Film historiography
Recent papers in Film historiography
Resumo: O presente artigo busca entender como o cinema se desenvolveu no litoral catarinense nas duas primeiras duas décadas do século XX, em especial, na cidade de São José. Para isso, analisaremos fontes de jornais, atas de reuniões e... more
Halit Refiğ, "Bilinmeyen Muharrem Gürses", Vatan, 1.10.1960, s. 4-5.
Rossellini e il neorealismo
in Invenzioni dal vero. Discorsi sul neorealismo
Michele Guerra (ed.)
Parma, Diabasis, 2015
in Invenzioni dal vero. Discorsi sul neorealismo
Michele Guerra (ed.)
Parma, Diabasis, 2015
Tras el centenario del cine conviene detenerse en algunas cuestiones relativas a la teoría y método de la histori(ografí)a cinematográfica. Su devenir actual se mueve, contradictoria pero más lógicamente de lo que parece, entre el... more
Türkiye Film Araştırmaları Dergisi Ocak 2021 yılında yayın hayatına başlamıştır. Sadece sinema çalışmaların yayınlanacağı dergimiz yılda iki kez Mayıs ve Kasım aylarında yayınlanacaktır. Türkçe ve İngilizce dillerinde yayın... more
Review of James Chapman's Film and History (2013)
A study of amateur film archiving and the impulse of the 'collector' as a means to approach cinema as more than the projected image. Offers the concept of ‘kinetomania’ to theorize the work of amateur film archivists as evidenced through... more
Unlike the majority of ethnographic research projects conducted in the fields of film and media studies, which tend to focus on contemporary texts and audiences, Annette Kuhn's recently published study of cinema and cultural memory looks... more
THIS IS AN E-BOOK. CLICK on "Download PDF" to open. Challenging the prevailing notion among cinephiles that the auteur is an isolated genius interested primarily in individualism, Colin Burnett positions Robert Bresson as one whose... more
It seems that scholars have adopted an abridged, yet undoubtedly convenient, history of film history – to such an extent that it is now a commonplace to view the 34th Congress of the International Federation of Film Archives, entitled... more
Social constructionism is the idea that all knowledge, including science and history, is deeply imbued with the biases and preconceptions of the person who holds the knowledge and the society in which that person lives, so that knowledge... more
ULUSLARARASI PROF.DR.HALİL İNALCIK TARİH VE TARİHÇİLİK SEMPOZYUMU Bildiriler ( I.Cilt ) Hazırlayanlar: Ayşe BEDİR – Birkan SOYKAN – Uğur Cenk Deniz İMAMOĞLU Yayın Tarihi: 2021 Yayınlıyan: Türk Tarih Kurumu E-Kitap Yayın Tarihi:... more
自二零一八年的紀錄片雙年展之後,牟敦芾的《不敢跟你講》(1969)和《跑道終點》(1970)便開始在世界巡迴放映並獲得熱烈迴響。英國國王學院的范可樂(Victor Fan)和法國電影資料館的潔曼尼(Wafa Ghermani)稱影片呈現了某種「擺脫國民黨再現束縛」的主角身體 ,而鮑德威爾(David Bordwell)則說《跑道終點》是「膽敢反對主流電影的形式與主題,並在新電影導演之前做得如此之好…黑白攝影更給(炫目的技法)某種清醒節制感」... more
In this dissertation, I argue that twenty-first-century urban archival montage films eschew the dominant historiographical strategies of documentary film and encourage the development of a historically conscious spectatorship. The thesis... more
Sinema çok yüzlü ve çok biçimli bir fenomen olarak XX. yüzyılın kültürel ve sanatsal tarihine damga vurmuştur. Modern bir sanat olarak kendini kabul ettirmesi de estetik meşruiyetini kazanmaya başladığı 1920’li yıllarda sanayileşmiş... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This article looks at one decade (1965–1975) in the history of Films Division of India (FD), the first state film production and distribution unit in the country. It tracks the changing political environment and several administrative,... more
This article explores several versions of Sergei Eisenstein's unfinished film ¡Qué viva México! (1932) assembled by different filmmakers in the 1930s, 1970s and 1990s. While each one of the versions claimed to ‘get as close to... more
This article examines the history and curatorial strategies of the George Eastman Museum of Photography and Film in Rochester, NY. It reads the museum’s exhibition of rare nitrate films in the post-industrial context of Rochester, through... more
Through the examination of a specific film production and exhibition system, Hale's Tours, this essay examines the importance granted by film historians to traditional projection space as an institutional site. It demonstrates that, for... more
The destruction by fire in 1982 of the Cineteca nacional, Mexico's largest repository of art film, marked the lowest point of an era characterized by censorship, lack of funding, and the virtual dismantling of the state cinema apparatus.... more
Türk sinema tarihyazımının söylemsel evrimi.
Eleştirel, mukayeseli ve analitik bakışlar.
2021-2022. BAHAR.
2022-2023. BAHAR.
2023-2024. BAHAR.
Eleştirel, mukayeseli ve analitik bakışlar.
2021-2022. BAHAR.
2022-2023. BAHAR.
2023-2024. BAHAR.
Le cinéaste M. Humberto Duarte Mauro (1897-1983) a été nommé au rang de «Père» du language cinématographique brésilien par ceux qui ont idéalisé le Cinema Novo. Il était originaire du mouvement connu comme «Ciclo de Cataguases» des années... more
In this dissertation, I argue that twenty-first century urban archival montage films eschew the dominant historiographical strategies of documentary film and encourage the development of a historically conscious spectatorship. The thesis... more
Transcript pf round-table discussion at the FIAF Lisbon Conference (1989) with David Francis, Aldo Bernardini, Tom Gunning, Harold Brown, Jan-Christopher Horak, Paul Spehr, Paolo Cherchi Usai,, Ib Monty, Susan Dalton, Andre Gaudreault,... more
In the recent decades, academic research on early cinema has grown remarkably. At the intersection of early cinema studies and feminist history, significant new research has revealed the hitherto overlooked presence of women, and the rich... more
At the most general level, this article wants to answer the question of what it requires to write an aesthetic history of Czech cinema. As such, it tries to sketch possibilities of a research project on a poetics of Czech cinema... more Sakarya Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleşen 8. Sakarya Uluslararası Kısa Film Festivali’nde Düzce Üniversitesi öğretim üyesi Doç. Dr. Tunç Yıldırım ve... more
Considers cinema as a dispersed field of practices in the south asian context, with different temporalities and durations, and shifting geographical contours. Draws on research on the persistence of the bioscope, archaic technologies of... more
This essay investigates the emergence of 16mm projectors and screens during the 1920s. By examining changes to the entertainment industry, the American home, and advertising discourses, it demonstrates that portable fi lm technologies... more
This essay concentrates on the provenance of films such as George Nichols’s The Cry of the Children (1912), Helen Gardner and Charles Gaskill’s Cleopatra (1912), and Scott Sidney’s The Gangsters and the Girl (1914). These titles are... more