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Ok, Children of the Corn was true classic from the days when Stephen King was the King of horror. However its true glory lies in marking an era where the Green Revolution has shown its true face as the unlikely Terminator. High-yield... more
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      RegenerationColonialismHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Fertility
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      PertanianMonoculturesBudidaya Cabai
Critically reading Amitav Ghosh's Sea of Poppies, the present paper attempts to explore the impacts of colonization on indigenous subjects, plants and animals. To trace the detrimental effects of colonialism on both environment and people... more
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      ColonialismEcocriticismAmitav GhoshMonocultures
Intercropping, the agricultural practice of cultivating two or more crops in the same space at the same time, is an old and commonly used cropping practice which aims to match efficiently crop demands to the available growth resources and... more
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      AgronomySustainable agricultureAgrobiodiversityPlant Biology
Contemporary approaches to integrating "self" and the "other"—such as multiculturalism, cultural diversity, race relations, inclusiveness strategies, or identity politics—are flawed from the perspective of traditional thought. At their... more
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      ReligionBuddhismNative American ReligionsComparative Religion
Intercropping, the agricultural practice of cultivating two or more crops in the same space at the same time, is an old and commonly used cropping practice which aims to match efficiently crop demands to the available growth resources and... more
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      AgronomySustainable agricultureAgrobiodiversityAgriculture
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      GeographyForestryChileRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
"MONOCULTURE - Une histoire récente" au M HKA à Anvers, curaté par Nav Haq.
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      Contemporary ArtMonocultures
Resumen. Las plantaciones del "mezcal azul" Agave tequilana Weber crecen en aproximadamente 43 000 hectáreas de tierras sin riego, con 153 .6 millones de plantas propiedad de 2500 agricultores en Jalisco. La industria del tequila emplea... more
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      Tequila, AgaveAgave TequilanaMonoculturesAgroindustry
En el artículo se hace un recorrido histórico acerca del proceso de dominación y domesticación de la naturaleza, que sirvió a los propósitos de la agroindustria cañicultora instalada en el Valle del Cauca y que extendió sus dominios al... more
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      Political EcologyColombiaSustainable DevelopmentSugar cane
A turning point in the Uruguayan economy came in 1987 with the creation of its Forestry Law, aimed at promoting the expansion of monoculture alien tree plantations. With the forestry came the foreign-owned pulp mills, and in 2007 the... more
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      UruguayMonoculturesEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessments
In Jalisco, the "mezcal azul" Agave tequilana Weber grciws in 43 000 hectares of non-irrigated farmland representing 153.6 mi Ilion plants belonging to 2 500 owners. The industry of tequila employs 23 202 persons in Jalisco and... more
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      GeographyAgronomy for sustainable agricultureAgave TequilanaMonocultures
Efforts to improve the properties of podzolic can be done by application soil amendment for example cow dung and biochar. Application of soil amendment can be combined with cropping patterns to increase growth and yield of plant. This... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyHorticultureResearch Methodology
Las representaciones respecto a los pueblos indígenas Tagaeri-Taromenane, como pueblos en ‘aislamiento voluntario’ median las relaciones sociales y permiten la fijación y la objetificación de sus identidades. Al imponer fronteras y crear... more
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      Yasuní National Park, EcuadorRacismoIdentidadTerritorialidad
Efforts to improve the properties of podzolic can be done by application soil amendment for example cow dung and biochar. Application of soil amendment can be combined with cropping patterns to increase growth and yield of plant. This... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyHorticultureResearch Methodology
Anthology chapter in Negotiating Cultural Rights, ed. Lucky Belder and Helle Porsdam, Edward-Elgar, 27 October 2017.
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      Critical PosthumanismCultural RightsMonoculturesCommunity Rights
Há séculos que as obras de hidráulica agrícola são apresentadas como a solução para todos os problemas do interior de Portugal. As Leis das Sesmarias já revelavam que a autossuficiência alimentar era um objetivo a alcançar, fixando as... more
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      Labour historyIrrigation water ManagementEnvironemntal StudiesMonocultures
RESUMO: Esse artigo reflete sobre a questão da soberania alimentar no contexto do assentamento Chico Mendes II (implantado em 19 de janeiro de 2018), situado na cidade de Macambira, Sergipe. A questão alimentar é, paradoxalmente, um dos... more
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      Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio AmbienteNordeste do BrasilMonoculturesPolicultivos
An Invitation to Disappear is a filmic expedition into the heart of a lush dystopian landscape symptomatic of the current global derangement of ecological thinking. Borrowing its title from the Tambora volcano on Sumbawa Indonesia, the... more
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      Cultural GeographyClimate ChangeContemporary ArtEnvironmental Aesthetics
This is a volume of articles on economic sectors related to trade, shipping and merchant banking as well as on the position of the Ottoman western Anatolian economy within the global markets in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Further... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
Invasive species are really the perfect organisms that could play any villain part in a stereotypic B or Z monster movie. Eco-horrors or Eco-thrillers sometimes function like a zoological, bacteriologic or botanical disaster taxonomy of... more
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      Swarm IntelligenceInvasive SpeciesDensityPhilosophy of Nature
This is the presentation for the paper "Persistent food shortages in Venetian Crete: A first hypothesis", presented at the 2nd COMPOT workshop "Explaining famines, defining responsibilities", held in Turku, Finland on 12-15.1.2017. The... more
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      Monetary EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Canadian Journal of History/ Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire, XLVI, no. 1 spring-summer/printemps-été 2011.
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryMaritime HistoryEnvironmental History
In October 2016 the was a Symposium on the Production and Trade of Raisins organized by the Izmir Mediterranean Academy and held in Izmir, Turkey. My presentation covered the role of the export trade of raisins (sultanas) in the global... more
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      EconomicsOttoman HistoryMaritime HistoryMediterranean Studies
A partir d’enquetes de terrains realisees depuis 2010 aupres de populations vivant dans la zone frontaliere de Talamanca au Costa Rica, et plus particulierement aupres de femmes indigenes Bribri, nous analysons les constructions des... more
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      Organic agricultureWomenInternational CooperationPatrimonio Cultural
Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP), situated in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, India, is home to huge diversity of fauna and flora. Having rich bio-cultural traditions the farmer communities residing in buffer zone of GHNP... more
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Sea level rise induced-salinization is lowering coastal soils productivity. In order to assess the effects that increased salinity may provoke in terrestrial plants, using as model species: Trifolium pratense, Lolium perenne, Festuca... more
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      BiologySoil ecologyEnvironmental PollutionMedicine
La présente étude a pour objet de comparer le peuplement de microarthropodes du sol (Acariens Oribates et Insectes Collemboles) de trois peuplements forestiers de 35 ans situés en Forêt d' Orléans (Loiret, France). Il s'agit d'un... more
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Les recherches effectuées en forêt d'Orléans dans le cadre du projet PIREN-CNRS «Influence des monocultures de résineux et alternatives possibles» ont permis de mettre en évidence l'intérêt de l'étude de la faune du sol en sylviculture.... more
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      MonoculturesPeuplements Forestiers MélangésForêts De ConifèresNématodes
En el artículo se hace un recorrido histórico acerca del proceso de dominación y domesticación de la naturaleza, que sirvió a los propósitos de la agroindustria cañicultora instalada en el Valle del Cauca y que extendió sus dominios al... more
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      Political EcologyColombiaSustainable DevelopmentSugar cane
El Perú es el segundo país más megadiverso del planeta, concentra el 70% de la biodiversidad global. Asimismo, cuenta con más de 120 especies endémicas de aves, la más alta -y envidiable-del mundo. Estas condiciones sitúan a nuestro... more
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      WetlandsBirdwatchingValoración de Servicios EcosistémicosPaisaje
O cultivo do eucalipto, planta originária da Austrália, se inicia no estado de Sergipe, a partir do ano de 2010, quando começou a receber subsidio do Governo do Estado, com a implantação do Projeto de Reflorestamento de Eucalipto. Sua... more
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      BrasilDesenvolvimento Regional e Meio AmbienteGeografiaGeografia Agrária
A comunidade Ladeirinhas " A " no município de Japoatã/SE se origina do processo de regularização fundiária que ocorreu em 1980. Inicialmente, os camponeses assentados se reproduziam a partir do policultivo alimentício, e pelo cultivo da... more
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      CapitalismBrasilDesenvolvimento Regional e Meio AmbienteGeografia
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      BiologyHybridizationNatural Resource ManagementAgriculture
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      ForestryForest Ecology And ManagementBiologyBiological Sciences
RESUMO-Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Unidade Agroflorestal da Companhia Mineira de Metais (CMM), em Vazante, Estado de Minas Gerais, com o objetivo de estudar a atividade microbiana em diferentes ecossistemas, como sistemas... more
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      BiologyAgroforestrySoil RespirationMinas Gerais
En el artículo se hace un recorrido histórico acerca del proceso de dominación y domesticación de la naturaleza, que sirvió a los propósitos de la agroindustria cañicultora instalada en el Valle del Cauca y que extendió sus dominios al... more
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      Political EcologyColombiaSustainable DevelopmentSugar cane
Sea level rise induced-salinization is lowering coastal soils productivity. In order to assess the effects that increased salinity may provoke in terrestrial plants, using as model species: Trifolium pratense, Lolium perenne, Festuca... more
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      Soil ecologySalinizationMonoculturesPolyculture
Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP), situated in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, India, is home to huge diversity of fauna and flora. Having rich bio-cultural traditions the farmer communities residing in buffer zone of GHNP... more
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      PovertyIrrigationLand tenureSocial Inclusion