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Live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were investigated in surface sediment samples from the Okhotsk Sea to reveal the relationship between faunal characteristics and environmental parameters. Live benthic foraminifera were... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologySea Ice
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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    • Benthic foraminifera
Micropaleontological and geochemical analyses were carried out on two sediment box cores (AH00-2220 and CR02-23) recovered in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (LSLE) in order to document recent temporal variations of primary productivity... more
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      Earth SciencesGeochemistryMarine GeologyHypoxia
The Upper Campanian Mishash Formation of southern Israel was deposited within the southern Tethys upwelling belt, with sea floors beneath this system characterized by poorly ventilated sediments approaching anoxia. This study was aimed at... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
Short sediment cores (up to 44 cm long) taken from salt marshes regenerated during the last 60 years in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve have been interpreted on the basis of microfaunal and geochemical determinations and historical data.... more
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      OceanographyEnvironmental ManagementBenthic foraminiferaSea level rise
In order to assess the response of benthic foraminifera to trace element pollution, a study of benthic foraminiferal assemblages was carried out into sediment samples collected from the Santa Gilla lagoon (Sardinia, Italy). The lagoon has... more
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      Marine EcologyPrincipal Component AnalysisStatistical AnalysisMarine Conservation
1] As part of an ongoing effort to explore the use of foraminifera as a means to assess modern and ancient methane release, we compared ambient pore water chemistry with the distribution and stable isotopic composition of living (rose... more
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      Earth SciencesGeochemistryBenthic foraminiferaStable Isotope
Rea, D. K., Zachos, J. C., Owen, R. M. and Gingerich, P. D., 1990. Global change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary:
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
The Cenomanian–Turonian boundary (CTB) section at Eastbourne, Sussex, England is the thickest at outcrop in the Anglo–Paris Basin, is rhythmic throughout, rich in macro-, micro- and nanno-fossils, and shows less diagenetic alteration than... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
While palynomorph and conodont colour indices are widely used as thermal indices in rocks of various age, enhancing more quantitatively understood analyses such as vitrinite reflectance and fission track data, it is not generally known... more
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      Petroleum geologyBenthic foraminiferaCenozoic Stratigraphy; Paleobotany and Palynology of Cretaceous and Cenozoic; Cenozoic geological mappingThermal Maturation
A sediment core of 38m length collected from the Kollam coastal plain was analyzed for benthic foraminifera to understand paleoenvironmental evolution. Sedimentological analysis of the core recognized a sharp break in lithology at 13m... more
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      SedimentologyStratigraphyMicropaleontologyBenthic foraminifera
The global warming and major perturbation of the global carbon cycle that occurred during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) have been investigated in the lower bathyal-upper abyssal Alamedilla section (Spain). Geochemical... more
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      PaleoclimatologyPlanktonic ForaminiferaBenthic foraminiferaPaleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
1] The paleoclimatology and paleoceanology of the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous are of special interest because this was a time when large amounts of marine organic matter were deposited in sediments that have subsequently become... more
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Two sediment cores from inner Loch Etive, a deep fjord basin on the west coast of Scotland, reveal a continuous sediment sequence spanning the last 10,000 yr. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate that marine conditions prevailed in... more
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      Earth SciencesMarine GeologyBenthic foraminiferaMagnetic Susceptibility
Benthic foraminifera from seep carbonates and from enclosing non-seep marls present within Miocene formations in the Northern Apennines (Italy) were investigated as proxies of methane seepage in the marine environment. Negative δ13C... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyStable Isotopes
Benthic foraminifera can be used as environmental bioindicators, especially in polluted environments where their sensitivity to pollutants may be expressed by a modification in the assemblage. Nineteen sediment samples were collected in... more
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      Earth SciencesStatistical AnalysisBenthic foraminiferaBiological Sciences
The distribution, biomass, and diversity of living (Rose Bengal stained) deep-sea benthic foraminifera ('30 m) were investigated with multicorer samples from seven stations in the Arabian Sea during the intermonsoonal periods in March and... more
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      GeochemistryOceanographyPrincipal Component AnalysisEcology
This paper deals with the algal assemblage described from lower-middle Ilerdian sediments in the Kışlatepe section, Seyitgazi Region, Central Turkey. Eocene Dasycladalean flora from this region prevailingly contains species of the tribus... more
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      AlgaeBenthic foraminifera
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEarth SciencesGeology
Types and applications of foraminifera
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      MicropaleontologyPalaeoecologyBenthic foraminiferaFossils
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Foraminifera (single-celled protists) have a long geological record. They are both numerous and taxonomically diverse in assemblages throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic and have been used extensively in the oil industry since Józef... more
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      PaleoceanographyPaleoecologyBenthic foraminiferaOceanic Anoxic Events
En el presente trabajo se desarrolló la correlación geológica y estructural a partir de los perfiles litológicos del sector oriental del rompeolas principal del puerto de Manta, ubicada al Norte de la península del mismo nombre, S-O de la... more
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      Structural GeologyPlanktonic ForaminiferaBenthic foraminifera
New observations from Yeu Island and the Bay of Bourgneuf on the Atlantic coast of France show that Ammonia beccarii s.s. and Ammonia tepida have different morphofunctional adaptations to their habitats and environments. Adult A. beccarii... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyBenthic foraminifera
pour la caractérisation de l'environnement de dépôt des sediments  provenant du puits EKR-CI,une analyse micropaléontlogiaue est éffectuée sur des foramminifères et utilisés pour la datation des formations traversées par le puits.
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      PaleontologySedimentologyBenthic foraminiferaGéologie Des Bassins Sédimentaires
The Barremian and Aptian were times of global plate reconfiguration and profound changes in the ocean–climate system, culminating in the worldwide deposition of lower Aptian black shale layers (OAE 1a). Based on high-resolution... more
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      PaleontologyBenthic foraminiferaAnoxia
A systematic study of benthic foraminifera has been made based on 42 sediment samples collected between Mandapam and Kodiyakkarai. off Palk Strait, Tamil Nadu. A total of 102 benthic foraminiferal species belonging to 52 genera, 38... more
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      Benthic foraminiferaQuaternary palaeontology
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      GeologyBenthic foraminiferaCalcareous nannofossilsCretaceous
This is the final scientific work of Dick Cifelli. I expect it will be of considerable interest because it spans over 150 years of foraminiferal research. It is not just an historical account, but delves into the philosophy... more
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      Planktonic ForaminiferaBenthic foraminiferaForaminiferaMicropalaeontology foraminifera
The Eocene was a period of intense climate variability and the response of deep-sea biota is still poorly understood , especially across certain understudied intervals from the middle Eocene. We present new benthic foraminiferal data from... more
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      PaleoenvironmentStable IsotopesMicropaleontologyBenthic foraminifera
The Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform (ADCP) was one of the largest and relatively well preserved Mesozoic platforms in the Mediterranean region (central Tethys). The peninsula Istria, in the northwestern part of the ADCP, is built up... more
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      GeologyStable IsotopesBiostratigraphyCarbon Cycle
1] Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2; ∼53.7 Ma) occurred approximately 2 Myr after the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (∼55.5 Ma) and was characterized by a deep-sea warming of >3°C, associated with massive release of carbon into the... more
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      Earth SciencesBenthic foraminiferaSea surface temperatureStable Isotope
The benthic foraminiferal turnover and extinction event (BEE) associated with the negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE) across the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), is analyzed in the Zumaia section (Spain), one of the most... more
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      Benthic foraminiferaGlobal WarmingPaleocene-Eocene Thermal MaximumExtinction
One of the most enigmatic features of long-term Cenozoic climatic evolution, with some analog potential for present/future global climate change, is the last sustained warm and high-atmospheric CO 2 interval in Earth's history, which... more
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      Planktonic ForaminiferaBenthic foraminiferaMessinian Salinity Crisis
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We review the four main extinction events in the Paleogene, from the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary to the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, integrating the results obtained from a study of foraminiferal assemblages with other paleontological and... more
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      Planktonic ForaminiferaBenthic foraminiferaMass extinctionsExtinction
A stratigraphic, palaeogeographic and palinspastic synthesis of the Triassic successions in Tunisia is herein documented from a SSE±NNN oriented pro®le (Saharan Platform, Gulf of Gabes offshore, Tunisian Atlas, Tellian Units) across the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
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    • Benthic foraminifera
How did the Messinian Salinity Crisis end is a matter of intense debate between two opposite concepts i.e., the generalised dilution event, the so-called Lago-Mare, followed by the sudden restoration of the marine conditions at the base... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyBrackish Water
along the coastal tracts of the Gulf of Cambay. It is dominated by the species of Ammonia, Rotalidium, Murrayinella, Haynesina, Quinqueloculina, Nonionella, Florilus, Elphidium, Trochammina and Miliammina. A triserial planktonic... more
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      MangrovesBenthic foraminiferaHolocene
The impact of an asteroid at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary triggered dramatic biotic, biogeochemical and sedimentological changes in the oceans that have been intensively studied. Paleo-biogeographical differences in the biotic... more
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      Benthic foraminiferaMass extinctionsSouthern OceanK-Pg boundary
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Functional MorphologyScanning Electron MicroscopyBenthic foraminiferaCarboniferous
In this paper, microfacies and sedimentary environment of the Asmari Formation are investigated at the northwest of Deris village, located at 7 km northwest of Kazerun city (west of Fars province). The Asmari Formation in this section... more
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      Earth SciencesBenthic foraminiferaMicrofaciesSedimentary Environments
Upper Albian, Anglo-Paris basin, stratotype, Aube, ammonites, foraminifera
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      Cretaceous ammonitesPlanktonic ForaminiferaBenthic foraminiferaCretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera and Bioevents
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages were analyzed from three black shale intervals in the upper Aptian to lower Albian of the Vocontian Basin, SE France based on Q-mode principal component analyses. Variations in the distribution patterns... more
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      GeologyBenthic foraminiferaCretaceousOceanic Anoxic Event
Large benthic foraminifers are considered to be good indicators of shallow marine carbonate environments in fossil series. Over the last 50 years, the palaeoenvironment of Tertiary Nummulites accumulations has been a matter of debate,... more
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      GeologyBenthic foraminiferaFaciesExperimental Measurement
"This study explores relationships between benthic foraminiferal assemblages and environmental factors in the Strait of Bonifacio, which separates the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, west of Italy Peninsula. Benthic foraminifera were... more
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      BotanyZoologyMarine EcologyMarine Protected Areas
We analyzed the confidence limits of benthic foraminiferal counts obtained from fossil deep-sea assemblages to figure out the optimum number of specimens needed for a reliable interpretation of species proportions. Precision and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyBenthic foraminifera
Open marine sediments deposited during the CenomanianeTuronian transition are well exposed in the Spanish Ba~ nos de la Hedionda section (Betic Cordillera, South Iberian Palaeomargin). Analysis of fora-miniferal assemblages and... more
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      Planktonic ForaminiferaBenthic foraminiferaOceanic Anoxic EventsCretaceous