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Eye Tracking Supported Research Into Sight Translation. Lapsological Conclusions. In the article, the author, on the basis of eye tracking research, indicates the linguistic elements that posed the greatest difficulty for the test... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsEye trackingApplied Linguistics
This article confronts two languages, Spanish and Slovak, and contrasts the position and the use of French loanwords used by them. It classifies the differences and gives their examples, starting with phonic, graphic, semantic and... more
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      EtymologyFalse friendsLinguistica ContrastivaContrastive Linguistics
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      MulticulturalismMultilingualismApplied LinguisticsBilingual Education
Autorka pracy analizuje transfer językowy pojawiający się na wszystkich poziomach języka, opisuje poszczególne wpływy i próbuje znaleźć odpowiedz na pytanie, w jaki sposób można wykorzystać transfer pozytywny do intensyfikacji nauczania... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesLanguage TransferPolish LanguageFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
There is an issue about whether or not the first language can be used in teaching and learning English. However, it is often found that the first language is used in English classroom to mediate foreign language learning. This study aims... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)First Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
Abstract: The subject of the research is the use of first language in the process of learning second language in the second language classroom. In this research, two usages will be considered: teachers’ use, and students’ use. Several... more
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      English LiteratureEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
Under the shadow of the inescapable fact that learning L2 (Second or Foreign Language) especially English in this global village is mandatory for academia in developing countries, thereupon, Pakistan faces akin conditions where learners... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSociolinguisticsApplied LinguisticsL1 Interference
Dans ce livre, je voudrais offrir à mes étudiants et à mes collègues, les enseignants du français, une étude propre à l'interférence interlinguale en vue de profiter des traits communs entre les deux systèmes( le français et l'arabe) au... more
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    • First Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
The influence of already learned languages on learning a new language has been a site of controversy; a huge number of scholars have asserted that learned languages affect learning a new language positively, and others have seen that... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsDeep Brain StimulationMoroccan Studies
Analysis of errors produced by Korean learners of English is one area in which much work remains to be done. This paper attempts to delineate two particular types of errors: L1 syntax-influenced errors, those caused by L1 surface... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationLanguage EducationTeaching English as a Second Language
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      EducationLanguage EducationEnglish GrammarESP, EFL. CALL
Gedruckt auf alterungsbeständigem, säurefreiem Papier.
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      Second Language AcquisitionLexicologySecond Language WritingCorpus Linguistics
Può l'interferenza linguistica che si nota talvolta nelle traduzioni letterarie, essere considerata come un fenomeno, seppure transitorio, di attrito linguistico? Certo è che il processo traduttivo comporta un notevole impegno cognitivo e... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
Son site est à nouveau accessible Il est en cours de restructuration Les actes du Colloque de Cergy (11 et 12 mars 2021) y seront bientôt disponibles : Les représentations métalinguistiques ordinaires et... more
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      French StudiesGrammaticalizationGrammatical VariationContrastive Analysis
The main goal of this work is to present and analyse a subtype of false friends, the so called false internationalism between Slovak and Spanish. The article is written from the Slovak perspective and includes internationalisms that do... more
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      LexicologyEtymologyInternationalismFalse friends
The current study examined the most common types of academic writing errors and the causes of such errors made by 44 tertiary EFL Arab-Israeli students. A methodological triangulation was employed in this research. Results and analyses of... more
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      Teacher EducationHigher EducationAcademic WritingDiglossia
English language plays an important role as an effective communication medium. It is used in schools ,colleges and universities. The aim of this study is to explore writing difficulties in the English language faced by second language... more
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      CommunicationTeaching English as a Second LanguageApplied LinguisticsEnglish as a medium of instruction
The author investigated the difficulties encounter Arab second language English learners in using English adjectives across four levels of English proficiency. Sixty students, fifteen from each year, were randomly selected. The subjects... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionEnglish GrammarAdjectives
The article examines trends in the development of modern language teaching technologies and methodologies based on digital innovations. The digital tools become a core part of computer assisted language learning (CALL) in general and... more
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    • First Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
本稿の目的は、日本語とペルシア語の対比焦点を形成する機構を比較し、その外国語 学習への影響を明らかにすることである。まず、実験 1 では、ペルシア語における焦点 の音響的特徴を検討し、日本語のそれと比較した。結果、両言語は基本的に類似した機 構を利用するが、日本語では焦点を当てるのに句末境界音調(boundary pitch movements) を利用するのに対して、ペルシア語にはそのようなものが存在しないということがわか った。実験 2 で は、実験 1... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophySecond Language Acquisition
On L1 influence in L2 Norwegian. Describes a study using discriminant analysis to automatically detect the L1 from L2 writing.
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage TransferL1 TransferL1 Interference
Using L1 in the English classroom has long been considered as an unforgivable wrongdoing. Many English teachers who use L1 in the classroom feel guilty about it and in many cases do not admit it. Recent researchers started to question the... more
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      Using L1 In The L2 ClassroomCode SwitchingFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
The current research paper attempted at investigating the use of prepositions of standard, prepositions of possession and prepositions of accompaniment by some Jordanian learners of English. A total of 53 Jordanian English Majors... more
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      PsychologyFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second LanguageLanguage Linguistics and literary studiesIntralingual Interference
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    • First Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
A study of the process of bilingualization of speech-area second-generation immigrants in Catalonia (Spain), is described and summarized. The study looks at the interrelationships between (1) linguistic context, all sources of messages in... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionCatalan StudiesCatalan LanguageSociolinguistics
1752 that the way English lecturers delivered the materials was influenced by the Indonesian structure. Focusing on Indonesian structure may be true to make it easier for the learners to understand the materials, but it is not the only... more
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      Classroom InteractionMorphology and SyntaxFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
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      Teaching and LearningLanguage contactFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second LanguageSlovenian Language
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      Linguistic interferenceFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second Languagekontrastive LinguistikLanguage Interference‎
This study investigated the effect of first language (L1) metalinguistic comments on Iranian EFL learners’ acquisition of third person /-s/ as measured by the learners’ performance on a grammaticality judgment test. Accordingly, two... more
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      English GrammarEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Iranian EFL learnersFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
Under the shadow of the inescapable fact that learning L2 (Second or Foreign Language) especially English in this global village is mandatory for academia in developing countries, thereupon, Pakistan faces akin conditions where learners... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSociolinguisticsApplied LinguisticsInterference
From birth we start to acquire language which is the most natural method of communication with our environment and try to use it to the degree we acquire it. The acquisition phase starting with insensible sounds and chirping continues... more
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    • First Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
Mother tongue interference would occur naturally in all language skills with some degree of relativity and in all linguistic components; that is syntax, morphology, phonetics, pragmatics and rhetoric. Therefore, analysing the interference... more
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      BilingualismFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second LanguageThe Use of Mother Tongue in English Teaching
The aim of our study was to test whether and how the proficiency level in L2 affects the amount of within-language interference in Stroop colour word test (Polish as L1, English as L2); as well as to test whether and how the proficiency... more
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      NeuropsychologyBilingualismFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second LanguageStroop test
Under the shadow of the inescapable fact that learning L2 (Second or Foreign Language) especially English in this global village is mandatory for academia in developing countries, thereupon, Pakistan faces akin conditions where learners... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSociolinguisticsApplied LinguisticsInterference
The research investigated whether a bilinguals' second language (L2) is activated during a task involving only the first language (L1). We tested the hypothesis that the amount of L2 interference can vary across settings, with less... more
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      PsychologyFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second LanguageEnglish As a Second Language (ESL)Frontiers in Psychology
Das hier vorgestellte Modell trägt den Arbeitstitel "C-Model", d.h. Constructionist Model. Das Modell ist in seiner Anlage ein Produktionsmodell, welches einen Teil des Sprachproduktionsprozesses modellieren möchte. Dieser Teilprozess ist... more
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      Bilingualism & the brainCode-SwitchingLoanwords, Language contact & changeConstruction Grammar
ABSTRACT The subject of the research is the use of first language in the process of learning second language in the second language classroom. In this research, two usages will be considered: teachers’ use, and students’ use. Several... more
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      English LiteratureEducationAssessmentCognitive development
The current research paper attempted at investigating the use of prepositions of standard, prepositions of possession and prepositions of accompaniment by some Jordanian learners of English. A total of 53 Jordanian English Majors... more
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      First Language Interference in Learning the Second LanguageIntralingual Interference
This study investigated the effect of first language (L1) metalinguistic comments on Iranian EFL learners’ acquisition of third person /-s/ as measured by the learners’ performance on a grammaticality judgment test. Accordingly, two... more
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      English GrammarEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Iranian EFL learnersFirst Language Interference in Learning the Second Language
本稿の目的は、日本語とペルシア語の対比焦点を形成する機構を比較し、その外国語 学習への影響を明らかにすることである。まず、実験 1 では、ペルシア語における焦点 の音響的特徴を検討し、日本語のそれと比較した。結果、両言語は基本的に類似した機 構を利用するが、日本語では焦点を当てるのに句末境界音調(boundary pitch movements) を利用するのに対して、ペルシア語にはそのようなものが存在しないということがわか った。実験 2 で は、実験 1... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionPhonologySpeech ProsodyPhonetics
Under the shadow of the inescapable fact that learning L2 (Second or Foreign Language) especially English in this global village is mandatory for academia in developing countries, thereupon, Pakistan faces akin conditions where learners... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSociolinguisticsApplied LinguisticsInterference