Ethics of Sport
Recent papers in Ethics of Sport
Since 1976, when the first two articles on ethics in sport were published in the Journal of the Philosophy of Sport (W.J.Morgan, R.Osterhoudt), ethical considerations of sports have been growing and expanding. During the ‘90s they became... more
In the Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Sport (McNamee, Morgan, 2015) for the first time Bioethics of Sport (BeS) was included, and therefore officially acknowledged, as a separate field within the philosophy of Sport. Starting... more
[See video here:] The TV series ‘Cobra Kai’ brings up some interesting philosophical and practical questions about the teaching of martial arts (MA). I will reflect on these questions and... more
Purpose: This paper examined ethic and institutionalization of code of professional practice in the Kano State School sports system. These codes of ethics include commitment to athletes, player, public, profession, employment practice and... more
Tra i sintomi più preoccupanti che ci fanno temere per lo stato di salute dello sport c’è il diffondersi del doping amatoriale. Fenomeno che cresce di pari passo con quella che è stata definita «la cultura della pillola», ovvero l’idea... more
Introduction Ethics of sport as a philosophical discipline is becoming very important due to many challenges and moral dilemmas that characterize the area of modern sport. Therefore, the ethics of sport is the subject within the curricula... more
La « vérification » du sexe des sportives de haut niveau : pour une reconnaissance de l’intersexualité La compétition sportive continue aujourd’hui de constituer un terrain d’inégalités entre les femmes et les hommes. A la fois... more
Lo sport è una scuola di vita che ha bisogno di volontà e con- sapevolezza, impegno e determinazione; può rappresentare una preziosa agenzia educativa al servizio del bene comune, ma non è affatto scontato che lo sia davvero. Troppo... more
Purpose: This paper examined ethic and institutionalization of code of professional practice in the Kano State School sports system. These codes of ethics include commitment to athletes, player, public, profession, employment practice and... more
In the last decades virtue ethics in sport has gained much attention. This is not surprising because it seems that some characteristics of this ethical theory successfully respond to very complex situations in sport. The experience shows... more
Abstract Doping in elite-sport is a topical issue that polarizes public opinion. This dissertation outlines crucial, fundamental questions that go unasked in general discourse about doping in elite-sport and that through being answered... more
Lo sport rappresenta un potente veicolo formativo, capace di incidere sugli stili di vita e sulle modalità di pensiero delle persone. Affinché la lezione dello sport sia realmente positiva, è però necessario che tale ruolo educativo sia... more
In this work, we propose to make an ethical analysis of the Armstrong case. To this end, we define, in the first part, what we mean by doping and see the distinction between “traditional doping” and “gene doping”. We expose also some of... more
Inhalt Christoph Asmuth Dopingdefinitionen – von der Moral zum Recht 1 Doping als Phänomen der Moderne 2 Gesundheit – Natürlichkeit – Fairness 3 Die Verrechtlichung der Dopingdefinitionen 4 Schluss Kai Gregor Ansatzpunkte der Philosophie... more
In the current state philosophy, ethics in sports have become a very important issue which must be taken into account in the field of moral philosophy. We are in front of its new challenge, which requires a consistent response. In the... more
Osrednji problem članka je etično vprašanje ali bi molitev športnikov morali prepovedati, saj le-ta lahko ogroža pravičnost športnega tekmovanja.
In this article I propose to rescue the importance of seeing sportsmanship as a moral category from the contribution made by Keating in his 1964 article. Expanding the pioneering proposal of Keating with the realization of Feezell, seeing... more
In tro duc ti on Alt ho ugh fa ir play is a con cept re la ted to the or ga ni sa ti on of so ci al rela ti ons -and the le vel at which they ta ke pla ce -in all are as of the li fe of the com mu nity, its his to ri cal de ve lop ment... more
The formalist account of sport establishes that the rules comprise the very definition. The written rules are those that shape and determine the purpose and the sense of sports, i.e. what counts as a valid movement, a correct action in... more
The concept of distributed moral responsibility (DMR) has a long history. When it is understood as being entirely reducible to the sum of (some) human, individual, and already morally loaded actions, then the allocation of DMR, and hence... more
Purpose: This paper examined ethic and institutionalization of code of professional practice in the Kano State School sports system. These codes of ethics include commitment to athletes, player, public, profession, employment practice and... more
“The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man…” From Homer’s poems it is clear that Greek people liked sport very much. Originally the single aim in Greek athletics was to win.... more
In this paper, I argue that sportspersonship is a means of performing fundamental sociality; it is about the conversion of a foe (inimicus) into an enemy (hostis). Drawing on Carl Schmitt’s distinction between enemy and foe – inimicus and... more
In May 2011, more than a decade after the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) abandoned sex testing, they devised new policies in response to the IAAF's treatment of... more
No one observing political events of the contemporary world can deny the continuing growth of nationalism. Because the term 'nationalism' had got negative connotations in past decades, some people today oversimplify, change and apologize... more
Since the 1960s, major international sporting organizations enforced a prohibition on performance-enhancing drugs. The scope of this enforcement expanded to the current system regulated by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Although the... more
The main purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis and critique of Michael Sandel’s argument against human enhancement in sport. In order to examine the problem, I use Bernard Suits’ theory of game-playing (“game” is an activity... more
In the last two decades of Sports-Philosophy literature, the debate on internalism in the ethics of sport is one of the central issues. In the ongoing debate are included, with their contributions, the most prominent scholars in the... more
Del modernega športa je močno zaznamovan s težnjo po doseganju rekordov. Javnost bi olimpijske igre ali svetovno prvenstvo v določenih rekordnih športih, na katerih ne bi bilo doseženega prav nobenega rekorda, hitro razglasila za velik... more
In 1984, Warren P. Fraleigh wrote his most important work: Right Action in Sports, Ethics for Contestants. It opened the door to our actual studies about Sport´s Philosophy and Sport´s Ethics, a completely new point of view in these... more
Sport: the Treasure of TemperanceThe modern lifestyle, with its emphasis on enjoyment and immoderation, could lead a human being to the point where he is not a master of himself anymore. Inner desires and outer pressures force a man to... more
It has been argued that competitive elite sport both (i) reduces the humanity of athletes by turning them into beings whose sole value is determined in relation to others, and (ii) is motivated by a celebration of the genetically superior... more
Članek predstavlja filozofski poskus opredelitve vrednosti sodobnega športa, izhajajoč iz temeljnih postavk novoveške filozofije. Pri tem se kot osrednji problem zastavi vprašanje odnosa med človekovo telesno in netelesno razsežnostjo.... more
The media storm that accompanied the protracted disgrace of Lance Armstrong focussed not only on the systematic approach that both he and his team took to the use of performance enhancing drugs, (PEDs) but extended to his personality and... more
"The modern lifestyle, with its emphasis on enjoyment and immoderation, could lead a human being to the point where he is not a master of himself anymore. Inner desires and outer pressures force a man to take those actions that are not in... more