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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm essayEssay Film
Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology
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      Contemporary ArtHauntologyLandscapeMythopoesis
Este trabalho tem como objetivo examinar a atividade criativa do vídeo-ensaio, forma de pensamento em vídeo na internet dos produtos culturais audiovisuais do cinema. Nesse sentido, nos propusemos a responder a seguinte questão: como... more
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      AppropriationFilm essayVideo Essay
Many studies centred on Godard do not relate his films and ideas to other film practice. This study of essay film, taking as its central object Godard's Histoire(s), uses cognitive mapping to relate his work to Resnais, Marker, Debord,... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Documentary FilmFrench New WaveFrench Film
Wiadomo przynajmniej, że właśnie tam wszystko się rozgrywa -na granicy między obrazami i dźwiękami, tam gdzie obrazy stają się zbyt pełne, a słowa zbyt mocne 1 .
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      Film AestheticsExperimental CinemaChris MarkerPoetics of Cinema
This article examines the key features –historical, rethorical and related to genre– that characterizes one kind of audiovisual text with scarce cinematographic tradition. The film-essay proposes a personal and nonsystematic discourse,... more
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      Film TheoryDocumentary (Film Studies)Film essay
Our (co-written with Thomas van den Berg) ‪media rich,‬ ‪‎open access‬ ‪‎Scalar‬ ‪e-book‬ on the ‪‎Audiovisual Essay‬ practice is available online: Audiovisual essaying should be more... more
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      Visual StudiesMedia StudiesNew MediaFilm Studies
Kino pozwala Orfeuszowi oglądać się wstecz bez uśmiercenia Eurydyki.
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisMemory StudiesFilm Music
Resumen: El presente artículo pretende analizar la inscripción de Godard en JLG/JLG Autoportrait de décembre (Autorretrato de diciembre, 1994) para demostrar cómo el cineasta, a través de su autorretrato y fruto de su propia concepción de... more
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      Self PortraitureSelf-PortraitsGodardInscriptions
This paper deals with the problem of filmically representing political revolutions. In working out what film can do with and for revolution, it argues that the representation of revolution is not as powerful or mobilizing as the... more
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      Film StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)RevolutionsFilm History
Just over a decade separate the films Santiago (2006) and In the intense now (2017), by João Moreira Salles. Despite the temporal detachment, both share the director's essay gesture on the archive footage. The proposal of this article is... more
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      Film AnalysisDocumentary (Film Studies)Brazilian CinemaDocumentary Film
Este artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar los usos de la carta como estrategia discursiva y elemento narrativo en los films latinoamericanos contemporáneos dirigidos por familiares de militantes políticos y víctimas de los aparatos... more
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      Latin American StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)History and MemoryMemory Studies
Rewolucji w telewizji nie będzie. Subwersywny potencjał eseju wizualnego a rzeczywistość "zimnego medium". (Bartosz Zając) Można by przypuszczać, że szlachetna forma eseju, tak literackiego, jak i wizualnego 1 , immanentnie dystansuje się... more
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      Television StudiesAlexander KlugeJean-Luc GodardFilm essay
Pojęciem eseju filmowego posłużył się prawdopodobnie jako pierwszy Hans Richter (w roku 1940) -definiując go jako nową formę dokumentalizmu, zdolną do przedstawiania abstrakcyjnych pojęć i idei. Jako przykład wskazywał na filmy klasyków... more
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      Chris MarkerHistoriophotyFilm essayEssay Film
Sans soleil (1983):une phénoménologie des apparences Par Jarmo VALKOLA L'expérience d'une mémoire constamment reconstruite par la conscience évoque une sorte de mélancolie au cinéma, renvoyant à son imaginaire. Une telle expérience de... more
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      Film essayPoetic Documentary
Na’Ou Liu (1905-1940) was one of the earliest avant-garde film and literature pioneers in Taiwan. Besides introducing Western film theories to Taiwan, Liu also pays respect to Dziga Vertov’s Kino-Eye theory by finishing a film called Man... more
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      Dziga VertovFilm essayFirst Person CinemaEssay Film
Χρήστος Δερμεντζόπουλος Ο μύθος του Ορφέα στον κινηματογράφο Ένας από τους πλέον επιδραστικούς μύθους της ελληνικής μυθολογίας δεν μπορούσε να αφήσει ανεπηρέαστο τον κινηματογράφο. Σε όλες του τις εκδοχές, στις μικρού μήκους, στις ταινίες... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm HistoryAdaptation (Film Studies)
En este texto se reflexiona sobre algunos conceptos que podrían iluminar, tanto la situación de precariedad estética en la que nos encontramos como el brote de ensayo ficcionalizado aparecido en los últimos años en España. También se... more
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      Visual CultureNeoliberalisms and the Transformation of the Cultural SphereRitual mourningFilm essay
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      Media TheoryArchive Footage, Found Film1989 Romanian RevolutionFilm essay
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryDocumentary (Film Studies)Documentary Film
An interstitial political gesture and a palimpsestic record: writing per se in D’est and Là-bas - Where are history and politics when a filmmaker refuses procedures of documental recollection such as archives, off-screen narration, and... more
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      French CinemaDocumentary (Film Studies)Memoir and AutobiographyHolocaust
Con Madrid (1987), Basilio Martín Patino se propuso indagar en la construcción de la memoria española en torno a la Guerra Civil. Se trata de una ficción ensayística que confunde los niveles del relato al insertar a sus personajes de... more
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      History and MemorySpanish CinemaSpanish Civil WarDocumentary Film
Artistic research is still a relatively new field and therefore the publication of this anthology constitutes a significant moment. This volume presents an abundance of approaches to artistic research and demonstrates the breadth and... more
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      Walter BenjaminArtistic ResearchJ.H. PrynneFilm essay
Ausgehend von Archivmaterial entwirft Azadeh Fatehrad eine visuelle und textuelle Darstellung der feministischen Bewe- gung im Iran. Im Besonderen wird sie ihren Essayfilm Women’s Voice / Zaban-e-Zanan (2016) über eine der... more
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      Iranian StudiesFilm and Media StudiesWomen and Gender StudiesFilm essay
Le cinéma documentaire a été un des espaces privilégiés d'expression des esthétiques et des discours du cinéma argentin contemporain. La relation que les films construisent entre les corps et le monde à travers des expériences électives... more
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      Documentary FilmAffect (Cultural Theory)Argentinean cinemaFilm essay
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      Film AnalysisFilm MusicJean-Luc GodardHistoire(s) du cinéma
In 1984, Michel de Certeau, writing about the practices of everyday life, exposed us to a different way of thinking about our movements through (and our relationships with) the city as the center of cultural activity. While governments,... more
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      Computer ScienceNew MediaDigital HumanitiesDigital Media
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      Cultural HistoryPhilosophyQueer TheoryCinema
Busco nesse artigo capturar o dispositivo criado por Chantal Akerman em Là-bas para demonstrar de que maneira a situação de confinamento instituída pelo filme se traduz em uma estética. A escritura formal é decomposta no sentido de... more
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      Cinema StudiesChantal AkermanFilm essayEnquadramento
L’ouvrage de Benedict Anderson "Les Bannières de la révolte. Anarchisme, littérature et imaginaire anticolonial. La naissance d’une autre mondialisation" se présente comme une vaste boîte à outils. On peut choisir de le lire comme un... more
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      Essay WritingBenedict AndersonFilm essay
Este artigo discute algumas aproximações teóricas possíveis ao ensaísmo no cinema. Num primeiro momento, o trabalho introduz brevemente o ensaio na literatura e no cinema; em seguida, apresenta o estado da arte das pesquisas sobre ensaios... more
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      CinemaAesthetic ExperienceExperiencia EsteticaEnsaio fílmico
Chapitre de l'ouvrage "D’autres continents, mouvances du cinéma présent" dirigé par Jérôme Baron, Laval, WARM, 2018.
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      Film essayBrazilian Contemporary Cinema
Two academics, the Doctor and Pete, meet in a cafe and discuss the relationship between Avant-Garde film and the occult. As the discussion develops the fabric of the film decomposes and explores the form of the encounter. Eventually the... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm and Video ArtOccultismBritish Avant Garde
Although “Bezúčelná procházka” is only 8 Minutes long, it is rather complex. In this article I examine it from three different perspectives. Firstly I analyze it as a film about a city, thereby locating “Bezúčelná procházka” in the... more
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      Visual LiteracyUrban StudiesWalter BenjaminCinema