Focus Group discussions
Recent papers in Focus Group discussions
The roles and positive impacts of business incubators, including virtual ones, in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in multiple industries, and their consequent contributions to fostering sustainable economic growth and social... more
บทความวิจัยนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาปัจจัยเชิงสาเหตุตามทฤษฎีพฤติกรรมตามแผนประกอบด้วย ทัศนคติต่อพฤติกรรม บรรทัดฐานทางสังคม และอำนาจในการควบคุมพฤติกรรม และคุณลักษณะเฉพาะของการเป็นผู้ประกอบการที่ส่งอิทธิพลต่อความตั้งใจที่จะเป็นผู้ประกอบการ... more
Chatam House Rule: Guidrelines for Honest but Confidential Discussions on Sensitive Matters
All the teachers I have come in contact with seem to have no doubt as to the importance of fruition. Some seem to feel no need to account for it when they hear the question, I put them in a neutral, deadpan sort of tone: “As a teacher of... more
Although previous research has shown that deliberative discussions have consequences for intergroup attitudes, very little is known about this impact during the formative adolescent years. In addition, the mechanism explaining the... more
Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır. Başer, Zeynep (2011) Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır. ... Repository Staff Only: item control page. Sabanci University... more
Social scientific research on gender/sex has focused largely on important but negative phenomena like sexism, transphobia, and gender dysphoria. But how do people's gender/sexes bring joy or affirmation? In this article, we describe a... more
The roles and positive impacts of business incubators, including virtual ones, in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in multiple industries, and their consequent contributions to fostering sustainable economic growth and social... more
Background Turkey hosts the world’s largest community of Syrians displaced by the conflict. The Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) is a coordinated set of priority reproductive health services. There is not any scoping review... more
El antifeminismo del discurso de Vox, un partido de ultraderecha emparentado con las nuevas derechas latinoamericanas y con la derecha radical europea, es una de sus señas de identidad. Pese a la relevancia mediática de la toma de... more
Ruotsin EU-puheenjohtajakauden alkupuolella järjestävät EU ja Maailman terveysjärjestön WHO:n Euroopan aluetoimisto Tukholmassa 19.-21. helmikuuta 2001 konferenssin "Alcohol and Young People in Europe". Konferenssiin osallistuvat... more
El acogimiento de menores con necesidades especiales y su relación con el perfil de las familias acogedoras
Apunts per a una història del Comitè de Bioètica de Catalunya .
Goals: To describe and analyse the implementation of nurses managing acute situations in Catalonia Primary Care health care providers from 2005 to the present. Setting: All Catalonia Primary Care health centres. Methods: A quantitative,... more
Tema monogràfic Història dels serveis socials en el marc de les polítiques de drets socials. Les Illes Balears i Espanya History of social services in the framework of social rights policies. The Balearic Islands and Spain Lluís Ballester... more
a separate questionnaire, the results of the whole experience will be evaluated in order to verify the impact of the didactic unit in the emotional conscience of the participants. Despite the limitations of this investigation due to the... more
El texto presenta una reunion grupal sobre la evolucion de los usos en la tecnica del grupo de discusion y, en general, en la investigacion cualitativa; desde el trabajo de campo, captacion, transcripcion hasta el analisis de los... more
Over the past decades, Bangladesh has made substantial progress in improving higher education, and in part, this was achieved by promoting residence based higher education in public universities. University residency is considered a... more
Información del artículo Educación responsable: un programa educativo en el que las emociones, las relaciones y la creatividad marcan la diferencia. ... Educación responsable: un programa educativo en el que las emociones, las relaciones... more
The drone industry has the potential to catalyze a positive transformation within the transportation sector. Numerous technological advancements and regulatory milestones have been achieved, resulting in significant progress in Air... more
Given the rising challenges of participatory research in sociological studies, this paper reflects on the usefulness of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a methodological tool in solving societal problems. This paper used literature review... more
This study’s objective was to understand and analyze how and to what extent a genderperspective is handled on research issues and governing social equity to strengthen andfacilitate the strength of cultural resilience in dealing with... more
The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS), whichis hosted by the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, of Jimma University,released its First Issue in June 2014. According to The Editorial of the first... more
Qualitative research based on three Focus group to learn about motivations and attitudes towards professional development and marketing
Resumo: Segundo Rothery e Stenglin (2000), um dos objetivos de uma educação literária é dar aos alunos de Letras subsídios para formularem e expressarem opiniões que contenham valores emocionais, éticos e/ou estéticos. O presente artigo... more
This study aimed to explore Chinese students' perceptions and satisfaction with cooperative learning (CL) in a University Course. The researchers employed qualitative data using teacher observation and notes, students' end-of-course... more
Denne brochure giver detailhandlere en oversigt over, hvad der gøres for at sikre trovaerdighed og integritet af økologisk producerede fødevarer, hvor der er mulighed for forbedringer og hvad man som detailhandler kan gøre for at støtte... more
This article aims to demonstrate how critical thinking skills can be developed as a citizenship competence in higher education. Critical thinking skills are necessary for citizens to participate in democratic processes effectively and... more
Through a series of focus group discussions conducted in northern and central Vietnam, this study gives voice to the lived economic experience of families with disabilities and how they manage the economic challenges associated with... more
تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على حالة مراكز الفِكر في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء، بدءًا من ظهورها وتطورها، والتفاعلات بينها وبين النظم السياسية الإفريقية، وما يواجهها من تحديات والسيناريوهات المستقبلية في هذا الصدد، مع التطبيق على حالة جنوب... more
Das Wissenschaftssystem in Deutschland erlebt eine Phase rasanter Internationalisierung: Globale Vernetzung gilt als Voraussetzung, Merkmal oder Garant wissenschaftlicher Spitzenforschung. Forschung ohne internationalen Einfluss und... more
RESUM (CAT) El present treball de fi de màster consisteix en una investigació per poder conèixer de quina forma els museus barcelonins poden acollir a persones en situació de sensellarisme, per tal que puguin fomentar els seus drets de... more
This study investigates the impact of social media marketing on consumer buying behavior in Afghanistan. By analyzing responses from a structured questionnaire distributed among Afghan social media users, the research explores the... more
This article highlights one aspect of a case study of international educators at Dubai Women's College (DWC), United Arab Emirates (UAE). It examines perceptions of international educators in third space teaching female Emirati,... more
In-place digital augmentation enhances the experience of physical spaces through digital technologies that are directly accessible within that space. This can take place in many forms and ways, e.g., through location-aware applications... more
The sense of value is an essential attribute of the human consciousness. It is the sense which prompts and guides the unceasing quest of the common thread of goodness in the good human being, the good society and the good life.... more