Papers by Michaela Píšová
The text presents a case study the aim of which is to investigate strategies adopted by a school ... more The text presents a case study the aim of which is to investigate strategies adopted by a school as an institution in the area of Special Needs Education . This explorative case study will uncurtain the processes of how - with what reasons, considerations and goals – the particular school deals with pupils with specific learning difficulties. Attention will be paid to the fields of identification, treatment, and mainly to assessment of pupils with specific learning difficulties in the context of English language teaching: bilingual education as well as standard English language classes. The impact of the ongoing curricular reform will also be discussed.
New Educational Review, 2005
Přispěvek je zaměřen na vývoj teorie i praxe jazykoveho testovani, na typy jazykových testů, a to... more Přispěvek je zaměřen na vývoj teorie i praxe jazykoveho testovani, na typy jazykových testů, a to v zavislosti na ucelu testovani, na kvalitu testů a v neposledni řadě na eticke aspekty jazykoveho testovani. Prezentovany jsou take vybrane historicke aspekty teorie jazykoveho testovani, analyzovany dilci sociolingvisticke a psychologicke přistupy, nastiněny jsou i komunikacni a postkomunikacni přistupy k jazykovemu testovani. Autorky vychazeji z aktualnich celoevropsky přijimaných dokumentů, zmiňuji rovněž význam použiti informacnich a komunikacnich technologii pro testovani cizojazycne komunikacni kompetence. Do textu jsou pro přehlednost zacleněna i schematicka zobrazeni vybraných konstruktů
Due to the changes in educational policy and the lack of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teac... more Due to the changes in educational policy and the lack of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers after the fall of communism in 1989, unqualified teachers were (and still are) allowed to teach in the Czech Republic. Some of these experienced teachers now seek to gain formal qualifications, which is why the professional biographies of teacher education programme participants vary greatly. This chapter reports on the research of benefits of a video-based e-learning environment (VideoWeb), which is a part of a teacher education programme for student teachers with and without prior teaching experience (n=37). Their comments on video sequences were analysed to determine how they evaluate classroom situations before and after VideoWeb. Furthermore, their comments on the benefits of VideoWeb were investigated. The analysis showed that there are differences for the more and less experienced group in both these respects. The authors hope to open a discussion on the varying needs of teacher education programme participants with different career trajectories.
Kniha je výstupem řeseni projektu podpořeneho grantem GA CR P407/11/0234. Jejim cilem je přispět ... more Kniha je výstupem řeseni projektu podpořeneho grantem GA CR P407/11/0234. Jejim cilem je přispět k soucasnemu stavu poznani kvality v profesi ucitele výzkumem charakteristik ucitele experta. Kniha představuje výsledky výzkumu expertnosti a determinant jejiho rozvoje (na pozadi cizojazycne výuky). Výstupy přinaseji informace využitelne ve spolecenske praxi, konkretně např. pro transformaci připravneho i dalsiho vzdělavani ucitelů, pro tvorbu standardu kvality v profesi ucitele a, v neposledni řadě, mohou přispět ke zvýseni prestiže ucitelske profese.
Tema profesniho akterstvi (agency) zacinajicich ucitelů jsme zacali zkoumat v ramci výzkumu drop-... more Tema profesniho akterstvi (agency) zacinajicich ucitelů jsme zacali zkoumat v ramci výzkumu drop-outu a jeho determinant u teto profesni skupiny. V tomto textu se zaměřujeme na souvislost profesniho akterstvi zacinajicich ucitelů s jejich zaměry odejit ze skoly ci skolstvi. Dospěli jsme k zavěru, že u zacinajicich ucitelů lze hovořit o znacne miře profesniho akterstvi, jehož forma je výrazně ovlivňovana prostředim skoly, vedenim skoly a kolegy.
The ongoing discussion concerning quality in education concurrently addresses one of its central ... more The ongoing discussion concerning quality in education concurrently addresses one of its central challenges - professionalisation of a teacher. It is within this context that our paper aims to shed some light on the concept of expertise in the teaching profession. A brief survey of current research on teacher expertise is provided, focusing mainly on approaches to the study of expertise and main trends in research of the phenomenon, at the same time discussing the underlying and crucial question - how to define and identify an expert teacher.
Připravne vzdělavani ucitelů a vstup do profese jsou obdobim, kdy (budouci) ucitele hledaji svou ... more Připravne vzdělavani ucitelů a vstup do profese jsou obdobim, kdy (budouci) ucitele hledaji svou profesni identitu a utvařeji sve profesni postoje. Ucinna podpora procesů profesniho rozvoje (budoucich) ucitelů je v tomto obdobi casto faktorem, který rozhoduje o setrvani v profesi ci o nasměrovani profesni drahy jedince. Přispěvek bude prezentovat některe přiklady „dobre praxe“ v oblasti podpory profesniho rozvoje (budoucich) ucitelů na fakultach poskytujicich připravne vzdělavani ucitelů.
Expertnost ucitele jako vysoka kvalita výkonu profese je jednim z rozhodujicich faktorů kvality (... more Expertnost ucitele jako vysoka kvalita výkonu profese je jednim z rozhodujicich faktorů kvality (jazykoveho) vzdělavani. Je do znacne miry zakotvena ve znalostni zakladně ucitele, zejmena v didakticke znalosti obsahu, znalosti, ktera se postupně rozviji v dynamicke interakci praxe a teorie. Přispěvek mapuje aktualni zaměřeni výzkumu v didaktice cizich jazyků v Ceske republice i v zahranici, přicemž se snaži nalezt odpovědi na nasledujici otazky: Cim přispiva výzkum v didaktice cizich jazyků k hlubsimu vhledu do konstruktu didakticke znalosti obsahu? Jaka temata považuje za klicova se zřetelem k expertnosti ucitele cizich jazyků?
Cilem přednasky je vyhodnotit soucasný stav didaktiky cizich jazyků jako plnopravne vědni discipl... more Cilem přednasky je vyhodnotit soucasný stav didaktiky cizich jazyků jako plnopravne vědni discipliny, analyzovat přiciny tohoto stavu z hlediska rozvoje didaktiky cizich jazyků ve světě i u nas, a nacrtnout perspektivy dalsiho vývoje.
The ongoing discussion concerning quality in education inevitably addresses one of its central ch... more The ongoing discussion concerning quality in education inevitably addresses one of its central challenges – professionalisation of the teacher. Our research project aims to shed more light on the concept of expertise in the teaching profession. Research of expertise in the teaching profession has been inspired by studies on expertise in other domains. This mostly psychological research adopted two main approaches: the absolute approach, i.e. the study of exceptional individuals, and the relative approach based on comparative studies of experts and novices (Chi, 2006). Research in teacher expertise has been launched later, however, since the 1980s we have seen a number of studies in different cultural contexts. They either investigate expertise as a state (e.g. Berliner et al., 1988; Peterson and Comeaux, 1987, Leinhardt, 1989; Turner-Bisset, 2001), or adopt a developmental perspective (Bereiter, Scardamalia, 1993, Tsui, 2005), i.e. focus on development and maintenance of expertise. Our research takes into consideration the three currently dominant paradigms in the study of teacher expertise as this paradigmatic plurality yields fairly different characteristics of the phenomenon, each of them capturing its specific aspects. These include: 1) the currently dominant perception of expertise as intuition and tacit knowledge within a stage model of professional development (Eraut, 1994, etc.), 2) the cognitive psychology based view of expertise as conscious deliberation and organised knowledge base (Glaser and Chi, 1988), and 3) the dynamic view, the perspective of expertise as a process (Bereiter, Scardamalia, 1993). Attention is also paid to a relatively new concept of adaptive expertise (Hatano, Inagaki,1986) as it is linked to new demands and increasing pace of educational change. The underlying and crucial question in any of the trends, of course, is, how to define and identify an expert teacher. Here our research builds on a study conducted by D.J. Palmer (2005), further inspiration is provided by a prototypical model by Sternberg and Horvath (1995) and in studies by Bond (2000) and others. Our research also acknowledges the assumption that teacher expertise is a culture specific issue (Tsui, 2005). Research aims include theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues. The paper will present partial outcomes of the research, namely development of methods for identification of expert teachers, and for systematic investigation of the nature of their expertise. Further on, the first results emerging from the research will be discussed and put into a comparative perspective in order to account for the cultural differences in the perception of the phenomenon
The chapter presents a case study the aim of which is to investigate strategies adopted by a scho... more The chapter presents a case study the aim of which is to investigate strategies adopted by a school as an institution in the area of gifted pupils and their support with special attention to English language teaching. This case study may also shed some light on the processes and effects of the ongoing curricular reform in the Czech Republic.
Kapitola obsahuje dvě připadove studie, v nichž dostaly slovo ucitelky anglickeho jazyka. Připado... more Kapitola obsahuje dvě připadove studie, v nichž dostaly slovo ucitelky anglickeho jazyka. Připadove studie tematizuji některe staronove otazky spojene s tvorbou a realizaci kurikula cizojazycneho vzdělavani. Jedna se zejmena o zaujimani postojů ke komunikacni a interkulturni kompetenci jako cilove kategorii cizojazycneho vzdělavani a jejich naplňovani prostřednictvim vzdělavaciho obsahu.
Papers by Michaela Píšová