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Using a comparative-static general equilibrium model and in the context of the western hemisphere, this paper compares the economic effects of a "hub-and-spokes (HAS)" type of bilateral trade configuration (with Chile being the... more
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      International RelationsGovernanceTechnology transferApplied Economics
We incorporate intermediate inputs into a small-union general-equilibrium model and develop the welfare economics of preferential trading under the rules of origin. Combining this analysis with the Grossman-Helpman political-economy... more
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      EconomicsWelfare EconomicsPolitical EconomySocial Policy
This paper surveys recent work on the economic effects, both theoretical and empirical, of Rules of Origin (RoO) in a Free Trade Area (FTA).
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      Rules of OriginFree Trade Area
). Il s'agit d'une modification majeure de la politique commerciale du Sénégal qui bénéficie aujourd'hui d'un accès préférentiel relativement favorable vers les marchés européens, mais aussi vers le marché américain, et applique des... more
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      EconomicsEuropean UnionFree TradeFree Trade Area
The EU-sponsored Barcelona conference in 1995 set the ambitious goal of creating the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area (EUROMED) that would include the European Union and the MENA countries by 2010. The intermediate steps towards... more
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      European UnionEconomic integrationApplied EconomicsPanel Data
This paper examines the determinants of export flows of countries in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) through estimations of panel data using a gravity model. In particular, the paper employs the Hausman-Taylor (HT) estimation for a... more
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      EconomicsPanel DataTrade FacilitationGravity Model
Two large applied general equilibrium models, GTAP and MONASH, are used in this paper to simulate the elimination of trade barriers among the members of APEC. These models focus respectively on global trading relations and on the detailed... more
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      South KoreaNew ZealandTerms of TradeMilk products
FAQs about rules of origin and cumulation of origin A booklet in which you can find answers to the questions you may have about preferential rules of origin and the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean cumulation system, the world's largest free trade... more
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      Free trade agreementsRules of OriginFree Trade AreaForeign Trade
Makalah ini dibuat untuk menjadi bahan pertimbangan kebijakan terkait persaingan usaha, khususnya persaingan usaha yang dihadapi oleh UMKM di Provinsi Banten terkait pelaksanaan FTA. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi ke lokasi... more
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      Research PolicyFree Trade AreaPorters Five ForcesASEAN AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND FREE TRADE AREA
The rapid growth in the number of regional trade agreements (RTAs) has led to concern about the weakening of the multilateral trading system. This paper looks at the spread of such agreements and the extent to which they pose a threat to... more
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      EconomicsWorld Trade OrganizationFree Trade AreaCustoms Union
Makalah ini menganalisis Free Trade Area ataupun yang dikenal dengan Perdagangan Bebas secara umum dan detail. Disamping itu, makalah ini juga menyajikan berbagai contoh Free Trade Area yang telah disetujui oleh berbagai negara diatas... more
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      International RelationsInternational Political EconomyHubungan InternasionalFree trade agreements
Preferential rules of origin and the Pan Euro-Mediterranean cumulation system This book aimed to provide public officials, economic operators, students and other interested parties with information about the basic origin concepts and the... more
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      Free trade agreementsRules of OriginFree Trade AreaForeign Trade
The ghost of Berlin Conference (1884-1885) that partitioned Africa into specific spheres of influence has continued to haunt Africa many years after colonialism, reinforcing the fragmentation of African economies. The shadow of the... more
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      African integrationRegional Economic IntegrationFree Trade AreaCustom Union
Abstrak ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AKFTA) adalah kesepakatan antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN dengan Korea untuk mewujudkan kawasan perdagangan bebas dengan menghilangkan atau mengurangi hambatanhambatan perdagangan barang baik tarif... more
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      South KoreaASEANFree Trade Area
This study tries to quantify the concerns that have been raised often on adjustment costs likely to be faced by African countries and makes recommendations of how the EPAs could be made to work in Africa's favour. The study addresses the... more
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      European UnionRegional EconomicsSocial impactTrade Liberalization
Historically, integration in Africa preceded European colonialism and as well predated European integration. But in the scramble for Africa, the continent was partitioned into specific spheres of influence in the Berlin Conference... more
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      AfricaFunctionalismRegional IntegrationFree Trade Area
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      International TradeEconomic integrationFree Trade AreaMediterranean region
The report presents the findings of a survey of representatives of large and medium-sized companies from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan engaged in foreign economic activities in the EAEU and the CIS... more
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      TajikistanArmeniaCommonwealth of Independent StatesKyrgyzstan
We consider the case of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) which is one of the largest free trade areas in Africa. We examine whether the ECOWAS member countries have favourable economic characteristics to undertake a... more
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      Economic GrowthRegional developmentEconomic integrationIncome Distribution
Zusammenfassung: This publication has been launched within the project “European Union–Republic of Moldova Trade Relations: Current Situation and Perspectives for Enhancement”. The project is sponsored by the Moldova-Soros Foundation. The... more
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      European UnionEconomic integrationFeasibility StudyEuropean Commission
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      European UnionEconomic integrationFeasibility StudyEuropean Commission
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      International TradeEuropean UnionFree TradeProduct differentiation
WAI-ZEI Paper No. 22 analyzes the regional integration process in Southern Africa, which is one of the oldest examples of regional integration. The Southern African Development Community (SADC), which was initially founded as a stronghold... more
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      Southern AfricaRegional IntegrationSouthern African Development CommunityEast African Community , COMESA and SADC Tripartite
ABSTRACT & RÉSUMÉ & ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Abstract: Francophone Africa has been dominated to date by the political, economic and cultural repercussions of France’s colonial rule. A major instrument to assert France's interests was the upkeep... more
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      African StudiesInternational TradeFrancophone AfricaPost-Colonialism
Is world trade becoming more regionalized, as a result of preferential arrangements such as NAFTA, the Andean Pact and MERCOSUR? If so, is this deviation from the principle of MFN (nondiscriminatory trade policies) good or bad? This paper... more
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      Development EconomicsEast AsiaApplied EconomicsFree Trade
ASEAN has been deepening intra-regional integration at the same time that it has been forming various cooperative arrangements with its partners, and its Member Countries have been pursuing individual trade accords. Which would be the... more
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      Economic integrationRegional IntegrationTrade PolicyMonetary Integration
Under the WTO regime it was expected that both the developing and developed nations will benefit from the opening up of the markets in these countries. But uptil now the developing countries are at the suffering end. So theses were being... more
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      MathematicsPakistanSri LankaNepal
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyInternational Relations TheoryGlobalization
y democrática de alternativa de desarrollo al proyecto de un Á rea de Libre Comercio entre las Américas (FTAA, por sus siglas en inglés). El documento explora los retos y oportunidades de la Alianza Social Hemisférica (HSA, por sus siglas... more
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      Social MovementsMultidisciplinaryCivil SocietyFree Trade Area
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      Economic integrationRegional IntegrationMonetary IntegrationFree Trade Area
In recent years the European Union has sought to transform its trading regime with the ACP countries by advocating reciprocal free trade agreements with them through Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). This policy shift from... more
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      European UnionFree TradeFree Trade AreaFree Trade Agreement
Zusammenfassung: This publication has been launched within the project “European Union–Republic of Moldova Trade Relations: Current Situation and Perspectives for Enhancement”. The project is sponsored by the Moldova-Soros Foundation. The... more
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      European UnionEconomic integrationFeasibility StudyEuropean Commission
Summary and examination of negotiations aimed at the creation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas, with special attention to the positions of Mercosur countries. The objective is to analyze the economic incentives, on the social and... more
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      EconomicsInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyGlobalization
We analyze a simple bargaining model in which countries form preferential trad- ing arrangements in order to improve their status quo positions during subsequent multilateral negotiations. This model provides a natural interpretation of... more
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      EconomicsOpen AccessTrade NegotiationsFree Trade Area
Using a detailed data set at the tariff line level, we find an emulator effect of multilateralism on subsequent regional trade agreements involving the US. We exploit the variation in the frequency with which the US has granted immediate... more
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      EconomicsApplied EconomicsFree Trade AreaPreferential trade agreement
The United States and the European Union include several environmental clauses in their respective preferential trade agreements (PTAs). Building on an exhaustive and fine-grained dataset of PTAs’ environmental clauses, this article makes... more
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      International TradeTransatlantic relationsInternational Political EconomyEnvironmental Policy and Governance
The main goal of regionalization is the creation of free trade areas and the guarantee for countries to accede to a widened market. Many studies dealing with the effects of regional free trade agreements on trade flows already exist in... more
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      BusinessEuropean integrationBusiness EconomicsEuropean Union
An applied general equilibrium model with oligopoly and scale economies, based on detailed plant-level data, is used to contrast the impacts of the Morocco-EU free trade area (FTA) to multilateral trade liberalization on Morocco's... more
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      Market StructureEconomic integrationApplied EconomicsScale Economies
The 1997/98 Asian currency crisis has led a once high-flying East Asia to realize its vulnerability to external shocks. This realization has given strong impetus to greater economic integration among East Asian economies, with the... more
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      East AsiaEconomic integrationDimensional AnalysisRepublic of Korea
Trade liberalisation and economic integration are central to the success of the Treaty establishing the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) regional trading bloc. COMESA's liberalisation and integration programme boasts... more
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      Southern AfricaEconomic integrationFree TradePoverty Reduction
In this paper, an applied general equilibrium (AGE) model is used to assess the welfare results of alternative free trade areas (FTA) for three MERCOSUR countries, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The results of the sensitivity to shocks... more
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      EconomicsSensitivity AnalysisTrade LiberalizationTerms of Trade
This paper provides an ex-ante assessment of the poverty and income distribution impacts of the Central American Free Trade Area agreement on Nicaragua. A general equilibrium macro model is used to simulate trade reform scenarios and... more
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      EconomicsPovertyIncome DistributionDominican Republic
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      International RelationsEconomic policyInternational MarketingFree Trade
La serie de Documentos de Trabajo en versión PDF puede obtenerse gratis en la dirección electrónica: Existe la posibilidad de solicitar una copia impresa con un costo de $500 si es dentro... more
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      Emerging EconomiesRegional IntegrationLatin AmericaLatin American
Following lead, trade theorists have generally treated trade policy as exogenous in evaluating the welfare effects of preferential trading arrangements. The general approach has been to start with a tariff distorted equilibrium and ask... more
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      Political EconomyEconomic policyRegional IntegrationFree Trade
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      AgricultureAgricultural tradeApplied EconomicsLatin America
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      International TradeInternational trade lawFair TradeTrade
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      International TradeEconomic TheoryEconomic policyTax Policy
Dynamique des investissements, mutations sectorielles et convertibilité du compte de capital : impacts des mesures de libéralisation et expériences comparées Tunisie-Maroc
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthChange ManagementHuman Capital