Dugout Canoes
Recent papers in Dugout Canoes
A rare archaeological find from the Don River (Central Russia), a large dugout found in 1954 is described. The history of discovery, fieldwork and conservation are outlined. The key role at all stages belonged to Maria Voss, who did her... more
Logboats of Lower Loire (Western France), from the Bronze Age.
In this preliminary presentation the Author shows the first results of the underwater excavations she conducted in an ancient Neolithic village (called "La Marmotta") at present located on the seabed of Lake Bracciano, in northern... more
Experimental carving of a neolithic-type logboat from oak
The dugout canoes discovered in the neolithic site of La Marmotta (in the waters of Lake Bracciano) are among the oldest in Europe. This article discusses the second dugout – named La Marmotta 2 – recovered in 1998. After analysis of the... more
The double canoe which was brought by ancestors of present-day Negritos to Southeast China and Taiwan served as original watercraft of the Malayo-Polynesian dispersal, the first waves of which were carried out by people with equatorial... more
Este libro presenta una propuesta interdisciplinaria para el estudio de la tradición de la navegación indígena en Mesoamérica y su transformación en la Colonia. Esta actividad se entiende como un sistema de conectividad del paisaje que... more
An expanded and extended dugout is still a very prominent vessel amongst traditional fisheries at the coast of Myanmar, whether as a small fishing boat or as underbody for larger ‘ships’. A description of this watercraft can be presented... more
The Autor describes many ceramic boat models which were discovered in the Early Neolithic settlement of La Marmotta, built on the shores of Lake Bracciano (not far from the Tyrrhenian sea). A typology about these findings has been... more
A diferencia de otras civilizaciones del mundo antiguo, como las del Mediterráneo o del Sureste de Asia, las culturas mesoamericanas no son particularmente famosas por su historia marítima o por su arquitectura naval. No obstante,... more
A biographical approach to watercraft technologies in the Mesolithic of Denmark - A focus on a canoe and paddle found at the site of Tybrind Vig, Denmark, examining the ways in which it was created, used and discarded to understand the... more
Navigation implies a deep knowledge of the environment in which it is practised as well as the development of correlated technologies and techniques. In fact, sailing in lakes, rivers, along coasts or in high seas requires specific... more
The dugout canoe was used across the Americas, and was possibly the most popular of all aboriginal watercraft. In its simplest form, the dugout is a clumsy watercraft, little more than a hollowed log; but skilled native craftsmen could... more
In a brief summary the Author describes the preliminary results of its investigations in the neolithic Settlement submerged in the Lake Bracciano (Lazio, Italy). The Author describes the cultural facies, the economic basis, the... more
Canoes, and the protocols attached to them, play a central role in cultural revitalization and resilience for many Indigenous nations of the Pacific Northwest. The revitalization of canoe culture is most visibly present in Tribal... more
and seaweed adhered iniernally and externally thus indicating that the boat had been exposed on the river bed for some time.
1924 őszén a korabeli sajtó egy „párját ritkító” régészeti felfedezésről adott hírt: a tószegi Laposhalmon folytatott ásatások során egy fából készült csónak maradványai kerültek elő. Jelen tanulmány ennek a sanyarú sorsú, a magyarországi... more
Shovel, spade or side rudder? A special find from Ezinge.
Watercraft, society and aquatic environment in prehistory: interactions. In: Prehistoric research in Greece and its perspectives: theoretical and methodological problematics. Proceedings of the International Symposium to the memory of D.... more
Contents : Introduction Boat models : morphological characteristics and attempt towards identification Boat models : context and function Neolithic watercraft: raw materials and technological possibilities of construction Neolithic... more
The development and character of the so-called Scandinavian boat building tradition has traditionally been debated. It is a common thought that this tradition dates back to the beginning of the Christian era. But what happened before? The... more
The submerged settlement of ‘La Marmotta’ (Anguillara Sabazia, Roma) in Lake Bracciano is a biological archive of exceptional importance. It represents the oldest Neolithic lake settlement in all of Europe (sixth millennium BC) and has... more
Долбленая лодка с Дона в экспозиции Государственного исторического музея: история находки и проблема датировки Статья посвящена редкой археологической находке – большой долбленой лодке, обнаруженной на среднем Дону в 1954 г. Подробно... more
De hidtil to eneste danske bådfund fra bronzealderen, stammebådene fra Varpelev på Østsjælland og Vestersø i Vestjylland, detailfremlægges og diskuteres. Det sandsynliggøres, at begge både på forskellig vis har haft en tilknytning til det... more
In 1946 a dugout canoe was recovered from Deer Pond, a small, one-acre wetland located in an upland saddle in the Town of Pharsalia, Chenango County, NY. Dave Walker, who found the canoe, transported it to the City of Norwich, where it... more
In spite of a background of intense aquatic mobility in the Neolithic Aegean Sea, as well as across or along inland waters, concrete evidence from Greece about the craft itself being used only consists of some clay models and a few... more
The water transport was inherent to all Prehistoric societies, not depending on the climate conditions and the mode of life. The archaeological finds of the forest belt of East European Plain and Trans-Urals contain the indirect evidences... more
The submerged settlement of ‘La Marmotta’ (Anguillara Sabazia, Roma) in Lake Bracciano is a biological archive of exceptional importance. It represents the oldest Neolithic lake settlement in all of Europe (sixth millennium BC) and has... more