Recent papers in Teratology
Clinical data are urgently needed to specify the risk and safety of drug use during pregnancy. For several reasons pregnant women are usually excluded from clinical studies. Therefore, observational data are the main source of knowledge,... more
To address provider struggles to provide evidence-based, rational drug therapy to pregnant women, a second conference was convened to highlight the current research in the field. Speakers from academic centers and institutions spoke... more
The effects of exposure to nitrous oxide on reproductive indices, fetal development, and male fertility were examined in SwisslICR mice. In experiment I, female mice were exposed for 4 hours per day on days 6-15 of pregnancy, to 0.5%... more
Retinoic acid has long been used to induce limb reductions defects in experimental animal studies. No limb malformations, however, have been reported among malformed retinoic acid-exposed human fetuses from case reports o r epidemiologic... more
Administration of excess vitamin A during gestation results in gross malformations of the fetus. It has been proposed that the mechanism of action of vitamin A in producing malformations is through a reduction in DNA synthesis and altered... more
A post-metamorphic specimen of Pelophylax ridibundus with an anomaly of the lower jaw was discovered in the commune of Paris, France. This report provides new data into a generally poorly known malformation typology in an urban environment.
Monsters of Modernity explores the contemporary human condition through a selection of globally iconic monsters. In each chapter, the authors explore monsters for what they reveal about the world in which we live and for the ways that... more
To determine pregnancy and neonatal outcome after the failure of levonorgestrel as an emergency contraceptive. Design: A retrospective observational cohort study. Setting: Telephone consultations concerning reproductive risk factors... more
In order to realize the maximum potential of whole-embryo culture techniques, definitive parameters must be developed for the quantitative estimation of embryonic growth and development. An objective scoring system has been devised which... more
The rabbit is generally the non-rodent species or second species after the rat recommended by the regulatory authorities and is part of the package of regulatory reproductive studies for the detection of potential embryotoxic and/or... more
St Augustine suggested that monsters (monstra) serve to show or to signify (monstrare) something, whilst Foucault argued that one ancestor of today's abnormal individual was the human monster, a class of being characterised by a composite... more
The present catalogue text discerns between two kinds of eco-centric works the Austrian artist Herwig Scherabon presented in his latest solo exhibition “Against Nature“ (July 2021, Berlin Neukölln): landscapist and objectivist. Whereas... more
While it is clear that the levels and types of medical sonography that have been used in the past have no measurable risks, it would be inaccurate to label the modality of ultrasound as totally safe regardless of exposure. Most agents... more
Breve storia della Teratologia L'anomalia fisica ha sempre suscitato enorme curiosità. Il suo potere consiste nel mettere in questione la regolarità delle leggi naturali, formandosi, minaccia imprevedibile, all'interno della vita stessa.... more
We present a case of partial facial duplication in a male infant.
Dans les années 1830, le jeune zoologiste Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1805-1861) prolonge les travaux de son père, Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, afin de fonder une science des monstres et des anomalies qui n'existe qu'en France: la... more
Various examples of teratological literature, that is, literature concerned with monsters and unnatural creatures, are found in the Anglo-Saxon period: two such works were brought together in London, BL, Cotton Vitellius A. xv, which in... more
La letteratura teratologica delle isole Britanniche conta alcuni esempi già nella fase antica, due dei quali sono riuniti nel ms. London, BL Cotton Vitellius A. xv, che contiene, oltre al Beowulf ed alla Giuditta, la versione in... more
The figure of the monster in medieval culture functions as a vehicle for a range of intellectual and spiritual inquiries, from questions of language and representation to issues of moral, theological, and cultural value. Monstrosity is... more
Conrad Gessner’s (1516-1565) discussion of cetaceans and sea-monsters as part of the same distinct group of animals (HA 1558) highlights how in the work of mid-sixteenth century naturalists the taxonomical interacts with cultural,... more
Monsters of Modernity explores the contemporary human condition through a selection of globally iconic monsters. In each chapter, the authors explore monsters for what they reveal about the world in which we live and for the ways that... more
Previously, in Internet of Life, Chp 1 [137], it was shown that if the interaction protocol between parental genome networks is random then there is a loss of bilateral symmetry. Thus, a nonrandom meta-network, interaction protocol... more
Full text and images available @ UCL blogs online : http://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/researchers-in-museums/2013/03/04/pulling-teeth-ovarian-teratomas-vagina-dentata/
Mémoire présenté par : Erwan MOREAU en vue de l'obtention du diplôme de : MASTER 2 RECHERCHE Domaine : Sciences humaines et sociales Mention : Ethnologie-Sociologie Spécialité : SOCIOLOGIE Préparé sous la direction de M. Jean Bruno... more
At the end of the Eighteenth century, anatomists aimed at detaching themselves from a mere classifying and descriptive approach to establish a philosophic science studying form patterns and relationships. Organic forms can either be part... more
Campanella’s reflection about teratology goes through some of the main issues in his thought and more in general the philosophical debate of his time: the controversial about the human generation ex purefatio, the organic and functional... more
A differential diagnosis between fetus amorphus and placental teratoma based on the presence of an umbilical cord and/or skeletal organization in the fetus amorphus has been proposed (Fox and Butler-Manual: Journal of Pathology... more
La passione per il Meraviglioso può essere ritenuta un retaggio dell'ignoranza, o al contrario, seguendo Aristotele, il germe della passione per il sapere, l'inizio della filosofia. L'incontro con il Monstrum non è mai una semplice... more
The prophet, alchemist, and physician Anselmo Castelo Branco, while not an unknown name in Portuguese letters, still stands as a largely misunderstood author of the intellectually troubled Portuguese eighteenth century. He is mostly known... more
In spite of all of its ontological shortcomings, the Neoplatonists urge us to see the sensible world as a success story. It is, after all, the best possible image of its intelligible model. They are fully aware, however, that this cosmic... more
This collection offers cultural historical analyses of enfreakment and freak shows, examining the social construction and spectacular display of wondrous, monstrous, or curious Otherness in the formerly relatively neglected region of... more
- by Anna Kérchy
- Teratology, Monsters and Monster Theory, Freak Shows, Popular entertainments: circus, fair midways, amusement parks, variety acts, wild west shows, freaks and animals, etc -- 19th-century printing, advertising, and marketing; consumer goods -- Museum history and the exhibition of marvels and curiosities.
Résumé : Dans cet article nous souhaitons montrer comment la connaissance approfondie que Canguilhem avait de la tératologie expérimentale a contribué à ses analyses des concepts d’anomalie et d’anormalité. Dans la première partie... more
The aim of this paper is to examine the role of sexually ambiguous human individuals in the Mirabilia by Phlegon of Tralles. The text preserves two curious accounts of the birth of hermaphroditic infants. In antiquity hermaphrodites were... more
Uno degli enigmi più antichi del pensiero umano è unde malum? Da dove viene il male? Quali sono le origini del male -umana, naturale, sovrannaturale? E, di conseguenza, qual è il carattere e il contenuto del male -peccato, sofferenza,... more
The Benedictine monk Benito Jerónimo Feijoo (1676–1764) is now considered one of the major figures of the Spanish and Iberian Enlightenment. However his work, both in Spain and in Portugal, was far from being universally acclaimed. His... more
This contribution to the contemporary figure of monstrosity looks for a common feature that may characterize and explain what we recognize as monster in the West. The article takes into account the rebel robot that must be destroyed... more
This paper deals with one aspect of the relationship between man and animal at the time of birth; when man has an increased lack of distinction between the natural and the cultural fact given. The work will examine some knowledge of the... more