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The U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) criminalizes decryption of "copy protected" digital content, even if the decryption itself serves lawful purposes that do not infringe on copyright. However, temporary exemptions to this... more
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      Higher EducationCopyrightMedia LawDocumentary Film
In this Essay, I sketch out some First Amendment and Due Process issues that arise from recent efforts by the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) to revise U.S. copyright law. My focus will be on the WIPO Treaty on... more
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      Performing ArtsIntellectual PropertyPerformance StudiesFirst Amendment Law (USA)
Copyright literature has been long familiar with the lack of licensing choices in various creative markets. In the absence of lawful licensing alternatives, consumers of works as well as secondary creators wishing to use protected... more
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      Intellectual PropertyDigital CopyrightCopyright and intellectual propertyCopyright Law
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      CopyrightCopyright (Law)Intellectual Property LawDigital Copyright
A medida que los derechos de autor se han profundizado (tanto en extensión como en la naturaleza de los derechos monopólicos entregados), e internacionalizado, el debate entorno a las excepciones a dichos derechos ha ido tomando cada vez... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyrightFair UseCopyright Exceptions
This succinct book articulates a clear framework for remixing and drawing at intermediate and advanced levels. It begins by walking through the ideas of copyright and fair use, providing context, examples, and advice. Mueller directs... more
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      Public DomainCopyrightDrawingCollage
""Artículo que trata las excepciones a la Ley 17 de Copyright, Fair Use y Teach Act, calificadas como limitaciones a los derechos exclusivos del autor, desde la perpectiva de sus implicaciones en la educación a distacia en Estados Unidos... more
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      Distance EducationCopyrightFair UseDerechos de autor
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      CopyrightCopyright LawFair Use
1. Introducción: la cultura gamer de compartir. Youtubers & streamers. 1.1. ¿Que es un Let´s Play? Live stream, Video on Demand (VOD). Categorías de videos según el contenido: reviews, speedruns, etc. 1.2. Tendencias del mercado de... more
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      Intellectual PropertyVideogamesFair UseVideogames research
TABLE OF CONTENTS The commentaries and presentations that are published separately in a Kindle edition represent in size about 40% of the size of this volume of documents. These commentaries and presentations contain about 154,000 words... more
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      MusicCensorshipIntellectual PropertyMedieval History
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      CopyrightCopyright (Law)Fair UseCopyright and Fair Use Doctrine
تتناول الدراسة مفهوم الإستخدام العادل Fair use باعتباره واحدا من الموضوعات التى تتمخض عن موضوعات قوانين حقوق التأليف والنشر، وقد عملت الدراسة على التعرف إلى موقف بعض المكتبات السعودية تجاه تطبيق مبادئ الإستخدام العادل وتحقيق الموازنة بين... more
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      Intellectual PropertyFair Use
Por regla general, los derechos no son absolutos, razón por la cual se ven disminuidos con el fin de garantizar otros de orden general. Para el caso del Derecho de Autor Y Derechos Conexos, esta situación no le es indiferente, toda vez... more
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      Copyright (Law)Fair UseLimitationsDerecho De Autor Y Derechos Conexos
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      Critical TheoryPolitical EconomyMedia StudiesCensorship
Recently the Japanese government revised its copyright law, and one of the major changes in it is that illegal downloaders in Japan now face up to two years’ imprisonment or a fine of ¥2 million (approximately US$19,265), or a combination... more
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      Intellectual PropertyJapanese AnimeManga and Anime StudiesCopyright
In this paper, a structure (nature under the law) of the Permissible Use, and specific regulations situated in the Chapter III Division 3 of Polish Act on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights were elaborated. Leading positions of the... more
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      Copyright LawFair UseCopyright Exceptions
The developments of science and technology in Tanzania have made copyright protection and exceptions to become of vital importance compared with the ancient period where these changes were not noticeable. A lot of copyrighted information... more
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      CopyrightDigital CopyrightFair UseFair Use Copyright Trips Bern
Se presentan las diferentes instancias de la propiedad intelectual, con especial énfasis en los derechos de autor y las implicaciones, recomendaciones para la aplicabilidad del uso justo y la protección de los derechos de autor en el... more
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      CopyrightPropiedad IntelectualFair UseDerechos de autor
This paper argues that Smosh's parody 2005 Pokemon theme song was indeed fair use. This case brings into question the nature and potential purposes of a YouTube video, as well as the legality of elements (such as music) that comprise such... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaDigital CultureDigital Copyright
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      Digital CopyrightCopyright LawFair Use
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      Media LiteracyCopyright (Law)Fair Use
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      CopyrightFair Use
noun | | \, krip-,täm-‘nē-zhə\ The presence of phenomena in normal consciousness, which objectively are memories, but subjectively are not recognized as such. In an attempt to strike a greater sense of harmony between... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyPostmodernismFreedom Of Expression
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      Copyright (Law)Copyright LawPatent LawFair Use
This article aims to discuss the role humour plays in politics, particularly in a media environment overflowing with user-generated video. We start with a genealogy of political satire, from classical to Internet times, followed by a... more
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      Political ParticipationVideoCopyrightPublic Sphere
Shifts towards the commodification of intangible goods – apart from historical means of economic management based on industrial strategies and the creation and sale of physical goods – have made intellectual property rights critical to... more
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      Cultural HeritageHuman RightsCommonsSustainable Development
556 sayılı KHK’nın 5. maddesinin ilk fıkrası, marka olabilecek işaretleri geniş bir şekilde örnekleme yöntemi ile belirtilerek; ayırt ediciliği sağlayabilmesi, çizimle görüntülenebilmesi, benzer biçimde ifade edilebilmesi, baskı yoluyla... more
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      Fair UseTrademark Law
The experience economy has taken popular culture and has injected it into every aspect of our lives. We translate movies, TV shows, video games, and other forms of entertainment into our daily activities in the form of fan fiction,... more
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      BusinessIntellectual PropertyPopular CultureComics
The interactive digital documentary has attracted both enthusiasm and analysis among documentarians, festival programmers and academics, and has been associated with social-action goals of engagement and activism. This article focuses on... more
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      Web 2.0CopyrightMedia PolicySocial Media
Similar to the graceful forward, backward and sideways movements in a minuet, after a slow start, the dynamics between IP and human rights have intensified to the extent that human rights law is seen as IP’s new frontier. When balancing... more
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      Fundamental RightsCopyright LawFair UseCopyright exceptions and limitations
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      Copyright LawFair UseAppropriation ArtValue added
What is Copyright? Copyright is a shield that protects published and unpublished literary, scientific and artistic works. Such works can be in a tangible material form, e.g., an essay, a song, a computer graphic, a computer code, a... more
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      CopyrightPublic BroadcastingCivil SocietyDocumentary
Abstract The notion of copyright has been within us since humankind needed to have protection to its intellectual creativity with an effective method to preserve its continuity. Over the centuries this protection has been widened by the... more
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      Comparative LawIntellectual PropertyCopyright (Law)Intellectual Property Law
Harvard’s offers the solution to linkrot—the phenomenon that citations in academic journals to web materials disappears with the passage of time, resulting in “broken links” and disappearance of material from the Web. This... more
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      CopyrightWeb ArchivingCopyright LawFair Use
Since its rise to prominence among hip hop producers thirty years ago, digital music sampling has become a popular method of music production for musicians across multiple genres. Yet case law, copyright laws, and standard music industry... more
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      CopyrightCopyright (Law)Moral PhilosophyDigital Copyright
(Copy)wrong? Authorship, Appropriation, and ‘Fair’ Use


The American legal system’s shortsighted approach to aesthetic judgment and the consequences of Copyright Law on the creative processes of artistic production.
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      LawArt HistoryContemporary ArtCopyright
This article makes a theoretical, legal, and moral proposition that fan fiction, a form of derivative writing based on existing media and popular culture, be considered fair use of copyrighted materials under U.S. copyright law. In our... more
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      Fan FictionFanfictionFair Use
The issue of fair use has become more relevant in the past few years as consumers are becoming creators through transformative works and remixed content. This is an act in which the consumer takes the presented media source content and... more
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      FandomOnline FandomMedia Ownership and ContentFandoms
A comparison of the behaviors of two creative populations operating within cross-media environments in the U.S. and Australia tests the comparative effect of the two nations' legal environments on the range of creative expression and on... more
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      CopyrightCreative IndustriesVisual ArtsDocumentary Filmmaking
Copyrighted works are greatly entwined with the concept of the sharing economy because of their status as informational public goods. Unlike commercial sharing models that address tangible goods such as bikes and houses, the sharing of... more
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      ChinaCopyright LawFair Use
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      Copyright LawFair UseCopyright and Fair Use Doctrine
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyrightCopyright (Law)Postmodernism
An article which deals with the Fair use doctrine in India, in light of the Oxford University case, and an analysis of parallel importation and "Right to Read" in the Indian context.
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyrightCopyright (Law)Copyright Law
Increasingly, libraries of all types and sizes are now adding electronic book (ebook) titles to their collections. A survey was used to explore the implications of ebook licensing and interlibrary loan use. Among academic libraries in the... more
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      Resource Sharing / Interlibrary Loan / Interlending (Library Science)Electronic Resource ManagementFair UseLicensing
This study, based on a survey of 489 documentary filmmakers, is a case study in copyright policy in and through practice. It assesses the changes in documentary production practice around clearance of copyrighted material since the... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyrightCreative IndustriesSurvey Research
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyrightFair Use
With the emergence of the digital environment, the issue of “transformative uses” in copyright law has gained renewed interest in legal literature. While many authors emphasized the challenge that these transformative practices... more
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      European LawUser-Generated ContentCopyrightDigital Copyright
Abstract Argentina is debating the reform of its copyright act, dating back to 1933, focusing on its opportunity, merit, convenience, and scope. The lack of economic understanding on the part of the actors has led to an unsatisfactory... more
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      Law And Economics (Economics)Intellectual PropertyLaw and EconomicsLegal Reform
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      Video GamesCopyrightFair Use
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      Online VideoFair Use