Recent papers in Compression
Large-scale periodic undulations within the oceanic and continental lithospheres revealed by a number of observations, are often treated as compressive instabilities, i.e. lithospheric buckling or folding. These undulations are normally... more
Purpose To test the null hypothesis that depression does not correlate with patient satisfaction after open release of electrodiagnostically confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome when controlling for other demographic, disease-related, and... more
Objectives: To describe a cohort of significantly injured roller coaster riders and the likely levels of acceleration at which the injuries occurred, and to compare these data with contemporary efforts to define a lower limit of... more
Pour la fabrication des mousses polyuréthanes d'une certaine densité et d'une bonne qualité, on cherche donc à contrôler le mieux possible la formation de cette microstructure de sorte que le produit final ait les propriétés souhaitées... more
The use of ultrasound during the tableting of pharmaceutical powders is a new concept. However, in the metallurgy, plastic, and ceramic industries, ultrasound-assisted compression of materials has been known for some years. Ultrasound... more
Transmission of compressed medical images is becoming a vital tool in telemedicine. Thus new methods are needed for efficient image compression. This study discovers the best design parameters for a data compression scheme applied to... more
The present paper deals with an experimental convective heat transfer investigation around a film-cooled, high-pressure gas turbine rotor blade mounted in a stationary, linear cascade arrangement. The measurements were performed in the... more
Solar methane dissociation appears as a possible route toward a hydrogen-based economy.
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam seismic buffers can be used to reduce earthquake-induced loads acting on rigid retaining wall structures. A numerical study was carried out to investigate the influence of wall height; EPS geofoam type,... more
Quantitative plant assemblage data from coal balls, miospores, megaspores, and compression floras from the Calhoun coal bed (Missotirian) of the Illinois Basin (USA) are used to interpret spatial and temporal changes in plant commtinities... more
Laboratory testing of rectangular beams using a synthetic rock was used to investigate the onset of dilation and spalling. The beams are axially compressed and subjected to 4-point bending to provide non-uniform compressive stresses. The... more
Nuts of four hazelnut varieties and five new selections used for table consumption were compressed at the moisture content of 6% wet basis to measure shell resistance to breakage. Rupture force, rupture energy and nut specific deformation... more
Methods. A health status questionnaire was mailed to 2,465 persons of working age (25-65 years) who were randomly selected from the general population of a representative region of Sweden. The questionnaire required the subjects to... more
In this paper a wavelet-based steganographic method is proposed for robust short-message hiding. The message is embedded into the most significant wavelet coefficients of a cover image to provide invisibility and resistance against lossy... more
Static codes for the non-negative integers have a range of applications, including in the storage of inverted indexes, and in dictionary-based compression systems. We present two simple codes based on binary representations that are... more
To improve accuracy in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) by comparing cross-sectional area (CSA) measurements of the median nerve obtained at the level of the carpal tunnel (CSAc) with those obtained more proximally (CSAp), at... more
Data stored in databases keep growing as a result of businesses requirements for more information. A big portion of the cost of keeping large amounts of data is in the cost of disk systems, and the resources utilized in managing that... more
A 12-year-old female athlete, training for an international career in pentathlon, was referred to our clinic because of 2 years of recurrent localized swelling and activity-related pain in the medial aspect of her right knee, since... more
Solar cooling applied to buildings is without a doubt an interesting alternative for reducing energy consumption in traditional mechanical steam compression air conditioning systems. The study of these systems should have a closely purely... more
The very great volume of information and data in a digital image can cause practical problems. Transmitting an image from one computer to another and/or archiving are very expensive due to the abundance of data representing the image in... more
After collecting a data base of fingerprint images, we design a neural network algorithm for fingerprint recognition. When presented with a pair of fingerprint images, the algorithm outputs an estimate of the probability that the two... more
Bottom hypoxia has reemerged as a prominent feature of Lake Erie's central basin during late summer. Similar to coastal and marine systems, the influence of hypoxia on pelagic organisms remains largely enigmatic in Lake Erie. During 2005,... more
The aim of the study was to evaluate the suitability of alginates for Soft Tableting. For this purpose the compaction properties of alginates, varying in molecular weight, guluronic acid/mannuronic acid ratio and salt, were investigated... more
Despite the widespread support for live migration of Virtual Machines (VMs) in current hypervisors, these have significant shortcomings when it comes to migration of certain types of VMs. More specifically, with existing algorithms, there... more
CNG and compressed hydrogen are compared to illustrate why CNG, but not compressed hydrogen, is a viable alternative vehicle fuel. It is shown that natural gas has a greater energy content per mole than hydrogen and that more moles of... more
The influence of steel and polypropylene fibers on the resistance to compression of concrete is evaluated. NTP 339.034 and ASTM C39 were used to test compressive strength in four groups with a total of 48 specimens distributed in a... more
It's a fact that nonlinear color models like Hue-Saturation -Value/ Brightness/ Luminance/ Intensity (HSV/ HSB/ HSL/ HSI) have special feature for each channel. So in this paper we propose a new hybrid compression system that deals with... more
The aims of this study were to determine how custom-fit compression shorts affect athletic performance and to examine the mechanical properties of the shorts. Ten male and 10 female track athletes on a university's nationally competitive... more
Autoencoders play a fundamental role in unsupervised learning and in deep architectures for transfer learning and other tasks. In spite of their fundamental role, only linear autoencoders over the real numbers have been solved... more
Management of giant omphalocele in a full-term neonate is a challenging clinical situation. Even more challenging is giant omphalocele in a premature low-birth-weight infant. The authors describe a successful staged noninvasive technique... more
In this paper two types of polymeric foams, namely, cross-linked poly-vinyl chloride (PVC) and polyurethane (PUR) were examined under compression loading at different strain rates. Quasi-static compression tests were performed using a... more
The cyber world is an ever-changing world, cyber security is most importance and touches the lives of everyone on the cyber world including: Researchers, students, businesses, academia, and novice user. The paper suggests a body of... more
MP3 is a standard that is used for encoding/decoding audio data. The standard can lower audio bit rate significantly without any loss. For this reason, it is key to understand how it does so, and secondly, find out if it is doable. Raw... more
The sedimentation behaviour of particulate slurries in laboratory scale batch settling experiments is important to the prediction of full-scale gravity thickening behaviour. However, the material throughput predicted by modelling of... more
0 Two test drugs, hydrochlorothiazide and phenylbutazone, were separately incorporated into a standard formulation to study their disintegration and dissolution prolperties as a function of compression force. The increase in dissolution... more
The first steps of the turbomachinery design usually rely on numerical tools based on inviscid formulation with corrections using loss models to account for viscous effects, secondary flows, tip clearances and shock waves. The viscous... more
The typical cause of flexural failure of prestressed beams is compression crushing of concrete, 5 which is a progressive softening damage. Therefore, according to the amply validated theory of 6 deterministic (or energetic) size effect in... more
Concrete is no longer made of aggregates, Portland cement and water only it is not always incorporate so it requires at least one of the additional ingredients such as admixtures, supplementary Cementitious material or fibers to increase... more
Increasing embedded systems functionality causes a steep increase in code size. For instance, more than 60MB of software is installed in current state-of-the-art cars. It is often challenging and cumbersome to host vast amount of software... more
There is an increasing interest towards synthetic closures as an alternative to cork stoppers for sealing wine bottles. In this preliminary study, a set of testing conditions using the TA-HDI Texture Analyzer were implemented to measure... more
The main driving forces for lightweight materials for the automotive industry and military applications are cost effectiveness, high strength, and wear resistance. Precision Metal Forming (PMF) has developed a new and innovative... more
This research works on high symbolic Bengali text and transforms it into corresponding less symbolic English complying with the transliteration method. The Huffman-based approaches serve to compress retaining the original quality of the... more
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a constellation of symptoms associated with compression of the median nerve at the wrist. The pathophysiology of CTS is not fully understood but mechanical aspects of injury within the carpal tunnel are... more