Aristotle's Ethics
Recent papers in Aristotle's Ethics
What constitutes as the good life, or the good soul? The question of what eudaimonia encompasses has been contemplated for centuries, and there are still new perspectives emerging. In one way or another, all of the Greek schools of... more
ABSTRACT: This paper serves two purposes: (i) it can be used by students as an introduction to chapters 1-5 of book iii of the NE; (ii) it suggests an answer to the unresolved question what overall objective this section of the NE has.... more
Este libro relaciona distintos análisis de la concepción moral de nuestra época con estudios de autores clásicos de la filosofía, con el fin de sostener la propuesta de una ética abierta, o ética del crecimiento, basada en diversas... more
This is a new translation (not a revision of my 1998), which is co-ordinate with my Nicomachean Ethics (2014), Metaphysics (2016), and forthcoming De Anima (2017) and Rhetoric (2018). It is due out in March 2017.
Le zoonosi contemporanee ci costringono a porci una domanda che già gli antichi pensatori si erano posti più o meno esplicitamente. Le risposte sono spiazzanti e per molti versi attuali: mangiamo gli animali perché non siamo dèi (e quindi... more
Handout to the talk in Sheffield...
This project explores the topic of dependency of happiness on external goods in Nicomachean Ethics. In this project I defend the following thesis: the dependency of happiness on external goods, in EN, is interpreted in the light of its... more
At the beginning of Book III of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle states that the emotions (pathê) are praised and blamed when they are voluntary (hekousion). However, Aristotle does not elaborate on how an emotion can be voluntary. In this... more
This article provides a critical analysis of the situationist challenge against Aristotelian moral psychology. It first outlines the details and results from 4 paradigmatic studies in psychology that situationists have heavily drawn upon... more
In this essay, I undertake a critical phenomenological exposition of the conditions of ethical community as they present themselves in light of the anthropocene. I begin by approaching the present human condition by following Arendt in... more
The essential difficulty about Computer Ethics’ (CE) philosophical status is a methodological problem: standard ethical theories cannot easily be adapted to deal with CE-problems, which appear to strain their conceptual resources, and CE... more
Характеристика этического учения Аристотеля как «эвдемонизма» является общепринятой. Между тем, вопрос о смысле «счастья» у Аристотеля нельзя назвать простым. Даже формулировки разных фрагментов «Никомаховой этики» позволяют предположить,... more
Som a l’inici del segle XXI. Mirem al nostre voltant i descobrim que tota moral és essencialment irracional... Tota? No! Una tradició moral ha estat capaç de superar els embats de la història; la tradició moral aristotèlica es perfila... more
This is an earlier paper (1992), published in the journal of Ancient Greek philosophy, Apeiron. In de Anima Aristotle considers several candidate definitions aiming to answer the question, "What is a living thing?" And "What distinguishes... more
It has been a debate for a long time, from the days of Aristotle till this very day, about where ethics come from? Is what we are doing make us good or we have virtues that are good and that is why we do good things? And how to evaluate... more
This paper gives a comprehensive textual interpretation of Aristotle’s account of weak willed akratic action in his Nicomachean Ethics VII, 1-3. It is argued that Aristotle understands weak willed akratic action as a specifically moral... more
Conference PowerPoint presentation slides for SoCIA 2016, Clemson, SC.
These are commentaries to the translation into Portuguese of Nicomachean Ethics VI, found in the same volume of Dissertatio.
The notion of collective responsibility is not without its difficulty. One may claim that, as men are responsible for the lives they lead, so collectively they must be responsible for the resultant situation. But that claim is too rapid... more
Suhrkamp Verlag
stw 2035
Suhrkamp Verlag
stw 2035
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade de Brasília como requisito para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Filosofia. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a virtude intelectual da... more
We may often find ourselves in a difficult position if someone asked us what features make our friends attractive to us. Some people would probably claim that it's the similarities that bind friends together; others would, oppositely,... more
Medical ethics is the study of ethics in the context of modern medical practices, medical personnel, technologies, and institutions. The study of medical ethics is indispensable for training ethically informed professionals in a variety... more
A review of Aristotelian Character Education, Kristján Kristjánsson, 2015, New York, Routledge, 185 pp.
The article studies the relationship between the well-being and the ludic principles of human agency. According to Gwen Gordon the research of the connection between the play and the health (well-being) is highly omitted in contemporary... more
This is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to join The Alan Turing Institute. The Alan Turing Institute (ATI) is the UK’s new national institute for data science, established to bring together world-leading expertise to... more
Accompanied by a new translation of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics X, this volume presents a hybrid between a traditional commentary and a scholarly monograph. Aristotle's text is divided into one hundred lemmata which not only explore... more
My paper will look at how prudential considerations place pressure upon the apparent integrity of various characters and the responsive strategies which those characters -and Shakespeare in his representation of them -adopt in adapting... more
O scurtă analiză despre guvernarea și guvernanța internetului, prin filtrul eudaimoniei lui Aristotel.
relembra a certa altura (p. 39) o conto de Borges sobre Averróis tentando adivinhar o que Aristóteles entendia por tragédia e comédia. Vez por outra os estudiosos do Comentador devem se sentir, como Averróis, como Borges, como este... more
The school of Athens is a painting done by Raphael between the year 1509 and 1911, an ancient time that is displayed by the architectural design and the garments that the participant have as well. It brings together Mathematicians,... more
"My inquiry will focus on an attempt to locate an ethos of music education. Because I acknowledge that the ethos of a society must logically precede a study of ethics (Ryan, 1972, p. 291, Miller, 1974, p. 309), and given the dramatic... more
“Vicious Art or Vicious Audience? Understanding the Effects of Art on the Youthful and Vicious Audience in Aristotle’s Poetics” According to Aristotle, tragedy can be morally instructive if managed correctly. We believe that this... more
Table of contents 1. Plato and a response to ethical scepticism; 2. Aristotle and the invention of practical philosophy; 3. Diogenes and philosophy as a form of life; 4. Epicurus and ethics as care for oneself; 5. Epictetus and ethics... more
This is the Introduction to my book, Aristotle's Method in Ethics: Philosophy in Practice.