Recent papers in Paleogeography
This map folio should be referenced as: Scotese, C.R., 2013. Map Folio 70 Early Devonian (Emsian, 402.3 Ma), PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS, volume 4, Late Paleozoic Paleogeographic, Paleoclimatic and Plate Tectonic Reconstructions,... more
Yıllardır ülkemizin doğal-tarihsel-kültürel kimliğine belirli boyutlarda bakmanın gerekliliği üzerinde sürekli durmaya, belirli örneklerle bunun "kaçınılmaz olduğunu" kanıtlamaya çalışıyoruz. Bu konuda başarılı olduğumuz havzaların... more
Küçük Menderes AraĢtırmaları (KÜMAR) Kerschner M. (1995) Ostgriechische Vogelschalen und Verwandtes. Studien zur Chronologie und Verbreitung der ostgriechischen Keramik (ungedr. Diss. Universitat Bochum). Kerschner M. (1997) Ein... more
Relations entre les marges septentrionale et méridionale de la Téthys au Crétacé [Relations between the northern and southern margins of the Tethys ocean during the Cretaceous period].
Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2009 SPE/EAGE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 1921 October 2009. This paper was selected for... more
Accurately mapping plate boundary types and locations through time is essential for understanding the evolution of the plate-mantle system and the exchange of material between the solid Earth and surface environments. However, the... more
The Cuchilla Dionisio Terrane (CDT) is part of the Arachania paleocontinent and is divided into two sections separated by the Laguna Merin Basin. The northern sector is the least known and for which less geochronological information is... more
The paleotectonic and volcanic features of the Jurassic-Cretaceous carbonate successions, outcropping in central-western Sicily, allow us to restore the tectono-sedimentary evolution of a sector of the African continental margin. These... more
The assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent during the waning stages of the Proterozoic provides a tectonic backdrop for the myriad biological, climatological, tectonic and geochemical changes leading up to, and including, the Cambrian... more
The estimation of human population size during the Pleistocene is complex, and one which has been dealt with extensively in the literature. However, because many of these previous estimations are based in part on archaeological site... more
This Atlas of Devonian Paleogeographic Maps shows the changing paleogeography from the Lochkovian (413.6 Ma) to the Devono-Carboniferous Boundary (359.2 Ma). The maps are from volume 4 of the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese,... more
2013.33 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS software,... more
2013.47 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
This "flipbook", which illustrates the plate tectonic development of the continents and ocean basins during the past 750 million years, was assembled to commemorate the scientific career of Professor Rob van der Voo. The flipbook... more
This map folio should be referenced as: Scotese, C.R., 2013. Map Folio 86, Middle Cambrian, (520 Ma), PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS, volume 5, Early Paleozoic Paleogeographic, Paleoclimatic and Plate Tectonic Reconstructions, PALEOMAP... more
ViUeneuve, M., 1989. The geology of the Madina-Kouta basin (Guinea-Senegal) and its significance for the geodynamic evolution of the western part of the West African Craton during the Upper Proterozoic period. Precambrian Res., 44:... more
2014.10 This Atlas of Early Cretaceous Paleogeographic Maps shows the changing paleogeography from the Berriasian (143 Ma) to the late Albian (101.8 Ma). The maps are from volume 2 of the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2014).... more
Computerized evaluation of Vibroseis similarity test data is the logical consequence of the increasing quality requirements for signal reproducibility and for synchronization of vibrators. The differences in start time and phase as well... more
Plusieurs études multidisciplinaires ont été effectuées sur les couches riches en matière organique (MO) de la Formation Bahloul. Nos études de terrain et les synthèses géologiques, géochimiques, isotopiques et minéralogiques disponibles... more
2013.41 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
The Marajó Basin area presents geologic and geomorphologic features chiefly due to the Mesozoic extension and post-Miocene neotectonics. The extension event with an Early and a Late Cretaceous phases originated four sub-basins that... more
Ferrari et al. [Ferrari, O.M., Hochard, C., Stampfli, G.M., 2008. An alternative plate tectonic model for the Palaeozoic–Early Mesozoic Palaeotethyan evolution of Southeast Asia (Northern Thailand–Burma). Tectonophysics 451, 346–365.... more
2013.17 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
Seu conteúdo foi revisado pelo Comitê Técnico do IV SimBGf, mas não necessariamente representa a opinião da SBGf ou de seus associados. É proibida a reprodução total ou parcial deste material para propósitos comerciais sem prévia... more
2014.07 This Atlas of Neogene Paleogeographic Maps shows the changing paleogeography from the Early Miocene (Auquitanian & Burdigalian, 19.5 Ma) to the Present-day. The maps are from volume 1 of the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS... more
This monograph begins with a brief review of the most important foraminiferal zonations, and the late Devonian-early Carboniferous foraminiferal zonation in Moravia where some key profiles allow a good correlation with the conodont... more
2014.11 This Atlas of Jurassic Paleogeographic Maps shows the changing paleogeography from the Hettangian (198 Ma) to the Jurassic/Cretaceoous Boundary (145.5 Ma). The maps are from volume 3 of the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS... more
The encompassing aim of the European Science Foundation Programm "Environments and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene (EEDEN), is the detailed analysis of the response of terrestrial ecosystems to environmental change through the... more
2013.21 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
2013.53 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
This Atlas of Cambrian and Early Ordovician Paleogeographic Maps shows the changing paleogeography from the base of the Cambrian (542 Ma) to the Early Ordovician (Arenig, 473.4 Ma). The maps are from volume 5 of the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas... more
The position of the central axis of deposition over Colombian and Venezuelan continental crust has varied markedly through time. The axis migrated from west to east from Late Cretaceous to Oligocene but at times, secondary drainage... more
This paper presents the archaeobotanical and archaeozoological data of the 6th to 4th millennia cal BC sequence recently documented at Dehesilla Cave, and puts forward an interdisciplinary approach to the significant ecological patterns... more
The aim of this study is to determine the environmental changes around the Beytitepe (Tepetarla) mound in the Holocene and to evaluate human-environment relationships. With regard to the paleogeography and geoarchaeology of the mound, a... more