Most downloaded papers in Figuration
Updated version posted on June 1, 2024. Posted with permission of author and publisher, Kalimát Press. Thesis topic originally recommended by Todd Lawson. Scanned by Duane Troxel. Proofread by Jonah Winters and Lynn Jaluvka, with... more
PhD Thesis at Goldsmiths, University of London, 2019 Post-humanism is best understood as several overlapping and interrelated fields coming out of the traditions of anti-humanism, post-colonialism, and feminist discourse. But the term... more
To perpetuate itself in time, tradition makes recourse to figures that convey it. This study takes as its object the vampire figure that, in transmitting important aspects of the cultural tradition, takes the form of its own tradition,... more
This essay reviews and responds to Donna Haraway's book, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Written in Haraway's spirit, it bleeds from third person to second, and from love to rage.
'SOCIAL 'WORK' AT BIJLMERMEER, AMSTERDAM CONTENTS Copycats, me too?(1) Territorial instinct(2) Kyrie eleison(5) Look-alikes, figurations and interest-groups(6) Charisma(8) Freud vs. Marx((8) Back to business(10) The... more
In the present article we propose the existence, in the Derrida of the book Dissemination, a certain thought about the bio-politics. Including the animal figure, this thought is also the thought of a sovereignty beyond the instance of... more
This article explores the nexus of sovereignty, violence, and transitional justice through an analysis of the public exhibitions of the faces of communist-era secret service officers in Poland. During the rule of right-wing government... more
4 Begriff als Abgrenzungskategorie verwendet wird, kaum systematisch versucht zu bestimmen, was Popliteratur überhaupt sein soll. 3 Seit den 1990er Jahren entwickelt sich ein starkes, etwas verspätet ab Ende der 1990er auch... more
To understand applications of Rem Koolhaas’ concept of “Bigness”, I place it alongside concepts from science fiction criticism and Gestalt perception theory. There are multiple connections between methods used by OMA and means employed in... more
Trisha Brown’s early choreographic work deals intrinsically with the relationship between dance and urban space. Performed on rooftops, park benches or exterior house walls, some of her most famous pieces of Postmodern Dance investigate... more
To perpetuate itself in time, tradition makes recourse to figures that convey it. This proposal takes as its object the vampire figure that, in transmitting important aspects of the cultural tradition, takes the form of its own... more
This paper addresses issues related to graphic thinking providing parallels between textual language and graphic language on the one hand, and between graphics –as produced objects- and their authors –as the active subjects- on the other.... more
Esta investigación es un análisis en el marco de la teoría queer de relaciones internacionales sobre las acciones ejecutivas federales relativas a la diversidad sexual en México. Se postula que formas particulares de entender quién es el... more
In the following pages I explore a chapter in Slovak visual art of the 1960s, post-informal figuration, focusing on the first and crucial stage in the work of the Bratislava sculptor Mira Haberernová. The time frame ranges from the period... more
S’il y a malaise dans l’esprit littéraire, c’est qu’il cherche de manière à trouver la névrose, c’est qu’il n’accepte pas d’exister dans la béance castratrice du réel. Et si c’était précisément cette théorie de l’espace béant qui était... more
What role should students take in shaping their education, their university, and the wider society? These questions have assumed new importance in recent years as universities are reformed to become more competitive in the “global... more
“Figuring Terminal Crisis” tracks a problem that emerges from Steven Amsterdam’s post-apocalyptic novel Things We Didn’t See Coming (2010), though is certainly not limited to it. The formal limit to imagining a post-catastrophic future... more
En Carol (Todd Haynes, 2015), el deseo entre Therese y Carol viene marcado por su separación, por la asunción de una distancia. El siguiente artículo se pregunta alrededor de la figuración del gesto que se construye entre la mirada de... more
This paper explores contemporary artist Wangechi Mutu’s collage works as a means of exploring female identity and cultural stereotypes. Shenk compares Mutu’s works to those of early-20th century collage artist Hannah Höch in order to... more
Si, d'après Maurice Blanchot, le quotidien résiste à la représentation, plusieurs démarches littéraires, artistiques ou scientifiques tentent, au XXe siècle, de rendre sensible l'ordinaire de la vie quotidienne. Certaines œuvres de... more
My wing is ready for flight, I would like to turn back. If I stayed timeless time, I would have little luck. Gershom Scholem, Greeting from Angelus
Il saggio indaga aspetti della "anti-prospettiva" - cioè, del disegno che cerca di figurare gli spazi intrinseci delle cose, di tradurli graficamente sul piano con effetti di spazialità ambigua, reversibile, riflessa, invertendo il senso... more
"The work of Columbian artist Oscar Munoz brings to bear a causal chain of events, an unfolding series of linked transitions between the concrete image and its gradual dissolution into material residue. While not self-consciously bound up... more
Since the middle of the twentieth century, the appropriateness of ‘the human figure’ has been increasingly interrogated. Considering Narcissister and Jaamil Olawale Kosoko performances, this article is intended to wrest the understanding... more
An analysis of artist Kushana Bush's investigation of narrative structures and visual devices, particularly with reference to historical influences including medieval book illumination, Persian miniatures, and 20th century painting... more
This article is a study of aspects of the criticism, and critical methodology, of Nicole Brenez, taking her book Abel Ferrara (2007) as its primary text. Abel Ferrara was translated by Adrian Martin, who has done a great deal to champion... more
Agalma ou les figurations de l’invisible. Approches comparées, Stephan Dugast, Dominique Jaillard, Ivonne Manfrini (éds.), Grenoble, Editions Jérôme Million 2021, p. 5-22
Le masque sxwó:yxwey (swaihwé) des peuples de l’île de Vancouver et de la vallée du Fraser a fait l’objet d’analyses virtuoses de la part d’anthropologues de renom (Claude Lévi-Strauss et Wayne Suttles). Pourtant, dans les deux cas, la... more
The representation of other arts in cinema can be regarded as a different semiotic system revealing what is hidden in the narrative, as a site of cultural meanings inherent to the cinematic apparatus addressing a pensive spectator, or a... more
Klassismus und Sozialprotektionismus sind als soziale Phänomene von der Soziologie zur Genüge untersucht worden. Auf die Frage, wie sich die Angehörigen einer vermeintlich gleichen „Klasse“, eines ähnlichen „Sozialmilieus“ oder eines... more
Cette thèse examine l’œuvre et la vie de Pierre Klossowski en les considérant comme figure du phénomène littéraire. S’intéressant à l’œuvre de ce dernier en ce que celle-ci, traversant les genres, les médias et les techniques du XXe... more
Cet article propose de considérer Cassandre en tant que figure de lectrice dans l’Agamemnon d’Eschyle et le poème Alexandra de Lycophron. En retournant vers ces tragédies antiques, il est possible de penser, dès celles-ci, une... more