Entrepreneurial intention
Recent papers in Entrepreneurial intention
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
The purpose of this paper is to examine entrepreneurial competences among female entrepreneurs within the context of developed countries which have been greatly neglected in the same context of emerging economies. This empirical research... more
This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention. Data collection techniques use a questionnaire given to 205 students from three private universities namely STIE MDP, STMIK MDP, and STIE... more
Individual values' effect on the entrepreneurial tendency is an important research topic in the field of entrepreneurship. This research aims to investigate the effect of individual values of business administration students on their... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors explaining Saudi students’ entrepreneurial intention. To this end, we combined two models, namely Shapero and Sokol’s model (1982) and Ajzen’s model of intention (1991). The validation... more
Essential to the nation’s economic growth are people, defined as entrepreneurs, who realize an entrepreneurial opportunity and take risks to benefit from it. Entrepreneurship, as one of the important characteristics of this economic... more
Entrepreneurship is an essential part of economies around the world. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study analyze the impact of entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norms, self-efficacy, and university entrepreneurial... more
The success of entrepreneurship education programs remains unanswered if it is associated with some students who have decided to launch and pursue a business venture. It is important to know the intentions of a nascententrepreneur to... more
The current knowledge in entrepreneurial intention research is enormous and rapidly growing. The primary purpose of this paper is to offer a relatively holistic review of literature in entrepreneurial intention research by concentrating... more
Entrepreneurship is instrumental in a nation’s wealth development and management, furthermore as a social mobility tool. Over the years the impact of entrepreneurship has brought about numerous implication and transformation to many... more
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more
Dans la présente communication, nous proposons une première exploration théorique du lien entre l'émotion et la formation de l'intention entrepreneuriale. Pour ce faire, suite à un exposé de la conception de l'intention entrepreneuriale... more
Entrepreneurship is an essential part of economies around the world. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study analyze the impact of entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norms, self-efficacy, and university entrepreneurial... more
This study examines entrepreneurial intention of undergraduate tourism students in Egypt and the effect of specific beliefs and subjective norms on this intention. It also investigates students’ perceived motives and barriers to... more
The emerge beginning of financial technology or fintech startup was founded by one or several startup founders. How did a startup founder start until the fintech startup was established? This paper is aimed at addressing this problem,... more
This paper review female entrepreneurship and socioeconomic development using the theoretical foundation of the social feminist theory (SFT) versus the theory of need of achievement with entrepreneurs' personality trait and intentions of... more
s This study focuses on the intervention of attitude towards entrepreneurship, participation in entrepre-neurial education, perceived behavioral control (PBC) and subjective norm on the relationship between students' grade and individual... more
Pembangunan keusahawanan telah berkembang dari segi kepentingan di Malaysia. Kepentingan keusahawanan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi Malaysia dibuktikan dengan jumlah dan kepelbagaian polisi dan alatan sokongan yang wujud untuk usahawan,... more
This study, based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), assesses the impact of entrepreneurship education programs (EEPs) on entrepreneurial intentions of 320 students following entrepreneurship courses at six Iranian universities.... more
he study investigated gender-role orientation and self-efficacy as correlates of entrepreneurial intentions. A total of 350 participated in the study, comprising of two hundred and six male and one hundred and forty-four female students... more
The study was to assess the entrepreneurial future intention of student in three selected universities. Intention towards entrepreneurship was measured through three dimensions of entrepreneurship, i.e. family business background,... more
This paper examines the level and determinants of interest in entrepreneurship among university undergraduate students in Singapore based on a large sample survey conducted in 1998. Although there have been past studies looking at... more
This study examined the factors that influence entrepreneurial intention for business start-up among students of Ho Technical University in Ghana. Using the deductive research approach, the correlational study design and the multi-stage... more
Employee performance has always been paramount to an organization’s success in today’s business environment. Research has shown that several contextual and behavioural factors within an organization have significant impact on employee... more
This research paper sought to investigate the entrepreneurial perceptions and intentions of students in the faculty of commerce at Great Zimbabwe University using a descriptive research design. The perceived role of education as a... more
This feasibility study on palm oil distribution in Cross River State is my original research and it is based on the survey and thorough research made by Anaba, Sylvester Anani. The business will be a sole entrepreneurship business, wholly... more
The aim of this paper is to qualitatively investigate the entrepreneurial intention and antecedents to start-up business and self-employment by using the theoretical framework provided by Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The study uses... more
The study related to the intention to be entrepreneur among Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (POLISAS) students and can be explained by Ajzen’s (1991) Theory of Planned Behavior. For this reason, this study firstly indicated the... more
Purpose- This study focuses on the factors influencing students’ choice of selecting entrepreneurship as their career after graduation. The paper aims to gain more understanding of how personality traits, entrepreneurship... more
The Academy of Entrepreneurship is an international, non-profit association of scholars whose purpose is to support and encourage the exchange of knowledge about entrepreneurship around the world.
Entrepreneurial intentions are considered as more accurate predictors of entrepreneurial behavior. Understanding entrepreneurial intentions will enable the researchers to investigate the dynamics of entrepreneurial venture creation... more
The purpose of the present study is to measure the entrepreneurial competences of primary school students in Greece and to examine their potential in becoming entrepreneurs in the future. The study used official data from 358 students of... more
attempted to understand the role of entrepreneurship education in the formation of students' entrepreneurial intention and behavior, albeit in an isolated manner. Universities can support entrepreneurship in many ways, but it is important... more
Today entrepreneurship is widely recognized as an engine for economic growth and prosperity. In this connection, diverting intention of an individual towards entrepreneurship is essential for every economy. To take into account, the... more
The success of entrepreneurship education programs remains unanswered if it is associated with some students who have decided to launch and pursue a business venture. It is important to know the intentions of a nascent entrepreneur to... more