Film Censorship
Recent papers in Film Censorship
the Censors proves that there is always something new to discover about "The Master of Suspense." The Alfred Hitchcock Wiki, lists over 200 books on Alfred Hitchcock and his films, the... more
The introduction of innovative methods of statecraft institutionalised surveillance in the name of good governance. The modernization of surveillance initiated censorship that was legitimised in India by the British government during the... more
Au début du XXIe siècle, en France, il est des images filmées dont l'État interdit l'accès à une catégorie du public, les mineurs, parce que leurs effets sont jugés dangereux : ce sont des images d'actes sexuels, des images d'actes... more
There are various kinds of censorship, but most often this term is connected with some kind of political tense and oppression. However, many important intellectual or artistic movements have developed under censorship in various countries... more
Der Aufsatz untersucht am Beispiel Hamburgs, wie vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg das Kino zu einem Ort von Kinderöffentlichkeit wurde. Zwischen pädgogischen Strategien, den Filmgenuss Heranwachsender zu regulieren, und Strategien symbolischer... more
This article seeks to understand the reasons for the disappearance of the kiss from Hindi films from the mid 30s on. Indian films from the late 1920s and early 1930s did have kisses, unlike later films. I argue that the absence of the... more
This article studies post-war Italy’s forgetful attitude towards its Fascist past by interpreting a political measure, the Togliatti amnesty (1946), and 1950s film censorship as ‘institutionalised forms of (…) amnesia’ (Ricoeur 2004,... more
Au cinéma, la Sainte Face a été plus dissimulée qu’exhibée – le plus souvent par le biais de voiles de Véronique rares et indistincts ou de linceuls pliés et mouvementés. Mais le motif hante le médium filmique à un niveau épistémologique,... more
This essay explores one of the first prolonged public relations battles faced by the Hays Office: a crusade by a Los Angeles-based humane society, the American Animal Defense League, which accused the industry of countless cruelties to... more
Film censorship screens the nation as a 'way of seeing' that is both fundamental to the art of governance and vulnerable to the flexibility of contemporary global images. In Thailand, this historically-conditioned regime arose in the... more
India has the widest movie industry in the world, taking on a mean of nearly one thousand feature films and nearly fifteen hundred short films per annum. Film production and exhibition occupy a crucial place within the field of culture,... more
Commercial Hong Kong films produced between the 1960s to early 1970s were generally politically neutral, or politically neutered, in thematic content. This muting of overt political ideologies in Hong Kong cinema was encouraged by the... more
Scarface is one of the most recognized films of the early 1930s Pre-Code era. Most research of this film has been directed at how Scarface works as an important summation of the gangster genre. In addition, historians often refer to the... more
Met de na 1945 in Nederland zo populaire verzetsretoriek benadrukken babyboomers graag hoe taai de taboes waren die zij doorbraken en, bij gevolg, hoe bevrij dend hun bij dragen aan de Nederlandse cultuur zij n geweest. Een mooi voorbeeld is... more
Since its beginnings, Luchino Visconti’s career was characterized by scandals, controversies, censures and even seizures, as a consequence of a particularly reactionary context but also of a transgressive intention which found its main... more
Um 1900 formten sich Züge der modernen Massenkultur aus, die bis in die Gegenwart wirken. Die neue Populärkultur war Abschluss und Neuformierung wesentlicher Trends aus dem letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts. Unwiderruflich wurden... more
Si bien es cierto que la traducción nos aleja de esas provincias lindantes con el silencio de las que hablaba Steiner, este trabajo de la traductora y profesora Purificación Meseguer plantea una hipótesis bien diferente: la de la... more
This paper is invested in exploring the sensory affect that is created through censorship. It is invested in unravelling the complex interaction between the films of Anurag Kashyap and the institution of censorship, the sensibilities of... more
Cette recherche retrace l’évolution de la cinématographie roumaine depuis la 2de Guerre Mondiale jusqu’à la chute du régime communiste par le prisme de la censure, en s’attardant en particulier sur « l’époque Nicolae Ceaușescu »... more
This article analyses and maps the links between caricature and animated film, as well as their development during the post-World War II era, in communist Eastern Europe. The article also deals with the specific nature of animation... more
This chapter explores the relationship between ‘hardcore’ horror films, and the discursive context in which mainstream horror releases are being dubbed ‘extreme’. This chapter compares ‘mainstream’ and ‘hardcore’ horror with the aim of... more
Se analizan en esta ponencia los elementos discursivos clave que modulan la identidad 'desviada' de los personajes principales, Bruno y Guy, en la época de los cincuenta en Estados Unidos relacionados con la traducción al español de la... more
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): This talk will explore the implications of the Prohibited... more
Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι να μελετηθεί το φαινόμενο της λογοκρισίας στην τέχνη και να αναλυθούν οι περιπτώσεις λογοκρισίας στις εικαστικές τέχνες στη μεταπολεμική ελληνική τέχνη. Οι περιπτώσεις λογοκρισίας επιλέχθηκε να αναλυθούν... more
En 1898 la escena de 18 segundos “El beso” de Edison, escandalizó a la sociedad puritana. Vista hoy en día, se puede considerar además de simple, completamente anti erótica, pero la visión en su momento ya puso las bases en ciertos... more
In the shadow of the transgressive heritage of Fellini's "La dolce vita", in 1960 "Rocco e i suoi fratelli” ("Rocco and His Brothers") provoked an institutional uproar, in unprecedented forms, in months of delicate political transition.... more
This paper reconstructs the history of the reception across the Italian Catholic world of the first sex education film ever screened in Italy, the documentary “Helga” (Erich F. Bender, 1967). Most Catholics were initially fearful and... more
‘SILENCING CINEMA: FILM CENSORSHIP AROUND THE WORLD’ brings together the key issues and authors to examine instances of film censorship. Including essays by some of today's leading film historians, the book offers groundbreaking... more
film and Censorship
A study of banning of some Indian films between 2006 and 2010
(Chapter) A Glimpse Behind the Screen: Tijuana Bibles and the Pornographic Re-imagining of Hollywood.
The struggle between censors and their opponents has always been a never-ending war of attrition. It always will be. Violence and extortion have been used to conceal, and also to expose. The law is, and has been used to conceal and to... more
The opulent colours and ornamentation, exotic characters and landscapes, as well as astonishing journeys and magic may resemble other European adaptations of Arabian Nights fairy tales. Yet remarkable technical and political innovations... more