Thorstein Veblen
Recent papers in Thorstein Veblen
Università degli Studi di Perugia
3 dicembre 2019
Seminario di studi per i corsi di Sociologia della cultura (Prof. Massimo Cerulo) e Sociologia del mutamento sociale (Prof. Lorenzo Bruni)
3 dicembre 2019
Seminario di studi per i corsi di Sociologia della cultura (Prof. Massimo Cerulo) e Sociologia del mutamento sociale (Prof. Lorenzo Bruni)
Focusing on Edith Wharton’s New York trilogy, the author interprets the function of fashionable dress as a means of constructing social identity. The paper looks at how the concept of “passing” develops through the language of dress and... more
L’économie peut-elle, et doit-elle, se prévaloir d’être totalement déconnectée de la philosophie ? La plupart des économistes semblent répondre à cette question par l’affirmative. En ce sens, Joseph Schumpeter énonce l’idée d’un voile... more
Traduzione italiana dell'articolo "Kant's Critique of Judgment" di Thorstein Bunde Veblen, pubblicato nel Journal of Speculative Philosophy nel mese di Luglio del 1884.
Artykuł prezentuje myśl Thorsteina Veblena i współczesne, nieortodoksyjne nawiązania do jego koncepcji. W książce, pt. „Teoria klasy próżniaczej” z 1899 roku Veblen opisał zachowania ówczesnej amerykańskiej elity społecznej – tytułowej... more
Nel suo celebre libro "La Teoria della Classe Agiata", datato 1899, il sociologo americano di origine norvegese Thorstein Veblen aveva colto in quello che chiamava consumo vistoso uno dei principi interpretativi ed esplicativi della... more
The article discusses consumption as a social process that is a part of social provisioning and is in an evolutionary interplay with other social processes. The discussion is grounded in, but is not limited to the contributions of... more
There is a remarkable degree of similarity between the respective theories of Joseph Schumpeter's and Thorstein Veblen's of the entrepreneur and how the action of the entrepreneur influences the direction of not only economic development,... more
In this article, we employ a Veblenian framework to analyze three dimensions of corporate financialization: the expansion of the balance sheet, the rising importance of intangible assets and the growing levels of financial payouts. Our... more
Institutional change explains the change of institutions considered as rules and expectations that govern human interactions and paths of development in society. This conceptual paper describes, with an historical perspective, the most... more
The book tells the story of the Athenian elite between 600 and 400 BCE on the basis of the imagery on the luxury pottery from which the wealthy drank at their banquets. The statistical evaluation of more than 6,000 representations lend... more
Instagram Örneğinde Sosyal Medyanın Tüketime Etkisi Bu makalede sosyal medyanın tüketime olan etkisi son dönemlerin popüler sosyal paylaşım ağı Instagram örneğinde incelenmektedir. Tüketim tanımıyla başlanarak, tüketimin anlam değişimiyle... more
This paper examines globalization through the framework of Max Weber’s essay “Structures of Power.” The paper argues that globalization is characterized by political and economic entities using debt, the nation-state, and organizational... more
La moda è un oggetto di studio che può essere analizzato da prospettive molto diverse. Di moda si sono occupate l’economia, l’antropologia e la psicologia, ma anche la storia, la storia dell’arte e la sociologia. La varietà di approcci... more
Im vorliegenden Beitrag vertreten wir die These, dass Thorstein Veblen als weitgehend unbeachteter Vorläufer von Pierre Bourdieus Distinktionsthese und damit seines Habituskonzepts gelten kann. Entsprechend kann gefragt werden, welche... more
Per chiunque si occupi di moda, da qualsiasi prospettiva disciplinare, Die Mode di Georg Simmel rappresenta un testo imprescindibile, che a un secolo di distanza non smette di sorprendere il lettore per la lucidità con cui coglie alcuni... more
Puji syukur kehadirat ALLAH SWT, yang telah senantiasa melimpahkan Rahmat dan Hidayah-Nya sehingga kita semua selalu dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat untuk menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari sebagai khalifahnya di muka bumi ini. Shalawat... more
Günümüzde, markalar tasarımlarında sadeleşme yoluna gitmektedir. Bunun nedeni olarak tüketicilerin artık logosunun, ambleminin ve deseninin fazla belirgin olmadığı, sade modelli markaları tercih etmesi gösterilebilir. Diğer bir deyişle... more
Resumen La obra “De cómo Nueva York robó la idea de arte moderno” de Serge Guilbaut reproduce el alcance del compromiso y la lucha que se dieron en torno al expresionismo abstracto y la preocupación de los artistas por resolver los... more
Kültür üzerine yapılan çalışmalarda aristokrat kültürden kitle kültürüne ve postmodern kültüre doğru yaşanan değişim sürecinde kültürün ideolojik yapısı her zaman toplumsal alanda öne çıkmıştır. Üretim ilişkilerinin bir ürünü olan... more
This research output from 1988 is here made available for scholarly and teaching purposes. No index. Book out of print. "Preach! Preach! Preach! wherever a listener may be found, the functional, the moral, the human rendering of life.... more
At its most basic, we can understand critical marketing studies as interested in challenging the status quo, that is, it questions the way marketing activities are represented by academics and observers interested in legitimising the role... more
One thing all mainstream economists agree upon is that money has nothing whatsoever to do with desire. This strange blindness of the profession to what is otherwise considered to be a basic feature of economic life serves as the starting... more
er gleichfalls Postdoktorand am Thomas-Mann-Archiv der ETH-Bibliothek Zürich.
Veblen’ in yaşadığı 19.yy’ ın sonlarından itibaren, kapitalizmin erken aşamalarındaki bireysel servet birikiminin yerini giderek daha düzenli ve büyük şirketler biçiminde kurumsallaşmış sermaye birikimi almıştır. Taylorizm ve bilimsel... more
Social scientists have begun to appreciate the importance of style in academic dis- course. Style and its evaluation, I argue, are not givens, but are created and negotiated by a body of readers, judging a text. To explain the process by... more
In the third-quarter of the twentieth century John Kenneth Galbraith was probably the best-known economist in the world. He gloried in taking the road less travelled, challenging the conventional wisdom, the doctrines and myths, which... more
Thorstein Veblen (1857-1928), Amerika’nın ürettiği en bilinen ve etkili sosyal düşünür ve eleştirmenlerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. İlk kez 1899’da yayımlanan kitabı “The Theory of The Leisure Class” (Aylak Sınıfı... more
Welfare economics is sometimes described as “the tools of normative analysis.” This area of study is often used to describe and inform public policy and to predict the outcome of policy implementation. In this thesis, I will argue that... more
ÖZET En basit şekliyle tüketim belli bir ihtiyacı ve isteği karşılamak üzere, bir malın ya da hizmetin nihai kullanımı olarak tanımlanabilir. Ancak günümüzde tüketim sadece ihtiyacı ve isteği karşılamak üzere yapılan bir eylem olmaktan... more
LIEN URL CNRS RÉSUMÉ Deux idées sont au cœur des deux parties de cet argumentaires. Pour la première : l’émancipation de l’économie comme idée vis-à-vis de la morale a impliqué, au XVIIIe siècle, de... more
La discusión sobre las teorías del cambio institucional tiene grandes implicaciones en nuestra visión del desarrollo y la historia, así como en nuestra concepción de un pertinente arreglo institucional global. El Neoinstitucionalismo de... more
NOTA BENE il y a deux pièces jointes : le texte lui-même et la couverture du livre Pour citer ce texte : Jérôme Maucourant, « Transformer la valeur (sociale) en prix (de marché) : sur la résistance du social », in Massimo Vallerani... more
This thesis assesses the social-welfare implications of modifications to the post transfer distribution of income, in the context of welfare maximising policy design. Both the inequality-distributional efficiency and inequality-growth... more
This paper attempts to contextualize Mondrian‘s few writings on fashion within his larger interest in oppositions and the work of early fashion theorists, who similarly framed dress in terms of binaries and antonyms. Like Mondrian, early... more
Potlach, Malinowski, Anthropology
"Michel Weber et Vincent Berne (sous la direction de), Chromatikon IX. Annales de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, 2012 (224 p., 23 €, ISBN 978-2-930517-44-5) Jean-Marie Breuvart, À Xavier Verley, en forme... more
Technological development and diversification of products offered to consumers and making them appealing causes some problems. At the beginning of these problems is the inability to control the product usage period. Uncontrolled use of... more
EXTRAIT : "Veblen offre du capitalisme financier, qu’il voit naître, la conception d’un régime économique fondé sur de nouvelles pratiques commerciales, financières et bancaires qui s’emparent de la production et nous éloigne du... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, kurumsal iktisadın gelişim hikâyesi üzerinden, iktisatta anaakım veya heterodoks olmak üzerine mütevazı bir tartışma geliştirmektir. Bu işi ise Kenneth E. Boulding, David Colander, Eyüp Özveren, Frederic S. Lee,... more
ÖZET Komşuluk, toplumsal ve sosyal yaşamın önemli fonksiyonlarından biridir. Toplumda meydana gelen sosyal ve ekonomik değişimler, birçok unsur gibi komşuluk ilişkilerini de etkilemektedir. Bu unsurların başında; birey, eğitim, ekonomi,... more
This paper, on the one hand, focuses on the ways to build the bridges between economics and engineering activities and, on the other hand, includes some critical evaluations on the relationships between economics and the other science... more