Mesolithic Europe
Recent papers in Mesolithic Europe
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über... more
NOW COMPLETE AS TWO pdf-Files: This huge study analyses the cultural conditions amongst late communities of hunter-gatherers in Central Europe. Considering the working technique of flint artefacts, a distribution-area of... more
The monumental nature of Neolithic funerary rites is analysed by archaeologists in relation to its alleged links with the management of land by agro-pastoral communities. This article examines the social dynamics in the Neolithic of... more
Nous présentons le contexte de découverte des céramiques néolithiques de la couche 4 (attribuée au Mésolithique récent) du Trou Al’Wesse. La répartition spatiale du matériel archéologique, ainsi que des données stratigraphiques, montrent... more
A rare archaeological find from the Don River (Central Russia), a large dugout found in 1954 is described. The history of discovery, fieldwork and conservation are outlined. The key role at all stages belonged to Maria Voss, who did her... more
Kolekce artefaktů z Přibic (okr. Břeclav) byla postupně získávána sběry V. Effenbergera v prostoru severně od Přibic v trati Za hájkem a částečně v trati Vinohrady. Kolekci se několikrát věnoval K. Valoch (1959; 1975). Stejně jako stanice... more
FOURNY M. et VAN ASSCHE M., 1989. Le site mésolithique en surface du "Bois du Chenoi" à Quenast (Brabant), Val Senne, 1, pp. 35-53.
Archaeobotanical analyses conducted on material from the Cueva Blanca rockshelter have provided much-needed data on past landscapes, vegetation change and woodland exploitation by late Mesolithic groups settled in the 'Campos de Hellín',... more
The oldest sites discovered in the territory of interest date back to Early Holocene. Data from Veretie sites east of Lake Onega suggests that the banks of LakeLache and Lake Vozhe were well explored and used for long-term settlement.... more
The Early Mesolithic in western France: from arrowheads to cultural organization Sylvene Michel 16 Book news and reviews Tybrind Vig: Submerged Mesolithic settlements in Denmark Harry K. Robson 23 MM 22:3 (October 2014)
Magister thesis at Heidelberg University April 2014
Although there is a long tradition in Mesolithic studies in Portugal, the behavior analysis of the last hunter-gathers from Western Iberia shows the existence of a high number of gaps. The amount of information available, as well as the... more
Zusammenfassung -Vorgestellt werden die borealzeitlichen Tierund Menschenreste aus dem kleinen "Abri am Galgenberg,, bei Beratzhausen in der Oberpfalz (Bayem), nördlich der Donau gelegen, die zusammen mit frühmesolithischen Stein... more
Lepenski Vir is one of the best known Mesolithic and Early Neolithic sites in Europe and the world. This book is the first volume of a comprehensive archaeological and anthropological study of the human skeletal remains from this site.... more
A new transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary field that emerges in pedagogics is commented. Arts coupled with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is the STEM with Arts (STEAM). It introduces students and educators to... more
- by Marcel J L T Niekus
- Mesolithic Archaeology, Mesolithic Europe, Palaeolithic Europe, Palaeolithic archaeology, Mesolithic archaeology, Prehistoric transitions, Environmental archaeology, Archaeozoology, Pleistocene fauna, Palaeoclimate, Refugia and recolonisation, Spatial analysis, Palaeolithic art and symbolism
По мнению большинства исследователей, методы и понятия искусствоведения не подходят для изучения памятников первобытной изобразительной деятельности, поскольку не раскрывают ее семантическую сторону. Вся духовная жизнь древних людей... more
Since the 19th century, the so-called “Fontainebleau rock art” have been recognized in small cavities of the southern part of the Ile de France, in a rare context typified by accumulations of eroded sandstone boulders. The dating of this... more
Lepenski Vir is one of the best known Mesolithic and Early Neolithic sites in Europe and the world. This book is the first volume of a comprehensive archaeological and anthropological study of the human skeletal remains from this site.... more
Zusammenfassung: Die Entwicklungen von Subsistenz und Siedlungsverhalten sind charakteristische Parameter zur Definition des Mesolithikums. Der frühholozäne Landschaftswandel bedingte Innovationen in der Landschaftsnutzung, die auf die... more
Front Cover Illustration: Sculpted sandstone boulder named 'Chronos' (inv. no. 5) from Lepenski Vir (National Museum in Belgrade) Back Cover Illustration: Lepenski Vir during excavations (Photograph courtesy of Alan McPherron) CIP... more
Aδημοσίευτη Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία/Unpublished Master Thesis