Elis - Messenia - Achaea - Ionian islands
Recent papers in Elis - Messenia - Achaea - Ionian islands
Η Κεφαλονίτικη Πρόοδος. Τριμηνιαίο περιοδικό Ιστορίας, Λαογραφίας, Τέχνης και Επικαιρότητας, περ. Β΄, τχ. 27, Κοριάννα Λειβαθούς Αργοστόλι, Ιούλιος-Σεπτέμβριος 2018, 14-20· τχ. 28, Οκτώβριος-Δεκέμβριος 2018, 17-20· τχ. 29,... more
Very little, practically nothing has been written about the Submycenaean period in Western Achaea, a fact reflecting the belief that this stage was not particularly developed or that it had nothing significant to offer. 1 Moreover, in the... more
Επετηρίς Εταιρείας Λευκαδικών Μελετών 12 (2009-2011, έκδ. 2013), 637-641 (in Greek).
¡ Hola a todos! Aquí seguimos, en la brecha, con vosotros y presentando nuestro séptimo número de la revista. Pues sí, los problemas superados y con muchas ganas de continuar, juntando fi las y cargando sobre el enemigo, todo por el bien... more
Premessa i. vincenzo franciosi Il "Doriforo" di Pompei 11 L'identificazione del Doriforo di Policleto 12 Una voce discordante: Eugen Petersen 13 Un caposaldo nella conoscenza della statuaria greca di età classica 15 Una nuova indagine... more
Γαληνοτάτη. Tιμή στη Χρύσα Μαλτέζου, επιμ. Γωγώ Κ. Βαρζελιώτη – Κ. Γ. Τσικνάκης, Αθήνα, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών/Τμήμα Θεατρικών Σπουδών – Μουσείο Μπενάκη, 2013, 31-87 (in Greek).
Νίκος Γ. Σβορώνος, Μελετήματα για τη Λευκάδα και τους Λευκαδίτες, Εκδοτική φροντίδα Σπύρου Ι. Ασδραχά και Κώστα Γ. Τσικνάκη, Αθήνα, Εταιρεία Λευκαδικών Μελετών, 2011, 151-214, 217-231 (in Greek).
When Spyridon Marinatos excavated the LH I–II chamber tomb cemetery at Volimidia, among other sites in the region of Pylos (1955–1965), Messenia started to emerge as a prosperous and dynamic region of the early Mycenaean world that... more
Archaeological research on the island of Ithaca had been conducted to a large extent with Homeric associations and as a search for the palace of Odysseus. However, recent rescue excavations on Ithaca have thrown new light on the... more
Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου: Δύμη: Φραγκοκρατία – Βενετοκρατία – Α΄ Τουρκοκρατία 1-2 Οκτωβρίου 2005, ed. Ελένη Γ. Σαράντη, Πάτρα, Δήμος Δύμης, 2012, 217-236 (in Greek with summary in English).
To Sigrid De ger-Ja lkotzy on th e occasion of he r 60th birt hday The fall of the Mycenaean palaces and the collapse of their political, economic and administrative system around 1200 BC mark the end of LH IIIB and the beginning of the... more
Η Κεφαλονίτικη Πρόοδος. Τριμηνιαίο περιοδικό Ιστορίας, Λαογραφίας, Τέχνης και Επικαιρότητας, περ. Β΄, τχ. 26, Κοριάννα Λειβαθούς Αργοστόλι, Απρίλιος-Ιούνιος 2018, 8-13 (in Greek).
The study is a contribution to the Church History of the local history of Methoni, during the second Venetian rule in the region. By the publication of source material, the Venetian policy is outlined and the personality of the orthodox... more
The urban landscape of Messene was constructed in the Early Hellenistic era, according to certain architectural and town-planning principles of spatial organization, which reflected the political and social values of the period applied to... more
Eισαγωγή-επιμέλεια: Eυτυχία Δ. Λιάτα. Mεταγραφή κειμένου: K. Γ. Tσικνάκης, Athens, Kέντρο Nεοελληνικών Eρευνών Eθνικού Iδρύματος Eρευνών – Εκδόσεις Oλκός, 1998, p. 120 (in Greek).
Λακωνικαί Σπουδαί 21 (2015-2016), 117-133 (in Greek with summary in English).
Wooden doors on Mycenaean chamber tombs. Following a burial in a Mycenaean chamber tomb, the stomion was sealed as a rule by means of a dry stone wall and more rarely by a stone door. Generations of archaeologists have grown up with this... more
This volume constitutes the final publication of the Archaeological Survey at Iklaina
Isole Ionie e Cicladi. Venezia tra Repubblica e feudalità, a cura di Mauro Scroccaro (Regione del Veneto – Marco Polo System – Patrimonio Veneto nel Mediterraneo), Milano, Biblion Edizioni, 2011, 27-37.
Πελοπόννησος. Πόλεις και επικοινωνίες στη Μεσόγειο και τη Μαύρη Θάλασσα. Μονεμβασιώτικος Όμιλος. Συμπόσια Ε΄, ΣΤ΄, Ζ΄, Η΄, eds Χάρις Καλλιγά – Αλ. Μάλλιαρης, Αθήνα, Βιβλιοπωλείον της "Εστίας", 2006, 231-253 (in Greek).
Ao analisarmos os discursos desenvolvidos na Antiguidade Clássica da Hélade, verificamos que Esparta era o centro de poder político da Lacedemônia. Em decorrência deste aspecto, os cidadãos de Esparta e os seus governantes (esparciatas e... more
Atene, Ινστιτούτο Βυζαντινών Ερευνών – Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, 2008, p. LVIII+246 (in Greek).
La critica ha unanimemente riconosciuto gli elementi di unita Á panrodia presenti nella storia e nelle tradizioni dell'isola: 1) in Omero (Il. II 653-656) i Rodii, provenienti dalle tre citta Á Lindo, Camiro e Ialiso, sono presenti a... more
Επιμέλεια Κώστας Γ. Τσικνάκης, Αθήνα – Βενετία, Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Βυζαντινών και Μεταβυζαντινών Σπουδών Βενετίας – Ίδρυμα Δημητρίου και Αίγλης Μπότσαρη, 2013, σ. 264.
The article deals with the ancient tradition about Elean delegation sent to an Egyptian pharaoh (Psammetic II or Amasis) in order to find out the best way to organize the Olympic games. The evidences of Herodotus (II. 160) and Diodorus... more
Λακωνικαί Σπουδαί 20 (2012): Τιμητική προσφορά εις Ελένην Μπελιά-Βαγιακάκου. Ανθών. Πάσιν άνθεσι πεποικιλμένος Πλάτ. Πολ. 55c, 465-470 (in Greek with summary in English).