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      HistoryArt HistoryFamilyMedieval Church History
Tekst govori o arhitekturi i prostornom planiranju groblja u Hrvatskoj od vremena vladanja Josipa II do danas. Obrađeni su najvažniji primjeri grobljanskih kompleksa, te važnije grobljanske kapele i mauzoleji.
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      Art HistoryRomanticismArchitectureLandscape Architecture
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      Patronage (History)Baroque art and architectureCaravaggioFunerary Chapels
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryUrbanism (Archaeology)Urban History
This series serves as a revisionist history of the arts produced in Italy during the early modern period, from 1300 to 1600. Each volume will focus on an important center where the arts flourished during these centuries. Examining... more
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      Memory StudiesAngevin KingsNaplesThe Kingdom of Naples
"This paper proposes three new (and tentatively, another two) identifications of sundials in Middle Eastern mosaics of the 5th – 8th century. The author discusses a vignette from the Holy Martyrs’ Church at Tayibat al-Imâm, central Syria,... more
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
La presente tesis pretende abordar el estudio de la Capilla Real de la Corte, las capellanías reales de salud, y las capellanías y capillas reales funerarias (capilla real de Sevilla, capilla de Reyes Viejos de la catedral de Toledo,... more
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      IconographyKingship (Medieval History)Tombs (Medieval Studies)Kingdom of Castile in the Middle Ages
En 1509, Íñigo López de Mendoza, II conde de Tendilla, explicaba que la inclusión del cimborrio en la Capilla Real de Granada era una cosa que da[ba] mucha vista y ahermosea[ba] en gran manera la Capilla y [hacía] el edificio real y... more
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      DesignArtArchitectureCultural Heritage
El presente artículo analiza un elenco de obras artísticas -capillas funerarias, espacios palatinos, objetos litúrgicos y libros miniados- realizadas durante el siglo XV bajo el patrocinio de maestres y comendadores pertenecientes a las... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesLate Middle AgesFuneral Practices
L'any 1452 s'inaugurava la capella de l'hort de la Llotja dels mercaders de Barce lona amb gran solemnitat. Per tal que fos una ocasió lluïda, es va llogar el mestre de cant de la catedral i els seus deixebles, i també fra Gregori... more
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      Patronage (Medieval Studies)Funerary ChapelsMedieval Barcelona
La Capilla de las Reliquias de la catedral de Santiago, situada en la crujía norte el claustro acoge desde 1535 los sarcófagos que componen el conocido como panteón regio de la catedral compostelana. Allí fueron trasladados cinco... more
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      Medieval StudiesTombs (Medieval Studies)Funerary PracticesSantiago de Compostela
Working in Genoa, the Ticinese sculptor Taddeo Carlone (1543-1615) recurrently adopted Tuscan statuary models. While in the first half of the sixteenth century Genoa had been enriched by the works of artists such as Andrea Sansovino and... more
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      History of SculptureSculptureMarblesFunerary Chapels
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      Renaissance RomeFrescoFunerary ChapelsFederico Zuccari
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      LiturgyMedieval ArchitectureRelics (Religion)Cathedrals (Medieval Studies)
The chapel of St Peter and Paul in Zagreb`s central cemetery Mirogoj belongs to a group of the most interesting sacral buildings erected in Croatia`s capital at the end of the 19th century. It is one of the first monumental mausoleums... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesHistory (Architecture)Painting
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesBaroque art and architectureMendicant Orders
The article stems from the examination of a letter belonging to the correspondence, today preserved at the Archives diplomatiques du Ministère des Affaires étrangères in Paris-La Courneuve, between Cardinal Jules Mazarin and Elpidio... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryBaroque Art and LiteratureArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
d Ü a universidad ^eó n * Areá de PubUcacmws © U n i v e r s i d a d d e L e ó n © Los AUTORES DE LOS ARTÍCULOS
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      Funerary ChapelsMedieval ChapelsCatholic LiturgySalamanca
From the point of view of church autonomy, Divinka and Lalinok have never formed a separate parish. They have always been in the administration of other parishes since their creation. The municipalities alternately belonged to the parish... more
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      Medieval Ecclesiastical HistoryProtestantismHistory of the JewsChurch History
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
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      Creative WritingChristianityAncient HistoryClassical Archaeology
Printing Galli Thierry stampa, Milano All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form without written permission from the publisher.
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      Funerary ChapelsCounter-Reformation art
This paper will highlight the importance and the impact of the personality of Frederick II in the Hispanic Kingdoms, not just to his contemporaries but also to later monarchs, becoming an icon of power and Empire concept. We will... more
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      Medieval Mediterranean Art and ArchitectureAlfonso X el SabioMedieval PalermoFunerary Chapels
WARSAW AND ŁOWICZ. TWO COLLEGIATE CHAPELS OF CHRIST CRUCIFIED IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY In the collegiate churches in Warsaw and Łowicz (two particularly important residential cities of the Republic of Poland in the modern era), in the... more
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      XVIII centuryPolish Art and ArchitectureWarsawWarszawa
El estudio de las capillas y capellanías reales se centra en el análisis de las relaciones entre la Capilla Palacio y las capillas reales catedralicias/monásticas desde un punto de vista institucional, ideológico y funcional, en llevar a... more
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      Kingship (Medieval History)Kingdom of Castile in the Middle AgesFunerary ChapelsThe Chapel Royal
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      Art HistoryEcclesiastical PatronageEarly modern RomeFunerary Chapels
El presente artículo abarca el estudio documental e histórico artístico de una de las capillas de la iglesia románica de Santa María la Real de Sangüesa que fue erigida a fines del primer tercio del siglo XVI por el noble don Martín de... more
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      Renaissance StudiesMecenazgoFunerary ChapelsRenacimiento
WARSAW AND ŁOWICZ. TWO COLLEGIATE CHAPELS OF CHRIST CRUCIFIED IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY In the collegiate churches in Warsaw and Łowicz (two particularly important residential cities of the Republic of Poland in the modern era), in the... more
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      XVIII centuryPolish Art and ArchitectureWarsawWarszawa
Artículo complementario al trabajo publicado en Archivo Español de arte (El conde de Oñate y la remodelación de la capilla de Santiago en la colegiata de San Hipólito de Córdoba) junto a Manuel García Luque el Año 2020 en el Tomo 93,... more
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      NobilityFunerary ChapelsPatronage
Chapels of the Cinquecento and Seicento in the Churches of Rome form "a geM set In Most resplendent gold" eneath the raised chancel of the church of Santa Susanna is an oval confessio that was built and decorated during the last decade of... more
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      Renaissance RomeFunerary ChapelsRelics and Relic Veneration
Pietas Austriaca at the Lisbon Court The Monumental Chapel and Funerary Tombs built by Catherine of Austria in the San Jerónimos Complex in Belém According to Vasari, the queen of Portugal., Catherine of Austria, had originally... more
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      ArchitectureRenaissance StudiesHabsburg StudiesArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
The subject of the present study is the recovery of a forgotten monument through its restoration and its introduction in the touristic circuit. The roman-catholic chapel Ştirbei, also known as general Ion Florescu’ chapel, was a part of... more
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      ArchitectureCultural Heritage ConservationLandscape Architectural EducationArchitectural Preservation & Restoration
Dwie kaplice wzniesione przy kolegiatach w Warszawie i w Łowiczu, mieszczące słynące łaskami krucyfiksy, wykazują liczne analogie, do których należą: lokalizacja na przedłużeniu północnych naw, powiązania obu kapituł kolegiackich oraz... more
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      XVIII centuryPolish Art and ArchitectureWarsawWarszawa
Génesis y estudio de la capilla de los Reyes de la catedral de Sevilla hasta 1435; desarrollo de los espaciios liturgicos de la catedral mudejar de Sevilla, sepultura reales, ajuares y ceremonial litúgico.
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      Medieval ArtAlfonso X el SabioFunerary ChapelsMobiliario litúrgico
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      PropagandaCultural MemoryKingship (Medieval History)Tombs (Medieval Studies)
On his death, in 1498, Cardinal Pedro González de Mendoza, Archbishop of Toledo, had left instructions and resources for the execution of his funerary monument in the Primatial See. Although the ensemble was not initiated until after his... more
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      Funerary ChapelsCathedral of ToledoPedro González de Mendoza, el Gran CardenalEpiscopal Artistic Patronage
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      Funerary ChapelsMannerismCathedral of Genoa
This paper aims to examine the relationship between bishop don Juan del Campo and Alfonso XI. After assuming the bishopric in 1332, don Juan del Campo established a series of prayers and processions for the king and his mistress doña... more
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      Memory StudiesKingship (Medieval History)Medieval ArchitectureFunerary Practices
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      19th Century (History)Public Memory19th Century PolandPolish Art and Architecture
Dwie kaplice wzniesione przy kolegiatach w Warszawie i w Łowiczu, mieszczące słynące łaskami krucyfiksy, wykazują liczne analogie, do których należą: lokalizacja na przedłużeniu północnych naw, powiązania obu kapituł kolegiackich oraz... more
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      XVIII centuryPolish Art and ArchitectureWarsawWarszawa
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      Spanish ArtJesuits16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architectureFunerary Chapels
Bishop don Juan del Campo passed away on May 24th 1344. Few years earlier he had founded a burial chapel in the northern nave of León cathedral for him and his relatives: this space, between the cloister and the cathedral northern wall,... more
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Tombs (Medieval Studies)Medieval SpainGothic architecture
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      ArchitectureByzantine LiturgyCharters and PaleographyByzantine Hagiography