Doping in Sport
Recent papers in Doping in Sport
Background: This study explores the factors influencing students to seek medical help, and student perceptions in relation to student-doctor interactions with implications for health help-seeking behaviours. Method: Students were... more
In a thought-provoking article in Bioethics, Andrea Lavazza defends the view that for reasons of fairness, those who cannot benefit from the use of performance-enhancing methods such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)... more
Na okładce wykorzystano zdjęcie rześby przedstawiającej podobiznę Temidy, umieszczonej na fasadzie dziedzińca wewnętrzengo gmachu Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie Autor zdjęcia: Adrian Grycuk CC BY-SA 3.0 pl © copyright by authors & ArchaeGr... more
The intention of this chapter is to challenge WADA's central argument for the prohibited list. Namely, that doping is contrary to the spirit of sport. However, this argument raises some obvious questions. What is the spirit of sport?... more
Das Buch „Doping und dopingäquivalentes Verhalten in Sport und Gesellschaft“ bietet eine multidisziplinäre Einführung in das Phänomen der Suche nach Leistungssteigerung, Optimierung und Konstanz in sportlichen und außersportlichen... more
Sommaire du n°7 de la revue Ethique Publique
L'éthique du sport en débat : dopage, violence, spectacle
L'éthique du sport en débat : dopage, violence, spectacle
With the increase in the popularity and a promising revenue model of esports, the issue of e-doping has emerged. Some esports athletes may desire to deliver an outstanding performance to get an advantage over other competitors with the... more
Today the fight against doping in sports is regulated by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) which was found in 1999. Still, the fight against the use of doping in sport has started much earlier, with the development of the Medical... more
Sport&EU Review invites submissions for peer-reviewed articles, legal commentaries, forum contributions and proposals for themed special issues for publication. Contributions should reflect the general interests of the Association for the... more
Abstract Doping in elite-sport is a topical issue that polarizes public opinion. This dissertation outlines crucial, fundamental questions that go unasked in general discourse about doping in elite-sport and that through being answered... more
eSports – der elektronische Wettkampf steht immer mehr im Rampenlicht, sei es im Profi- oder im Breitensport. Zwar gibt es Diskussionen zur Qualifikation des eSports als traditionellen Sport, doch der nachfolgende Beitrag soll diese... more
Athletes, like all people, may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take a particular medication or undergo certain procedures or methods. For athletes, the substance/ method may appear on World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)’s... more
Introduction: Often considered a legitimate strategy to enhance health and performance, the consumption of nutritional supplements (NS) has become a common practice which frequently results in unintentional doping among athletes. Despite... more
Like Michael Jackson’s iconic album Thriller, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and the fall of the Berlin Wall, performance-enhancing drugs are part of the zeitgeist of the 1980s, a decade of turbulence in the sporting world and one of... more
O paper analisa a figura do doping e sua relação com o Direito Penal brasileiro.
EDIZIONI M EUDON 153 LUCA GRION LIBERALIZZARE IL DOPING? ANCHE NO! Quando un fenomeno, per quanto negativo, assume i tratti del comportamento diffuso e, per certi versi, familiare, è quasi inevitabile che qualcuno prenda la parola... more
Recent theory and research suggest that perfectionism is a personal factor contributing to athletes’ vulnerability to doping (using banned substances/drugs to enhance sporting performance). So far, however, no study has examined what... more
The use of performance enhancing drugs (PED’s) is prevalent amongst professional cyclists. Over the past 100 years, the use there-off went through different evolutionary periods. The products (PED’s) evolved since the 1900’s. During the... more
Building on Foucault’s theory of the ‘enterprise society’, this article situates the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sport in the wider socio-economic context, where generalised competition has become a strategic game of... more
Morally speaking, employing Performance-Enhancing Medicines (PEMs) in sports is not acceptable because using these medicines in sports competitions is associated with negative legal consequences. However, due to rapid advances in the... more
This is a working paper version of a comment in Swedish of the CAS's recent decisions CAS 2017/A/5015 & 5110, Johaug.
El dopaje por sustancias u otros medios traen consecuencias catastroficas para el deportista, en su fisiologia, en el desempeno deportivo y en la etica deportiva. En estos ultimos 10 anos despues de la primera entrega se ha actualizado la... more
Doping is an old tradition in sports and has continued to be lucrative as sports become competitive motivation, with greater financial rewards and fame. The youths of resource limited countries and the globally have increasingly engaged... more
The media storm that accompanied the protracted disgrace of Lance Armstrong focussed not only on the systematic approach that both he and his team took to the use of performance enhancing drugs, (PEDs) but extended to his personality and... more
Aim: We qualitatively explored the Sport Drug Control Model (SDCM; Donovan, Egger, Kapernick, & Mendoza, 2002), in order to examine coaches’ perceptions of adolescent athletes’ attitudes and susceptibility towards doping. Methods: Eleven... more
In February 2022, a panel of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) issued a decision permitting 15-year-old Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva to compete at the 2022 Olympic Games, despite World Anti-Doping Code rules that mandated... more
Osrednja etična dilema sodobnega športa je vprašanje dopinga. Mnogo razprav, časa in denarja je usmerjenega v boj proti dopingu. Doping je namreč nelegalen, zato naj bi bil slab in nemoralen. Le redko pa je mogoče zaslediti pogled z druge... more
There is evidence of a small but significant proportion of adolescents engaging in doping practices. Young athletes face very specific pressures to achieve results as they strive for a career at an elite level. This study used an... more
Morally speaking, employing Performance-Enhancing Medicines (PEMs) in sports is not acceptable because using these medicines in sports competitions is associated with negative legal consequences. However, due to rapid advances in the... more
Transparency is both a powerful idea and a technology of power associated with accountability, justice and democracy, which opposes the secretive and shadowy power of surveillance wielded by states and corporations. This article examines... more
The paper presents moral and legal aspects of the human’s nature enhancement in the context of answering the questions to what extent and to whom the modern technologies may be applied, which purpose is not the recovery (therapy), but the... more
Starting with a short description of the regulatory mechanisms of the doping detection system in sport that are in the World Anti-doping Agency Code, the major cheating at the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi has highlighted the existence of... more