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Nowadays, there are implementations of hydropower projects wherever possible in Myanmar as it is necessary for electricity in order to be balance with demand and supply, in doing so, it is facing deforestation, decreasing habitat,... more
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      Biodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionEnvironment and natural resources conservationEcologySustainable Water Resources Management
Myanmar has lots of natural resources to implement hydro power projects because of four main rivers were possessed, in doing so, it is successfully focused on the infrastructure of the resettlement area according to the adherence of... more
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      Biodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionEcologyEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
The Irrawaddy River is Myanmar’s largest and most commercially important water way. Over the years, declining water quality has affected fisheries resources in some areas especially due to the throwing of untreated household waste in the... more
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      Biodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionEnvironment and natural resources conservationNatural Resource ManagementEcology
The most important development goals from the completion of the Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project (BHP) will be to accelerate economic growth, and poverty reduction, through the development of affordable power generation for domestic use in... more
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      Environmental ManagementEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
ABSTRACT This report presents the findings of the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the proposed waste treatment and disposal facility to be located in Ikamiro village, Kyangwali parish, Kyangwali Sub County in Hoima... more
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      Crude Oil Drilling Waste - Drill CuttingsEnvironmental and Social Impact AssessmentsDrilling Waste Management IndsutryOil and Gas Industrial Wastewater Treatment
How individuals live their lives, within the context of personal and collective values, expresses their living culture. Societies may be made up of people with different ethnocultural backgrounds, socio-economic profiles or spiritual... more
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      Sustainability IndicatorsSystems ThinkingSustainable Human DevelopmentMuseums and sustainability
“K‟utarapxiw quqanakasxa, ukatxa phichantapxarakiw, quqa tunu lawanaks jik‟irapxi, ukatsi janipuniw jik‟supkit qhuya tunu saphanakasxa.” “One should take pride in one‟s land and culture. There is a popular saying in Aymara, "They cut our... more
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous Knowledge
Large-scale development projects oftentimes end up creating negative impacts that affect vulnerable populations with particular intensity. Projects likely to displace families from their homes, degrade the living conditions of indigenous... more
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      Social SciencesEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental SustainabilitySocial Impact Assessment
The Rio treaties broadened the concept of common concern and global responsibility for protection of environment. Economic growth and environmental degradation can be de-linked by promoting more eco-efficient growth patterns. Despite the... more
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      UnderstandingEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental Impact and risk assessmentEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
Key Features - Demonstrates the development of an integrated holistic method that presents new research in the field - Offers a thorough analytical assessment of an EIA system in a developing country - Presents valuable insights into how... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
This article is a commentary and critique of the concept of ‘environmental justice’ that lately has become much more prominent in discourses on the environment, especially in the debates and advocacy on climate change. After briefly... more
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      Environmental StudiesLegal TheorySocial and Environmental JusticeEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
Published by the International Association for Impact Assessment, this 100-odd page document will become the definitive statement on best practice in social impact assessment. For those of you who will be at IAIA'15 in Florence, there... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocial Impact AssessmentSocial sustainabilityCreating Shared Value
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      EthnoecologyEnvironmental and Social Impact AssessmentsParticipatory Native American Studies
A hybrid model to combine SIA and SRA namely RSIA is proposed.RSIA can provide the proper mechanism to assess social impacts of natural hazards.RSIA can play the role of ex-post as well as ex-ante assessment.For some complicated and... more
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      Social Impact AssessmentRisk Assessment & Risk ManagementEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
A B S T R A C T Academics across disciplines are increasingly employing political ecology lenses to unpack conflicts related to resource extraction. Yet, an area that remains under-researched and under-theorised is how environmental... more
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      Rural SociologyEnvironmental EconomicsDevelopment StudiesPolitical Ecology
Environmental and social impact assessment is now a widely accepted tool in the Mekong Region for assessing the impacts of hydropower dams and large-scale industrial tree plantations. However, the cross-sectoral and cumulative effects of... more
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      Political EcologyCambodiaLaos (Lao PDR)Environmental Impact Assessment
This paper provides an overview of unconventional gas developments in Australia and attendant public reactions to them through the lens of the ‘social license’ concept. An analysis of some of the relevant academic literature offers... more
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      Social Impact AssessmentFree Prior and Informed ConsentFrackingCoal Seam Gas
Consideration of social issues in environmental impact assessment (EIA) of development projects has been an integral part of project cycle since the inception of EIA in Bangladesh in the early 1990s. This paper examines the emergence of... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental SustainabilitySocial Impact Assessment
On the 13th of December 2015, the leaders of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India officially inaugurated the TAPI pipeline, which is set to be the largest crosscountry energy infrastructure project undertaken in South Asia with... more
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      Energy and EnvironmentPeacebuildingSAARCEnergy Geopolitics
This paper explores the impacts of multinational companies’ (MNCs’) social investment on the livelihoods of local people in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and explores the drivers that influence these impacts. The study... more
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      Political EconomyCorporate Social ResponsibilityLaos (Lao PDR)Multinational Corporations
Pollution concerning environmental contaminants including organic pollution/an excess of nutrients, chemical pollution and metal pollution, which are resulted from human activities are mainly affecting on ecological food web and... more
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      Biodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionEnvironment and natural resources conservationNatural Resource ManagementEcology
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocial Impact AssessmentSocial sustainabilityCreating Shared Value
Social impact assessment(SIA) has become a buzzword since 1970s and it originated in the United States of America from its precursor Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA).SIA is basically an interdisciplinary methodology to review, assess... more
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyRefugee ResettlementAndaman Islands
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentSocial Impact AssessmentEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
The conservation community is increasingly focusing on the monitoring and evaluation of management, governance, ecological, and social considerations as part of a broader move toward adaptive management and evidence-based conservation.... more
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      PerceptionConservation BiologyConservationLaw of evidence
A turning point in the Uruguayan economy came in 1987 with the creation of its Forestry Law, aimed at promoting the expansion of monoculture alien tree plantations. With the forestry came the foreign-owned pulp mills, and in 2007 the... more
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      UruguayMonoculturesEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
Assessment of the sustainability of alternative transport fuels is essential for directing the development while reducing their impacts. The aim of this paper is to assess the environmental and economic life cycle impacts of alternative... more
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      Life Cycle Assessment ( LCA )Environmental and Social Impact AssessmentsEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA)Environmental and Economic Impact Assessment
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocial Impact AssessmentSocial sustainabilityCreating Shared Value
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      Information SystemsAccounting Information SystemsKnowledge Based SystemRule based systems
Gazipur, the industrial fringe of the capital Dhaka and the largest industrial district of Bangladesh, is currently tremendously suffering from high traffic congestion during peak hours in working days. During peak hours industry-going... more
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      Urban StudiesSustainable Urban DesignCulture and ContextArchitecture and Public Spaces
his report presents the findings of the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the proposed waste treatment and disposal facility to be located in Ikamiro village, Kyangwali parish, Kyangwali Sub County in Hoima District,... more
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      Crude Oil Drilling Waste - Drill CuttingsEnvironmental and Social Impact AssessmentsDrilling Waste Management IndsutryOil and Gas Industrial Wastewater Treatment
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental ImpactsEnvironmental Impact and risk assessmentEnvironmental Impact
As part of the American Indian consultation process for the Hoover Dam Bypass Project the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) consults regularly with representatives of tribal groups that have an interest in cultural and traditional... more
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      GeographyCultural LandscapesEthnoecologyEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
Local participation is always beneficial for sustainable action and environmental problems resulting from urban implementation due to the failure of social and institutional change necessary for a successful transformation of rural life... more
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      Health Impact AssessmentEnvironmental and Socio Economic Impact AssessmentEnvironmental and Social Impact AssessmentsEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
This article attempts to understand potential risks of nuclear power emergencies associated with the U.S. commercial nuclear power plants (NPPs), which could impact populations living within a 50-mile radius around NPPs during a nuclear... more
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      Environmental EducationEnergy and EnvironmentDisaster ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
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      ForestryClimate ChangeCultural HeritageWetlands
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      Climate ChangeCultural HeritageConservationAccounting
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesPlant Biology
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      Social Impact AssessmentSocial/cultural impact assessmentEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesPlant Biology
The article is devoted to analysis of the role and place of social work in the school. For example, the experience of school social workers in the United States, discusses the main directions of their activities, problems and prospects.... more
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      School PsychologySocial and Environmental IssuesSchool CounselorsEnvironmental social work
In this article, I will not deal with social impact assessment per se as done by many sociologists and anthropologists. Two recent good examples are :(i) Hari Mohan Mathur’s commendable article (Mathur 2011: 97-120) and (ii) ‘Social... more
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      Social Impact AssessmentSocial impactLand GrabbingProperty Ownership and Land Acquisition
This report presents the findings of the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the proposed waste treatment and disposal facility to be located in Ikamiro village, Kyangwali parish, Kyangwali Sub County in Hoima District,... more
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      Crude Oil Drilling Waste - Drill CuttingsEnvironmental and Social Impact AssessmentsDrilling Waste Management IndsutryOil and Gas Industrial Wastewater Treatment
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      Cultural LandscapesEthnoecologyEnvironmental and Social Impact AssessmentsParticipatory Native American Studies
Throughout history, indigenous peoples have been excluded, marginalized, mis-treated and disregarded. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples... more
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      Human RightsIndigenous Peoples RightsBusiness and human rightsProtection of Indigenous Peoples Right to Land and Natural Resource Under International Law
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      Social Impact AssessmentSocial/cultural impact assessmentEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
An ecosystem services approach (ESA) to assess the environmental and social impacts of projects is a conceptual innovation that contributes to overcome two widely acknowledged deficiencies of impact assessment (IA): integration of... more
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentEcosystems ServicesEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental ImpactsEnvironmental Impact and risk assessmentEnvironmental Impact
Water shortage (availability per capita) is a key indicator of vulnerability to water scarcity. Spatial datasets enable the assessment of water shortage on multiple scales. The use of river basins and subbasins as analysis and management... more
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      Spatial AnalysisWaterSustainable Water Resources ManagementMultidisciplinary