trend umieszczania dojrzałych treści w produkcjach typu AAA. W związku z tym, uznaniem cieszą się coraz bardziej innowacyjne formalnie podejścia do kwestii moralności. Najnowsze... more
El presente artículo analiza el fenómeno lúdico desde la base, centrándose en explicar en qué consiste jugar (y videojugar). Concretamente, el artículo se interesa por el fenómeno de los videojuegos y su gran importancia en la sociedad,... more
Expressive and narrative features of Video Games (VG) are bread and butter of Video Games Art. In my articles I often make implicit comparison between artistic evolution of Cinema and VG's. Here I want to clarify such comparison; the... more
Within videogame culture there are many references to famous breaks of the fourth wall: Psycho Mantis' reading of the memory card in Metal Gear Solid, X-Men's use of the Sega Megadrive's reset button, Startropics' use of the letter... more
The Resident Evil series is, as Capcom’s Yoshiaki Hirabayashi puts it, ‘central to the survival horror genre’ And I believe that analysing the first title of this seminal series will prove helpful in uncovering some of the reasons why the... more
Los videojuegos se han convertido en uno de los principales medios de entretenimiento y comunicación de nuestro tiempo, una plataforma cultural de gran impacto en la sociedad. Por tanto, consideramos necesario atender a los discursos que... more
While many strategy games (both real-time- and turn-based-) use a fictionalized Earth history as a backdrop for their ludic elements, few seek to faithfully represent the progression of music history via the use of pre-existing music.... more
Lo primero será revisar un poco la Arquitectura de computadoras en sus formas más básicas. Pasaremos rápidamente por periféricos en los ordenadores primitivos. Seguidamente la caja mística Baer/Bushnell el PONG o Telebolito. Luego... more
Gamification of Learning and game-based education are now mainstream in the Western educational ecosystem. For example, several universities, through departments established to perform game studies in the early 2000s, are already offering... more
Artykuł w zamyśle ma stanowić pomoc dla nauczycieli historii szukających niestandardowych metod nauczania. Zawiera szkic historii gier o tematyce historycznej wydawanych w Polsce. The article intention is to provide help for history... more
Los videojuegos, en el espacio contemporáneo actual, presentan la mayor carga de convergencia e hibridación existente entre los distintos medios artísticos, cuya especificidad conjuga el acto narrativo y el acto de jugar, a través de la... more
Author of the chapter approaches the concept of immersion from a philological perspective and concentrates on those mechanisms and effects, which weaken the phenomenon in question. All those mechanisms • described collectively as... more