Critical incidents
Recent papers in Critical incidents
Accreditation bodies have included professional dispositions as part of teacher preparation and candidate evaluation, yet many ESOL teacher educators are understandably confused about how to assess them in their programs. Teacher... more
This all hazards project will explore “The Threat of Argoterrorism.” The project will define argoterrorism as an operational term for all levels of government services and the practical term relevant to the general population. The... more
Purpose -Customer satisfaction formation represents a dynamic phenomenon, especially in extended service encounters. A single service encounter may have an extended duration and feature several service interactions, which the customer can... more
The aim of this article is to explore how the practice of critical reflection within an informal management learning process can be facilitated through the application of reflective processes and tools. A distinction is drawn between... more
Ce chapitre rend compte de l'étude menée auprès d'une équipe de conseillères et conseillers en emploi d'un service de placement étudiant d'une institution postsecondaire. Souhaitant se munir d'un cadre de référence commun, enrichir leur... more
Eight years after the 1993 standoff between federal law enforcement agents and the Branch Davidians, "Waco" has become a shorthand reference to the tragedy that claimed the lives of more than eighty people. After internal investigations... more
This study aims to examine the public discourse about incidents in "high reliability organizations" (organizations with high adaptability capacities allowing them to operate without incident for long periods in a risky environment... more
Despite major advances in the creation of diagnostic constructs for trauma-related disorders there exists, at present, no comprehensive theoretical model for psychological trauma. Historically, trauma theories have related psychological... more
This article explores the reflections of critical incidents of eight beginning English as a foreign language teachers and one of their trainers in Mexico. Based upon narrative inquiry and through the use of journals, critical incidents... more
Organizational scholars have long been interested in organizations which exemplify high reliability. While such organizational studies have provided valuable clues to the ways in which such organizations form and function, this paper... more
SÍNTESIS: Este trabajo tiene por objetivo realizar una propuesta fundamentada para la formación inicial y permanente del profesorado a través de una «pauta para el análisis de los incidentes críticos» que puedan producirse en el aula, a... more
Nursing students are at high risk of injury while on clinical placement. The incidence of injury is three times higher in comparison to other healthcare workers, with a prevalence ranging from 25% up to 33,2%. Lack of knowledge and of... more
This cross-border contribution seeks to shed light on potential answers and solutions for selected critical incidents (CI) happening to tertiary students during social encounters in various settings. For these purposes, two well-defined... more
RESUMEN El propósito de la investigación presentada, fue propiciar la construcción del conocimiento profesional, por medio del análisis de incidentes críticos en las prácticas iniciales de pedagogía básica. En el contexto de... more
Nursing students are at high risk of injury while on clinical placement. The incidence of injury is three times higher in comparison to other healthcare workers, with a prevalence ranging from 25% up to 33,2%. Lack of knowledge and of... more
According to sociocultural theory (SCT), corrective feedback (CF) entails a negotiation process whereby writing instructors support second language (L2) writers in self-correction and provide a level of guidance needed for writers to... more
This study explored the characteristics of the international educator through a qualitative analysis of initial decisions to teach abroad. Using interview data from thirty Anglophone educators based across three international schools in... more
This study compares university students’ beliefs about studying abroad with those presumed by their professors. The participants were 20 second-year Japanese university students enrolled in the College of Intercultural Communication, in... more
Making sense of musicians’ professional learning pathways is of crucial importance to understanding their career progressions, their routes into creative employment, and the relevance of various policies to their professional lives.... more
This study is an exploration of the life-changing decisions and changes which the participants underwent, and which led them to pursue an education in English language teaching (or languages). The foremost objective of this study was to... more
No matter how strong their academic aptitude, no matter how supportive their family home, no matter how extensive their formal education, no business leader starts his or her career fully competent to lead a business corporation: they... more
Five student-teachers at a Japanese university participated in a two-week teaching practicum in Thailand. The program was designed to assist them in developing their own theory of practice for CLIL. Student-teachers designed and conducted... more
Organizational scholars have only recently begun to consider the study of groups as a building block of high reliability organizations (Wesner, In Press). This study focuses on organizational teams faced with the challenges of maintaining... more
Research has shown that human error in anaesthesia is a major contributor to critical incident in anaesthesia, what is unclear is how this occurs and what impact these incidents have on patients. The purpose of this thesis was to examine... more
No matter how strong their academic aptitude, no matter how supportive their family home, no matter how extensive their formal education, no business leader starts his or her career fully competent to lead a business corporation: they... more
Teacher reflection has been shown to have a positive influence on educators’ professional growth. This article features the author’s autobiographical reflection on his eight years working at an elementary school within a predominantly... more
In this collaborative autoethnographic piece, we present voices through critical incident technique replaying the same event at an academic conference, all seeking to understand how and why the disruption of voice occurs and what to do to... more
On August 25, 1981, a shock wave hit the Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester, NY. On the other side of the world in Tokyo, Sony Corporation demonstrated its new Mavica camera at a press conference filled with interested onlookers. Mavica... more
Making sense of musicians’ professional learning pathways is of crucial importance to understanding their career progressions, their routes into creative employment, and the relevance of various policies to their professional lives.... more
Text pojednává o zlomových událostech, které hrají roli v utváření profesní identity učitelů expertů. Události jsou nahlédnuty skrze rekonstrukci procesu budování profesní identity ve vyprávění učitelů. Koncept profesní identity je použit... more
Une technique de recueil de données qualitatives peu utilisée en SIC, la technique des incidents critiques, a été utilisée au cours d'une étude menée auprès de 62 cadres sur leurs pratiques de connexion aux outils de communication... more
In this collaborative autoethnographic piece, we present voices through critical incident technique replaying the same event at an academic conference, all seeking to understand how and why the disruption of voice occurs and what to do to... more
Background and aim of the study: Nursing students are at high risk of injury while on clinical placement. The incidence of injury is three times higher in comparison to other healthcare workers, with a prevalence ranging from 25% up to... more
Being the target of constant discrimination and marginalization can often cause intense negative psychological reactions and shame for undocumented students. The following qualitative study describes past and current undocumented Latinx... more
This article explores the reflections of critical incidents of eight beginning English as a foreign language teachers and one of their trainers in Mexico. Based upon narrative inquiry and through the use of journals, critical incidents... more
6 Dec 2020 The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack was the largest and deadliest terrorist incident in history. Law enforcement officers, firefighters and the media, who have always been distinguished by controversial and hostile... more