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The contemporary business environment can be particularly challenging for boards and business leaders seeking to think and act strategically, and also embrace social and environmental responsibilities and the concerns of a wider range of... more
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      LeadershipCorporate GovernanceSustainable DevelopmentStrategic Management
Much as has been written and done to prevent Fraudulent Financial Reporting (FFR) practices but FFR is still exists in the corporate world. It is common to think about FFR practices in large companies for its greater amount of... more
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    • Social and Environmental Issues
As charities expand into social enterprises they must adapt their model to not only create value, but also capture it. This paper explores two cases of charities developing SE's and their journey in discovering how to capture value.
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsSocial MovementsNonprofit Studies
“K‟utarapxiw quqanakasxa, ukatxa phichantapxarakiw, quqa tunu lawanaks jik‟irapxi, ukatsi janipuniw jik‟supkit qhuya tunu saphanakasxa.” “One should take pride in one‟s land and culture. There is a popular saying in Aymara, "They cut our... more
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous Knowledge
This paper takes a look at the "Peyote Crisis" from a new angle. The peyote plant is at a complex intersection between environmental and cultural interests. With its numbers dwindling in the wild, there are still thousands of Native... more
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      Native American StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyIndigenous ReligionsEthnology
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      Energy and EnvironmentEnvironmental SustainabilitySocial and Environmental IssuesCurriculum Theory and Development
Large-scale development projects oftentimes end up creating negative impacts that affect vulnerable populations with particular intensity. Projects likely to displace families from their homes, degrade the living conditions of indigenous... more
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      Social SciencesEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental SustainabilitySocial Impact Assessment
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironmental SustainabilitySocial and Environmental IssuesSocial Issues
My paper is all about the all-time controversial social issue " The Narmada Bachao Andolan". It contains the whole analysis of the issue and what all happened from the beginning to the end. It has an introduction, important happenings in... more
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    • Social and Environmental Issues
El capítulo las razones por las que resulta útil usar herramientas de Historia Oral para contrarrestar la experiencia de los afectados por megaproyectos de desarrollo, con los discursos esgrimidos por actores oficiales e institucionales... more
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      MegaprojectsMexicoSocial and Environmental IssuesPublic Policy
"The colonization of Turtle Island and by extension, the colonization of Indigenous women and their bodies has created subtle forms of racism such as systemic and environmental racism. More Indigenous women are beginning to demand... more
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      Feminist TheorySexual and Reproductive HealthSpiritualityEmbodiment
The research presents the development of new guidelines providing a significant contribution to identification and management of adverse impacts of oil activities on continental areas characterized by high biodiversity. The guidelines focus... more
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      Oil and gasGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPSBiodiversity ConservationSocial and Environmental Issues
This paper provides an analysis of some relevant issues in corporate social and environmental reporting (CSER) research by way of review of relevant literature. Issues in the following two main areas of CSER research are identified: the... more
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    • Social and Environmental Issues
The purpose of this article is to deepen analyses of life production relations that are of central concern to the feminist global political economy frameworks around which this special issue is organized. While the original approach... more
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      Feminist TheoryMarxismPolitical EcologyMarxism and Ecology
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment management (E-waste or WEEE) is a crucial issue in the solid waste management sector with global interconnections between well-developed, transitional and developing countries. Consumption society... more
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      ManagementEngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic Engineering
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    • Social and Environmental Issues
The renewables-based energy system represents a unique opportunity to meet climate goals while increasing economic growth, creating new employment opportunities and enhancing human welfare. Hence the role of renewable energy has been... more
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      Renewable EnergyTransportation StudiesBiomassIntegrated Renewable Energy System
The discussion of issues in political ecology has expanded greatly in recent times, above all as the result of growing concern about far-reaching ecological problems that seem to require an effective political response in the near future.... more
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      Social MovementsSocial TheoryPhilosophyApplied Philosophy
La solidarietà è considerata dalla Chiesa Cattolica come un principio fondamentale del proprio insegnamento sociale e, più in generale, del proprio impegno nella promozione della caritas che, accanto all'annuncio del Vangelo e alla... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsSociology of WorkSocial Sciences
Homens trans enfrentam dificuldades e violências contra a dignidade até na hora de acessar o serviço de saúde Maternidade real Movimento visa acabar com romantismo da realidade vivida por mulheres-mães 44 04 38 10 O corpo perfeito é o seu... more
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    • Social and Environmental Issues
Environmental movements are networks of informal interactions that may include individuals, groups, and organizations engaged in collective action motivated by shared identity or concern about environmental issues. This article reviews... more
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      Environmental SociologySocial MovementsPolitical EcologyPolitical Science
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      Environmental LawHuman RightsAgrarian StudiesBrazil
Part one of a two-part  critique of Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" and "Lifeboat Ethics." A revised and expanded version is forthcoming from Changing Suns Press (
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologySocial Demography
The female breast has been put through the ringer for the past few years, but this is nothing new. The breast has been the subject of adoration, mystery, revolution, and lust, being “trivialized, romanticized, or sexualized in ways that... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyLiturgyTheological Anthropology
Access, defined as the ability to use and benefit from available marine resources or areas of the ocean or coast, is important for the well-being and sustainability of coastal communities. In Canada, access to marine resources and ocean... more
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      Social SciencesCoastal ManagementEnvironmental StudiesMarine Protected Areas
Nowadays, world economy is undoubtedly richer than in the past. Capitalism and liberalism have generally allowed economic growth at unimaginable rate. Nevertheless, they have failed in wealth distribution. The existing literature and... more
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      Political EconomyCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial EntrepreneurshipSocial Economy
Like all other parts of the world, land use patterns in Bangladesh especially of south-west part have been observed to change rapidly since late of 20th century. Lands of south-west region were generally used for rice farming since the... more
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      Socio-Economic StatusSocial and Environmental IssuesGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Cities are a locus for struggles over the ability for historically marginalized groups to feed themselves. These stratified spaces represent a distinct expression of the conventional agrifood system: the undernutrition/malnutrition... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental SociologySocial MovementsUrban Geography
Having in mind climate change as well as the rising risk of potential environmental crisis caused by pollution and unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, the concept of environmental security, primarily defined as the resilience... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental LawEcofeminismFeminism
Jatuhnya rezim komunis pasca Cold War membawa perubahan yang begitu signifikan terhadap tatanan sistem internasional. Uni Soviet yang menjadi representasi dari negara super power dengan ideologi komunis harus mengakui kedigdayaan Amerika... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisEnvironment and natural resources conservationSocial and Environmental Issues
Este capítulo defiende la necesidad de reposicionar al capitalismo como categoría analítica y objeto de estudio para las ciencias sociales en América Latina. Revisa de manera necesariamente breve algunas perspectivas teóricas sobre el... more
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      CapitalismConflictos SocialesSocial and Environmental IssuesCapitalismo
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental SociologyRural SociologyGeography
Mining licenses in post-apartheid South Africa are being granted by the ruling government in sensitive areas that are important tourism hubs and employment generators. Limited research has been conducted to understand mining impacts on... more
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      ConservationGovernanceLocal Economic DevelopmentSustainable Tourism
Global climate change policy issued by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with the scheme Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) will not only involve the community and... more
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      Climate change policyEnvironmental PoliticsSocial and Environmental IssuesREDD+
Despite EU climate objectives and raw material needs, there is a growing concern caused by the limited direct access to primary sources and supplies of valuable raw materials, and by the heavy reliance on imports. Member states are... more
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      Social and Environmental IssuesEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA)Mineral Resources Management
O Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar foi criado na década de 1970. Um de seus núcleos administrativos foi delimitado em meados dos anos 1980 no município de Ubatuba: o Núcleo Picinguaba. Este se sobrepôs a quatro bairros, sendo dois deles... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental ScienceEcologyCultural Diversity
The authors engage ecological modernization and treadmill of production theories as well as the longstanding postmaterialist values hypothesis and the objective problems subjective values hypothesis to assess the effects of national level... more
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      Environmental SociologyPublic OpinionEnvironmental StudiesPublic Opinion Research
The study examined the perceptions of undergraduate Social Studies Students on measures to curb graduate unemployment in Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to determine students’ perceptions on measures to curb graduate unemployment... more
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      Teaching and LearningSocial and Environmental Issues
Background: European and national policies on citizenship education stimulate the implementation of a participative approach to citizenship education, fostering active citizenship. The reason given for fostering active citizenship is the... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringSociologyPolitical Sociology
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine how legitimacy is gained, maintained or repaired through direct action with salient stakeholders and/or through external reporting, by using a number of empirical case vignettes within a... more
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      Case Study ResearchStakeholder Relationships & Issues ManagementSustainability ReportingSocial and Environmental Issues
This paper is related to the effects of child abuse on health and well-being. Child abuse is a socially growing issue faced by all the countries of world. Children became victim of physical abuse and sexual abuse, and they are also... more
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      Criminal JusticeSocial and Environmental Issues
From New Clear Vision (Sept. 21, 2015).  A reflection on the recent Katrina commemoration events, on the true legacy of the Katrina disaster, and on what has been silenced in the name of resilience and redevelopment.
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSocial Theory
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    • Social and Environmental Issues
Drawing on Alfred Schütz’s thought, as well as on a number of modern pragmatists and practice theorists, we theorize incomegetting—referring to practices of getting income, typically salaried work—as the paramount structurer of everyday... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of WorkPhenomenology
This study adapts a conceptual framework from the physical activity literature to examine how walking as a mode of transport is related to individual, physical, and social environments. The data used in this study come from the Hamilton... more
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      Time UseSocial InfluenceSocial and Environmental IssuesWalking
The essay explores the emotional and political valence of melodramatic storytelling in Steven Soderbergh’s Erin Brockovich. It uses the analytical tools of cognitive film theory to explore the ways in which Erin Brockovich employs... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionAmerican StudiesGender Studies
Bifrost is an arts-research intervention that seeks to raise awareness about the realities and risks of climate change in our time through focused discussions, targeted communications, educational activities and participatory art... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEnvironmental Sociology
A two-part  critique of Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" and "Lifeboat Ethics." A revised and expanded version is forthcoming from Changing Suns Press (
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologySocial Demography
In this essay, I examine some of the overlapping keywords and concepts in American Studies, ecocriticism, and ethnic studies that have contributed to some misperceptions and inaccurate chronologies in the intellectual genealogies of the... more
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      American LiteratureEthnic StudiesAmerican StudiesFilm Studies
Many communities are located near multiple sources of pollution, including current and former industrial sites, major roadways, and agricultural operations. Populations in such locations are predominantly low-income, with a large... more
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      Public Health PolicyHealth Impact AssessmentEnvironmental JusticeHealth Risk Assessment