Hip-Hop Studies
Recent papers in Hip-Hop Studies
A special issue of Studies in Musical Theatre offering a range of new critical perspectives on Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton, including: “Is It Like a Beat Without a Melody?”: Rap and Revolution in Hamilton | Jeffrey Severs Rise... more
Hip-hop in South Africa has been on a roller coaster ride since its emergence as a protest tool among non-white youths against apartheid in the early 1980s. Although the collapse of apartheid in the early 1990s opened up an era of... more
“Old Town Road” holds the record for the most weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Lil Nas X, the artist behind it, gained popularity in a matter of months. He came out as gay on Twitter on June 30, 2019 and has addressed... more
During the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, Kanye West famously interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for "Best Female Video." A year later both performers returned to the VMAs with songs that responded directly to the original... more
The essay that launched Afrofuturism. Introductory essay, in which the term is coined and theorized in depth, followed by interviews exploring the idea with leading African-American cultural theorists. From the collection FLAME WARS,... more
This paper explores the importance of Kendrick Lamar in the entertainment industry, in hip-hop and in American History. The essence of this paper explores his celebrity black body in relation to history, identity and his contribution to... more
Displaying anonymous, nude black female bodies has a long history in Western societies, from the exhibition of enslaved women on the auction block to representations of black female bodies in contemporary hip-hop music videos. The purpose... more
In presented article the modern hip hop culture is viewed as an effective and innovative education mechanism in Russia. Also some actual Russian hip hop educational projects are reviewed and investigated. Статья посвящена изучению... more
This essay analyses black female American gangsta rap as a radically historically specific phenomenon arising in the urban milieu of the early nineties in the US. It takes into account lyrics, performances and visuals (music videos) of... more
"Antes de tocar la tierra hay que pedir permiso, porque la tierra es un lugar sagrado, donde existen millones de especies, unas que vemos y otras que no, ahí están los espíritus de los hermanos animales y los tíos árboles, la chagra es... more
How do poverty, youth and crime relate to the concept of being 'cool'? Jonathan Ilan presents a unique, theoretically informed overview of street culture in various parts of the world – its origins, functions, manifestations and appeal –... more
Hip-hop music and dance can prove of great use as a tool to reach students through a type of popular culture that is relevant to the world today. A brief history and description of the evolution of hip-hop music and dance is included to... more
In the mid-to-late 1980s, rap music became the soundtrack of Americanization. Along with breakdance, graffiti, and deejaying, rap inspired young people all over the world to create and practice their own versions of this popular culture.... more
This paper analyses from a socio-narrative perspective the official music video of the 2009 song ‘P.H.A.T.W.A’, by Canadian-Iraqi political rapper The Narcicyst (“Narcy”). Drawing a distinction between performative and constative forms of... more
Resenha do livro "Hip Hop Genealogia 2", Ed Piskor (Veneta e Sumário de Rua).
As one of the most influential and popular genres of the last three decades, rap has cultivated a mainstream audience and become a multimillion-dollar industry by promoting highly visible and often controversial representations of... more
Shakespeare’s presence in contemporary culture is ubiquitous, yet his works seem to be tangled up in a sort of elitist, highbrow veneer, which teachers may struggle to brush off. As a consequence, educational practitioners often resort to... more
Le gangsta rap, ce sous-genre de la musique rap s’inspirant d’un style de vie de gangster violent et hors-la-loi, alimenté par le goût de l’argent, du sexe et de la drogue, déplaît bien souvent à l’opinion publique en raison de son... more
“The Message” (1982), hip-hop’s first anthem, ushered in a political aspect to hip-hop that remains in the genre’s DNA. Responding to the political and social realities that eviscerated black and Latino communities in the Bronx during the... more
This book examines the post-1960s era of popular music in the Anglo-Black Atlantic through the prism of historical theory and methods. By using a series of case studies, this book mobilizes historical theory and methods to underline... more
Mixing facts and fiction, Hollywood screen biographies have told the lives of popular music icons at least since The Jazz Singer (1927). However, biopics construct narratives that deal problematically with issues of race. This article... more
Drawing on the ongoing dialogue between current music video scholarship and a cultural turn to affect, this article argues for an approach to affective aesthetics that focuses on both the aesthetically and theoretically generative work of... more
This thesis examines Hip Hop as a genre of oral literature. To begin this study, I examine a wide range of scholarship on orality, including what is considered the canonical work, Orality and Literature, by Walter Ong. This theorist’s... more
The second half of Felix Gary Gray's energetic, ambitious and inspirational film about the rise and eventual end of the pioneers of gangsta rap, the N. W. A. (Niggaz Wit Attitudes) band members, is very, very good. It is, however, a... more
dirs. 29 minutes. English and Chinese with English subtitles. Watertown, MA: Documentary Educational Resources (DER), 2015.
This thesis will explore the work of performance poet, Kate Tempest, and the status of her poetry as an empowering mode of Foucauldian counter-conduct. It will outline the urban, impoverished demographic Tempest speaks for and its... more
potential of relationality to capture the ambivalence of entities (e.g., the demonic dead in Chapter 6) and social relations (for example, children in Chapter 4) under different cultural purviews. For the Korowai, the demonic dead are... more