Feminism Beyonce
Recent papers in Feminism Beyonce
Questo paper si propone di esaminare l'influenza della cultura africana nella musica di Beyoncé, una delle artiste più influenti e iconiche del nostro tempo. Attraverso un'analisi storico-culturale che copre l'intera carriera della... more
Este artigo entende a música pop como uma máquina de guerra tal como definida por Deleuze e Guattari. Neste sentido, procura-se observar como antes de serem divisões estanques, pop e rock são agenciamentos que pressupõem modos de habitar... more
Através de uma breve análise dos curtas-metragens Glauces-Estudo de um Rosto (2001) e Enigma de um Dia (1996), do diretor Joel Pizzini, procura-se pensar as materialidades da comunicação dentro de uma corrente pós-hermenêutica. No... more
Resena del libro Mujeres respetables. Clase y genero en los sectores populares , Beverley Skeggs. Ediciones UNGS, 2019, Los Polvorines, Buenos Aires.
Desde hace varios años algo ha cambiado en el panorama mediático, el feminismo como mensaje político ha venido diseminándose en diversas plataformas, medios y ha formado parte de las declaraciones de celebridades de muy distinta índole.... more
Beyonce calls Lemonade a “visual album.” There’s been buzz about the image of Beyonce smashing up cars, and a lot of talk about the autobiographical themes of the lyrics (lines like “better call Becky with the good hair” have been getting... more
This article explicates the assemblage of devices, software, and human action that enabled the riotous success of BEYONCÉ, a "visual album" released in December 2013 without prior fanfare. Drawing on concepts of media and bodily... more
This book explores, as one of the priorities of the feminist agenda in the 21st century, feminist education and awareness in pre-service and in-service teacher training. Although feminism is constantly present in political discourse and... more
O que torna uma diva pop autentica? Norteado por esse questionamento, proponho neste trabalho analisar as varias possibilidades de construcao da autenticidade no reino pop feminino. Para tanto, recorro a nocao de "semblante... more
Beyonce calls Lemonade a “visual album.” There’s been buzz about the image of Beyonce smashing up cars, and a lot of talk about the autobiographical themes of the lyrics (lines like “better call Becky with the good hair” have been getting... more
English: How can popular culture be used as a resource for discussions of stereotypes and prejudice attached to religion, race and gender? In this chapter, I will analyze Beyoncé’s music video Formation from 2016 to look at how... more
How can bellydancing cure a woman, victim of the State-organised kidnapping of children born to non-white mothers? Through a study of the second part of Alexis Wright’s novel Plains of Promise, « Glimpses of Distant Hills », this article... more
Tesis dirigida por Amparo Lasén. Desde hace varios años algo ha cambiado en el panorama mediático, el feminismo como mensaje político ha venido diseminándose en diversas plataformas, medios y ha formado parte de las declaraciones de... more
Comentario crítico sobre la recepción del vídeo álbum que Beyoncé publicó en el verano de 2020: Black is King
Avant de débuter cet écrit de recherche qui marque le point final de ma scolarité, je voudrais faire part de ma gratitude envers toutes les personnes qui m'ont accompagnée ces deux dernières années particulièrement, et aussi pour toutes... more
Presentación en el XII CONGRESO ESPAÑOL DE SOCIOLOGÍA (2016) de la Federación Española de Sociología
An essay that dives into the struggles and triumphs of black feminists and the idea of intersectionality. This essay discusses the positive and negative effects of intersectionality on the plight of black women and evaluates criticism of... more
Análisis sobre la referencia del trabajo feminista y antiracista de la cantante Beyoncé en España, con especial atención al concepto de Ignorancia blanca.
From Emma Watson, Lady Gaga and Beyonce, the f(feminism)word has been adopted and discarded by several celebrities in the recent years. As this social movement starts appearing in tabloids and art works, the question arises about the... more
Examinng the agency of Black women.
In this special issue of Taboo, the authors use Beyoncé's album, Lemonade, to introduce the concept of the Bad Bitch Barbie, a term used to identify a woman who embraces her body while simultaneously using it as a commodity. Representing... more
The role of music from black singers in advancing black feminism, focusing on Beyonce Knowles
This essay advances from Erica Edwards' theorization of “sex after the black normal” to understand the confined insurgency of Beyoncé's racial and gender lyricality. That is, Beyoncé is situated within the “Black normal,” but, while amid... more
Sesión a estudiantes de tercero de Sociología (UCM, Mayo 2017) sobre las 4 principales discusiones en torno al trabajo de Beyoncé y el feminismo y antiracismo. __ Seminar session (Complutense University of Madrid, May 2017) about the... more
El fenómeno Beyoncé y sus últimos trabajos -Beyoncé (2014) y Lemonade (2016)- han cambiado la discusión en los medios de comunicación, la academia feminista y la industria pop. Su trabajo y su mensaje feminista y antiracista han tenido un... more
Depuis quelques années le féminisme bénéficie d’une forte visibilité médiatique via des célébrités qui se déclarent en faveur du mouvement. Il est possible de parler de néo-féminisme puisque celui-ci se détache de façon assez radicale des... more
With the release of Beyoncé’s 2013 eponymous album, culture critics charged all in on whether Beyoncé is a feminist figure or an antifeminist product of capitalism, and yet, no one has asked younger people how her music resonates with... more
RESUMO: O que torna uma diva pop autêntica? Norteado por esse questionamento, proponho neste trabalho analisar as várias possibilidades de construção da autenticidade no reino pop feminino. Para tanto, recorro à noção de “semblante... more
This article takes a look at Beyonce's latest album, Lemonade, and its title track. It asks questions about her brand of feminism and the criticisms against her. It also positions her as continuing the legacy of black feminism in music.
¿Qué influencia están teniendo Beyoncé y Rihanna en la inserción de mensaje feministas en el mainstream del pop? Sobre feminismo, negritud y el camino hacia otro modelo de la diva.
Emma Watson is often regarded as a 'game-changer' in modern feminism, and an icon for the movement within our pop-culture. However, upon further inspection, we learn that her strides in the realms of feminism have been short-sighted. In... more
American musical monolith Beyoncé Knowles simultaneously embodies and defies the concept of “popular music,” as it is critically described. A commercial and critical success in music, film and popular culture, Beyoncé has permeated all... more
Graded 94/100 at UC Riverside I made this Nevsky digram inspired double Graphical Score to be able to conveniently present to my readers a way to parallel and contrast two of our visual materials screened in class. I was first of all... more
Mikroaggresjon viser til hverdagslige ydmykelser som markerer et underordningsforhold. Det handler om ytringer eller handlinger som utpeker og knytter personer til stereotype oppfatninger om etnisitet, rase, kjønn, seksualitet eller andre... more