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Au même titre que le discours des comices agricoles dans Madame Bovary, le Télémaque s'est d'emblée imposé comme un des passages obligés -on n'ose pas dire un des plus sûrs poncifsde la réflexion critique sur le cliché. Déplorant dès 1899... more
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      RhetoricFrancois Salignac De La Mothe-FenelonEarly Modern French Literature
En inscrivant Pascal dans la tradition de l'éloquence gallicane, initialement liée à « la pratique de l'institution parlementaire » 1 , Marc Fumaroli a clairement défini le cadre à l'intérieur duquel doit se poser, dans une large mesure,... more
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      RhetoricBlaise PascalEarly Modern French LiteratureFrench Rhetoric
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      French LiteratureSeventeenth Century17th-Century Studies17th Century French Literature (Literature)
Critical edition by Colette H Winn
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      Early Modern Women WritersSeventeenth Century French LiteratureWomen in the Renaissance and Early Modern EuropeEarly Modern French Literature
The myth of Amphion not only helps us read, interpret and "place" vast quantities of early modern lyrics from Spain, France and England; it also offers a way to read some powerful twenty-first century poetry that might be understood to... more
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      Renaissance HumanismLyric poetryContemporary PoetryEarly Modern Spanish literature
review published in French Studies (2000) of Philip Tomlinson's critical edition (1997) of Mairet's Le Marc-Antoine ou la Cléopâtre
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      Early Modern LiteratureSeventeenth Century French LiteratureEarly Modern French Literature
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      Intellectual HistoryFrench LiteratureFrench HistoryMedieval Literature
Les relations unissant les Pensées aux Essais ne cessent d'occuper les études pascaliennes. La plupart des éditions disponibles des Pensées renvoient désormais en notes aux passages plagiés, visés ou commentés des Essais, et de nombreux... more
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      RhetoricIntertextuality And PlagiarismLiterary StylisticsMichel de Montaigne
The first major scholarly investigation into the rich history of the marked body in the early modern period, this interdisciplinary study examines multiple forms, uses, and meanings of corporeal inscription and impression in France and... more
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      Cultural HistoryFrench HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPilgrimage
In exploring two different kinds of early modern institutional religious discourses, i.e. catechisms and exposition of discussed matters, this article highlights two modes of enunciative fading off. On the one hand, catechisms look like... more
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      French Literature17th-Century Studies17th Century French Literature (Literature)Early Modern France
We welcome essay proposals for an edited collection addressing the cultural, spiritual, and political legacy of Renée de France (1510-1575), second daughter of King Louis XII and Anne de Bretagne. Orphaned at the age of four, the young... more
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      Early Modern FranceSixteenth Century French PoetryEarly Modern French LiteratureSixteenth Century French Literature
In the fall of 1725, at a time when the French monarchy wanted to regain control of its American territories and restore the colony’s image in the eyes of the French public, five Louisiana Indians were brought to Paris at the request of... more
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      Indigenous Studies18th Century French LiteratureEarly Modern France18th Century France
Contents: Introduction: Seeing Through Texts; Stephen Harrison, "Serial Similes in the Battle-Narrative of Virgil’s Aeneid"; Sergios Paschalis, "The Constant Helmsman: Acoetes, Palinurus, and the Homeric Hymn to Dionysus"; Jesús... more
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      Early Modern Italian LiteratureClassical Reception StudiesEarly modern English literatureClassical Literature
Cet article examine les expériences de solitude de Michel de Montaigne aux bains de La Villa dépeintes dans le Journal de voyage en Italie (1580-1581), ouvrage autobiographique portant en grande partie sur les épreuves de l'écrivain... more
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      Travel WritingLiterature and MedicineEarly Modern EuropeRené Descartes
This is a draft of a chapter in a future monograph on Renaissance villainy.
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      French LiteratureEnglish LiteratureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Panorama des pratiques et choix éditoriaux des éditeurs de textes littéraires français du XVIIe siècle.
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      Critical editionEarly Modern French Literature
Revue historique, n° 695, juillet 2020, p. 226-228
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      Childhood studiesEarly Modern French Literature
A biography of the French ambassador to Constantinople, Achille de Harlay, Baron de Sancy and La Mole (1581-1646) involved in the escape of Samuel Korecki from Rumeli Hisar prison.
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      French LiteratureFrench HistoryOttoman HistoryFrench Studies
Introduction to the edited volume Descartes and the Ingenium: The Embodied Soul in Cartesianism.
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      Scholastic PhilosophyEarly Modern French LiteratureEarly Modern Philosophy (Descartes
Français Cet article envisage L’École des femmes et les pièces de la querelle comme un ensemble de débats sur la question du plaisir pris au théâtre. Il s’agit de comprendre comment un discours en faveur des plaisirs du théâtre s’élabora... more
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      French LiteratureAestheticsFrench StudiesEarly Modern History
This essay reconsiders whether the standard of a totalizing synthesis can take the appropriate measure of the epistemological orientation implicit in André Thevet's cosmographic writings. By focusing attention on and contextualizing... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance HumanismEarly Modern Europe
Complete panel submitted to conference organisers. Confirmed speakers: Dr Irina Metzler, Dr Starra Priestaf, Dr Anne-Laure Méril-Bellini delle Stelle, Mme Ninon Dubourg. In the last decade or so, pre-modern disability studies has emerged... more
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      French LiteratureMedieval HistoryFrench StudiesEarly Modern History
Draft chapter of a future publication on villainy in the French Renaissance (work in progress)
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      French LiteratureEnglish LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance Studies
Paper given at the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature annual meeting 2017, Lyon, France
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      Early MusicFrench StudiesPress and media historyModern French Poetry
The article deals with French views on tragic emotions and their involvement as a means of katharsis as described by Aristotle in the chapter 6 of his Poetics. Although the 17th-century French theorists and dramatists attempt to adopt... more
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      French LiteratureAesthetics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyTheatre Studies
Fénelon et Port-Royal, éd. par Touboul (Patricia), Devillairs (Laurence), Frigo (Alberto), Paris, Classiques Garnier, Coll. Univers Port-Royal, n° 28, 2017, In-8, 220 p. ISBN : 978-2-406-05826-7 Fénelon’s battle against Jansenism... more
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      French Literature17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyChristian MysticismContemporary French Philosophy
While there have recently been various studies of the relationship between space and gender, Cathy Yandell breaks new ground in considering that between time and gender in Early Modern France. Her chapter headings suggest that she will... more
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      French RenaissanceEarly Modern Women WritersRenaissance Lyric PoetryLouise Labé
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      Early Modern Women WritersWomen in the Renaissance and Early Modern EuropeEarly Modern French LiteratureMedieval and Early Modern Booktrade
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySelf and IdentityTheologyConstructive Theology
review in in French Studies, LII-3 (1998), p.340.
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      Early Modern theatre studiesSeneca's TragediesSeventeenth Century French LiteratureJean Racine
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      Social TheoryEarly Modern Science and PhilosophyHistory of Political ThoughtHistory of Moral Philosophy
Les Amours de Ronsard sont accompagnées de quelques intonations musicales qui permettent de chanter l'ensemble des poèmes. Cet essai propose une nouvelle histoire éditoriale du rapport entre le recueil et sa partie musicale, une édition... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFrench LiteratureMusic
Distribution électronique pour Presses Universitaires de France. © Presses Universitaires de France. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesJesuit historyJansenism
Edited by François Goyet and Olivier Millet.
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      French Early ModernRhetorics in the RenaissanceBarthelemy AneauJoachim Du Bellay
L’article met en évidence le lien qui s’établit entre les détournements railleurs (ludiques, grivois, satiriques, libertins) dont fait l’objet l’oraison funèbre du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle, et la littérarisation de ce genre, qui viendra par... more
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      French LiteratureFuneral Practices17th Century French Literature (Literature)Republic of Letters (Early Modern History)
RÉSUMÉ – Si le babillard est celui “qui parle continuellement, et qui ne dit que des choses de néant” (Furetière), dans quelle mesure l’écriture babillarde peut-elle être une écriture du superflu, voire, du rien ? Écrire sur rien renverse... more
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      French LiteratureBook HistoryHistory of the BookXVIII century
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      French LiteraturePerceptionCognitionMontaigne
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      Romance philologyPaleographyCodicologyEarly Modern French Literature
Integrating Blended Learning Approaches to Teaching Early Modern France in Liberal Arts Colleges
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    • Early Modern French Literature
In early modern France, the notion of 'commerce' referred to social interactions between individuals and groups. While the notion included our contemporary economic understanding of the term, as in the exchange of merchandise and goods... more
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      French LiteratureDigital HumanitiesThe NovelSeventeenth Century
This seminar will explore the social and moral conditions of villainy (vilenie) and of villains (vilains) in sixteenth-century French literature. The villain is traditionally stereotyped in fiction as being lowborn with low morals,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryFrench LiteratureRenaissanceEarly Modern economic and social history
Self-commentaries have yet to become the subject of a general comparative analysis. To this effect, the publication of the miscellany by Francesco Venturi in 2019 has been a first important step in this direction. 1 The book analyzes the... more
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      French RenaissanceEarly Modern FrancePetrarchismCounter-Reformation
An annotated review article of critical studies on Agrippa d'Aubigné's life and writings
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      Early Modern FranceEpic poetryFrench Wars of ReligionHuguenots
"This well written monograph is an original and much needed contribution to the scholarship on this neglected author and socialite. Montpensier mirrors the zeitgeist of Louis XIV’s reign but at the same time transcended her period in her... more
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      French Literature17th Century French Literature (Literature)Early Modern Women WritersEarly Modern French Literature
Review in French Studies XLVIII-3 (1994), p. 320
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      Early Modern Women WritersSixteenth Century French PoetryWomen in the RenaissanceEarly Modern French Literature
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      Epic poetryEarly Modern French LiteratureDu Bartas
Review published in French Studies (2000) of Chantal Morlet Chantalat's Bibliographie des écrivains français: Madeleine de Scudéry (1997)
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      Early Modern Women WritersSeventeenth Century French LiteratureEarly Modern French LiteratureMadeleine De Scudéry
La tératologie – l’étude des monstres en tant qu’anomalie anatomique – est un thème qui a passionné nos ancêtres depuis l’Antiquité. La multiplication des imprimés à leur sujet qu’ils soient savants ou littéraires prouve le renouvellement... more
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      Cultural HistoryFrench HistoryTeratologyFrench Early Modern
L'allégorie est une figure à l'histoire trop riche, aux enjeux trop divers et au fonctionnement trop complexe, pour ne pas nous inviter ici à limiter nos ambitions : d'abord en nous en tenant au seul cascertes, délicat entre tous -de... more
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      RhetoricLiterary Stylistics17th Century French Literature (Literature)Francois Salignac De La Mothe-Fenelon