Papers by Sandra S Radenović
Physical Culture. Journal of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, 2023
From 1912 to 1948, eighteen hundred artists participated in art competitions within the Olympic G... more From 1912 to 1948, eighteen hundred artists participated in art competitions within the Olympic Games. Art competitions were held at the following Olympic Games during the period
НАЦИОНАЛНИ НАУЧНИ СКУП ЕСТЕТСКИ СПОРТОВИ ИЗМЕЂУ УМЕТНОСТИ И СПОРТА - ПУТЕВИМА КОРЕОГРАФСКИХ РУКОПИСА - 27. и 28. октобар 2023. Београд, Република Србија. Књига радова. Уредници: Сања Мандарић, Слободанка Добријевић , 2024
Спорт је несумњиво вишедимензионалан и сложен друштвени, културни и историјски феномен чи... more Спорт је несумњиво вишедимензионалан и сложен друштвени, културни и историјски феномен чија је окосница такмичење, односно такмичарска делатност. Поред такмичења као суштинског елемента, подручје спорта обухвата и социјалне, историјске, социолошке, педагошке, психолошке, економске, политичке, медицинске, етичке, филозофске, религиозне, еколошке, културне, правне, техничко-технолошке, естетске и друге аспекте (Radenović, 2021, str. 231; Куљић, Коковић, 2012, стр. 209). Естетски аспект спорта се односи на покушаје разматрања спорта као уметничког дела, овај аспект се превасходно усредсређује на лепоту спортске игре, те на видове стваралаштва у спорту. Дакле, естетски аспект спорта је значајан у оној мери у којој се спорт, односно одређени спортски догађај, представља, те доживљава као уметничко дело, као извор естетских осећања и доживљаја. У последње време, постоје озбиљни покушаји заснивања и конституисања естетике спорта као посебне хуманистичке дисциплине чији је главни предмет разматрања естетски садржај и форме естетичке активности унутар спортског догађаја. Данас је нарочито актуелна естетика спектакла, као нека врста 'костимизиране' представе (Куљић, Коковић, 2012, стр. 209) која се фокусира на разматрање одређеног спортског догађаја као врсте спектакла. Требало би истаћи да се естетски аспекти спорта односе на лепоту спортске игре у најширем смислу без обзира да ли је реч о естетским спортовима или ’неестетским’ спортовима, или колоквијално говорећи о ’грубим спортовима’, односно контактним спортовима попут рукомета, фудбала, кошарке итд. У раду ће на конкретним примерима бити размотрени естетски аспекти спорта унутар 'неестетских' спортова и њихов значај за
промишљање естетике спорта из угла социологије спорта и педагогије спорта. Циљ овог рада јесте указивање на значај естетског аспекта спорта и потребу за његовим детаљнијим изучавањем у оквиру социологије спорта и педагогије спорта као хуманистичких дисциплина.
Fizička kultura/PHYSICAL CULTURE, 2022
For primary school age pupils, it is characteristic to show passive,
verbal and indirect aggressi... more For primary school age pupils, it is characteristic to show passive,
verbal and indirect aggression through behavior that can be
active and passive-aggressive behavior. Stealing and lying are
also present as forms of a hidden form of aggressiveness. The
frequency of aggressive behavior usually decreases by the period
of adolescence. Previousresearch indicatesthatsituationsinwhich
aggressive behavior still occurs are less frequent among pupils
who practice sports activities. Although there are opposing views,
it is considered that regular participation in sports, especially in
its aggressive forms, enables the discharge of negative energy in
a socially acceptable way, so a person who practice this type of
sport later becomes less aggressive in other, non-sports situations
in everyday life. The implementation of sports in schools, such as
judo and karate, gave positive results in reducing the aggressive
behavior of pupils, because practicing these sports also includes
learning ethical principles such as respect for the opponent and
fair play, respect for one’s own body and the body of the opponent,
prohibition of dangerous techniques and preservation of health
and the well-being of all practitioners as the highest values.
This paper indicates the importance of implementation of such
programs in elementary schools in the world and in our country.
Српска православна црква: изазови и искушења кроз историју. Зборник радова, 2023
Kultura pamćenja i odnos prema istorijskim spomenicima – Zbornik radova (ur. Slobodan Nagradić). Banja Luka: Matica srpska –Društvo članova matice srpske u Republici Srpskoj, Republički zavod za zaštitu kulturno-istorijskog i prirodnog nasljeđa, str.: 261-270. , 2019
Susreti pedagoga Nacionalni naučni skup U potrazi za kvalitetnim obrazovanjem i vaspitanjem: izazovi i moguća rešenja 22. maj 2023. godine, Beograd Zbornik radova, 2023
Društvo u kojem živimo je danas na pragu nove industrijske revolucije. Uz ubrzani razvoj tehnolog... more Društvo u kojem živimo je danas na pragu nove industrijske revolucije. Uz ubrzani razvoj tehnologije, pogotovo digitalizacije, genetskog inženjeringa i veštačke inteligencije (AI) menja se i čovečanstvo. Ove promene utiču na otvaranje novih naučnih problema, širenje, sistematizaciju saznanja i razvoj novih naučnih disciplina. Јedna od njih je Bioetika, sa aspektom posmatranja uticaja novih tehnoloških, genetičkih i ostalih savremenih dostignuća na etičnost života kao takvog. Iz Bioetike kao osnovne naučne discipline izdvojila se Bioetika sporta koja se po prvi put realizuje kao predmet akademskog nivoa na Fakultetu sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu. U radu se polemiše o problemima bioetike, bioetike sporta i o potrebi za zasnivanjem nove pedagoške discipline, Pedagoške bioetike.
XXI MEĐUNARODNA NAUČNA KONFERENCIJA DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATIVE FITNESS – DIF KONFERENCIJA (ur. Ivana Milanović, Nikola Majstorović), 09. i 10. decembar 2022, Beograd, Srbija Zbornik radova. Beograd: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, 2023
XXI MEĐUNARODNA NAUČNA KONFERENCIJA DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATIVE FITNESS – DIF KONFERENCIJA (ur. Ivana Milanović, Nikola Majstorović), 09. i 10. decembar 2022, Beograd, Srbija Zbornik radova. Beograd: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, 2023
XXI MEĐUNARODNA NAUČNA KONFERENCIJA DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATIVE FITNESS (ur. Ivana Milanović, Nikola Majstorović), 09. i 10. decembar 2022, Beograd, Srbija Zbornik radova. Beograd: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, 2023
Zbornik radova 9. međunarodne naučne konferencije “Antropološki i teoantropološki pogled na fizičke aktivnosti”, Kopaonik 24.-25. mart 2022. Leposavić: Univerzitet u Prištini – Kosovska Mitrovica, Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje, 2022
Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Универзитет у Београду, Србија ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE ... more Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Универзитет у Београду, Србија ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE UDC: COBISS.SR-ID Sажетак: Да би се дете развило у социјално компетентну особу треба да одраста у здравој, функционалној породици која подразумева квалитетан брачни однос између родитеља, међусобно прихватање, задовољство између чланова породице. Дете које је социјално компетентно манифестује просоцијална понашања која су заједно с алтруизмом и емпатијом показатељи успешног понашања у социјалним односима. Таква деца у интеракцији са својим вршњацима заузимају позитиван социометријски статус. Пандемија вируса корона 2019/20. утицала је на образовне системе широм света, што је довело до масовног затварања школа и факултета. Од 3. априла 2020. године преко 1,7 милијарди ученика и студената широм света престало је да похађа образовне институције због њиховог затварања које је било последица одбране од вируса Ковид 19. (Степановић, 2020). Овај рад ће имати за циљ да покаже како је пандемија изазавана вирусом Ковид 19 утицала на социјалне односе између средњошколаца. У емпиријском делу истраживања учествовало је 133 ученика средње школе који су попуњавали упитник који је конструисан за потребе овог истраживања. Резултати су показали да је већина ученика опредељена за класичан систем наставе (непосредна реализација у школи) и да су нарушени социјални контакти са вршњацима због саме поделе одељења на групе и онлајн наставе. Такође, из резултата може да се види да се ученици теже концентришу и теже усвајају градиво када се настава изводи онлајн као и да се осећају узнемирено када одговарају преко онлине платформи.
9th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON KINESIOLOGY, Opatija, Croatia, September 15-19.2021. Proceedings (Ed. Sanja Šalaj and Dario Škergo), Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kineziology, 2021
The paper will consider the process of rebranding of sports societies Red Star (Serbia) and Dynam... more The paper will consider the process of rebranding of sports societies Red Star (Serbia) and Dynamo (Croatia) during the 1990s in a post-socialist context. This process follows the breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and the transition and it is reflected not only in official rebranding such as the removal of the five-pointed star (example of Dynamo), but also in the merging of incompatible symbols such as the five-pointed star and Chetnik movement symbols within the groups of the fans (example of Red Star supporters group). Is the rebranding of sports societies a consequence of transition, or is there some kind of postmodern chaos? Do these sports societies recognize the importance of branding and do they consider fan groups as a brand carriers?-these are some of the questions that will be discussed in the paper.
Sažetak: Da bi se dete razvilo u socijalno kompetentnu osobu treba da odrasta u zdravoj, funkcion... more Sažetak: Da bi se dete razvilo u socijalno kompetentnu osobu treba da odrasta u zdravoj, funkcionalnoj porodici koja podrazumeva kvalitetan bračni odnos između roditelja, međusobno prihvatanje, zadovoljstvo između članova porodice. Dete koje je socijalno kompetentno manifestuje prosocijalna ponašanja koja su zajedno s altruizmom i empatijom pokazatelji uspešnog ponašanja u socijalnim odnosima. Takva deca u interakciji sa svojim vršnjacima zauzimaju pozitivan sociometrijski status. Pandemija virusa korona 2019/20. uticala je na obrazovne sisteme širom sveta, što je dovelo do masovnog zatvaranja škola i fakulteta. Od 3. aprila 2020. godine preko 1,7 milijardi učenika i studenata širom sveta prestalo je da pohađa obrazovne institucije zbog njihovog zatvaranja koje je bilo posledica odbrane od virusa Kovid 19. (Stepanović, 2020). Ovaj rad će imati za cilj da pokaže kako je pandemija izazavana virusom Kovid 19 uticala na socijalne odnose između srednjoškolaca. U empirijskom delu istraživanja učestvovalo je 133 učenika srednje škole koji su popunjavali upitnik koji je konstruisan za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati su pokazali da je većina učenika opredeljena za klasičan sistem nastave (neposredna realizacija u školi) i da su narušeni socijalni kontakti sa vršnjacima zbog same podele odeljenja na grupe i onlajn nastave. Takođe, iz rezultata može da se vidi da se učenici teže koncentrišu i teže usvajaju gradivo kada se nastava izvodi onlajn kao i da se osećaju uznemireno kada odgovaraju preko online platformi.
Bioethics and Pharmacology: Ethics in Preclinical and Clinical Drug Development, 2012
Sociologija, 2021
The paper analyses the position of women in Yugoslav sport through
analysis of archival materia... more The paper analyses the position of women in Yugoslav sport through
analysis of archival material and compares it to the position of women in Serbian sport half a century later. The subject and the goal of the paper are exposed in the introductory part of the paper, and the methods used in the paper are exposed in the special part of the paper. The results, discussion and conclusion are the remaining three parts of the paper. Authors conclude that despite the progressive policy conducted first by the post-WW2 Yugoslav government and then by the Serbian government in contemporary Serbia, the position of women in sports has remained essentially the same. Prejudice, misunderstanding and overall gender inequality are typical of both periods. This fact reveals the weaknesses of progressive policies lacking an adequate material basis, since the social conditions of rural areas are the main reasons for such inequality. Furthermore, authors point to the complexity and significance of the phenomenon and prove that the struggle for gender equality
in sports is far from over, as the position of women in Yugoslav and Serbian sport has shown only slight improvement since the difficult initial steps.
Estetski sportovi između umetnosti i sporta, Nacionalni naučni skup, Beograd: Univerzitet, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, 2021
Човек је биће борбе. За разлику од животиња које борбу воде искључиво за опстанак, човек, развоје... more Човек је биће борбе. За разлику од животиња које борбу воде искључиво за опстанак, човек, развојем технологије, стекао је тај луксуз да се бори из забаве. Само једна од таквих људских забава је бокс где је тешко одредити ко је први стегао песницу и задао први ударац и покренуо боксерску лавину која је својом лепотом покорила свет. Готово да нема народа на Планети који није познавао бокс, у свим својим различитим формама. Тако, историја бокса пружа своје песнице до дубоко у прошлост: до античке Грчке која је у песничење унела agon-жудњу за надметањем и победом (Ђурић, 1997, стр. 35). Од песничења и простора за пуко задовољење ове жудње бокс је отишао далеко. У свом двомиленијумском развоју дошао је до спорта који не само служи као вентил већ у себи носи лепоту покрета, формира своје особене естетске вредности али и оставља простор за даља естетска стварања. Бокс као широко поље за естетику предмет је овог рада и неопходно је сагледати естетске елементе бокса од најнижих до највиших-до стваралаштва велемајстора.
Top athletes are undoubtedly in the center of media attention and in general, public... more Introduction
Top athletes are undoubtedly in the center of media attention and in general, public attention not only because of their sports results, but also regarding the current non-sports topics (Milovanović, 2017: 194-196). The subject of this paper is expression of top athletes’ own opinion on the issue of the current and important topic of mandatory vaccination against the COVID-19 virus. Specifically, in the case of Novak Djokovic and his opinion on vaccination, the possibility, vocation, but also the right for a non-doctor, but an influential top professional athlete to express his own opinion on a medical, non-sports topic in public, will be considered.
Psychiatria Danubina, 2021
In this paper we see the personality of man through his comprehension as a moral entity. An entit... more In this paper we see the personality of man through his comprehension as a moral entity. An entity that emerges, thinks morally and/or behaves morally, inseparable from the society in which he lives as a moral being, and by its moral thinking and/or behaviour further defines the morals of the whole society. Accordingly, we present (post)modern society as a society of tolerance of value ambiguity. In that kind of society we perceive medical situation as moral situation and define the role of medical ethics in the field of biomedicine. In that kind of society politics is perceived as one of the social spheres where different varieties of systems of values of individuals or groups are publicly embraced, touched, or terribly unhappily pursued... all in the name of understanding man and his world. In order to prevent the victory of Thanatos, who prevails in the contemporary concept of politics and in postmodern global society, we suggest implementing applied bioethics as a form of metapolitics as an answer. We explain the idea of bioethics and suggest bioethical education as the operationalisation of metapolitics through bioethics as orientation knowledge, in both medicine and politics.
Pannoniana : Časopis za humanističke znanosti, 2020
For more than a century, there has been an objectification of women in the form of cheerleading i... more For more than a century, there has been an objectification of women in the form of cheerleading in sport events. Far from the center of those events, prurient shows of cheerleaders are a peripheral part of a sport event and contribute to the empowerment of the cult of the body in contemporary sport through its sexualization while the reason is surely a profit that goes to the organizers of those events. However, a different approach is possible and authors state an example of the basketball club Alba from Berlin, the management of which had decided, after 25 years, to stop the practice of cheerleading during the time-outs of the matches. The management stated the reason for the fact that the appearance of young attractive women cheerleaders is not convenient today because the club strives to promote women in sport as basketball players who could be a role model for the youth. A similar reason why they do not have cheerleaders could be found amongst some clubs from the National Football League in the USA.
Sport in Society, 2020
The main goal of this paper is to consider the necessity of founding ethical committees in profes... more The main goal of this paper is to consider the necessity of founding ethical committees in professional sports. In the first part of the paper the authors consider the emergence of the first ethical committee in medicine, and the emergence of bioethics as a social movement and academic discipline. In the second part of the paper, the authors examine few examples of ethical committees in contemporary professional sport and the need to set up ethical committees within sports associations to consider numerous ethical problems: doping, match fixing, referee errors, racism, injuries, sex/gender and body issues, sexual abuse in sports etc. These topics are also an inevitable field studied within bioethics, so the following question arises: ‘Is the official establishment of ethical committees in professional sports as an aspect of ‘bioethicalization’ of sport a real need that is imposed due to the growing ethical problems that are present in modern sports?’
Sociologija, 2020
ABSTRACT: In the paper, the authors point to the elements of the development
of the sociology of ... more ABSTRACT: In the paper, the authors point to the elements of the development
of the sociology of sport, through the process of „extrication“ of sport from play
and leisure to the transformation of discipline conditioned by a pragmatic
consumerist approach to sport, and therefore by the sociology of sport. First, they
provide an overview of the emergence and constitution of the sociology of sport in
Europe and the United States, with a focus on the development of that discipline
in Serbia. Emphasizing that contemporary sport is largely shaped by market
relations in mass society, the authors point to the importance of sociological
research on the mutual influence of sport on society and society on sport, with a
critical reaffirmation of the issues of contextual cognitive possibilities and social
conditionality of sport. In particular, they emphasize the need for reaffirmation
of the sociology of physical culture, which in its cognitive oeuvre is closer to
the sociology of culture and general sociology, as opposed to the contemporary
pragmatically conditioned tendencies to „fragment“ the sociology of sport towards
new related sub-disciplines. Therefore, the authors argue that the existence of a
number of sub-disciplines that have arisen from the sociology of sport is one of
the evident indicators that in the domain of sociological knowledge, it is difficult
to overcome the influences of pragmatic-new-positivist approaches, which narrow
not only the critical-cognitive aspects, but also the practical needs of society for
a true understanding and the humane development of the sport and activities
related to it.
KEYWORDS: sociology of sport, sociological sub-disciplines, physical culture,
physical education, recreation, sociology of football.
Papers by Sandra S Radenović
промишљање естетике спорта из угла социологије спорта и педагогије спорта. Циљ овог рада јесте указивање на значај естетског аспекта спорта и потребу за његовим детаљнијим изучавањем у оквиру социологије спорта и педагогије спорта као хуманистичких дисциплина.
verbal and indirect aggression through behavior that can be
active and passive-aggressive behavior. Stealing and lying are
also present as forms of a hidden form of aggressiveness. The
frequency of aggressive behavior usually decreases by the period
of adolescence. Previousresearch indicatesthatsituationsinwhich
aggressive behavior still occurs are less frequent among pupils
who practice sports activities. Although there are opposing views,
it is considered that regular participation in sports, especially in
its aggressive forms, enables the discharge of negative energy in
a socially acceptable way, so a person who practice this type of
sport later becomes less aggressive in other, non-sports situations
in everyday life. The implementation of sports in schools, such as
judo and karate, gave positive results in reducing the aggressive
behavior of pupils, because practicing these sports also includes
learning ethical principles such as respect for the opponent and
fair play, respect for one’s own body and the body of the opponent,
prohibition of dangerous techniques and preservation of health
and the well-being of all practitioners as the highest values.
This paper indicates the importance of implementation of such
programs in elementary schools in the world and in our country.
analysis of archival material and compares it to the position of women in Serbian sport half a century later. The subject and the goal of the paper are exposed in the introductory part of the paper, and the methods used in the paper are exposed in the special part of the paper. The results, discussion and conclusion are the remaining three parts of the paper. Authors conclude that despite the progressive policy conducted first by the post-WW2 Yugoslav government and then by the Serbian government in contemporary Serbia, the position of women in sports has remained essentially the same. Prejudice, misunderstanding and overall gender inequality are typical of both periods. This fact reveals the weaknesses of progressive policies lacking an adequate material basis, since the social conditions of rural areas are the main reasons for such inequality. Furthermore, authors point to the complexity and significance of the phenomenon and prove that the struggle for gender equality
in sports is far from over, as the position of women in Yugoslav and Serbian sport has shown only slight improvement since the difficult initial steps.
Top athletes are undoubtedly in the center of media attention and in general, public attention not only because of their sports results, but also regarding the current non-sports topics (Milovanović, 2017: 194-196). The subject of this paper is expression of top athletes’ own opinion on the issue of the current and important topic of mandatory vaccination against the COVID-19 virus. Specifically, in the case of Novak Djokovic and his opinion on vaccination, the possibility, vocation, but also the right for a non-doctor, but an influential top professional athlete to express his own opinion on a medical, non-sports topic in public, will be considered.
of the sociology of sport, through the process of „extrication“ of sport from play
and leisure to the transformation of discipline conditioned by a pragmatic
consumerist approach to sport, and therefore by the sociology of sport. First, they
provide an overview of the emergence and constitution of the sociology of sport in
Europe and the United States, with a focus on the development of that discipline
in Serbia. Emphasizing that contemporary sport is largely shaped by market
relations in mass society, the authors point to the importance of sociological
research on the mutual influence of sport on society and society on sport, with a
critical reaffirmation of the issues of contextual cognitive possibilities and social
conditionality of sport. In particular, they emphasize the need for reaffirmation
of the sociology of physical culture, which in its cognitive oeuvre is closer to
the sociology of culture and general sociology, as opposed to the contemporary
pragmatically conditioned tendencies to „fragment“ the sociology of sport towards
new related sub-disciplines. Therefore, the authors argue that the existence of a
number of sub-disciplines that have arisen from the sociology of sport is one of
the evident indicators that in the domain of sociological knowledge, it is difficult
to overcome the influences of pragmatic-new-positivist approaches, which narrow
not only the critical-cognitive aspects, but also the practical needs of society for
a true understanding and the humane development of the sport and activities
related to it.
KEYWORDS: sociology of sport, sociological sub-disciplines, physical culture,
physical education, recreation, sociology of football.
промишљање естетике спорта из угла социологије спорта и педагогије спорта. Циљ овог рада јесте указивање на значај естетског аспекта спорта и потребу за његовим детаљнијим изучавањем у оквиру социологије спорта и педагогије спорта као хуманистичких дисциплина.
verbal and indirect aggression through behavior that can be
active and passive-aggressive behavior. Stealing and lying are
also present as forms of a hidden form of aggressiveness. The
frequency of aggressive behavior usually decreases by the period
of adolescence. Previousresearch indicatesthatsituationsinwhich
aggressive behavior still occurs are less frequent among pupils
who practice sports activities. Although there are opposing views,
it is considered that regular participation in sports, especially in
its aggressive forms, enables the discharge of negative energy in
a socially acceptable way, so a person who practice this type of
sport later becomes less aggressive in other, non-sports situations
in everyday life. The implementation of sports in schools, such as
judo and karate, gave positive results in reducing the aggressive
behavior of pupils, because practicing these sports also includes
learning ethical principles such as respect for the opponent and
fair play, respect for one’s own body and the body of the opponent,
prohibition of dangerous techniques and preservation of health
and the well-being of all practitioners as the highest values.
This paper indicates the importance of implementation of such
programs in elementary schools in the world and in our country.
analysis of archival material and compares it to the position of women in Serbian sport half a century later. The subject and the goal of the paper are exposed in the introductory part of the paper, and the methods used in the paper are exposed in the special part of the paper. The results, discussion and conclusion are the remaining three parts of the paper. Authors conclude that despite the progressive policy conducted first by the post-WW2 Yugoslav government and then by the Serbian government in contemporary Serbia, the position of women in sports has remained essentially the same. Prejudice, misunderstanding and overall gender inequality are typical of both periods. This fact reveals the weaknesses of progressive policies lacking an adequate material basis, since the social conditions of rural areas are the main reasons for such inequality. Furthermore, authors point to the complexity and significance of the phenomenon and prove that the struggle for gender equality
in sports is far from over, as the position of women in Yugoslav and Serbian sport has shown only slight improvement since the difficult initial steps.
Top athletes are undoubtedly in the center of media attention and in general, public attention not only because of their sports results, but also regarding the current non-sports topics (Milovanović, 2017: 194-196). The subject of this paper is expression of top athletes’ own opinion on the issue of the current and important topic of mandatory vaccination against the COVID-19 virus. Specifically, in the case of Novak Djokovic and his opinion on vaccination, the possibility, vocation, but also the right for a non-doctor, but an influential top professional athlete to express his own opinion on a medical, non-sports topic in public, will be considered.
of the sociology of sport, through the process of „extrication“ of sport from play
and leisure to the transformation of discipline conditioned by a pragmatic
consumerist approach to sport, and therefore by the sociology of sport. First, they
provide an overview of the emergence and constitution of the sociology of sport in
Europe and the United States, with a focus on the development of that discipline
in Serbia. Emphasizing that contemporary sport is largely shaped by market
relations in mass society, the authors point to the importance of sociological
research on the mutual influence of sport on society and society on sport, with a
critical reaffirmation of the issues of contextual cognitive possibilities and social
conditionality of sport. In particular, they emphasize the need for reaffirmation
of the sociology of physical culture, which in its cognitive oeuvre is closer to
the sociology of culture and general sociology, as opposed to the contemporary
pragmatically conditioned tendencies to „fragment“ the sociology of sport towards
new related sub-disciplines. Therefore, the authors argue that the existence of a
number of sub-disciplines that have arisen from the sociology of sport is one of
the evident indicators that in the domain of sociological knowledge, it is difficult
to overcome the influences of pragmatic-new-positivist approaches, which narrow
not only the critical-cognitive aspects, but also the practical needs of society for
a true understanding and the humane development of the sport and activities
related to it.
KEYWORDS: sociology of sport, sociological sub-disciplines, physical culture,
physical education, recreation, sociology of football.
Sociologija sa sociologijom sporta je obavezan predmet koji se izučava na prvoj godini osnovnih akademskih studija fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, a Sociologija sporta je obavezan predmet na osnovnim strukovnim studijama sporta Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Knjiga koja je pred studentima napisana je za plan i program pomenuta dva predmeta i prati sve tematske jedinice koje su predviđene planom i programom ovih predmeta. Udžbeničkog je karaktera, sadrži dvanaest poglavlja, a obogaćena je brojnim primerima iz sporta i fizičke kulture, kao i pitanjima i zadacima koji su predviđeni za samostalni rad studenata ili rad u manjim grupama.
Autorka je udžbenik sastavila prevashodno za studente Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.
U Beogradu,
oktobar 2014. Doc. dr Sandra Radenović
Predgovor drugom izdanju
Drugo izdanje udžbenika pod nazivom „Sport i društvo – Sociologija sa sociologijom sporta. Sociologija sporta“ dopunjeno je Pojmovnikom koji sadrži 80 najznačajnijih pojmova iz oblasti opšte sociologije i sociologije sporta. Na taj način, studentima će biti olakšano savladavanje gradiva, kao i pripremanje ispita iz obaveznih predmeta Sociologija sa sociologijom sporta i Sociologija sporta.
U Beogradu,
april 2017. Doc. dr Sandra Radenović
"U ovoj knjizi su dve knjige, jedna satkana od sećanja i druga sačinjena od socioloških analiza, koje se prepliću u jedinstveno, divno i jezgrovito sportsko kazivanje i naučno i stručno tumačenje sporta. Tako smo dobili knjigu koja je istovremeno sportski zabavnik, istorijska sportska čitanka i poučno udžbeničko štivo. Dve knjige u jednoj mogu se čitati odvojeno, svaka za sebe, a može se knjiga čitati od bilo koje stranice, od bilo koje obrađene teme. A tema je zaista mnogo: od društveno-ekonomskih i političkih faktora sporta do druženja i patriotizma; od motiva za bavljenje sportom do bezbednosti, zabave i društvenih privilegija u sportu; od sportskih odricanja do popularnosti i surovosti sporta; od odnosa medija i sporta do problema školovanja sportista, formiranja njihovih karaktera kroz sport i problema završetka karijere" (prof. dr Vladimir Koprivica, recenzent)
"Miroslav Nešić i Sandra Radenović su ponudili javnosti višestruko neobičnu knjigu. „Život kroz sport“ ne govori o sportu, nego kroz sport govori o životu! O životu koji je prohujao. O vremenu koje gotovo da nema ničeg zajedničkog sa ovim sadašnjim. Ali i o životu koji je, ipak, i danas aktuelan i biće uvek aktuelan – ako izvučemo prave pouke iz onoga što je na stranicama ove knjige sačuvano od zaborava. O sebi i svom dobu govore ljudi koji su, neko više, a neko manje, značili nešto u svojoj epohi. Zato su njihova kazivanja dvostruko vredna..." (Ivan Cvetković, novinar, recenzent)
Zbornik radova
Urednice Sandra Radenović Vida Jeremić
Beograd, 2015.
Prof. dr Vladimir Koprivica Doc. dr Nenad Dikić Prof. dr Zoran Todorović
Priprema za štampu i grafički dizajn Copy Print Plus, Beograd
Štampa Copy Print Plus, Beograd
Tiraž 100 primeraka
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 796.011.5(082)(0.034.2) 61:796/799(082)(0.034.2) SPORT, medicina, bioetika [Elektronski izvor] : zbornik radova / urednice Sandra Radenović, Vida Jeremić. - Beograd : S. Radenović, 2015 (Beograd : Copy Print Plus). - 1 elektronski optički disk (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm Sistemski zahtevi: Nisu navedeni. - Nasl. sa naslovne strane dokumenta. - Tiraž 100. - Bibliografija uz pojedine radove. ISBN 978-86-80148-00-7 a) Спорт - Етика - Зборници b) Спортска медицина - Зборници COBISS.SR-ID 213135884
Sociologija sa sociologijom sporta je obavezan predmet koji se izučava na prvoj godini osnovnih akademskih studija fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, a sociologija sporta je obavezan predmet na osnovnim strukovnim studijama sporta Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Knjiga koja je pred studentima napisana je za plan i program pomenuta dva predmeta i prati sve tematske jedinice koje su predviđene planom i programom ovih predmeta. Udžbeničkog je karaktera, sadrži dvanaest poglavlja, a obogaćena je brojnim primerima iz sporta i fizičke kulture, kao i pitanjima i zadacima koji su predviđeni za samostalni rad studenata ili rad u manjim grupama. Autorka je udžbenik sastavila prevashodno za studente Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.
U Beogradu,
oktobar 2014. Doc. dr Sandra Radenović
Napomena: Pod studentima autorka podrazumeva i studente i studentkinje. Slično, kada govori o nastavnicima, profesorima, trenerima, sportistima, učenicima itd. autorka ima na umu kako osobe muškog, tako i osobe ženskog pola.
the gender equality of women in sports and women in the contemporary Serbian society. Although women achieve
signicant success on the basketball courts at the representative level, the representation of women in managerial
positions (coaches, club directors, federation directors...) still signicantly lags behind the representation of men in the
aforementioned positions. The authors consider some reasons for the lower representation of women in management
positions in women's basketball in the Republic of Serbia. As a contribution to the interpretation of the lower
representation of women in management positions in women's basketball, the authors consider the results of a survey
conducted on a deliberate sample of celebrated Serbian basketball players. The basketball players presented their
observations about gender equality both in basketball and in sports in general, about the reasons for insucient
representation of women in managerial positions and about possible solutions for greater inclusion of women in the
management segment of sports clubs and federations in the Republic of Serbia. Finally, the authors consider the existing
programs aimed at the support and development of women's basketball in the Republic of Serbia. They especially
underline the "Movement for Women's Basketball Marina Maljković", the Institute for Women's Sports and the Nataša
Kovačević Foundation as organizations that, with their programs and practical work, signicantly contribute to the
popularization of women's basketball and women's sports in general.
from the game, but it is also characterized by hyperregulation: clearly defined rules for each sport, but also the rules for the behaviour of athletes, regardless of which sport we are talking about. Practically, this means that it is clear which behaviour is “good sportsmanship” and which is “bad sportsmanship”, which athletes respect fair play and which do not, which athletes are role models and idols due to their behaviour and value system, and which are not, etc. Often the target of public condemnation are those athletes who, at a certain moment of a sporting event, are actually what homo ludens (“a man who plays”) is.