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Tesis doctoral en filosofía, alrededor de la cuestión de la ciudad desde la perspectiva de la estética y la política. Partiendo de las intuiciones en torno al espacio y el lugar de Walter Benjamin (Libro de los pasajes) y Martin Heidegger... more
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      Guy DebordWalter BenjaminMichel SerresMartin Heidegger
Martin Heidegger, der sein Leben damit verbrachte, über die Frage nach der Beherrschung der Technik und insbesondere nach der Vorstellung technologischer Herrschaft über die Vorstellung dessen, was für ihn die Frage des Humanismus war,... more
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      RoboticsPhilosophy of TechnologyFilm StudiesMartin Heidegger
II ème Partie : Portrait et nom 98 Chapitre III : Le portrait et la figuration du nom à la Renaissance 99 -Venir au monde. La place inaugurale du portrait dans les Vies de Vasari 99 -Le portrait comme principe d'émancipation dans la Vie... more
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      PortraitureDavid LynchJames McNeill WhistlerFritz Lang
This paper examines the representation of the city in Hollywood noir cinema from a number of different perspectives. Several major elements of the city are discussed; the physical city, the social city and city sounds, all within the... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryEuropean CinemaLiterature and cinema
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoFrankfurt SchoolFritz Lang
The crime of the scene: My own rooms seem strange to me. Through the windows I only see myself looking in and all the corridors lead to their own beginning: This is the uncanny. Taking the topologies in Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan as... more
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      PsychoanalysisMedia StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
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      Fritz LangPoesía española del siglo XXPere Gimferrer
Antonio Sant’Elia’s project for a future city opens a new season for architecture where utopia and the image of a city are inseparable. Between the 19th and 20th century several architects studied their contemporary city and its possible... more
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      ArchitectureUtopian StudiesArchitectural HistoryFilippo Tommaso Marinetti
44 | aktör mekânlar "Soykütük gridir; kılı kırk yarar ve sabırla belgeler. Karmakarışık, silinmiş, üstü karalanmış, defalarca yeniden yazılmış parşömenler üzerinde çalışır... Kılı kırk yarmalı ve rastlantılara takılıp kalmalıdır soykütük.... more
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      Guy DebordGilles DeleuzeWalter BenjaminVirginia Woolf
Os zoológicos humanos eram mostras ou exibições de povos tidos como exóticos, de grande apelo popular durante o século XIX e início do XX. Esta pesquisa analisa o fenômeno dos zoológicos humanos, focando-se em casos de exibições de... more
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      History of AnthropologyFranz KafkaFritz LangWeimar Cinema
What kind of a history of cinema does Eisenstein propose in his notes? How does his “General History of Cinema” relate to other histories, and in particular to the histories of other arts? And to what extent is the idea of a “General... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryMedia StudiesFilm Studies
En el presente escrito se analiza la ambigüedad que presenta el expresionismo como movimiento de vanguardia y los conflictos estilísticos de cine expresionista alemán, dando cuenta de la potente influencia que tiene el romanticismo alemán... more
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      German ExpressionismCinemaVisual ArtsF.W. Murnau
The Japanese animated film “Metropolis” (2001) drew on two earlier visual narratives sharing its name: Fritz Lang’s famed silent film (1927) and Osamu Tezuka’s early postwar comic book (1949). This paper understands these three tales as... more
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      Media StudiesArchitectureJapanese AnimeManga and Anime Studies
Trabajo fin de master para la Cátedra de historia y estética de la cinematografía de la Universidad de Valladolid. El trabajo se centra en el análisis de Metrópolis, de Fritz Lang, y su contexto político y estético.
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      German ExpressionismFritz Lang
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      Film TheoryRhythmHistory of Medicine and the BodyRhythmanalysis
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      Discourse AnalysisFilm StudiesEthnographyNarrative
è un Istituto di Alta Cultura costituito nel novembre del 1980 da un gruppo di studiosi di Estetica. Con D.P.R. del 7 gennaio 1990 è stato riconosciuto Ente Morale. Attivo nei campi della ricerca scientifica e della promozione culturale,... more
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      German ExpressionismSiegfried KracauerFritz LangWeimar Cinema
Das Sichtbare umfasst die Natur und die vom Menschen geformten Gebrauchs- und Kunstobjekte. Visuelle Zeichen konzentrieren das Prägnante und kulturell Tradierte in dieser Welt. In der global konzipierten Analyse werden visuelle Zeichen... more
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      Human EvolutionLanguages and LinguisticsArchitectureArt Theory
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesEuropean CinemaSoviet Film
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      Film StudiesTechnology (Film Studies)ModernityScience Fiction Film
A reading of Lang's "Metropolis" which draws on the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Gilles Deleuze to discuss the poetics of image in this film: the intertwining of black and white, the use of the frame and surface, the straight line... more
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      ArchitectureGilles DeleuzeMaurice Merleau-PontyDeleuze
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      Art HistoryMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPerformance Studies
Musica e cinema nella Repubblica di Weimar, ed. Francesco Finocchiaro, Roma, Aracne, 2012, pp. 109-126. This essay analyses the music written by Gottfried Huppertz for Metropolis in relation to the narrative sctructure of of Fritz... more
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      Film StudiesAnalysis of Film MusicFritz LangFilm Music
Fritz Lang's classic "Metropolis" is subjected to a political interpretation. In doing so, the author uses Arthur Moeller van den Bruck's book "Das dritte Reich" (translated as Germany’s Third Empire) from 1923. The writing of the... more
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      Film AnalysisScience FictionFilm HistoryFritz Lang
Contrary to the mainstream view held by film critics, Weimar cinema does not patently represent society’s degenerate psychological drives and sexual behaviours that accompanied the horrors of industrial warfare, nor does it clearly... more
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      Gender and SexualityGerman CinemaFritz LangWeimar Cinema
Published Research (March 2013 to today) and Reviews (February 2 to December 18, 2016) Cinema and television have become obsessions in me over the years and today with the large flat screen we have, with a universal, all zone and all... more
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      Television StudiesJ. R. R. TolkienHarry PotterLars von Trier
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      Medieval LiteratureFilm StudiesMedieval German LiteratureLiterature and cinema
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      Popular CultureScience FictionScience Fiction FilmFritz Lang
With the shift towards intermediality in recent decades, ideas of medium specificity have given way to an understanding of media forms as relational through and through. That is, media are defined less by supposedly intrinsic qualities... more
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      Film StudiesIntermedialityScience FictionScience Fiction Film
Fritz Langs ‚Metropolis' gilt als "one of the inexhaustible texts of world cinema" (Brockmann 2010, 95). Doch trotz der vielseitigen Auslegungsmöglichkeiten ist es erstaunlich, dass bis heute ganze Sammelbände zum Film erscheinen können,... more
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      Film StudiesRace and RacismCritical Race TheoryRace and Ethnicity
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      PropagandaTotalitarianismSiegfried KracauerWeimar Republic
Para os homens e mulheres da Idade Média, a ida ao Paraíso depois da morte era o principal propósito, motivo pelo qual este lugar pode ser considerado uma utopia por excelência, espaço ao mesmo tempo, físico e espiritual de felicidade e... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFritz Lang
Fritz Lang es uno de los cineastas más polémicos de la historia del cine. Su carrera está dividida en dos partes bien diferenciadas debido a la experiencia del exilio, en 1933, después del ascenso del nazismo. En el presente artículo se... more
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      Film AnalysisFritz LangClassical Hollywood CinemaAnti-Nazi Films
Juni 2006 4 . årgang nummer 17 gratis forsiden | indholdsfortegnelsen forrige side | naeste side 16:9 in English: The Artist and the Killer: Fritz Lang's Cinema of the Hand Af JOE MCELHANEY Erotic touch, expressive device, violent... more
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      Gesture StudiesGerman CinemaFritz LangGerman Cinema in the 20s
M es una de las películas más importantes de comienzos de los años 30, en cuanto supone una revolución en su concepciÓn del sonido. En realidad, la película de Lang destaca también por otros muchos conceptos, pues en su conjunto ofrece... more
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      Film StudiesFilm Music And SoundFritz LangHistory of Cinema
En esta disertación, trabajaremos con los rasgos distintivos del cine nazi y analizaremos sucintamente las distintas corrientes que prefiguraron el impacto del nazismo en la sociedad europea, junto con aquellas películas que podrían... more
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      CinemaSiegfried KracauerJudaismFritz Lang
"Von Pasolinis Arbeit in den 1960er Jahren bis zu Salò, den frühen Filmen Farockis und den Ernsten Spielen hat sich der kritische Brennpunkt aber von einer Theorie des zensurierten Subjekts zunehmend auf Beobachtungstechniken der... more
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      Georges Didi-HubermanWalter BenjaminPost-ColonialismBertolt Brecht
The essay will argue that Metropolis is not only a film about a futuristic city in which class struggle occurs, but an allegory to the problems that modernity had brought in interwar Weimar Germany, with leitmotifs relevant to this day.... more
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      HistoryFritz LangWeimar CinemaWeimar Germany
This paper studies the documentary film genre in Pasolini's work, focusing mainly on "Appunti per un’Orestiade africana (Notes on an African Orestes). Editing and technical details are analysed, along with their symbolic meanings in... more
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      Georges Didi-HubermanDocumentary FilmFritz LangPier Paolo Pasolini
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      German StudiesJewish StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Music And Sound
Si existe alguien obsesionado con la nostalgia del pasado ese es Guy Maddin, artista visual y cineasta nacido en 1956 en Winnipeg, Canadá que comenzó haciendo películas en su patio trasero y en la mesa de su cocina. Actualmente, ostenta... more
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      Literature and cinemaNarratologyMelodramaCinema
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      SurveillanceFritz LangConspiracyThe Stasi
Few are acquainted with Bertolt Brecht’s vast and varied film work. His work as a screenwriter lies in the shadow of his playwright notoriety and at the margins of his attempts at collaborating with the film industry. We are looking at a... more
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      ScreenwritingGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureDramaturgy
Vi siete mai chiesti quali presenze, quali forze oscure prendono vita di notte? La città diviene il fulcro, l'epicentro nel quale le ombre si possono muovere, prendono vita. Attraverso l'analisi di una rosa di film si parlerà di ciò che... more
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      Horror FilmPhilip K DickFantasy LiteratureCinema
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      Applied StatisticsCorrespondence AnalysisFritz LangAlfred Hitchcock
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      ArchitectureFilm StudiesScience FictionFritz Lang
Il saggio offre un'attenta analisi del concetto di giustizia nel capolavoro di Fritz Lang, "M".
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      German ExpressionismJusticeGerman CinemaCinema
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      Film StudiesFritz LangLiterature and Culture of the Weimar RepublicPsychoanalysis and Cinema
es un referente a nivel internacional de la restauración fílmica. Además de ser un gran investigador e historiador del cine mudo, Berriatúa es en la actualidad uno de los mayores conocedores de la obra de F. W. Murnau. A través de sus... more
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      Film HistoryOrson WellesF.W. MurnauFritz Lang
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      German StudiesFilm HistoryFritz LangFilm and Media Studies