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What are the implications of hard economic times for regional economic cooperation? Existing research is sharply divided on the answer to this question. Some studies suggest that economic crises encourage governments to strengthen their... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceInternational CooperationInternational Organizations (International Studies)
La comparación entre procesos de integración, como método de análisis utilizado para estudiar las similitudes, particularidades o diferencias, se utiliza con cierta frecuencia en el medio académico especializado que analiza el “nuevo... more
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      RegionalismEuropean Union (International Studies)Regional IntegrationComparative Regionalism
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      NursingEast AsiaPhilippinesInternational Cooperation
The ghost of Berlin Conference (1884-1885) that partitioned Africa into specific spheres of influence has continued to haunt Africa many years after colonialism, reinforcing the fragmentation of African economies. The shadow of the... more
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      African integrationRegional Economic IntegrationFree Trade AreaCustom Union
Con el fin de la bonanza de materias primas también parece terminar una etapa del regionalismo y la integración regional en América Latina y el Caribe, entre 2000 y 2015, que se ha interpretado a través de la divisoria entre la América... more
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      Latin American Foreign PolicyRegional IntegrationUnasur/UnasulRegional Economic Integration
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      CambodiaVietnamLand GrabbingRegional Economic Integration
Although the states comprising the English-speaking Caribbean have much in common, integrating them politically and economically has proven to be an extremely challenging endeavor. All three integration initiatives since 1958 whether... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational EconomicsInternational DevelopmentPolitical Economy of International Trade
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      Latin American StudiesInternational RelationsInternational StudiesRegionalism
This course introduces students to regions of the world in historical and geographical context. We focus both on geographical locations and patterns, which we will learn to describe, and also on processes by which regions come to be,... more
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      Human GeographyRegional GeographyCartographyArea Studies
La emergencia de nuevos procesos de integración en América Latina, como la Alianza del Pacífico (ap), integrada por México, Colombia, Chile y Perú, manifiesta el interés de estos países por construir un proyecto común a través del cual... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational RelationsGeopoliticsInternational Trade
The Central and South Asia regions have a long history of trade relations. There have nearly always been movements of goods and people between the regions, which in turn have linked their cultural and religious ties and impacted political... more
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      International TradeSouth AsiaCentral AsiaRegional Economic Integration
This paper analyzes the relationship between the business cycles of Mexico and the United States. The purpose is to study the consequences of regional economic integration. As the manufacturing sectors of the two economies have become... more
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      EconomicsUnited StatesTrade IntegrationRegional Economic Integration
This paper analyzes the absence of correlation between China-ASEAN economic interdependence and dispute settlement in the South China Sea, against liberals' prediction. It argues that there are a few trends in the dispute settlement... more
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      International Dispute SettlementSouth China SeaEconomic InterdependenceRegional Economic Integration
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      Latin American StudiesRegional IntegrationPacific AllianceRegional Economic Integration
This study examines the impact of East African Community (EAC) integration on trade development and economic growth in the EAC. It also examines whether the initiatives have presented any real benefits from trade liberalization. The... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational TradeInternational trade lawRegional Integration
SAARC was born out of the functionalist optimism that economic and technical cooperation will usher in an era of political stabilization and harmony. This has proven to flounder embarrassingly since the existence of SAARC. The motive for... more
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      Regional IntegrationSAARCRegional Economic Integration
Der Beitrag analysiert am Beispiel der Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion, wie sich Asymmetrien auf den regionalen Integrationsprozess auswirken. Dabei wird zuerst geklärt, welche theoretischen Grundannahmen es zu dieser Fragestellung gibt.... more
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      Regional IntegrationUneven DevelopmentRegional Economic IntegrationEurasian Economic Union
Inquiry into regional integration has recently created the attention particularly of social scientists and policy makers into this new field of knowledge with emphasis on European integration as the best existing model of integration.... more
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      Regional IntegrationRegional Economic IntegrationAfrican regional economic community
Major issues of regional economic integration in Africa could be grouped into two interrelated broad areas: issues of implementation and the limitation of insight form both the theoretical and empirical literature regarding the specific... more
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      Economic integrationApplied EconomicsCase StudyGravity Model
On the basis of the application of the Economic geography approach on the economic integration process of Mercosur, I discuss the advantages and the limits of such a conception, pointing out the absence of certain fundamental variables... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsEconomic GeographyDevelopment Studies
The central argument of this article is that regional economic integration must be complemented by the creation of regional frameworks for environmental management. Beyond working to expand market access, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation... more
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      Environmental policyEnvironmental ManagementMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental Concern
A partir de la creación de la iniciativa Alianza del Pacífico en el año 2012, el esquema de la integración regional en América Latina ha tomado un viraje distinto. Nos encontramos ante una situación donde países vecinos deben compartir,... more
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      International organizationsRegionalismInternational CooperationInternational Organizations (International Studies)
ASEAN will require a new economic community vision beyond 2015, given the changing nature of the region’s political economic landscape. Such a new vision, suggestively called AEC 2025, needs to be based on ASEAN’s own strengths and... more
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      International RelationsInternational TradeInternational Political EconomyFree trade agreements
La aprobación del Código Aduanero del MERCOSUR (CAM), a través de la Decisión CMC Nº 27/10, durante la Cumbre de Presidentes en San Juan –Argentina-, cuya elaboración estuvo a cargo del Grupo Ad Hoc para la Redacción del CAM, marca un... more
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      International TradeInternational trade lawRegional IntegrationMercosur
This paper is part of a wider research on South and East Asian countries' taxation, carried out in this Department, under the direction of L. Bernardi, A. Fraschini and P. Shome, and under the supervision of. V. Tanzi. South and East Asia... more
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      Tax reformEast AsiaTax PolicyEconomic integration
This paper is part of a wider research on South and East Asian countries' taxation, carried out in this Department, under the direction of L. Bernardi, A. Fraschini and P. Shome, and under the supervision of. V. Tanzi. South and East Asia... more
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      Tax reformEast AsiaTax PolicyEconomic integration
The Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s contributed to the intensification of regional economic integration in East Asia. However, the initial optimism resulting from the greater interest in integration among participants weakened... more
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      International EconomicsEconomic integrationRegional Economic Integration
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      East AsiaRegional Economic Integration
This publication has two main goals. On the one hand it is a brief introduction to the competition between globalization and regionalization in the international system, visible especially at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, with... more
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El propósito central del presente trabajo de investigación consiste en explicar el proceso de negociaciones entablado entre el MERCOSUR y la Unión Europea entre los años 1999 y 2008 hacia un Acuerdo de Asociación Interregional, con el fin... more
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      International RelationsInternational NegotiationEuropean UnionRegionalism
This paper examines the relationship between regional economic integration and FDI in North America, where two RIAs have been established over the past decade: a bilateral free trade agreement between Canada and the U.S. (CUSTA) and a... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentEconomic integrationRegional IntegrationRegional Economic Integration
The port plays a key role in serving landlocked countries in general and those in the ECOWAS region. The port of Cotonou is a hub that serves as an interface between the northern countries and the ECOWAS hinterlands by facilitating the... more
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      Transport LogisticsInternational TradeTransport GeographyPort Management
This paper analyses the potential for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to function as a development-oriented organization. It departs from the developmental regionalism analysis that is currently emerging in the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentASEANRegional Economic Integration
These reports present an important aspect of regional cooperation in Central Asia – trade. Many factors speak in favour of regional trade and cooperation, including (a) the communication, transport and energy infrastructure created by the... more
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      International TradeCentral Asian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesCentral Eurasian Studies
The paper examines the recent emergence and rapid development of one of the world's most active, regionally based, migrant-labour systems. Explanation is sought through two major theoretical perspectives: the neo-classical economics view... more
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      MultidisciplinaryInternal migrationLabour MarketRegional Economic Integration
In light of regional economicintegration approaches, whatistheintegrationproposedbytheRegionalComprehensiveEconomic Partnership (RCEP)? The agreementwassignedonNovember 15, 2020, afternearly a decadeofnegotiations. It... more
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      Regional Trade AgreementsRegional Economic Integration
Regionalism and regional integration in East Asia has developed dynamically at various levels over the past two decades. In the world system, East Asia's degree of regional economic coherence is second only to the European Union's. In... more
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      Global GovernanceEast AsiaEuropean UnionRegional Economics
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      East AsiaTrade PolicyRegional Economic Integration
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      Regional IntegrationMonetary PolicyRegional Economic Integration
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      Mercosur/MercosulMercosurInternational Trade and Human Rights LawRegional Economic Integration
Formation of integration associations of any type requires selection of a certain integration model which will best meet the requirements for the presentation of its subjects and interests. To select an appropriate integration model in... more
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      Economic integrationRegional Economic IntegrationEconomic Model
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      East AsiaSouth AsiaEconomic integrationSouth America
Este trabalho versa sobre a questão da harmonização tributária no Mercado Comum do Sul. No capítulo I, aborda-se o Mercosul, suas origens, seus princípios e atualidades. Aborda-se, também, as fases da integração regional, demonstrando-se... more
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      International Tax LawDireito Tributário (Tax Law)Mercosur/MercosulTaxation Law
CARICOM is one of the least explored in academic literature. As the European example has enlightened, regional integration organizations can generate development especially for people of those marginalized or remote areas. Learning from... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyInternational Political EconomyRegional Integration
The Mercado Comum do Sur (Mercosul in Portuguese) is a regional integration bloc in Latin America. Mercosur has fallen dramatically from being a regional integration bloc, experiencing remarkable success in integration to becoming a... more
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      European UnionRegionalismRegional IntegrationMercosur/Mercosul
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      Market OrientationApplied EconomicsWorld EconomicsMultinational Enterprise
This paper examines the relationship between regional economic integration and FDI in North America, where two RIAs have been established over the past decade: a bilateral free trade agreement between Canada and the U.S. (CUSTA) and a... more
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      EconomicsForeign Direct InvestmentEconomic integrationRegional Integration
Since the emergence of nation-states as primary actors in the international system, relations among states have been defined and guided by their strategic interests in all areas of interaction. International economic relations,... more
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      International RelationsInternational TradeForeign PolicyPolitical Economy of International Trade
The East Asian region is a major global economic player, given its economic size and potential. As such, Regional Economic Integration in East Asia could be considered as an important building bloc toward integration of the Asia-Pacific... more
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      East AsiaEconomic integrationRegional Economic IntegrationFree Trade Agreement
Cepeda-Ladino, Julio-César. 2010. 'Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico - APEC Japón 2010: Fin de la moratoria para Colombia?'. Paper presented at the 'I International Relations Students Colloquium' ('I Coloquio de Estudiantes en... more
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