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      History of Literary CriticismFrench Romanticism
Sous la monarchie de Juillet, les orateurs politiques sont aussi des « orateurs personnels ». L'expression est de Delphine de Girardin1. Ils parlent à l'auditoire de toute leur âme mise à nu. Rien à voir avec aujourd'hui, où l'éloquence... more
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      RhetoricDeliberative Democracy19th Century French LiteratureJean Jaques Rousseau
The work of French writer and essayist Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003) is without doubt among the most challenging the twentieth century has to offer. Contemporary debate in literature, philosophy, and politics has yet to fully acknowledge... more
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      RomanticismGerman RomanticismMaurice BlanchotFrench Romanticism
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      RomanticismArchitectural HistorySpanish RomanticismFrench Romanticism
The critical and fictional oeuvre of Théophile Gautier offers one of the most nuanced accounts of the idiosyncratic character of French Romanticism. In this paper, I explore Gautier's layered description of the artist's interiority during... more
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      RomanticismOrientalism (Art History)InteriorityOrientalism
François-René de Chateaubriand is generally considered one of the most influential authors in early French Romanticism1. The very term 'Romanticism' defies simple definition, yet scholars have generally accepted that one of its central... more
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      French LiteratureRomanticismLiteratureEnlightenment
LIBERTY LEADING THE PEOPLE: ALLEGORY, LITERATURE AND REALITY Abstract Liberty Leading the People of French Romantic artist Eugéne Delacroix (1798-1863) presents allegory and reality together. It is also related to literature. In this... more
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      French RevolutionEugene DelacroixFrench Romanticism
In order to tease out the poetics of Haitian revolutionary politics and vice versa in the first two decades or so of Haitian independence, I turn to two of the country’s first epic poets, Dumesle and the author of a pseudonymously... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryRomanticismPoetry
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      French StudiesPsychoanalysis And LiteratureFrench Revolution and Napoleon19th Century French Poetry
Presentación de la charla sobre el pintor Eugène Delacroix, sexta y última entrega del ciclo de charlas "Grandes pintores del Romanticismo europeo", celebrado en mayo-julio de 2015 en el Museo del Romanticismo de Madrid.
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      Romanticism19th-Century French PaintingPedagogía De La Historia Del ArteHistoria del Arte
Cet article, paru dans la revue Le Texte et l’idée #30-2016, explore le rapport qu’entretiennent les romantiques aux reliques des défunts aimés, et aux lieux qu’ils ont habités. Il analyse la transformation des cultures funéraires au... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGerman Romanticism19th century German literatureFuneral Practices
En este ciclo de charlas "¿Y después, qué?" (octubre-diciembre 2015) del Museo del Romanticismo, se analizan los movimientos pictóricos del siglo XIX posteriores al Romanticismo, y que heredaron en menor o menor medida su influencia. Esta... more
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      19th Century (History)19th-Century French PaintingPedagogía De La Historia Del ArteHistoria del Arte
Establishing the beginning – the Romantics’ rhetorical games (Schlegel, Wordsworth, Mochnacki and others). This article presents selected rhetorical strategies used by Romantic literary critics to stress their ideological and aesthetic... more
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      RhetoricRomanticismLiterary CriticismGerman Romanticism
This paper explores Walter Benjamin’s relationship with French Surrealism from sources rarely studied or practically unknown until now. First, I will set out the direct link between the theses on “profane illumination” and the... more
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      German StudiesFrench LiteratureAestheticsRomanticism
Publication of this book was aided by an illustrations grant from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts.
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      HistoryArt HistoryRomanticismArchitecture
Le séjour que le jeune Lamartine effectua en 1811-1812 s'inscrit à première vue dans la continuation des « pratiques d'éducation » de la noblesse européenne : un voyage de formation, indépendant des circonstances politiques (la domination... more
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      Travel WritingModern Italian History19th Century French LiteratureTravel Literature
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      French LiteratureRomanticismLiteratureIntertextuality
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      RomanticismArchitectureGerman RomanticismArchitectural History
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      Art HistoryMuseum EducationFrench Romanticism
Avec le romantisme apparaît une conception nouvelle de l'individu dont la singularité, et non plus l'universalité, est valorisée. L'impact de cet individualisme romantique se fait sentir non seulement au niveau thématique, mais également... more
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      French LiteratureSociology of LiteratureFrench Romanticism
1820. Les Méditations. Le Lac. Qui connaît encore la suite ? Et pourtant. Lamartine n’a pas seulement inventé le lyrisme romantique, il a aussi actualisé sa doctrine poétique dans le domaine le plus éloigné en apparence de ses vallons et... more
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      French LiteratureRhetoricFrench RevolutionLaw and Politics
This article presents a comparative study on two levels. The theoretical one is inspired by the concept of " entangled histories " that operates on a supranational level for making cross-cultural tural parallels. The second level... more
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      Comparative LiteratureReception StudiesFrench RomanticismOttoman History and Literature
A late nineteenth-century renaissance in French organ building partitioned organist, organ, and audience while expanding the instrument’s size and adding "swell" boxes shuttering pipes from public view. In theater, concert, and church... more
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      MusicMusicologyQueer StudiesQueer Theory
Il apparaît à travers l'article que l’ambition romantique d’une création qui poursuive l’œuvre de la nature peut se réfléchir à même les productions des poètes, en s’appuyant non plus sur l’élaboration théorique mais sur certaines figures... more
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      RomanticismPhilosophy of LiteraturePoetry and PoeticsEsthetics
Un essai dans lequel on cherche à démontrer que "Le dernier Abencérage", nouvelle de Chateaubriand est un texte d'exaltation du christianisme.
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      French LiteratureLiterature and ReligionNineteenth-Century Literature and CultureFrench Romanticism
На правах рукописи ЩЕРБАКОВА Наталья Вадимовна СЦЕНИЧЕСКИЙ ОБРАЗ-МАСКА В ИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛЬНОМ ИСКУССТВЕ ФРАНЦИИ XIX ВЕКА. ОТ ОБРАЗОВ ТЕАТРА К ТЕАТРАЛЬНОСТИ ОБРАЗОВ Специальность 17.00.04-изобразительное и декоративно-прикладное искусство и... more
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      Commedia dell'arteAubrey BeardsleyAntoine WatteauFrench Romanticism
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      French LiteratureTravel WritingEthnographyLiterature
Qu’appelle-t-on « poétiser » à l’âge romantique ? Telle est la question que cet essai philosophique sur Gérard de Nerval adopte comme fil conducteur pour interroger la puissance de l’art et le sens de la création au sein d’une modernité... more
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      PhilosophyRomanticismPoetryPhilosophy of Literature
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      French LiteratureInternational RelationsAestheticsEighteenth-Century literature
Investigación sobre la prolífica etapa poética juvenil de Darío, cuando este sigue el modelo social romántico de Víctor Hugo, y su transformación gradual luego de la muerte de Hugo, bajo la influencia de los poetas parnasianos.
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      American LiteratureSociologyCultural StudiesComparative Literature
La « vraie fleur du monde » et le « plaisir des tyrans ». Lecture écoféministe de l'histoire naturelle de Michelet.
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      History of Natural HistoryEcocriticismEcocriticism and EcofeminismNineteenth-Century French Literature
Il corso percorre la storia della letteratura romantica in Francia lungo il 19mo Secolo, nelle sue diverse articolazioni e nei suoi rapporti con società, idee ed eventi politici.
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      Romanticism19th century FranceNapoleonic Wars19th Century French Literature
Abstract in English: : Inspired by recent studies of Alberto Mario Banti and other Italian cultural historians, this essay explores the emergence of a new vision of love, of marriage, and of the relationship between romantic love,... more
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      LoveSociology Of IntimacyHistory of the FamilyJean Jaques Rousseau
I: A Problematic Concept Attempts to define Romanticism characteristically begin by conceding the difficulty, even impossibility, of the task. The entry on the subject in an encyclopedia of German literary history summarizes the... more
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      RomanticismHistoriographyFrench RevolutionHistoricism
10 lectures on Victor Hugo, his life, his works, his Paris. In italian.
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      French Literature19th Century French LiteratureVictor HugoFrench Romanticism
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreVisual StudiesTravel Writing
On pardonnera à l'auteur de cet article ses affirmations téméraires qui seront nuancées dans les publications suivantes. Le texte de cet article en a été envoyé aux éditeurs en 2001, le livre a été publié en 2005 et il a été réédité en... more
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      Sociology of LiteratureFrench Romanticism
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesFrench Romanticism16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish Art
Riccardo Raimondo, « Aurélia fable mystique », Romantisme n° 171 (1/2016), pp. 118-128. // [FR] Michel de Certeau a cherché à décrire une véritable topique visant à identifier et à contextualiser le genre de la fable mystique à travers... more
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      RomanticismSpiritualityMichel de CerteauChristian Misticism
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      French LiteratureOttoman HistoryRomanticismPersian Literature
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      RomanticismDeathDeath StudiesAnthropology of Death
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreVisual StudiesTravel Writing
Louis-Albert Bourgault-Ducoudray (1840–1910), composer, folklorist, and long-time professor of music history at the Paris Conservatoire, dedicated intense energies to the propagation of ancient Greek modes as a modern resource for French... more
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      NationalismFrench MusicFrench RomanticismMusical Arrangement
В книге на большом массиве текстов немецких, английских и французских романтиков (писем, дневников, черновых фрагментов, не предназначавшихся для печати) реконструируется духовный быт европейского романтизма, повседневная работа... more
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      RomanticismGerman RomanticismEnglish RomanticismWord and Music Studies
Quintessentially transnational and transdisciplinary in its origins, Romanticism, Isaiah Berlin notes, is a recent movement to transform Western consciousness most radically, a transformation that, we would like to show, has continued to... more
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      Comparative LiteratureRomanticismGerman RomanticismBritish Romanticism
Partons d'une page bien connue de Baudelaire parue dans la Revue fantaisiste en 1861 :
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      French Studies19th Century French LiteraturePoetry and PoeticsPoetry and Politics
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      RomanticismPoetryPhilosophy of LiteraturePoetics
Résumé Cet article tente de développer une approche philosophique de l’œuvre littéraire qui éviterait tout surplomb pour penser « avec » la littérature. Quelques prémisses méthodologiques dirigent une telle entreprise vers la rencontre... more
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      RomanticismPoetryPhilosophy of LiteraturePoetics
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      ArchaeologyFrench LiteratureArt HistoryRomanticism
Introduction to the essay collection "Blanchot Romantique", retracing Blanchot's complex relationship with Romanticism.
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      RomanticismGerman RomanticismMaurice BlanchotFrench Romanticism