Anthropology of Sport
Recent papers in Anthropology of Sport
Slightly earlier version of my paper in 'Sport, identity and ethnicity', edited by myself, Oxford: Berg, 1996
"All play means something" (Johan Huizinga, 1938) In recent decades, sport as a social practice has become relevant in many different spheres: in health, economy, politics, education, work and leisure. The importance of sport transcends... more
Slightly revised version of my chapter in 'Sport, Identity and Ethnicity', edited by myself, 1996
Au Québec, plusieurs activités traditionnelles amérindiennes sont devenus des sports : canot de rivière et canot à glace, crosse, courses de traîneaux à chiens, pêche sur glace et raquettes à neige. L’évolution de ce dernier emprunt... more
Social and visual anthropologist Olatz González Abrisketa, a professor at the University of the Basque Country, has produced an ethnographic and philosophical account of the highly ritualized Basque ball game, pelota, in which she argues... more
Examines the place of rugby as an idiom of distress or normality in the lives of men with haemophilia and as a symbol for and a practice of a hegemonic form of masculinity in New Zealand. The author argues that this historically produced... more
Men of Pacific Island descent in Australian sports have gone from a near invisible minority to making up nearly half of all players across junior and senior rugby football codes. Despite their prominent position, exploitation,... more
يمكن زيادة النشاط البدني للأطفال من خلال دمج الأنشطة القائمة على الألعاب مثل الألعاب التقليدية خلال جلسات التربية البدنية. ولكن، مستوى النشاط البدني لهذه الألعاب لم يتم تحديد كميته. وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد كمية مستوى القوة للألعاب... more
After the collapse of the socialist states of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, the Cuban state faced its greatest crisis. How the state managed to maintain sufficient legitimacy in light of the growing economic hardships and class... more
Alcohol consumption at sporting events is a male dominated contextual act that speaks more to the communal nature of men than to any specific masculine tendency. By examining how the interactions of men occur at UK sporting events,... more
Esta tesis investiga el papel que juega el fútbol en la construcción de identidades sociales, tanto individuales como colectivas. Este deporte se ha convertido en un elemento estructural en buena parte del mundo occidental, por lo que... more
This volume presents a wide-reaching overview of contemporary research and scholarship on women's engagement in a range of combat sports across the world. Including chapters on boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and various other... more
This volume presents a wide-reaching overview of contemporary research and scholarship on women's engagement in a range of combat sports across the world. Including chapters on boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and various other... more 82 revista de recerca i formació en antropologia 82 Praça Roosevelt: sociabilidade e conflitos em um pedaço skatista da cidade de São Paulo Giancarlo Marques Carraro Machado -Universidade de São Paulo (USP) 1
This paper examines the confluence of global, regional, and national politics in the lead up to the 1991 Pan-American Games hosted by Cuba. Cuba’s contentious selection as host was wholly underpinned by the international politics of the... more
In the 1920s, Jagannath G. Gune adopted the title Swami Kuvalayananda and established a research centre for the scientific analysis of yoga in Lonavala, a hill station near Pune. Gune's training under Rajratna Manikrao had been in... more
Sports in South Africa, from the very first recorded game, have been imbued with racial associations. Historical literature on South African sport, when not overt celebration of sporting achievements of those racially classified as white,... more
Religion has been a central object of anthropological inquiry since its earliest days. In contrast, sport has remained an ancillary object of interest at best. Nonetheless, anthropologists have written some provocative analyses that... more
The learner's guide reflects the tendencies of modernization of educational space and the adoption of the Third Generation Federal State Education Standard of the Higher Professional Education. The system concept of the youth healthy life... more
Slightly earlier version of my opening chapter to 'Sport, identity and ethnicity', edited by myself, Oxford: Berg, 1996, pp.1-20
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This chapter examines the contexts and conflicts involved in the production of the world’s newest global sport spectacle, the World Baseball Classic (WBC). First held in 2006, this unusual spectacle takes place simultaneously in four... more
For Catalans, the most important aspect of their culture is the Catalan language, and those who use the language exclusively in the public sector do so with a specific ideology in mind: Catalan is the language of Catalonia, and it is a... more
Les imaginaires du « sport national » : les représentations du baseball entre Etat et société civile Mars 2008. La campagne présidentielle bat son plein. Sur l'une de ses grandes affiches électorales, Ma Ying-jeou, candidat du Parti... more
Actas del simposio sobre "Antropología del deporte", celebrado en el Congreso de Antropología de la FAAEE, en Valencia, del 5 al 8 de septiembre de 2017.
At the Georgian Weightlifting Federation in Tbilisi, Georgia, a mainstay of coaching is the training cue, a shouted word or phrase that coaches use to prompt weightlifters to perform in a certain psychological, physical, or technical way.... more
""Baseball was introduced in Taiwan at the turn of the twentieth century, when the island was ruled by the Japanese. The practice meets a particularly favorable echo owing much to the affinities between its formal properties and local... more
In 1988, a conflict between jai-alai players and fronton owners turned into the longest strike in the history of any American professional sport. This paper addresses the ethnic tensions that characterized the political economy of the... more
By the methods of literature study and logical induction, the paper reviews systematically the development of the national traditional sports and the status quo of the current theoretical research. The study reveals that the research of... more
UPDATE: Este artículo ha sido mejorado y se le ha agregado un nuevo eje de análisis, el institucional, para completar los ya enunciados. También se eliminan las categorías de "corporalidad" e "interioridad" y se las reemplaza por... more
Enmarcada teóricamente en la Antropología del Deporte y del Cuerpo, en los Estudios Feministas y de Género y en los Estudios Sociales de la Discapacidad, y como resultado de una dilatada investigación sobre el Goalball (deporte para... more
San Juan Ixtayopan is an ancient town in the rural area southwest of Mexico City. There, the practice of Basque pelota in the specialty of mano, is in addition to sports, sense of belonging and community representation of their identity,... more