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NEOGENE AND PLEISTOCENE BRACHIOPODS OF EMILIA (NORTHERN ITALY). This second part of the study on the brachiopods from Emilia deals with the less common species known from this region. The first record of the genus Discinisca Dall, 1871... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyFossil Brachiopods
. Geological map of the study area after . Black points show the position of the mud mounds sensu . White points show the main sample locations.
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PalaeogeographyGeologyStratigraphy
A small Permian brachiopod fauna is described from new localities in northeastern Thailand. Brachiopods were collected from early Permian (Asselian) limestones of the Nam Maholan Formation and middle Permian (Murgabian) sandstones of the... more
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      ThailandPermianFossil Brachiopods
I. Ansammeln VFMG Bonn Eifeler Kalkmulden 2006 1. 23.5.2006 Bad Münstereifel Eschweiler …...……1 2. Scheid Berg, Sötenich ……………………………1 3. Steinbruch Winter und Weiss, Mülldeponie ….. 2 4. 26.3.2006 großer Sötenicher Stbr ………………... more
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      FossilAmmonitesAmmoniteFossil Corals
The inarticulate brachiopod Discinisca is a rare faunal element in the Upper Cretaceous of the U.S. Western Interior. We report two occurrences of encrustation of Discinisca on a scaphitid ammonite (scaphite) and several inoceramids from... more
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      Cretaceous ammonitesInvertebrate PaleontologyCretaceousAmmonites
Brachidio Foramen Lofoforo I brachiopodi sono organismi che si rinvengono molto spesso fossili nelle rocce delle nostre montagne e che vivono tuttora nei nostri mari. Essi prendono il nome da una particolare struttura del corpo molle... more
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      Brachiopods (Biology)Fossil Brachiopods
Brachiopods (Productida [except Chonetidina], Orthida, Athyridida, Spiriferida [Adolfiidae, Reticulariidae, Ambocoeliidae, Thomasariidae], and Spiriferinida) recovered in the interval, in terms of the standard conodont zonation, between... more
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Chapter three.
By Lynn Margulis, Michael J Chapman
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      MammalsMolluscaAnphibiansFossil Brachiopods
The literature references of MayLib from the year 2000 to the year 2015 presented as a CSV file. This CSV file can be read by EXCEL, for example. For more details see following publication, which can be read and downloaded below: MAY A.... more
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      Coral ReefsMass extinctionsconodont biostratigraphy, Silurian, DevonianDevonian
The literature references of MayLib from the year 1816 to the year 2000 presented as a CSV file. This CSV file can be read by EXCEL, for example. For more details see following publication, which can be read and downloaded below: MAY A.... more
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      Coral ReefsMass extinctionsconodont biostratigraphy, Silurian, DevonianDevonian
Brzoskwinie i ramienionogi, czyli na tropie obcych gatunków flory i fauny w kulturze wielbarskiej. Przykład Weklic KALINA SKÓRA (Łódź) MAGDALENA NATUNIEWICZ-SEKUŁA (Warszawa) MARIA ALEKSANDRA BITNER (Warszawa) Ważnym aspektem obrzędowości... more
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      PaleobiologyArchaeologyArchaeobotanyRoman Period
More than thirty body fossil localities are known in the Bright Angel Shale within Grand Canyon National Park in northern Arizona. Most sites are in levels within the Glossopleura walcotti Zone of the Delamaran Stage, Lincolnian Series.... more
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      EchinodermsTrilobitesCambrianGrand Canyon
May, A. (1996b): Erdgeschichte und Fossilien des Kreises Olpe. - In: May, A., & Korte, L., & Ahrweiler, R.: Trampelpfade in die Erdgeschichte. Zur Geologie des Kreises Olpe: 5-56, 47 figs.; Attendorn (Kreisheimatmuseum). Da das Gebiet... more
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Inhalt: 1. Die geographische Lage des Exkursionsgebiets im Remscheid-Altenaer Sattel 2. Standort Dolomitsteinbruch im Massenkalk bei Hagen Hohenlimburg 2.1 Die Entstehung des Massenkalks und Dolomits 2.2 Die Kalkbuchenwälder... more
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      SpeleothemsDolomite, Dolomites, Carbonate SedimentologyStromatoporoidsStromatolites
Popov, L.E. and Cocks, L.R.M. 2017. Late Ordovician palaeogeography and the positions of the Kazakh ter-ranes through analysis of their brachiopod faunas. Acta Geologica Polonica, 67 (3), 323–380. Warszawa. Detailed biogeographical and... more
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      PalaeogeographyBiogeographyFossil BrachiopodsRegional Geology
May, A. (1989c): Die ältesten Gesteine des Sauerlandes und ihre Fossilien. - Der Märker, 38 (6): 258-265, 3 figs., pl. 1; Lüdenscheid. In diesem Artikel werden die Schichten des Ordoviziums, Silurs und tiefsten Devons (und ihre... more
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Brachiopod faunas in Lower Triassic deposits from Spitzbergen, Primorye of Russia, Japan, Mangyslak of Kazakhstan, Alpine Europe, the Caucasus, the Middle East, the Himalaya, South China, New Zealand, and western USA are taxonomically and... more
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      TriassicRecoveryFossil Brachiopods
Focusing on geometric morphometrics (GMM), we review methods for acquiring morphometric data from 3D objects (including fossils), algorithms for producing shape variables and morphospaces, the mathematical properties of shape space,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleontologyGeometric MorphometricsMorphology
A lack of well resolved biostratigraphic data has prevented robust regional and global correlation of lower Cam-brian successions from South Australia. A new early Cambrian biostratigraphy, based on data derived from 21 measured... more
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      TrilobitaTrilobitesCambrianSmall Shelly Fossils
A new Middle Permian locality in northern Johore, Peninsular Malaysia, yields a smallsized, but compositionally unique, brachiopod fauna consisting of eight species: Pseudoleptodus sp., Caricula cf. salebrosa Grant, Neochonetes (Nongtaia)... more
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Quantitative analyses of the taxonomic composition and palaeoecology of five Early Devonian faunules (earliest Lochkovian to early Emsian) collected from the locality Jebel Ouaoufilal in the Tafilalt (Morocco) were conducted. We examined... more
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In the Mid to Late Ordovician the area of the Ougarta Range in north-west Africa occupied a position in relative proximity to the South Pole. Eight successive low diversity brachiopod faunas, including the lingulide association dominated... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PaleontologyBiostratigraphyPaleogeography
Brachiopods of the orders Strophomenida, Orthotetida, and Athyridida from the late middle Frasnian–early Famennian interval (hassi to triangularis conodont zones) in the Namur-Dinant Basin (southeastern margin of Laurussia; southern... more
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Atmospheric CO 2 concentrations appear to have been considerably higher than modern levels during much of the Phanerozoic and it has hence been proposed that surface temperatures were also higher. Some studies have, however, suggested... more
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      Climate ChangePaleoclimatologyPaleoceanographyStable Isotope Geochemistry
Avlar, H., & May, A. (1997): Zur Fauna und Stratigraphie der cultrijugatus-Schichten (Wende Unter-/ Mittel-Devon) im West-Sauerland (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). - Coral Research Bulletin, 5: 103-119, 2 figs., pl. 1-4; Dresden.... more
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      StratigraphyBiostratigraphyInvertebrate PaleontologyDevonian
Four brachiopod species from the upper Givetian of Ferques are described of which two are new: Cupularostrum minimum n. sp. (Rhynchonellida) and Cleiothyridina blacourti n. sp. (Athyridida). The third, which is assigned to Stringocephalus... more
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Permian marine sedimentary rocks that crop out in northern Chile are closely related to the development of a Late Paleozoic magmatic arc. A study of Upper Paleozoic units east of Iquique (20°S) identified three members within the Juan de... more
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      ChileBenthic foraminiferaLate Paleozoic ice age/ climate reconstructionsPermian
Das Gräberfeld von Weklice befindet sich im Weichseldelta auf der Elbinger Höhe in Nordpolen und gehört zur Wielbark-Kultur. Es wurde während der Römischen Kaiserzeit (1.-4. Jh.) von einer multiethnischen Gemeinschaft genutzt, die anhand... more
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      ArchaeologyBrachiopods (Biology)Roman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)
A new exceptionally preserved marginal marine biota is reported from the Late Ordovician Big Hill Formation of Stonington Peninsula in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The new Lagerstätte hosts a moderately diverse fauna of medusae, linguloid... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEarth SciencesPaleontology
The description and study of rhynchonellid brachiopods recently collected from the Lower Devonian of the Ougarta area in western Algerian Sahara permitted the revision of previously described and/or listed taxa, mainly from Morocco.... more
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The biostratigraphic significance of selected uppermost Famennian (Upper Devonian) and lower Tournaisian (Mississippian) brachiopod genera, belonging to the orders Rhynchonellida (e.g. Araratella), Spiriferida (e.g. Sphenospira,... more
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This paper deals with Permian brachiopods collected from 7 localities in the Tak Fa Formation of the Rat Buri Group, developed in the Khao Hin Klingarea, about 50 km southwest of Phetchabun. Twenty one species within seventeen genera are... more
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      ThailandPermianFossil Brachiopods
Several stratigraphic studies have proved that Early Toarcian carbonate platforms and basins suffered a sharp sedimentary and palaeoecologic evolution worlwide reflecting the onset of dramatic environmental perturbations in the... more
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      PaleontologyBiostratigraphyMass extinctionsInvertebrate Paleontology
Four new Early Carboniferous athyridid species in three genera, including one new genus, Bruntonathyris, are described from the Qaidam Basin, northwest China: Lamellosathyris qaidamensis, Bruntonathyris amunikeensis, Bruntonathyris?... more
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      CarboniferousFossil Brachiopods
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      PalaeoecologyRecoveryMiddle TriassicFossil Brachiopods
A review is presented of the genera and species, both living and fossil, comprising the Superfamily Kraussinoidea and of their geographic and stratigraphic distributions. Two new fossil species are described, Kraussina chilensis and... more
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      BrachiopodaInvertebrate PaleontologyFossil Brachiopods
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      CarboniferousFossil Brachiopods
In the Namur–Dinant Basin (Belgium), the last Atrypida and Pentamerida originate from the top of the Upper Palmatolepis rhenana Zone (Late Frasnian). Within this biozone, their representatives belong to the genera Costatrypa, Desquamatia... more
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Well preserved etchings from the pedicle attachment of brachiopods occur on orthide brachiopod shells from Lower Ordovician (Tremadocian) of NW Argentina. Under the name Podichnus conicus isp. n. this trace fossil is interpreted as a... more
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      IchnologyPaleoecologyIchnotaxonomyCambrian-Silurian brachiopods
The Upper Frasnian sequence of the Namur–Dinant Basin in southern Belgium consists of mixed siliclastic–carbonate succession of a ramp setting, where the sequence spans the rhenana–linguiformis conodont zones. Earlier studies investigated... more
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Five new genera and species are described from brown silty mudstone near Huai Bun Nak, north-east Thailand. New taxa are Prorugaria thailandica n. gen., n. sp. (Family Rugosochonetidae); Tuberculatella tubertella n. gen., n. sp. (Family... more
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      ThailandCarboniferousFossil Brachiopods
The Middle to Late Ordovician was a time of profound biotic diversification, paleoecological change, and major climate shifts. Yet studies examining speciation mechanisms and drivers of dispersal are lacking. In this study, we use... more
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      TrilobitesBayesian statistics & modellingFossil BrachiopodsGreat Ordovician Biodiversification Event
May, A. (1996a): Relationship among sea-level fluctuation, biogeography, and bioevents of the Devonian: an attempt to approach a powerful, but simple model for complex long-range control of biotic crises. - Geolines, 3: 38-49, 2 figs.;... more
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      PalaeogeographyCoral ReefsBrachiopodaPaleobiogeography
Zhong-Qiang Chen, G.R. Shi, Yongqun Gao, Jinnan Tong, Fengqing Yang & Yuanqiao Peng, June, 2009. A late Changhsingian (latest Permian) deep-water brachiopod fauna from Guizhou, South China. Alcheringa 33, 163–183. ISSN 0311-5518.A... more
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      PalaeoecologyDeep sea ecologyLate PermianFossil Brachiopods
Global reviews reveal that 102 brachiopod species (including 40 indeterminate species) belonging to 43 genera within 27 families survived the end-Permian mass extinction in South China, the Himalayan regions (southern Tibet, Nepal, Salt... more
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      Mass extinctionsPermian-Triassic transitionFossil Brachiopods
"Thecideid brachiopods are poorly known brachiopods of debated phylogenetic relationships which occur from the Late Triassic to the Recent. Although well known in encrusting communities of Jurassic and Cretaceous cryptic habitats, they... more
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      Facies AnalysisCarbonate SedimentologyEoceneMicrofacies
The latest Pragian to the early Eifelian succession of the Devonian of the eastern border of the Paraná Basin (Brazil) is approached integrating taphonomy and sequence stratigraphy, providing new insights to the analysis of intracratonic... more
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      BrazilTaphonomyInvertebrate PaleontologyDevonian
O Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto (MHNC-UP) recebeu as coleções dos antigos museus subordinados à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto e da antiga Academia Politécnica do Porto. Em 2015, um... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyFossil Brachiopods
May, A. (2010a): Buchbesprechung: 573. Halamski, A. T. (2009): Middle Devonian Brachiopods from the northern Part of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland in relation to selected coeval faunas. Part One: Introduction, Lingulida, Strophomenida,... more
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      DevonianBrachiopodsFossil Brachiopods
The brachiopods sampled from the Trois-Fontaines Formation in the Marenne quarry are mainly represented by two species: Spinatrypina (Spinatrypina) fontis n. sp. and Eifyris socia n. sp. Orthid, rhynchonellid, spiriferid and terebratulid... more
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