Drugs and crime
Recent papers in Drugs and crime
There is undoubtedly a strong relationship between drugs and crime. Drugs are heavily implicated in a wide variety and large volume of criminal activity, although the nature of the relationship is somewhat complicated. The links between... more
LA LEY 13423/2018 Resumen La conceptualización de lo que se entiende como droga tóxica, estupefaciente o sustancias psicotrópica, es fundamental para entender lo que se prohíbe en el artículo 368 del Código Penal. En este trabajo se... more
Report about the Maui-Molokai Adult Drug Court, which I created and which achieved over 12 years an 84% success rate for graduates, measured by whether a graduate committed another felony crime. The program has many innovative features,... more
In November 2018, the New South Wales government rushed a new homicide offence of "drug supply causing death" through Parliament. It is now a crime-punishable by up to 20 years' imprisonment for a person to supply a prohibited drug for... more
This chapter questions the often self-evident association of drugs with crime, in the case of Greece during the first decades of the 20th century, i.e. during the period when drug-trafficking and drug-use –until then licit and socially... more
El estudio de la relación droga delito puede ser desglosado en dos ejes temporales. Por un lado, están aquellos estudios que buscan determinar de qué manera la droga influye en un momento en el tiempo en la producción del delito, es... more
This study aimed at investigating the predictors of hard drug dealing crimes among Mexican students. Tests of difference and ordinal regression were employed to explore group differences and predictors of hard drug dealing crimes. The... more
This area paper looks at what studies tell us about the effects that the legal status change on marijuana has on crimes and driving under its influence.
The world heroin market today commands an estimated annual market value of US$55 billion and affects around 12 million people. After a short description of the current state of the world heroin market and its basic properties—matu-rity,... more
El presente trabajo analiza las causas y antecedentes de la acumulación de capital de las drogas ilegales en México y las condiciones del mercado de drogas ilegales derivadas de la prohibición y sus campañas.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between drug use and offending by using the concept of critical moments as an analytical tool. Design/methodology/approach In total, 41 semi-structured individual interviews... more
En el año 2005, 32.1% de una muestra de reclusos en 21 cárceles del Distrito Federal y del Estado de México reportó haber consumido alguna sustancia legal o ilegal, es decir, alcohol o droga (marihuana, inhalantes, cocaína, crack,... more
Hypothesis: The lack of information management/sharing between organizations is the largest threat to the posterity of the United States. The 5 June 2010 announcement of Lt. GEN Clapper as the 4th Director of National Intelligence in the... more
The article argues that drug crime poses a major threat to national security in the long run. If the anti-drug operation succeeds in the long run, the people will get real benefit of it.
Adolescents have been known to engage in peer influenced behavior that has led to delinquency.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between drug use and offending by using the concept of critical moments as an analytical tool. Design/methodology/approach In total, 41 semi-structured individual interviews... more
PPt Presentation + translation of the penal provisions of the Act of 29 July 2005 on counteracting drug addiction, Dz. U. 2005 Nr 179 poz. 1485
Se examinan los patrones y procesos geográficos del narcomenudeo y se ofrecen elementos para una discusión preliminar sobre las recomendaciones de política y las estrategias territoriales para lograr su efectiva erradicación. La... more
This study aimed at investigating the predictors of hard drug dealing crimes among Mexican students. Tests of difference and ordinal regression were employed to explore group differences and predictors of hard drug dealing crimes. The... more