European Union external relations
Recent papers in European Union external relations
La saga jurisprudencial Kadi se ha convertido en uno de las mayores y más importantes sagas para el Derecho de la Unión Europea, ya que establece de manera clara y concisa la manera en que el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea... more
The article is devoted to the analysis of sanctions policy in relation to the leading economies of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). We note the main risks and threats to the national economies of the countries of this... more
The European Union (EU) deploys a number of legal techniques in an effort to make sure that virtually no denial of racialized non-citizens rights – across the spectrum from equality and dignity to the right to life – is ever presented as... more
As members of the European Economic Area (EEA) but not of the European Union (EU), Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein have specific mechanisms through which they can influence EEA law and thus EU law. However, their ability to enforce... more
Attacchi contro torri e ripetitori televisivi; 3. Attacchi contro le centrali nucleari; 4. La partecipazione dei civili nel conflitto: la levata in massa; 5. La partecipazione di combattenti stranieri e mercenari nel conflitto; 6.... more
In 2020, then-German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer wrote that “illusions of European strategic autonomy must come to an end: Europeans will not be able to replace America’s crucial role as a security provider”. This quote by... more
The power politics return, the unregulated globalization, and the complexity of the contemporary international system have caused a severe crisis in multilateral organizations and in the multilateral decision-making processes by sparking... more
La Cumbre Unión Europea-Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (UE-CELAC) celebrada el 17 y 18 de julio de 2023 en Bruselas marca un punto de inflexión y un nuevo comienzo para las relaciones euro-latinoamericanas. En un... more
The EU faces a complex challenge in navigating its trade relations with Morocco, balancing strategic and economic interests with its legal obligations. As Spanish Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Luis Planas, recently summarised:... more
The Chapter addresses the dispute settlement system of the BBNJ Agreement. It analyses its assonances and dystonias with the disputes settlement systems of other international agreements subsequent to the United Nations Convention on the... more
How to understand the EU's common defenceand solidarity clauses 5 France and NATO: Reintegration as part of a process towards "Europeanisation" and a continuing transatlantic security community? 6 Conclusions References 2 The "Deutschian"... more
This paper examines the European Union’s (EU) gradual development of external border management, focussing on the militarisation and externalisation of migration control. Through an analysis of the role of Frontex and the increasing... more
The European Union has been the pioneer and undisputed leader of regional integration processes. Since its inception in the 1950s, following the Schuman Declaration that set in motion Jean Monnet's innovative idea to join together... more
The article examines how the European expert community perceives China and how this perception has changed from 2003 to 2023, using the classic image theory ap-proach of Richard Herrmann and Michel Fischerkeller. The main objective of... more
This is the final peer reviewed version of the paper. After quite a long period of denying the increasingly obvious, one had to conclude with a very high degree of confidence that at some point a decision was taken not to publish a part... more
Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) contains provisions for a Member State to withdraw voluntarily from the EU. Article 50 TEU is known to have come into play only once, and that was in relation to the United Kingdom... more
The book chapter examines the European Union's (EU) strategic response to challenges surrounding critical raw materials within a fragmenting global order. It highlights the EU's growing dependence on critical raw materials, essential for... more
This text is the introductory chapter of the book "EU Foreign Policy in a Fragmenting International Order", edited by Oriol Costa, Eduard Soler i Lecha, and Martijn Vlaskamp. It examines how the European Union (EU) addresses the... more
On the 14th of October, the news emerged that the EU is in the final stages of a discussion to award €20million to the Rwandan army for its operations in Mozambique – where it is fighting insurgents in the oil-rich Gabo Delgado province.... more
Información del libro América Latina y los bicentenarios: una agenda de futuro.
This 2023 report examines the consultations held by EU Delegations (EUDs) with civil society (CSOs) at the country level, analysing both quantitative and qualitative aspects. It covers all 101 EU Delegations in DG INTPA countries,... more
Gli investimenti esteri nel settore dell’energia costituiscono uno strumento centrale per l’Unione Europea (UE) per attuare il Green Deal europeo. Il Trattato sulla Carta dell’Energia (TCE) risulta il principale accordo internazionale per... more
Las relaciones entre la Unión Europea (UE) y la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN) se han caracterizado por ser interregionales, es decir, en el marco de un interregionalismo puro, el cual se caracteriza por las relaciones de una... more
As attested by a steadily expanding scholarship, Samuel Pufendorf (1632-94) was one of the most eminent and influential political thinkers in early modern times. 1 In particular, he significantly shaped early modern natural jurisprudence,... more
Las peores perspectivas se han cumplido! Tras años de actuaciones ineficaces y pasividad de los Estados de la comunidad internacional, un grupo terrorista afiliado al Dáesh se ha hecho con el control efectivo de parte del territorio en la... more
This article focuses on the EU's sanctions against Russia, which were adopted in several rounds after Russia's aggressive actions against Ukraine in 2014 and 2022. This article reviews and critically examines the existing academic works... more
BCML-Bilateral Cooperation at the Multilateral Level BL-Bilateral level BPM-Bureaucratic Politics Model CAMEX-Chamber of Foreign Trade (Câmara de Comércio Exterior) CAP-Common Agricultural Policy CDF-Clean Development Fund CDM-Clean... more
Sharing the interest in building a strong international climate regime, over the past years the European Union (EU) and Brazil have been shaping their bilateral relations around this common goal. Launched in 2007, the EU‐Brazil Strategic... more
International cooperation theories dedicate little attention to the correlation between bilateralism and multilateralism. Opinions vary and B ilateralism and multilateralism can be considered
Los sucesos del 24 de junio de 2022 en la frontera de Melilla, en la zona del Barrio Chino, han vuelto a poner de relieve la cuestión de la delimitación y demarcación de las fronteras terrestres entre España y Marruecos. Desde un punto de... more
Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is an interdisciplinary research methodology used to analyze discourse as a form of “social practice”, exploring how meaning is socially constructed. In addition, the methodology draws from the field of... more
Die Kooperation in der Terrorismusbekämpfung zwischen der Europäischen Union (EU) und Drittstaaten, insbesondere den USA, hat in Politik wie Wissenschaft zunehmend Beachtung gefunden. Anfangs als "Papiertiger" angesehen, hat die EU in den... more
5, 6 y 7 de noviembre de 2024
A terrible monster has appeared in Russia's head, the likes of which have not been seen since Hitler. Putin, who has been fighting for the invasion of an independent neighbouring country for three years, is eagerly awaiting the results of... more
ABSTRACT: The current paper "Development of the European Union and the European Institutions" presents the political system of the EU with its specific nature and differences in comparison with the classic democratic political systems in... more
ABSTRACT: The current paper "Social Policy of EU in the globalizing world – between European and national" presents some aspects of the social policies of EU and the member states and, also, the challenges EU faces because of the... more
ABSTRACT: The current paper "European Union: Challenges for substantially changes” presents a an analysis on the economic and social changes in European Union (EU) which have come in it from its foundation until the current state on the... more
ABSTRACT: The current paper „Defence as a common priority in the development of the European Union and/or a policy element of nation states“ presents the challenges faced by the European Union with the emergence of changes in the... more
ABSTRACT: The report presents new realities faced by the political system of the European Union in the modern world. Economic crises, an aging European population, escalating military conflicts, some near the external borders of the... more
РЕЗЮМЕ: Политическата и институционалната системи на Европейския Съюз са сложни системи, изградени на много нива – национално, регионално и европейско. Върху организацията и функционирането на ЕС оказват влияние множество фактори, а... more
ABSTRACT: The article presents the changes that have taken place since Britain's decision to leave the Union. This process, which began with the organization of the Referendum in 2016, had a negative impact on both the EU's domestic and... more