GHG Accounting
Recent papers in GHG Accounting
Documento que analiza a los 20 principales países emisores de GEI a nivel internacional. En él se realiza una caracterización macroeconómica básica con el fin de determinar si existe alguna relación, y en caso afirmativo cuál, entre el... more
This study asks whether sub-national inequalities in carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions mirror international patterns in carbon inequality using the case study of China. Several studies have examined global-level carbon inequality; however,... more
Climate science paints a frightening picture—one that tells us that urgent and dramatic action is needed to have any chance at stopping irreversible global warming. This urgency is not just about the planet and the environment; it is also... more
An official statement suggested that generation of nitrous oxide from waste landfills could be a possible source of greenhouse gas emission. We investigated the emission of nitrous oxide in waste landfills and detected the flux of nitrous... more
Energy management is vitally important to address severe energy problems and to reduce the consumption of scarce and valuable resources. The saved amount of energy obtained from energy management activities is proven to be the most... more
This document is a collection of my comprehensive research, which I created without the contribution of other than my own economic resources. This is not a simple 30-minute-read document or essay. Unless you have at min. 1-2 hours, it's... more
This document is a simple consideration for anyone who expects a feasible plan to reduce Anthropogenic GHG emissions worldwide or country-level scale. Unfortunately, it does not exist. All the considerations were prepared as a result... more
The paper examines the biowaste management issues across rural areas of Romania in the context of poor waste management infrastructure in the last decade (2003-2012). Biowaste is the main fraction of municipal waste, thus a proper... more
Natural gas is often promoted as the most environmentally friendly of all fossil fuels, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a modern and efficient way of transporting it. Some research has been carried out into the local environmental... more
Although the U.S. information and communication technology (ICT) sector is a large consumer of electricity, little is known regarding present and forecasted electricity acquisition and use, especially with regard to renewables. Jenny... more
The “Avoid”, “Shift” and “Improve” (A-S-I) approach is an effective method for transforming an unsustainable transport system to a sustainable one. This study intends to examine the possible impact of the A-S-I policy measures in... more
ISO's goal in developing the standards is to provide a set of unambiguous and verifiable requirements or specifications to support organizations and proponents of GHG emission reduction projects. When they use ISO 14064 for... more
This paper aimed to study clean development mechanism (CDM) projects in Iran. Greenhouse gas mitigation strategies are generally considered costly with world leaders often engaging in debate concerning the costs of mitigation and the... more
GHG Emissions
Flower Production
DIN 14040
DIN 14044
Life Cycle Assessment
Flower Production
DIN 14040
DIN 14044
Life Cycle Assessment
With the demand for fast and dramatic action to reduce global carbon emissions, the need to accurately measure those emissions to an international standard has never been greater. PAS 2050, developed in 2008 by the BSI, DEFRA and the... more
Despite the recent drastic reversal of decarbonization effort by the current Presidential administration, the majority of U.S. states continue policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing renewable energy... more
The use of electric showers has become a habit for most Brazilian people, being responsible for a great part in the house consumption of electric energy. This article aims to evaluate the difference between the use of electric showers or... more
The update of the greenhouse gases inventory on agriculture sector in our country is the main objective, to determine the methane and nitrous oxide emission for the years of: 2004, 2005 and 2006, using the proposed and validate... more
The contribution of cities to climate change is significant, but cities are not all the same. City rankings and comparisons should take into account that differences in the Carbon Footprint of cities can be related to different stages of... more
A better understanding of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics is needed when assessing the carbon footprint (CFP) of livestock products and the effectiveness of possible agriculture mitigation strategies. This study aimed (i) to perform a... more
This document reports the findings of the energy use and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions model loosely based on three districts in the San Francisco Bay Area, District A, District B, and District C. Modeling platforms exist for city... more
The aim of this paper is to assess the adaptation of Iran's energy policies to the Kyoto Protocol. In the past two decades, Iran has experienced a considerable increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; in 2013 it was the world's ninth... more
The E and B Experiment, EBEX, is a Cosmic Microwave Background polarization experiment designed to detect or set upper limits on the signature of primordial gravity waves. Primordial gravity waves are predicted to be produced by... more
In the majority of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) studies the third most significant segment among the activities of the agricultural enterprises is the GHG emission from the soil. It is important to examine how this... more
Author(s): Piette, M; Zarin Pass, R; Singh, R; Hong, T | Abstract: Currently over $300B is spent in US city economies to pay for energy. Many US cities are taking leading roles in exploring and promoting activities to improve energy... more
Executive Summary Our food systems are currently not sustainable. We are reaching or have already exceeded planetary boundaries for certain human induced impacts, including biodiversity loss and water pollution from nutrients. At the... more
Simple SummaryThe livestock sector requires a significant amount of natural resources and has an important role in climate change. Although the carbon footprint has become a widely accepted indicator for assessing the greenhouse gases... more
This study asks whether sub-national inequalities in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions mirror international patterns in carbon inequality using the case study of China. Several studies have examined global-level carbon inequality; however,... more
The paper examines the biowaste management issues across rural areas of Romania in the context of poor waste management infrastructure in the last decade (2003-2012). Biowaste is the main fraction of municipal waste, thus a proper... more
In English: The method and calculation results of average emissions for separate crop cycles have been presented in terms of applied technological operations. Unitary emissions per hectare of Sida cultivation, with the use of real... more
In Malaysia, the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions reduction via composting of source-separated organic waste (SOW) in municipal solid waste (MSW) has not been assessed. Assessment of GHG emissions reduction via composting of SOW is... more
Continental-scale estimations of terrestrial methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) fluxes over a long time period are crucial to accurately assess the global balance of greenhouse gases and enhance our understanding and prediction of... more
Context and Aim: Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have been established to stabilize the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere. In this regard, Kyoto Protocol (KP)has been ratified to facilitate the implementation of the... more
Despite the recent drastic reversal of decarbonization effort by the current Presidential administration, the majority of U.S. states continue policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing renewable energy... more
Despite the recent drastic reversal of decarbonization effort by the current Presidential administration, the majority of U.S. states continue policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing renewable energy... more
Natural parks (NPs) have a primary role in supporting people's welfare by maintaining natural and cultural resources. Various activities, such as those related to conservation of flora and fauna, forestry, agriculture and livestock,... more
In Malaysia, the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions reduction via composting of source-separated organic waste (SOW) in municipal solid waste (MSW) has not been assessed. Assessment of GHG emissions reduction via composting of SOW is... more
The E and B Experiment, EBEX, is a Cosmic Microwave Background polarization experiment designed to detect or set upper limits on the signature of primordial gravity waves. Primordial gravity waves are predicted to be produced by... more
The E and B Experiment, EBEX, is a Cosmic Microwave Background polarization experiment designed to detect or set upper limits on the signature of primordial gravity waves. Primordial gravity waves are predicted to be produced by... more